boomeredpill ago

Years ago, a poem was going around that people claimed was written by her. It's called "Anyway." It's about how people are not always loving, love them anyway. Well, what bothered me was that she did nothing to dissuade people from saying it was her work. Someone saw it on her wall. Actually, it was written by Kent Keith from Hawaii. And it's funny, that's a really small thing, but it redpilled me about MT. I started questioning her "legacy" and did a little research, finding Hitchens stuff. Then forgot about it.

Maybe my point is this: for every person, there's a "WTF?" moment -- some little trigger or truth that will open their eyes to everything else. When I had that moment, it was in the middle of the Catholic Priests being found to be pedophiles. So it helped me wake up just a little. It takes time and it has to build slowly. But this is good to have out there in the wild. Not as shocking as one would think when you think about the entirety of the RC Church history.

BettyLiberty ago

You think she's bad, her evil twin sister, Mother Fucker, is worse.

argosciv ago

Mother Teresa and Robert Maxwell

From the tweet above the tweet linked in main post: |

Mother Teresa's connections include Baby Doc Duvalier, the Haitian dictator, Saving's and Loan criminal Charles Keating, and Robert Maxwell, the father of Jeffrey Epstein's child sex trafficking partner, Ghislaine Maxwell.

[ - "Mother Teresa's legacy under cloud as sainthood nears"-]

From article linked in above tweet:

She was criticised for accepting donations from such unsavoury figures as Baby Doc Duvalier, the Haitian dictator, the disgraced British publisher Robert Maxwell and a scandal-tainted American banker, Charles Keating, who was convicted of fraud and racketeering.

Further information (albeit very limited) on Mother Teresa and Robert Maxwell: |

She accepted money from the British publisher Robert Maxwell,[13][14] who, as was later revealed, embezzled UK£450 million from his employees' pension funds. There is no suggestion that she was aware of any theft before accepting the donation in either case.

^ Reference 13 is the article linked in the tweet at the top of this comment.

^ Reference 14: - "Mother Teresa and her critics: Should she really be made a saint?":

Mother Teresa's interventions in politics have been criticised more widely. She endorsed the appalling rule of Enver Hoxha in her native Albania and even backed Indira Gandhi's suspension of civil liberties in India in 1975, saying: "People are happier. There are more jobs. There are no strikes." She also took money from highly questionable sources, including the publisher Robert Maxwell, who stole hundreds of millions from his companies' pension funds.

Among the most damaging criticisms, however, are those around the quality of care in her hospitals and the alleged ulterior motives of her Missionaries of Charity.

The editor of the British medical journal The Lancet, Robin Fox, visited the Home for Dying Destitutes in Calcutta in 1991 and produced a disturbing report. He said that care was haphazard and that nursing sisters were required to take decisions for which they were not qualified. He said the sisters did not distinguish between curable and incurable patients, and that there was a lack of strong painkillers which he related to Mother Teresa's view that pain was a blessing. - "When Bobby met Terry... | A new play imagines what Robert Maxwell and Mother Teresa talked about the day they met":

The tiny, apparently unworldly nun in the famous white habit with blue edging, and the fleshy tycoon with the habit of expropriating what wasn't his, met in London on Friday 15 April 1988, in Maxwell's London flat. The only other person present was a photographer, provided by the Daily Mirror to ensure documentary evidence of the historic encounter. Not that the pair of them seem, in the picture, to be doing much encountering: he's on the telephone and she's on her rosary. Perhaps they bonded over a shared talent for image-creation. - "The Bargain, Theatre Royal, Brighton | Why would corporate monster Robert Maxwell get together with 20th-century living saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta?":

In his imagination of the meeting, Ian Curteis, controversial author of the drama documentary The Falklands Play, comes up with some surprising ideas.

The meeting certainly happened.

It took place in London on Friday, April 15, 1988, and the only witness was a photographer who left as soon as the meeting began. Both subjects are now dead and there is no record of what was said.


