TexasDeplorable ago

What a wonderful and frightening decode. I am always amazed by you. God bless you, our President and Military. I am so blessed to be alive at this time in history. WWG1WGA

houstonian ago

"*John Dee painting originally had circle of human skulls, x-ray imaging reveals

Hidden beneath a painting of the enigmatic Tudor polymath John Dee performing an experiment for Elizabeth I is a dark and slightly terrifying secret, research has discovered. X-ray imaging of the stately Victorian artwork has revealed that Dee was originally surrounded by human skulls before the ghoulish image was painted over...*"


bartmanson ago

Seems like Monsanto, who grew into such an untouchable behemoth, then recently being acquired by Baer, is definitely related. Don’t you find it interesting that after all these years, Baer would not only acquire it, but disavow its dangerous chemical gmo’s. And don’t forget about the lawsuits suddenly going in favor of the plaintiffs for damages done by Monsanto.

inspiretk ago

Love it Serial Brain 2!!! Awesome decodes. Took awhile to read, SO much important info!!!

Finally understand the chemtrials. Great find with that video of that Germany guy telling the truth. Great insight.


FortuneTeller_69 ago

Absolutely fantastic SB2! Definitely one of your best decodes to date!

There’s so much info, I’m going to read it a second time!

Thank you as always! Most excellent job!

fancypants211 ago

Im confused. If the Nephilim are basically the reason we have homosexuals and lesbians....what happens to them when the nephilim go back to their dimension? will they be healed of this perversion? I just saw that Amamzon is censoring all books on homosexuality and fighting against it. do you see a correlation. and again will gay people stop being gay?

SuperArchitect ago

Small clarification. The Nephilim were the "angels ?" that mated with earth women. The offspring is an aberration. Are they the psychopaths ? I don't know but it seems so. And if so, can we DNA them. Is that what Epstein was doing ? Sorry for confusing you more.

fancypants211 ago

since no two people have the same view. i am just going to wait on God.

inspiretk ago

I do believe its for the new generations. Those that are gay will be gay. When their body and mind is healed, then it's up to them to keep the habit or break away from it.

fancypants211 ago

seems sad it wouldnt heal older generations. i have family and friends that are gay. i pray for them to come out of this life style. i worry about them. that is if sb2's decode is accurate. some of his decodes are way out there. i do read them all. but sometimes i disagree with his viewpoint. .

inspiretk ago

It's decodes. You can agree or disagree. Your choice.

You shouldn't worry about the gay family/friends. Let them do what they will. It's their life.

You should focus on your life first and foremost. Don't worry about others. If others wants your help, they will come.

When the student (your gay family/friends) is ready, the teacher (you) will appear.

Fishdo169 ago

Blimey SB that was some decode... !! Outstanding mate really outstanding..! Thank You 🙏

I got the sense when looking back on an older thread you made that the spirituality is far more physiological in terms of the cabal and their ‘club’

Thanks again mate Great thread.... I sit before my keyboard in absolute awe...!!

Qdini ago

Another great decode and history lesson!!

Everyone on 8chan was trying to figure out the meaning of Melania's dress and NO one else came up with your answer SB. Amazing work ;)!

divine_human ago

love it, finally we get to the puppet masters behind the puppet masters.

forget about religious, racial, cultural, national division, thats all black hats tactics. we are ONE humanity, protecting and defending our planetary sovereignty.

i am not so sure about the black hats being behind the earth quakes in CA. china lake is not only known as an original MK ultra camp but also as one main hub of chemtrailing.

i rather suspect it was the white hats with the tech they captured - remember Q told us about the satellites last year, and the 11/11 17sec booms confirmed that the tech is now in patriots hands - and used wisely (which was my main wish back then).

we can see that earthquakes and volcanic eruptions peaked around the ring of fire at the dates of the CA earth quakes. what if the white hats used the tech to release the pressure in an unpopulated area, far away from the cities, while taking out a nefarious military base in that strike?

freeredcaz ago

Thank you @SerialBrain2 . You're most comprehensive and positive decode so far! An amazing insight into the machinations of the Deep State and the incredible counter-moves by POTUS, Q and the Patriots. You've given this expat Brit renewed hope, so Thank Q. Blessings x

BadassBuddha22 ago

Nephilim (already plural, not needing the "s.") So why the "s?" S=19. Now what does the letter "S" remind you of? Yes... A (S)nake. Cheap coffee for anyone who can mimic a snake sound. Yes... SSSSSssssssssssssss... This confirms it. The "S" was overused and not needed. It also takes us to Q 19 and we will find nothing but a post with a link to a twitter account that has a snake in it. But I can't make a connection to it because I am not smart like SB2. But I do want to know if there was an SB1 and where he/she might be today?

Other than all that, thank you again. Massive and awesome work. Sorry for being silly. Just tired after reading all this.

dmanny77 ago

I was hoping you would make a return and was wondering if you were ok. now i see you were putting together this piece and its a doozy. dark to light my man.

SerialBrain2 ago

Thank you old Friend! Dark to Light!

cosmopolitan ago

Bookmarking this

amarQ144 ago

I was gonna say that

daddy_fatsacks ago

this is pretty incredible

Anarae ago

Omg and I’ll be reading this one for a week there’s so much in here. Thank you for your wonderful ways with these decodes.

GodsAngell ago

Its interesting. I was expecting some surprise announcement at the July 4 speech, and came away disappointed on that score. It seemed more like a recruiting event for the military. And Trump confirms it. It was planned to be a recruitment effort for the military.

Fishdo169 ago

Blimey SB that was some decode... !! Outstanding mate really outstanding..! Thank You 🙏

I got the sense when looking back on an older thread you made that the spirituality is far more physiological in terms of the cabal and their ‘club’

Thanks again mate Great thread.... I sit before my keyboard in absolute awe...!!

SerialBrain2 ago

Thank you! ;)

Anarae ago

Words can’t fully express what your decodes mean to me but I’m going to try.

I’m usually in tears by the time I finish because you have been showing everything to everyone that I have known but had no words for. I can remember being very young and seeing the pictures of the red shoes on kids and crying hysterically and my poor parents unable to comfort me until they put away the pictures. They’d been in a magazine and my mother liked them. Over the years, I’ve had overlays of “reality “ of tunnels, “beehives” of underground activities and I’ve never been able to talk about because no one ever understood how these energies affect me. So I’ve been a silent warrior for decades, changing frequencies when I’m directed to in very specific areas. So when you come out with these posts that literally validate all my “craziness” .... no words for the overwhelming gratitude I am feeling. Sending you hugs and blessings.

derram ago

https://invidio.us/watch?v=ucKSwW_MqMs :

Ra the Sun God - YouTube

https://invidio.us/watch?v=RqK0DpfdSnI :

Mayor Bloomberg Speaks at the FDR Four Freedoms Park Dedication Ceremony - YouTube

https://files.catbox.moe/42rajr.png :

CNN - Book says Hillary talks to dead - June 22, 1996

https://invidio.us/watch?v=w4Phln_z7-E :


https://invidio.us/watch?v=Db9u9HtXyh8 :

Speech: Donald Trump Delivers a Fourth of July Speech at the Lincoln Memorial - July 4, 2019 - YouTube

https://invidio.us/watch?v=pVnxGiDGcVI :

Press Gaggle: Donald Trump Speaks to the Press Before Marine One Departure - July 5, 2019 - YouTube

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