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SuckaFree ago

The shilldom on this thread is crazy.

inspiretk ago

Boom! Awesome decodes SB2!!!

Re: Confirmation 3: The Spectacular “Beast to Air Force One” Riddle

Also, not sure if you noticed, but Trump video 28 sec airport, he walked in an S, snake. Extra confirmation?

bsg0075 ago

People wake up when they See tangible results from the investigations in the mainstream. The public has been subjected to two years fo FISA noise and "investigations" with no arrests, conclusions or results from the noise. The simple truth is few people buy into the official narratives or Q. In short, it's hope porn. A lot of words but no actions to back it up. When the Clintons, Bush's, Obama's etc are perp walked then people will "wake up". To this point there is no action, and people are simply realistic the swamp won't clean itself up. Nor will the Elite allow themselves to be held accountable for any of their crimes. As evidenced by the fact Barr has been in place for over a year and NO ONE has been held accountable for ANYTHING. Meanwhile the erosion of civil liberties, rights and freedoms continues. Google operations are treason plain and simple - no action. Clinton's Criminals - no action. Brennan - Traitor - No action. Why don't you use some of your influence and get those asking us to "Trust the plan" to actually DO SOMETHING instead of more riddles, puzzles and BS. Having come from the Intel community I can say for a fact you don't communicate this way to generate support or sway public opinion. You say things in plain english and provide analysis so decision makers can create courses of action to fight the enemy. At this point most Americans could careless what captain hairdo does day to day, they want to see REAL change not imagined or "decoded" change.

13526EO ago

If you have been paying attention to the chemtrail conspiracy its pretty interesting. I believe something is up with it. Over the last 2 weeks I haven't found a single plane trail that hangs in the sky all day. A month ago they would be every where every day all day long. Just my observation from a small rural town in Michigan.

divine_human ago

if you cant wait for chemtrails to be chemtrailed away, command them to go away.

in 2013, i watched two planes flying a perfect grid into the sky. within 10min or so, something i can only call 'sacred rage' welled up in me and i commanded that from now on, my skies stay clear of that shit while the pilots will find better jobs.

i also asked the sylphs and undines, air and water elementals, as well as benevolent galactic friends to clear up the sky.

havent seen any chemtrails in my area ever since. humans are immensely powerful when they command and order from their power-within.

you can also use 'in the name of jesus' if you dont trust that you are a capable divine human yourself. you can do many things in the name of jesus when they are in alignment with natural law.

if commanding doesnt come from fear but from a state of love, it works. it does so for me and many others i know. may it work for you guys, too.

inspiretk ago

we humans create our own reality.

darkb ago

time tells the truth

Fishdo169 ago

I’d definitely choose the F15.... 😁

Thanks SB .... another great write up and decode..


RakerKey ago

Absolute Rubbish and this ongoing misdirection is harmful in many ways. Justice will come

Rogue1 ago


Pollycracker ago

When you connect with to Trump's Space Force, how ridiculous was that, things becoming more plausible. How alone could we be in the universe, another math problem, go figure.

intothelightwego ago

The high number of shills attacking this post confirm the importance of this information. God bless you Patriot!

BadassBuddha22 ago

It gives this whole "RACIST" narrative a whole new outlook. RACE. HUMAN RACE. OTHER RACE. So therefore, RACIST. Interesting, no?

Thanks, SB2.

divine_human ago

actually, its human species but never mind ;)

BadassBuddha22 ago

:) Yeah you are right, smart arse lol. But I think you know what I meant.

divine_human ago

sure thing, lol... i was just driven, in this time and space thats soooooo overly focused on 'race', point to the fact that we are ONE human species with various races.

may all of our 'racist' issues dissolve in the light of meeting other sentient species from out there in the universe soon, many of them looking similar to humans.

pby ago

In my previous article, I told you how Trump coded in his July 4 speech that he took control of the Cabal’s chemtrail infrastructure and how he was purifying the sky with healing chemtrails.

LOL. Chemtrails are gone (see the pretty clear blue sky pictures as proof?) except for where they aren't gone, and where they aren't gone...

Those aren't Cabal Chemtrails anymore, those are the good, Cabal-busting, air-purifying Chemtrails.

pby ago

Here is a partial listing of SB2's decode inaccuracies and/or disinfo.:

Gowdy Would Replace Sessions: These last two drops informed us as early as in January 2018 that the plan all along was to get Sessions to progress as far as his recusal allowed him to by stealthily coaching the sealed indictments, Huber and Horowitz while Gowdy (with Goodlatte) was taking the House investigations to the 10 yard line. Then, when it would be time to move from the investigation phase to the justice phase, Sessions would gracefully let Gowdy replace him while all the investigation paperwork would migrate to Grassley’s desk in the Senate. Brilliant.

DECLAS Would Occur Before January 2019: Do you now see the Mueller probe and subsequently Congress were the shiny objects? Do you see Trump can, should it pleases him, declassify FISA any time before January [2019] and Dems will never get to enjoy “their” Congress?