I've been unable to find any source on this directly from The Daily Mirror, however, some photos taken by the photographer from The Daily Mirror are available on

Robert Maxwell on telephone and Mother Teresa With rosary Communication April 1988 - Image ID: B4XGE1:

Robert Maxwell Crooked Tycoon keeps Mother Teressa waiting while he makes a phone call in his office at Mirror group Newspapers - Image ID: B4XGK4:

Robert Maxwell Crooked Tycoon with Mother Teresa in his penthouse suite at Offices of Daily Mirror Holborn Circus April 1988 - Image ID: B4XGJX:

Also from the Criticism of Mother Teresa wiki entry:

She supported Licio Gelli's nomination for the Nobel Prize in Literature.[21] Gelli was known for being the head of the Propaganda Due masonic lodge, which was implicated in various murders and high-profile corruption cases in Italy, as well as having close connections with the neo-fascist Italian Social Movement and the Argentine Military Junta. |

Propaganda Due (Italian pronunciation: [propaˈɡanda ˈduːe]; P2) was a Masonic lodge under the Grand Orient of Italy, founded in 1877. Its Masonic charter was withdrawn in 1976, and it transformed into a clandestine, pseudo-Masonic, ultraright[1][2][3] organization operating in contravention of Article 18 of the Constitution of Italy that banned secret associations. In its latter period, during which the lodge was headed by Licio Gelli, P2 was implicated in numerous Italian crimes and mysteries, including the collapse of the Vatican-affiliated Banco Ambrosiano, the murders of journalist Mino Pecorelli and banker Roberto Calvi, and corruption cases within the nationwide bribe scandal Tangentopoli. P2 came to light through the investigations into the collapse of Michele Sindona's financial empire.[4]

^ I will be making a submission which takes a closer look at this later | | (Argentine Military Junta)

@kestrel9 @Vindicator @letsdothis3 @darkknight111

As another factoid, Mother Teresa was born in Ottoman Macedonia in 1910: |

Teresa was born Anjezë Gonxhe (or Gonxha)[10] Bojaxhiu (Albanian: [aˈɲɛzə ˈɡɔndʒɛ bɔjaˈdʒiu]; Anjezë is a cognate of "Agnes"; Gonxhe means "rosebud" or "little flower" in Albanian) on 26 August 1910 into a Kosovar Albanian family[11][12][13] in Skopje (now the capital of North Macedonia), Ottoman Empire.[14][15] She was baptized in Skopje, the day after her birth.[10] She later considered 27 August, the day she was baptised, her "true birthday".[14]

She was the youngest child of Nikollë and Dranafile Bojaxhiu (Bernai).[16] Her father, who was involved in Albanian-community politics in Ottoman Macedonia, died in 1919 when she was eight years old.[14][17] He may have been from Prizren, Kosovo, and her mother may have been from a village near Gjakova.[18]

darkknight111 ago

Aren’t there some serious child trafficking accusations going around regarding Mother Theresa?

letsdothis3 ago ..Hillary Clinton and the Mother Teresa Home for Infant Children following information was removed from the wiki page today....

National Presbyterian Church DC The National Presbyterian Church is a Christian congregation of approximately 1,500 members ... The church has hosted the British royal family, Mother Teresa and many other notable leaders. ..... Visit by Queen Elizabeth II 1957 Royal Visit: L to R: Queen Elizabeth II, Senior Pastor Dr. Elson, President Eisenhower, Mamie Eisenhower, Associate Minister John Edwards and Prince Philip

From A further look into NPH Haiti, the orphanage that Laura Silsby visited to find her children - Politics, the church, intelligence services and children.

FATHER RICHARD (RICK) FRECHETTE, current President of NPH Haiti...Mother Teresa’s Sisters of Charity in Haiti directed Fr. Rick to the next turning point in his life.

In September 2016, a Spanish nun working for one of the Haitian orphanages was murdered..The aging white SUV that Solá was driving got stuck in traffic, authorities said. Though there are varying accounts of what happened next, two men approached the vehicle. At least one of the men shot Solá and a passenger in the front seat. The men took Solá's purse and fled. "Isabel's loss is immense," Fr. Hans Alexandre said at Sacred Heart Parish, where Solá's prosthetics ministry is based, Vatican Radio reported. "In doing this, they didn't just kill a person. They killed the hopes of so many."..... Pope Francis mentioned Solá and her dedication to the people of Haiti at the canonization of Mother Teresa on Sunday in Rome.

argosciv ago

Thought you'd have material handy lol.

