Lrmicha1 ago

Stop and think about this, if these guys were patriots they would go after RATS not other patriots.

Qdini ago

I gotta say, that tweet is a bit strange on it's face. Why use an exclamation point?

indeknow ago

You and I know why after reading SB2 but it would probably freak everyone else out, not being red pilled enough.

Texasjoker ago

Eye witness saw 3 to 4 shooters in Black? CCTV show 21 White Dallas guy only? M-festo written perfectly? "Sick of Hispanic Invasion?" FBI NV division days ago says XYZ Domestic Terrorist? Wray blames "WHITE SUPREMS" for most gun violence? Nothing to see here folks, move along.

indeknow ago

Manifesto is too perfect!

Kekistani_SS ago

Yes. Nothing a 21 year old would write. Completely Off.

Texasjoker ago

Something isn’t right. Travel from Dallas to El Paso? To shoot Hispanics? Dallas has as much of a Hispanic population as El Paso. The shooting def happened. But things don’t add up right now. I trust the Texas Rangers. They will get involved.

USAMatters ago

They targeted the mall with Hooters and the big owl.

Americana ago

196 = One Eyed Symbolism

indeknow ago

You know what that is right? Just for reference, the eye of RA. Worth researching.

PacaGoat ago

Kanye west vid. Power.

Qdini ago

I just posted what may be the manifesto from 8 chan. It looks completely scripted. There was also a pic of a vehicle in the area with a giant owl on the side....

indeknow ago

No doubt, great catch Qdini!

369693936 ago

Look at all the chosen ones responding to his tweet with instant demands for gun confiscation so they can install their one world socialist tyranny.

Not to mention this:

Have they blamed Qanon yet?

Qdini ago

Soon. I just posted what appears to be his manifesto

indeknow ago

My question is, how many and who crossed the border during the confusion?

369693936 ago

And why was it already reported 2 days ago?

indeknow ago

Have not seen anything yet but you can be sure, it's coming!

derram ago :

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "Terrible shootings in ElPaso, Texas. Reports are very bad, many killed. Working with State and Local authorities, and Law Enforcement. Spoke to Governor to pledge total support of Federal Government. God be with you all!"

This has been an automated message.

indeknow ago

WOW! A downvoat already, Shills Gonna Shill!

Must Be Over The Target!

Thanks For Shooting The Messenger SHILL!

A Badge Of Honor!

MudPuddlePie ago


indeknow ago

Thanks MPP

MudPuddlePie ago


GodsAngell ago

Yes, Badge of HONOR. Keep up the great work Patriot!