KimnanaT ago

check into the female senator from Mississippi who was murdered years ago...she was investigating child trafficking in CPS....cant think of her name at the moment.

BonnieRic ago

Thanks. I will.

USAMatters ago

Cory Digs is an excellent researcher/writer and provides detail on many important topics including sex trafficking, the clintons and much more.

59Geezer ago

There were 4 NYC cops that may have seen Weenie's laptop that were killed in separate incidents. USAMatters' comment below about the notable deaths list on is an excellent resource.

PGLiterati ago

Wait, a better source than True Pundit re: this particular case, or a better source for people dying who are trying to whistleblow on trafficking in general?

BonnieRic ago

Both. Thanks!

USAMatters ago has a list of notable deaths. the list is associate with the punisher (skull) icon. this list is not all about child trafficking, mostly about the clinton's which is essentially child trafficking. the notable death list is not comprehensive, but it is readily available & has detail.

BonnieRic ago

Thank you. I passed it on. 😁

USAMatters ago

Sad news - but people have to know what is going on.

EricKaliberhall ago

v/pizzagate whistleblower death list -

Senator Linda Collins-Smith -