Figured you might also be interested in the snippet and upcoming post about Italy/P2, given the connection to The Vatican, due to your recent and now famous dig involving Jeffery Epstein (which of course links back to Ghislaine and Robert Maxwell), Nicole Junkermann and Ferdinando Brachetti Peretti.

Shiftworker1976 ago

Another Red Pill Please. Thank you

Mcoli ago

So you’re saying she was motivated by the same things as Democrats. Just replace Catholic with Democrat in the narratives provided and you have another true tale about evil in our world.

comprametu ago

Wow. Have to be prepared to be awake: lots of surprises...

QCanada ago

Are you fucking kidding me...I went to Calcutta about 30 yrs ago to help out with Mother Teresa.

Two and a half month I helped people dying. Some died in my care as they were terminal. I did the job met her a few times and seems nice.

I am not a religious person in a sense of church stuff but I did do help there. If she is a scam WELL...what can I do...I did not notice anything off at the time and then again I was much younger.

Oh well...

guru_meditation ago

So those dying instead of lying in the gutter on the street they had a bed in a hospital. But beyond that, were they given pain relief? Try to track down family to inform where they were? How was the quality of beds, hospital, utilities like clean water / electricity..... MT had huge funds, she was in good health, but others had to wither & die, and she thought that was quite beautiful. It made her all teary eyed. So beautiful.

QCanada ago

Like I said...yrs ago and I gave them medicine, they had proper beds which we cleaned daily and chatted with many and created friendship. I was young and trusted the system...

It was definitely far from perfect and instead of dying on the side of the road chewed by dogs many died in peace in a bed by my side in a calm manner. I still did not understand why this was like that and even how much money she had through her foundation. Did not really knew much about her.

She was just a human and maybe she did not watch over the money or was used as a pawn or she was really evil and fooled many of us.

Today on the other hand I would not just jump, I would look into it and make sure all things were legit. I guess I will find out soon enough...

That is just my experience in a big place...that is what I was exposed to...

guru_meditation ago

Maybe in her mind she was doing the bestest for these people, she just wasn't the sharpest.

RainDrops ago

She didn't believe in God.

"I call, I cling, I want ... and there is no One to answer ... no One on Whom I can cling ... no, No One. Alone ... Where is my Faith ... even deep down right in there is nothing, but emptiness & darkness ... My God ... how painful is this unknown pain ... I have no Faith ... I dare not utter the words & thoughts that crowd in my heart ... & make me suffer untold agony.

So many unanswered questions live within me afraid to uncover them ... because of the blasphemy ... If there be God ... please forgive me ... When I try to raise my thoughts to Heaven there is such convicting emptiness that those very thoughts return like sharp knives & hurt my very soul. I am told God loves me ... and yet the reality of darkness & coldness & emptiness is so great that nothing touches my soul."

-Mother Teresa

She was possessed by evil.

"An exorcism was performed on Mother Teresa a few months before she died because of fears that she was being attacked by the devil..."

BadPenny ago


“There is something beautiful in seeing the poor accept their lot, to suffer it like Christ’s Passion,” Mother Teresa said. “The world gains much from their suffering.”

DanijelStark ago

Dark [Mother Theresa]

Yep , I always knew she was opposite of light ...

skyisthelimit ago

knew it long ago. same with scumbag Dalai lama. Those who we trust the most.

white_eagle ago

This is complete B.S. this reasoning is so faulty. It's the same thing as saying that Pence is a pedo and therefore Trump is a pedo. You can't make that connection. YES!!! Think for yourself and don't believe cucks like this.

YoikesandAway ago

I read through all this “evidence” as well. Very flimsy. Not convinced.

369693936 ago

Never trust anyone who is predatory in their helpfulness.

The_Impaler ago

“There is something beautiful in seeing the poor accept their lot, to suffer it like Christ’s Passion,” Mother Teresa said. “The world gains much from their suffering.”


new4now ago

Mother Teresa India charity home 'sold babies'

avanti ago

Like with any spam filter, there are also "false positives" (here it would be: "false negatives").