There Would Be No Blue Wave in Mid-Term Elections: They started claiming there would be a blue wave, then, Holder said “when they go low, we kick them”, then, the Witch said “no civility until we win”, then, the caravan. When Trump responded with a deadly “Democrats produce mobs, Republicans produce jobs”, they realized this was another “because you’d be in jail” moment. They knew right then and there they lost the Midterms. Then, to make things worse, the early vote numbers came in to confirm there would be no blue wave and that according to their own media, Republicans were outpacing Democrats in key states. It was time to start scratching and coughing. Hence the pipe bombs

DECLAS Will Occur September 2018: *Well, if you add 210 days to February 20 2018, you get Tuesday September 18 2018. That’s tomorrow! This [week of] is the week when the acting AAG cannot be acting anymore and the position becomes vacant. Now look at these drops:

Q1433 Once the 'extremely guarded & highly classified' information is finally revealed to House investigators, DNI, public etc., RR must recuse or forcefully terminated. [RR] problems. What was RR's Senate Conf Vote? WRAY reports to RR [important fact].

Q1470 When the info is released [RR] no more. When the info is released no more Russia investigation.

Do you see it? When the declassification occurs and that RRs implication in FISA is public, RR, occupying DOJ #2 position is gone, but the DOJ #3 position will also become vacant because of the 210 day rule. So? Almighty Sessions! Descending from the heavens, sitting on a throne with a Golden Hammer. Direct link with Wray. Direct oversight of Mueller if un-recused, controlled link with Mueller through #3 refill. Game over.*

DECLAS Will Occur in December 2018: *Q2478 Let the unsealing begin. Let the DEC[L]AS begin.

Many were asking why Q put that L in brackets in Q2478. Do you now see it? DEC[L]AS stands for DEC and [L]AS. DEC is December and [L]AS is Little Adam Schiff.

We are told the December declassification party is about to start and that Little Adam Schiff will be opening the dance.*

DECLAS Will Occur and Huber Will Open Pandora's Box on the Clinton Foundation Before Dems Take Control of the House: Can you feel the acceleration? Do you see we are inexorably moving towards declassification and that dominos will start falling before Dems can take over the House in January 2019? Rep. Meadows, Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on Government Operations plans to hold hearing into DOJ’s probe of Clinton’s foundation link on Dec. 5, which means Huber will open the Pandora box about the Clinton’s Foundation.

Deep State Players Will Be Sent To GITMO By Christmas 2018: *Next step? We go and listen to FLOTUS as she is interviewed by Hannity. The beginning of the interview is nuclear. Watch until 1:10YouTube. Did you catch it? Hannity says “because while we're enjoying Christmas many of them won't be with their families”. You know he’s talking about all those who would go to GITMO right? And FLOTUS responds: “it’s important to show them that the President, I and the country are behind them” which is, in Q language:

Q1897 They never thought they'd be hunted. Q

Do you have doubts? Continue until 2:03YouTube. Did you catch Hannity’s reference to the Empire State Building was about its height of 1250 Ft adding up to 12+5+0=17=Q? How about the 5k people capacity and 3k current? This is the connection to our 8 stockings! This whole conversation is about GITMO and Q’s riddle! FLOTUS says: “you see the ship, it’s very small and then when you approach, it’s really big” which is, in Q language:

Q1897 They never thought they'd be hunted.*

Schiff Outed And Data Drops on Deep State Crimes Occurring Prior to February 2019: *Q664 Would POTUS make a serious accusation if the TRUTH wasn’t about to come to LIGHT?

What do you think? Is the LIGHT about to shine on SCHIFF? Could it happen by the SOTU? BETS NOW!

Now that you see how the Maestro is coding these dates. What other date do you want to watch in February? Yes: BITS, which is 02/09/2019. It’s a Saturday. Data dump? The Servers? Emails? We’ll see. Set your alarm.*

Next Move Will Occur on Feb. 20 or 21st, 2019: *On the other hand, if a satisfactory agreement is not reached with the Dems regarding transparent Government spending, we are told that the date to watch for the Maestro’s next move is February 20 2019 or February 21 2019.

In May 2019, Comey's Arrest is Imminent

divine_human ago

ups and down. always use high discernment. my resonance with the given information at times changes from sentence to sentence, some rings true, some doesnt.

dont forget, SB2 is just another anon, not a direct member of the Q team. he doesnt know everything so naturally, there are also things that arent true. he gives out his interpretation and its up to the reader to determine it to be true or not.

pby ago

Ok...which specific claim in this decode can be verified as true?

divine_human ago

there are no proofs yet on such a fringe subject so no external verification your mind can rely on. take it as a hypothesis and watch how things are going to unfold. saves you lots of energy that goes wasted when fighting against other peoples speculation that you dont agree with. its that simple.

pby ago

Sound advice, but part of verifying the content of the current decode is performing an analysis of the accuracy of previous decodes. Right?

As demonstated in the provided list, there is a significant problem when it comes to the accuracy of previous decodes.

divine_human ago

see, i watch you coming up with that same comment every time SB2 posts. seems like you have only come to fuck with him. when you perform an analysis of previous decodes, have you weighed his correctness against his incorrectness? or do you only count mistakes and dont look at successes?

pby ago

Which previous decodes were accurate? Lets compare your list of the verifiably accurate ones to the list of inaacurate decodes.

divine_human ago

not a person for lists here, lol, i leave that up to other people who only follow logic because they cant(dont trust heart and guts.

i read with inner discernment. my body reacts when i resonate or dont resonate with something. with some of SB2 posts, my inner resonance changes from sentence to sentence. it reads like, 'yes this, no this not, yes this, no this not'.

the linear mind is funny, its programmed to dismiss an entire messages when it finds something in it that doesnt ring true or is simply not fact. thats stupid. even disinfo agents provide like 80% truth and 20% BS so it makes sense to check them out and flex the discernment muscle.

pby ago

Not a person for lists?


