scoripowarrior ago well as gun free zones

Stopmotionhistory ago

How about over seas you close minded fucktard

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago


everlastingphelps ago

They tried one in Garland Texas.

Mofo got dropped by an elderly truant officer before he could get out of the parking lot. A year after, we found out that his FBI handler was in the car behind him, taking photos, and booked ass when his wind-up toy got dropped.

webster_warrior ago

I believe you are tracking. In addition, history shows Democrats using violence to seize political territory -- from bombing non union job sites to street muggings and car jackings. There is a distinct pattern.

hang_em_high ago

That could be a decent meme. Has every single "shooting" happened in a blue county?

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Yes it could be.

VolunteerForTrump ago

If this is a FF it would have to be the first in a string of many. The election is still 15 months away. I just don't see what is accomplished. We're all sad or angry today but it will be all but forgotten in a week.

GreyhoundsAway ago

Is it really about the election?

Or is it designed to clock the news cycle and prevent other headlines from happening?

Ted Cruz just sent a letter requesting that Antifa be designated a domestic terrorism group.

Q has been busy lately. DECLASS imminent?

99cobra ago

Republican cities use black ink instead of red.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

I'm retarded. What do you mean?

everlastingphelps ago

This needs to be amplified. Linked post called it to a T, before the shooting.

VolunteerForTrump ago

Here is the election map from 2016 by county. El Paso is the blue tip all the way on the left.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

3 month later response.....

Are you sure thats the right map? I thought there was more red?

angelCole ago

I was just thinking about that and where today's event is happening. Definitely cabal owned and operated El Paso.

Lauraingalls ago

That's interesting.

SouthDakotaVet ago

I was thinking where ever a Corrupt candidate is and is also running for President it could be used as an attempt to get a boost in Polls and so on. An evil way to pander for votes.

FreedBy45 ago

A politician like this one? Look @ 40 seconds in:

SouthDakotaVet ago

Barely contain himself from laughing, this is a guy thinking he's got a shoe in for a win and just can't contain it.