Please don't believe everything, only because you read it somewhere on the net!!

Mother Teresa was hates very much by some influential people, especially because she always condemned abortion openly, even before the UN!

They created many false stories about here, and this is to be expected in cases like her.

Maybe someone here remembers Kent Hovind (still active BTW)? How many lies about him, and what a ridiculous wikipedia entry they have created! They always hated real Christians, which gave their life to the Lord (like the 2 examples above).

Believing everything you read on the internet is the same as believing everything CNN says...

AlphabeticalAnon ago

In this case, they are right about her. Any entity the Catholic church a/k/a Satan's church endorses is NOT good.

avanti ago

You don't know real Catholics, then. I'm a Catholic, and I know very well how much dirt there is in the Church (currently), but I also know how real Catholics are treated (even by other, lukewarm ones). Once in Heaven, you will finally know that Mother Teresa was/is a real Saint!

AlphabeticalAnon ago

I wasn't referring to the sheeple.

And no, I doubt that I'd find her in heaven. She was well connected to Satanic entities. And I have always felt that way. My gut instincts are never wrong. Fame and packaging don't impress me.

avanti ago

Gut instincts for spiritual truths? You must be kidding me... Nobody knows the exact spiritual state of another soul, only God Himself. And you probably have no experience whatsoever how living Saints are (many times) persecuted within the Church itself! There are many, many examples for this, like Father Pio (Padre Pio). And I have to insist: I know quite a lot about Mother Teresa. If she is hated by most (even by many inside the Church), this is normal in Christianity.

Remember that Christ was crucified, not because He was guilty of any sin, but exactly for the reason that they envied His perfect holiness! They called Him possessed by demons, invented any kind of lie about Him, and murdered Him in the most cruel and terrifying way.

That's how many real Christians suffer in this world, which is the reign of satan (not much longer anymore, but still).

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Yeah you got it! Gut instinct for MY truth! I don't have to follow anyone to know something is rotten in Denmark. I know the state of my own soul and it's fine!

I suffer all the time from assholes, but I know I'm not wrong. You sound like someone who is still not going to accept hard pills to swallow. That's not my problem. See ya!

I gave you a down vote for the one you gave me for being so butthurt over my reasonable words.

avanti ago

I will not try to convince you. BTW, I generally never give downvotes for people who disagree with me. Are you sure that was me?

And for Catholicism, which I know since my birth, you're certainly not an expert. Nobody is expert is everything. I know current Catholicism very well. We have (here in Italy) a movement which is very involved in renewing the Church, and we know both the good and the bad sides. We never try to hide the dirt, but we certainly defend the real Saints!

Last not least: spiritual truths can't be "felt" anywhere inside yourself. You will learn that if you really grow up spiritually...

AlphabeticalAnon ago


Are you sure that was me?

No, it could be that fucking retarded faggot with multiple accounts.


And for Catholicism, which I know since my birth

I read that with a Gollum accent.


spiritual truths can't be "felt" anywhere inside yourself

Absolute bullshit. I'm not of Satan. I'm from the other guy. I was born with the spirit to discern and calculate. I don't believe in blind faith because that's exactly how Satan gets 'em. Your beliefs sound more like brainwashing.

Finally, I find Atheists are the best people because the good ones do good things without having strings attached.

avanti ago

Can't wait for the other Great Awakening to happen (very soon): it's called the Great Warning: a huge cross will appear in the skies, for 8 days, and then we all will have a spiritual and personal encounter with our Lord Jesus Christ!

When that will happen, we all will know!

AlphabeticalAnon ago


Yeah I'm sure that's been pulled out of somebody's ass. Jesus isn't coming back using a symbol of his death. He's coming back in red and with a sword. And I'm sure the Catholic power structure is near the top of his shit list.

avanti ago

The Cross of Christ is the symbol of His Victory over evil! The Holy Cross is the most powerful sign of Spiritual Victory!

I know that's impossible to understand in a purely human way, you only can "get" it in prayer and meditation about the (apparent) "death" of Jesus Christ on the cross.