There isn't a comparitive one to assemble anyways.

insanitea ago

You don't "neutralize" heavy metals. That shit eventually comes down and contaminates everything.

There's no magical fairy dust that's going to fix that besides stopping it and letting time do it's thing. Jesus fucking christ everyone upvoting this shill is retarded.

divine_human ago

thats not really true. you can neutralize heavy metals in your body through, i.e., chlorine dioxide, ClO2 where the free oxygene molucule oxidizes and explodes pathogens and toxins in the acidic range.

why shouldnt the same be possible in the air?

insanitea ago


Fuck, do people lack the reasoning skills to see how this is a complete joke? They're heavy metals and they don't remain suspended in the air. They come down and we breath them in. Plants and trees absorb them. They're nanoized. So small that it gets into EVERYTHING.

Why do I even have to say this? The timing of this "decode" lining up with other events has absolutely maxed my bullshit meter. SB2 is either completely brain dead or a professional shill for ever even suggesting this. 30+ years of heavy metal contamination can't be cleaned up simply by spraying a magical fairy dust. Only time or a complete miracle.

Holy shit.

inspiretk ago

When you get food poisoned, what do the hospital give you to get it out?

divine_human ago

i have no clue why youre screaming like an arrogant shithead and aggressively try to put people down. there is no need for it, civil discourse is always so much more productive.

most of what they spray is chemicals, like aluminium, barium, and strontium. btw, the chemicals barium BA and aluminium AL add up to BA'AL.

chemicals react with each other, they have antagonists which neutralize them. when the antagonists are being sprayed, they sink down and plants absorb them.

youre right, 30 years of spraying take time to get cleaned out. but well, it takes 6 weeks of drinking volcanic water (contains silicea) for a human to detox from aluminium. it takes a few weeks more of using diatomaceous earth to detox from chemicals, heavy metals, or parasites. same goes for chlorine dioxide. no clue what neutralizes nano particles but there may be lots of agents we dont know about.

you can treat physical ailments caused be barium with a homeopathic potency of barium, and the same goes for the other chemicals. as homeopathy works with life force energy, it will probably not clean the air but plants may well react to it.

there are so many new or old alternative healing agents most people have no idea about. its simply stupid to right out say 'it cant be done'. nature in her intelligence even produces bacteria that eat up oil and their products so why do you think there is nothing that can be sprayed to counter the damage?

i get it that your BS meter jumps on with the decode of 'spraying to neutralize the effect of spraying'. it could well be disinfo to keep the chemtrail discussion in check. or it may be true. i for one dont buy it but keep it open.

inspiretk ago

You know your stuff!!!

FortuneTeller_69 ago

Haha-troll alert-I always know, based on shill posts, that you’ve hit the mark yet again!

Great decode, and confirmation from POTUS! Readers should take the many POTUS confirmations seriously, as they’re as powerful as a Q proof.

I do try my hardest to decode in “real time”...I caught the missing letters, tied time stamps to the Q posts etc, but don’t have as extensive of a background in most things you are knowledgeable about...but I have yet to stop trying!

Thank you for the decodes, but also for the teacher in you, helping us all learn the Comms!

Anticipating the next post SB2! Thank you again!

SerialBrain2 ago

Thank you FT!

Q2142 Shills only shill. Patriots WIN. Q

Pollycracker ago

Hey, truly out of this world. I want to believe, push me over the edge.

Revel4ti0n ago

Thank you! WWG1WGA

stray502 ago

Good job as usual serialbrain2. I see you brought the shills out in full force.

SerialBrain2 ago

I see you brought the shills out in full force.

Yes! Hahaha!


Odius1 ago

Look up yhe Kardashev Scale, then you might realize wht they are chemtrailing.

1scm ago

Excellent! Particularly the last few paragraphs starting at Q2051. I can only hope people will be able to relate to it in it's entire scope. 5G will then scare them, among many other things.

LokkenLoaded ago

I’m seeing seeing chem trials almost daily in eastern Ohio. Also still seeing crystal blue skies. Same as it’s always been. Also same in western and eastern PA.

feli00 ago

nothing, the OP does not give evidence of anything that says. Fumigating this morning in Spain as always. The Jew controls both sides. The OP thinks we are very dumb

QGonGiveItToYa ago

Excellent work SB2! You spoke to me on reddit before greatawakening got fucked by Dorsey. AkrosRising was my username there. I've been hardfollowing ever since and the booms J U S T K E E P O N C O M I N G!

SerialBrain2 ago

Thank you! We are WINNING! As simple as that.

Mailbag ago

yes sb2 ignore these dipshits, we have one chance to defeat these arrogant brood of vipers. I remember the post on the stock market(white hats in control) Dow 27000 plus, or the post about pelosi and her coming fight with the freshmen cunt congresswomen. Love your work

SerialBrain2 ago

Thank you my friend! We keep moving!

Pcpoet09 ago

good plot to a fantasy novel

feli00 ago

I have not seen the ugly trails in the last few days, although the chemtrail white haze and the clouds with the faces of demons. By the way, the right and Trump are Zionist controlled opposition of the Jewish central bank

justjakk ago

Great work SB2. Ignore the unenlightened. They still think we crawled out of swamp and started disco dancing. They also think we are the first on this planet. Watch and learn something instead parrotting what (((they))) have written In your history books. They are all bs.

inspiretk ago

My mind was really mind blown when I found out pyramids was built all over the world, some even been found in the ocean floors!

DickTick ago

L M F A O.

This is a treasure trove of stupid... And I love it..

Your crazy is showing.

Morbo ago

Qoomers will believe anything so long as it comes from someone they think is "authoritative". This is why the joos were able to control them so completely. It's really sad to see just how much bullshit they can swallow if spoon fed to them. They will sooner believe that aliens, demons and fallen angels are behind all of the evil in the world before they even begin to believe that it's been the jews all along. Just goes to show how stupid the jews made them. We can't win till the boomers are gone or can't remember their names.

mcpaperclip ago

I noticed today the vapor trails above my area aren't as dense as normal. They disperse quickly and in a more "lazy" pattern. Maybe there's something to it.

Shiftworker1976 ago

Just home from John Wick Parabellum. Reminds of the battle were in. MI mixed with stealthy warriors. WWG1WGA 20 years

Qdini ago

Another rich, denseI can't wait for the next decode that will surely cover the NYC blackout on the 42nd anniversary of the big NYC blackout. decode SB! I concluded that Acosta was a good guy because POTUS kept him around because he KNEW those corrupt names at DOJ that stepped in to protect Epstein during the first trial. Thank you so much for confirming this!!

None of us would have gotten these answers without you SB. If you didn't exist, Q would need to invent you to help us interpret all the clues. Amazing work!

I can't wait for your decode on the NYC blackout. ;)

DickTick ago


onelson1 ago

Agreed. Thank you SB2 for your amazing posts. Waiting for the next...

TheOldestGoat ago

I'm not convinced by this. If I was Trump I'd keep these fucks around, give them a government mobile phone/e-mail account and hope they are stupid enough to use their government spy device to do their illegal shit.

One thing we don't know is if these people are actually really bad actors or have been leant on/compromised/blackmailed etc

Having them in government is also a great cover to conduct an investigation/interviews and make it appear as if they are actually working

CovfefeFan ago

Alright, you've gone all SciFi on me...

I love SciFi, so part of me is saying, "Coooool, tell me more!"

The other part is saying, "you are so gullible, get back to reality."

So, I'll just sit back and see how it all plays out. Thanks for the decode or the entertainment, whatever way it turns out, at least I will get something out of it.

Odius1 ago

Finally a resonable post.

pby1000 ago

For those who need more background information, here is the Hidden Hand interview.

pby1000 ago

“The planet will complete its ascension to the fourth density, the vibrational density of love. During this ascension, there will be a three-way split for those souls inhabiting Earth. Those of the predominantly negative polarity will accompany us as we graduate through the negative (or service to self) harvest.

We (Lucifer) will create a new fourth density Earth, based on the negative service to self polarity, where we must work off our own part of the negative karmic effect incurred from all the negativity created on this planet. Once we have done so, we will be released to once again assume our place as sixth density guardians and teachers of wisdom throughout the galaxy.

Those of the predominantly positive polarity (love and light) will ascend to a beautiful new fourth density Earth. There they will begin to work upon their learning and demonstrating of love and compassion. It will be a very beautiful and "Golden" Age. The fourth density begins to open souls up to their true powers as unique individualized aspects of the One Infinite Creator. These individuals will perform works and wonders of the like that the one you call Jesus promised they would do, "and even greater things than these". It will be a very magical time for those who ascend.

In contrast, the majority of humans on the earth, who could be considered shall we say "lukewarm", will experience a period of (what will feel ecstatic) zero-point time. These people will for a period feel totally at one with the Creator, giving them an encouraging reminder and glimpse of who they really are, before the veil of forgetfulness once again descends. Then they will be transported to another third density planet (a kind of Earth replica), to continue working upon themselves and learning that life here is all about making choices.“

99cobra ago

Q said the end is not for everyone, but as for me "I Believe."

pby1000 ago

All this is happening now because the fake investigation is over. Epstein could not be arrested before the investigation was over because then it would have looked like Trump was obstructing. The people involved with the investigation have been to Epstein’s island.

databoi ago

And I thought that I was the one who smokes too much pot.

insanitea ago

Weird how all the people agreeing with this total nonsense were here for EXACTLY 10 months. My bullshit meter has spiked to max. Also see this thread from the other day. Same exact thing.

TheOldestGoat ago

Fuck Pot, smoke DMT and go spend some time playing with the Machine Elves....

voteQcaptcha ago

-Difficulty level HIGH but trust me, it’s worth the bake

I think its a coded message Lol

99cobra ago

If you dont understand must mean your one of the nephilim.