We all want to wake up and be red pilled about what's happening on this planet: but why not apply this to the spiritual word also, which will be ever lasting?

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Deception and you're just sounding like someone trying to convince himself. No, it's a symbol of his DEATH! They nailed him to that thing!

A symbol of his victory over death would be more like the large stone agape that no longer seals a tomb. Or even the earth itself opened up and souls escaping from Hades.

The Catholic Roman Empire church who back then had idols up the ass and worshipped a plethora of gods, used the symbol of the cross as a taunt to His followers back in that era.

Study some history. I have always known the evil tricks and lies and deceptions of the "church"!


You can't fool me! I know what happened.

avanti ago

You're not learned in spiritual matters. But you will wake up in time ;-)

AlphabeticalAnon ago

OMG! Really? I'm so glad that you can judge a total stranger about shit you don't even know what you're talking about!

However it is I who could teach you!

But nah!

It's just not me today. I'm pretty sure I'll stick with gut instinct and leave tradition out of my path since traditions will only lead to Hell.

See ya!

avanti ago

Have a nice day, and good bye :-)

CantWaitToGetAPizzaU ago

Read Hitch’s book

derram ago :

Tiffany FitzHenry on Twitter: "Here's the kicker. Mother Teresa opened the D.C. based Home for Infant Children with none other than Hillary Clinton. This orphanage of sorts was quietly closed in 2012.



This has been an automated message.

opinionatedduck ago

I was a kid then but I always had a bad feeling with her legacy when she died.

Authorpatriot ago

I never trusted her.

Shizie ago

I always thought she was creepy.

michaelofsydney ago

This stuff is going way too far. All I have seen is rumour and innuendo. Absolutely nothing substantive and the twitterits have the propensity to believe anythings placed before them. Be careful of besmirching without evidence. It may come to you one day.

Regarding suffering: Read some Catholic literature on the spiritual merits of suffering before making rash judgements. Mother Teresa's mission was to save souls.She fed, clothed and cleaned the dying and destitute. She gave them dignity.Or would you have it they lay in the street dying like dogs? And she opened orphanages.

She met Hillary Clinton! I once got Bruce Springsteen's autograph. He supported Hillary Clinton and is a friend of Tom Hanks.Am I now an evil person. Catholic hatred is strong in this one (Fitzhenry)

4841400209 ago

Read some of MT's later writings. She was extremely negative and hateful at the end.

Dontneedthepts ago

I remember sitting in mass listening to a priest encourage the churchgoers not to believe the rankings and accusations of a victim. Couldn’t believe what I was hearing, as it wasn’t the time or the place, never mind he was defending a pedo...they’ve been rotten to the core FOR A LONG TIME. I would say there were good people at the ground floor but...I left because they were gossipy, nasty, chickenshit, confused, misguided and power hungry people at the ground level. Ground level being the church office. Ccd.

And your parents probably told you, who you surround yourself matters!

Mad_As_Helll ago

Christopher Hitchens was onto her years ago

FatLadySings ago

The blue and white stripes of her head dress and robe!!!!! Epstein's temple and the Syrian bath houses blue and white stripes!!!! There is a connection!

MudPuddlePie ago

Thx...will watch later.

Notimportant36 ago

Have you not heard about her hidden wealth?

There's also some questions about her leather shoes that were preserved to show her modest means...

I was shocked when I found out that even mother Theresa was not the good person we tend to think.

Reverse-Flash ago

Mother Theresa was a complete asshole. I've known this for many years. She treated the children under her care like shit. I hope she's sitting in the deepest, darkest depths of hell in a pile of her own excrement.

wanderingblade ago

It's all satanic inversion. Not only are the supposed saints not good, they are usually very evil. And the evil ones were told about are usually good men

FatLadySings ago

I also read somewhere, it's been a while now, that she is a he.

MudPuddlePie ago

Ya...not catholic, but thot she was a white hat. This info never crossed my path. This is quite a boom.

"Those you trust the most..." Q


kpstrobes ago

oh wow that is unexpected. i guess we shouldn't be surprised by anything though with all that we know now.

MudPuddlePie ago

Oh man...