Morbo ago

Wackjob alert! Did you eat lead paint as a child?

voteQcaptcha ago

Lol...wat in the fuck is this shit

Refer to previous article for answer! 😂

Morbo ago

Healing chemicals? That sounds like total fucking bullshit. What are these so called "healing chemicals", huh? How do you know that they are not dangerous or just a ruse to keep spraying other things? Too much conjecture with no science to back it up. That's a recipe for false hope.

Pollycracker ago

Watch the bee population for verification, hope.

FortuneTeller_69 ago

In science one chemical mixed with another often neutralizes the first.

Baking soda neutralizes acid.

These chemical reactions occur naturally as well as intentionally...seems very plausible to spray another chemical to neutralize the first.

1scm ago

Unfortunately you did not do any research and thus are uninformed, otherwise you would not spill your ignorance all over your post. Huh!

TheOldestGoat ago

Whoever thought Monsanto would be going down for Roundup.

What happens when the legislated protection for vaccine manufacturers are removed?

What happens when Doctors are allowed to recommend cancer treatment that don't involve toxic chemicals, radiation and surgery

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

These chemtrail discussions also had me thinking of Roundup. Like the evil spirits are "Roundup Ready" while humans are not.

MudPuddlePie ago

Ignore Morbo...he's just a very, very unhappy person.

Pollycracker ago

Reassignment to replicant earth planet for him.

MudPuddlePie ago

:) kek...

1scm ago

and ignorant. A paid shill. A dying breed.

Morbo ago

What happens when you learn basic chemistry? What happens when you're not just spouting stupid shit you know nothing about but instead heard some random talking head in a JewTube video telling you to believe it because he has some pictures and speaks in a monotone voice repeating things over and over again so you get brainwashed to believe it? Stupid is a special kind of disease and can't be cured by any known means. You have a terminal case it seems. RIP retard.

grace8 ago

2015 & 1997: Military Admits Tech Exists That Controls the Weather. It Could be used to heal Ozone Layer ending Climate Change

In short, they could end their climate change right now by producing enough ozone to replenish that protective layer, reduce carbon monoxide and similar toxic oxides in the atmosphere, etc. and provide adequate rainfall in arid desert in Africa, at will.

June 3, 2015- during a Senate hearing on Wednesday, David Walker, deputy assistant secretary of the Air Force for science, technology and engineering, dropped a bombshell in answer to a question asked by Lisa Murkowski in relation to the dismantling of the $300 million High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program in Gakona this summer.

Walker said this is “not an area that we have any need for in the future” and it would not be a good use of Air Force research funds to keep HAARP going. “We’re moving on to other ways of managing the ionosphere, which the HAARP was really designed to do,” he said. “To inject energy into the ionosphere to be able to actually control it. But that work has been completed.” HAARP used microwave like tech to heat the atmosphere. Through triangulation, or the warming of air 3 areas around a hurricane it could guide Hurricanes to go in a chosen direction. This in combination with cloud seeding was used to extend rain and raise temperatures. It sounds like they could create high and low pressure zones and therefore any weather they wanted.

Previous admission of Climate change as evidenced by a statement in 1997 by former U.S. Defense Secretary William Cohen, where he said:

“Others [terrorists] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves… So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations…It’s real, and that’s the reason why we have to intensify our [counterterrorism] efforts.”

So if this has been around since b4 1997 why are their still deserts, droughts, Catastrophic forest fires. And why are our storms more deadly, when the tech exists to either increase or decrease both the deadly power and landfall of these storms.

It should never be used to heal climate change are u serious?

Just because the tech exists doesn’t mean you should use it. These technologies are much older then you think and there are reasons why they are not more widely used.

Take cloud seeding as an example, originated during the Vietnam war to increase rainfall over the Ho Chi Min trail in order to wash our bridges and slow Vietcong supply lines. Look up “operation popeye”

They did this by spewing silver iodine into certain layers of the atmosphere acting much like the naturally occurring cloud condensation nuclei. Silver iodine doesn’t exist naturally in our earth’s atmosphere and is a chemical.

Scientist and one of the founders of Greenpeace Canada Patrick Moore:

"Our addition of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere is fertilizing all of the plant life on Earth, including all the forests and all the food crops on Earth, and we have something like a 30-percent average increase in the growth of plants over the last 50 years because of the CO2 that we’ve put in the atmosphere. CO2 is the primary food for life, and along with water, H2O and CO2, plants make sugar, mainly glucose, which is a carbohydrate, which is the basis for all the energy for all of life, beginning with photosynthesis."

"If people just understood that basic fact, and the fact that CO2 is now lower than it has been virtually in the history of the Earth — because life has taken it out and deposited it in sediments, called fossil fuels, and carbonaceous rocks like limestone and marble and chalk, all of which contain carbon that used to be in the atmosphere or dissolved in the ocean where they were absorbed by living creatures to make themselves. Over time those creatures have fallen to the bottom of the ocean when they die, or have been buried in sediments on the land to form fossil fuels, and they have removed that carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and the oceans. So we come along after 4 billion years of this, and start burning some of the fossil fuels, and finally start putting some of the carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere where it came from in the first place."

Consider that the change we see is not the result of carbon gases but of eco terrorism:

1997: U.S. Defense Secretary William Cohen, said:

“Others [terrorists] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves… So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations…It’s real, and that’s the reason why we have to intensify our [counterterrorism] efforts.”

Forgive me if I give the secretary of States words a bit of credence.

Especially with the Air force testifying before the congress admitting the existence of HAARP and that this was old tech and had been replaced by new tech.

As far as evidence of that kind of control over storms I would point to the same evidence that Climate change believers point to which is the seeming increase in size and severity of storms. It would be interesting to look at the history of how storms travel. We have all seen storms take sudden turns. Since the tech creates high pressure zones by warming he air through microwaves and triangulating the warm weather in 3 areas around he storm to guide the storm between them, this would look pretty much like naturally occurring high pressure zones. So just as you say the storms path might look no different than path looked b4 this weather tech began back in the 60's.

Read what Greenpeace founder said about Fossil Fuels and if we need to reduce CO2/burning of fuels

grace8 ago

2016 90 second video clip leaked of Brennan's statement.

Brennan discusses how seeding the sky iwth beneficial chemicals can be helpful to the environment.

The full clip goes on to discuss biological "control" (warfare) programs:

TheOldestGoat ago

Last time I checked, Mercury has been a known neurotoxin for 100's of years so why the fuck would they put that shit in a Vaccine along with Aluminium that makes it 1000 times more toxic or should I stop using information published in University Text Books

TheOldestGoat ago

According to Bashar(Channeled Source) what they should be spraying for Geo-engineering is Gold, but one of the reasons they aren't spraying gold is because of the humans programmed(by whoever genetically engineered humans) fascination with Gold.

Apparently it was the Annunaki that programmed humans to be fascinated with gold because they needed gold to save the atmosphere in their planet but didn't want to go

beefartist ago

If God didn't make us and the ETs did...who made them?

inspiretk ago

What do you think the big bang is? Think it hard. Big bang, everything gets created, universe expands. Then one day half way through the cycle, universe contracts (shrinks) to nothingness and then starts again, the big bang.

What happens when you turn your computer on? Big bang? Everything turns on. When you turn your computer off, everything shuts down.

Are we really inside a computer? Is it that hard to believe?

We create games don't we? Imagine 1 million years into the future, the games we can create?

beefartist ago

So many words than can be condensed into so aren't God(the creator), we aren't god, if this is a "video game", God "coded" it.

inspiretk ago

What is God? Can you define God?

beefartist ago

Of course not!

inspiretk ago

If you can't define God, then you saying you don't know what God is?

beefartist ago

First we have to define definition...just kidding! I am just a man, thus fallen...I don't try to understand things that are beyond my comprehension anymore. I am reading the bible bit by bit and trying to learn more. Are you driving at something specific or are we just asking questions?

inspiretk ago

You need to open your mind. NOTHING is beyond your comprehension!!!

You can DO ANYTHING, BE ANYTHING, you want!

When you understand that concept, you can create your own pathway! Your brain is both a broadcasting and a receiving station of thought. We beam thoughts out, and we read thoughts in.

That's why I stated we are all god. We're not the ultimate God, but we are all god in the sense that we can create our own pathway!

beefartist ago

That sounds like devil worship. It is also just plain stupid. I will buy you a plane ticket to Ghana and you can all tell them they don't have to be dumb niggers if they just OPEN THEIR MINDS! MOre likely they will open yours, and scoop your brains out.

TheOldestGoat ago

After Smoking DMT and playing with the machine elves, I don't know anymore....

1scm ago

you're on the money! Most people dont relate to this yet, because that was the plan. How will they react when finding out that Star trek wasn't a movie and Twilight Zone is based on non fiction.

TheOldestGoat ago

Most people haven't worked out that we are living in WestWorld except we(humans) are the hosts(ET Playthings) and ET's are the creators of the Hosts(Humans)....

TheOldestGoat ago

but then when you smoke DMT and do a few Ayahuasca ceremony's you realize that it's ALL fucking retarded bullshit....

Morbo ago

Gold is not a very reactive element. It does not combine easily with any other chemicals under normal conditions. You have to brute force gold to make chemical compounds so spraying it in the air will do nothing but waste gold. Learn some basic chemistry before spouting retarded wank. Also, you watched too much Jew-ivision if you think thus is about aliens and pyramid flying machines.

Hurr-durr! It's dem alienz and sheiiiit! The Ana-nookie breath gold an' sheiiit. Gee-o-injun-earring!

This is you. This is how you talk.

99cobra ago

Finally someone who gets it.

HoppyHap ago

Selenite powder would make a great healing chemical.

Morbo ago

Selenite is one of the most important tools in many metaphysical wellness worker’s arsenals. It is an abundant stone known as Satin Spar because of the milky sheen that illuminates from the surface.

Total fucking woo-woo bullshit. By what chemistry would CaSO4·2H2O even do anything? Do you know? Are you just buying into the mystical bullshit of crystals and new age garbage? Activated charcoal would be far better than most substances for absorbing other chemicals from the air or water. Why not spray that shit since it is cheap, effective and easy to make? It works incredibly well in water and air filters so we know it can do the job.

inspiretk ago

You know your stuff about activated charcoal!

I use activated charcoal to brush my teeth.

My gums are growing back, and healing.

Toothpaste has fluoride and will kill your gums. Not everybody is sensitive to fluoride, but those that are need to get off it. Baking soda is also good for brushing your teeth too.

Morbo ago

Activated forms of carbon are amazing! They have so many pores and small openings that the surface area is absolutely massive compared to the volume of the carbon. These small traps and pores catch other molecules and particles and lock them up. It is a wondrous material and so incredibly useful. It will even help you if you are poisoned since it can soak up the poison if it is still in your stomach provided you take the carbon quick enough. Great stuff!

inspiretk ago

That's how it works!!! Very interesting, and thank YOU for the great share!!!

HoppyHap ago

New age has nothing to so with it. New Age my azzz. I stated this would be a very good agent one of many. You are thinking like using Windex to clean your computer screen as a cleansing agent with no regard what selenium does inside the body.

Selenium as a trace element that is naturally present in many foods, added to others, and available as a dietary supplement. {Selenium, which is nutritionally essential for humans, is a constituent of more than two dozen selenoproteins that play critical roles in reproduction, thyroid hormone metabolism, DNA synthesis, and protection from oxidative damage and infection.} Pay attention to the dna which is one of the reasons the ds is spraying in the first place. Selenium is also associated with male infertility and might play a role in Kashin-Beck disease. Because of its effects on DNA repair, apoptosis, and the endocrine and immune systems as well as other mechanisms, including its antioxidant properties, selenium plays a role in the prevention of cancer. You are lost in your own mind thinking you are the brightest bulb in the closet.

Morbo ago

You are completely wrong here. Selenite is a mineral that contains absolutely 0% selenium. The chemical formula of selenite is CaSO4·2H2O, which means it is composed of calcium, sulfur and oxygen with the mineral being a hydrate adding in more oxygen and some hydrogen. There is NO selenium in selenite. Given that, everything you wrote is wrong. Look up selenite for yourself and see that you are incorrect and spouting bullshit. Your bulb is not only burned out, but it is broken and useless. Now pat yourself on the back for being a retard.

HoppyHap ago

Sodium selenite is commonly used as a source of selenium in biological research, where selenium is an essential trace element that is normally provided by serum. Selenium is present in selenoproteins such as glutathione peroxidase and thioredoxin reductase, which contain the selenium analog of cysteine, selenocysteine. In particular, glutathione peroxidase has a role in detoxification in vivo as a scavenger of peroxides. Sodium selenite is included in various medium supplements for use in cell culture. Sodium selenite has been utilized in studies of cell proliferation and cancer research. It has been used to alter gene expression in HepG2 cells as analyzed by cDNA microarrays. Sodium selenite can inhibit zinc finger protein/DNA interactions. Sodium selenite has been shown to alter mitochondrial membrane potentials and thus potentially contribute to apoptosis.

NIH is the source for that paragraph.

Morbo ago

Well you should have specified you meant the compound sodium selenite instead of the mineral selenite. In chemistry it is important to be distinct and succinct. You failed to be either.

Themooninthesky ago



grace8 ago

Great! Thanks for the heads up . I love engaging with skeptics!

Morbo ago

You're an idiot. You drank too much of the Qool-aid and it rotted what was left of your brain. Calling someone who has a legitimate question a shill is the sign of a weak mind who cannot deal with ideas that do not match his own. Get a fucking clue.

And my user name? It's from the show Futurama. Morbo is a green alien who presents the news. I've had this user name for a long time, long before Q showed up. Don't be retarded. Just look in my profile and you will see a picture of Morbo. Once again you Q-faggots are over the wrong target.

grace8 ago

HI Morbo! I am grace8. How u doing tonight!

Maybe you can help me. I have a question for you. Can you give an alternate explanation for Trump tweeting a phrase, word or special symbols within minute of Q posting that same phrase, word or special symbols, than Q is working with Trump? Its happened at least 60-70 times. The military/other branches have also done it. With Trump the length of time between the post and Trumps tweet started at 7 minutes and gradually decreased over the year till they were posting nearly simultaneously.

Everyone here knows that its silly to think that anyone on 8chan is working with the President and that some of what he posts sounds ridiculous. We get that code breaking tweets is out there. But what we cant deny is that Trump keeps copying Q's drops.
The first time we realized he was doing this Q ended his post with +++ and then 7 minutes later, Trump ended his tweet with +++. +++, is a command to switch from data to command mode in modems in telecommunication. originally by Hayes.

Morbo ago

Hi Grace8. You misunderstand what my beef with this post is. I am not here to debate the Q-Trump connections and "proofs". I am here to call BS on the "healing chemicals" and the ridiculous claims made by some Q followers that suggest that aliens are real and behind the geoengineering of the Earth. None of those who make claims of aliens or chemtrails or in this case "healing chemicals" can provide any scientific backing or proof of their existence other than to point me to some random website/blog or video on the subject matter that is also devoid of substance, proof or science. I know that people here in this sub want to hang their hopes on all manner of "good" they are presented with, but how much of these "good" things are actually factual or real? Who is SB2 andwhy should he be believed for what he says over some random guy on the street? Where does his credibility and/or authority derive? Who ordained him to be a spokesperson for Q? Why do no other Q-anons ask these questions instead of just believing everything some guy they worship says? These are the things I am here to debate. How do you know that these people are honest and not part of a DS psyop or disinfo shills working to lead you astray and down wrong paths? Why not ask these questions? Why not ask why chemicals sprayed in the air indiscriminately are somehow ultra effective when you could put them directly into the water and food and get super-efficacy? Why does no one here use their skeptical thinking? Ask yourself these questions and see if you still want to believe everything you here that fits your wants, hopes and desires. Chances are those who fluff up your hopes are deceiving you for menacing purpose.

grace8 ago

No answer. That's right, there is no other option but that Q is working in co-ordination with Trump and that means Q is real. That does not mean everything Q posts is true. I hear in your comments a real disrespect of Q enthusiasts. It causes people to just label you a shill and give that lack of respect back to you rather than engage with you on your skepticism. That disrespect says to readers that you think believing in Q is stupid.

I hope that hearing about Trump's copying tons of the Q posts will give you some insight int o why most of us believe there is something to these posts.

To answer your question about why Q enthusiasts are not more skeptical, I can only tell you about my own way of walking with the Q posts. I take nearly everything with a grain of salt. It's implicit and not stated constantly but there always. There is very little that Q has said that I can point to and say that I 100% think that is true except that there is a war going on in Washington and many of our politicians are not acting in this countries interest, due to allegiance to a DS. Q told us up front dis info is necessary. I think we are all engaging her in a what if it's real reality. If we were to with every comment say, well who knows if this part is real but I believe in Q overall, that would get pretty monotonous. I think we are all in the suspended animation state eager to find out what of the Q posts was dis-info and what was true. Everyday we are watching the news to see if anything will be proved true or false.

We all know that not everything we are talking about is going to end up being on target. We have been living with that reality for over 18 months now.

I guess in reply I would ask you, why are you not wiling to engage in the, what if that is real? If Trump has assigned someone to come here and talk to us, some of it must be real. Otherwise why do this?

Recent polls show most Americans believe Aliens are real. All I can say is wait and wee and lets talk about it int he meantime. Watch ancient Aliens and it becomes harder and harder not to think they probably are real. For example did you know that the pyramids in Egypt are sending out into space an electrical charge. The pyramids interior space appears to be a hydrogen reactor set off thousands of years ago and still producing power.

Themooninthesky ago

So what your saying is we need to fight? I’ll gladly take you on. Based on your punctuation, you weigh about 120 pounds which isn’t fair. I should lose 20 pounds. You are too ignorant to say you have no idea what means what when you choose your words. Words have meanings.

If you happen to be a retarded child who doesn’t know the difference, I can understand.

If you happen to be standing on a chair, kick it out from under you.

Morbo ago

Wrong again. I'm neither young or 120 pounds. You couldn't fight me if you wanted to because we're both behind a keyboard so save your big, tough words there grandpa. You boomer idiots sold us out to the jews and yet you believe the real evil in the world is demons and aliens. Wake the fuck up old man. You and the jews are the bad guys. Actions have meaning too, boomerfaggot. Your generation acted in your own self interests and helped the jews win. Choke on your Metamucil.

And no I'm not a Millennial, before you go and get that wrong too.

Themooninthesky ago

Ha, you are definitely a faggot, from the x gen. You are so gay you like to smell your own underpants. Girl or semi girl. Just hang your self. Hanging suicide is the most acceptable for people your age. HANG YOURSELF. bye

Morbo ago

Sounds like grandpa is cranky. Is your Depend undergarment in need of changing? Did you shit yourself again? Boomers are such weak-willed and whiny faggots. You act tough but you really are just pathetic blowhards with shit for brains. I'll be glad when you all finally die off. It won't be long there gramps. You've got maybe 10 years left I bet. The only good boomer is a dead boomer. You won't be missed and we will get to tell our children of the selfishness you had and the trouble you passed down to your offspring. You are nothing. You won't be missed.

grace8 ago

You are an angry, opinionated guy! Well. lets look at your suggetion that its all the BOOMER's fault. History tells a different story. The DS has been around and controlling American politics. Long before the boomers were even born. They are the descendants of the men who killed Garfield, Lincoln, and tried to kill Jackson when he kicked their bank out of the US. Garfield, Lincoln, and Kennedy too were all killed as they opposed and were about to end the federal reserve banks of their days.

In 1947, Truman had already formed the CIA and the DS had exceeded their budget and their mandate to control the presidency through cherry picking of the intell presented to the POTUS to ensure his decisions fit with their plan. The earliest Boomers were born in 1946.In 1961, Eisenhower gave the final speech of his administration and warned of the growing military industrial complex and 5 years later they were powerful enough to execute Kennedy and prevent any real investigation or consequences occurring. The oldest Boomers were were still in their teens and the youngest were just born.

I take your point that the DS has made progress during our lifetimes, but they have also made progress during yours. Shall I hold you accountable? Could we do anything about it? Can yo claim any greater responsibility for Trump now attacking them than we do? Did more boomers vote for Trump than Millennials or Gen Xers? Absolutely.

Did boomers have the internet chats we have had in the past 10 years? Did they have the obvious signs of a failing society and economy that existed in the past 1o years? Did we have a candidate like Trump?

Even with the advantages of today how much can each of us do to change anything that happens in our government?

Goldenhawk ago

wow ... preety deep stuff … space force ? a51