PatriotLady1 ago

DECLASS will be the icing.

PatriotLady1 ago

How about isolate the traitor in GITMO? I don't buy the ally nation BS.

Enaashby ago

GEOTUS-based genius. Bolton and Pompeo must go. Also, BHO and his slimy shadow gov with the traitor Kerry and others going around the world need to be minimally charged with a breach of the Logan Act; ideally charged with treason and face the ultimate punishment.

FatLadySings ago

Hal Turner never tells us who his source is......sketchy at best.

75usmc79 ago

I don’t buy some of this story, we don’t need to send in a strike team we have a little thing called Cruise Missiles that can level half the country. Just Sayin

Semper Fi

MolochHunter ago

There's no evidence here to rule out Iranian spying as opposed to domestic betrayal. Also the Iranian anti aircraft asetts would have been scrambling to redeploy regardless in the circumstances

Double_D ago

What's the word on Hal Turner?

Proven to have good sources in the past?

Peplfxr ago

“As we proceed from this point, the leakers will be totally isolated from future target deliberations” WTF they need to be shot in front of a firing squad today

Don_Tomaso ago

And still not one of them are executed for treason..

Ddboomer ago

POTUS and the Q team set them all up to exposure. Where did this come from as data as a news source??!!

isitjustme ago

Wow! That ally should be on the next target list if the allegation proves to be true!

singlebrain1 ago

Obama is in the EU. Was in France. Then partying with Bono with plans to go to Italy.

AngelofDeath ago

Ticks dug in deep require serious efforts to expose them.

DanijelStark ago

Exposing the Cabal network ... once strings are cut , puppets will crumble or switch allegiance immediately anyways ...

Going straight for the head of the snake ...

TSE ago

Sounds like a bad movie script, not like real new, and I bet it is not true. Of all people, Hal Turner got the inside scoop??? Yea right!

Weagle65 ago

I agree, except I think it's a pretty good script :)

Warmoose76 ago

I'm so glad Trump didn't take the bait. I thought he was going to for sure after the way he was talking after the boat attack. I'm so glad I was wrong, he was just bringing the enemy out in the open. I was a little critical and angry at trump lately, but between this and the ICE deportations, and tariffs now I'm thinking hes doing great things again.

369693936 ago

So Chuck and Nancy were dancing in celebration of the fact that our own countrymen would be killed?

Warmoose76 ago

I'm usually against abortions but I'm totally for them I'm this case.

TraditionalCode0 ago

The reverse ordinal of 150 says "Illuminatti". English Ordinal says David Rockefeller or Queen Elizabeth. Homicide Saturn worship AND STATE OF ISRAEL

Think Omar.

Karbuster ago

"As we proceed from this point, the leakers will be totally isolated from future target deliberations."

Fuck that, they need to be put before a firing squad

Shotinthedark ago

Whi the fuck would we give another nation our plans to attack? If we did we need to cut off whoever passed along the info.

Stonenchizel ago

We are talking about a President that s a stable genius....The Liberal's must be shitting all over themselves because they must know by now that they were played and whoever leaked this shit is gong to be arrested and tried for treason ..... Good luck you dumb ass Democrat's.

"These People Are Stupid!"

rshebe ago

POTUS used this to identify the leakers and to identify C_A black sites. Just like in NK, Iran does not know where all black sites are located. Leakers will be arrested. Black sites will be taken out as they are located, as we did in Syria. Deals will be announced once Iran and NK leaders are in control. WWG1WGA!!

akilyoung ago

This was the plan all along. Irans DS, along with the US DS, caught red handed.

Rocky_Bindhamer ago

The source is Hal Turner?

Not one of the most credible sources.

And Trump's story after talking with the military over potential targets and collataral damage doesn't really jive with this narrative.

Gitmo-or-Bust ago

“As we proceed the leakers will be isolated from future target deliberations?”

How bout they are jailed for endangering our military or even treason for aiding and abetting the enemy? You can be sure the leakers were demonrats or this would be all over the fucking news!! Americans have had enough of double standards for justice when it comes to corrupt demonrats. Expose and jail the cocksuckers for their actions.! Nuff said.

AngelofDeath ago

FOREIGN ACTORS THAT HAD BEEN TOLD are not in our jurisdiction to jail.

Lyonessrising ago

I'm thinking that's what "isolated" means. I love it that these assholes are watched. Every minute.

Sucurri65 ago

It's the best "Gotcha!" yet. Better than the D.C. bus scene. Maximum trollage.

LostName ago

Leaked to Israel? Israel leaks to Iran to get the party started?

SearchVoatBot ago

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Smokybubbles ago

Any significant first wave of strikes would consist of stand off long range JASSM missiles, tomahawk cruise missiles, and possibly B2 stealth incursion. It would occur at night, and would be proceeded by diversionary actions to expose and misdirect air defenses. It's possible microwave missiles would take out command and control first, maybe supplemented by jamming or wild weasel aircraft. With the extensive capabilities we have available, it would be foolish to risk many pilots on a first wave, and any suggestion that we might do so is just bait for a trap to expose traitorous leakers. Trap sprung.

USAMatters ago

Thanks for the detail in your post.

Seems like you are describing very closely to what trump did to syria shortly after he was elected and was having dinner with chairman Xi.

Thought it odd trump called in the "gang (appropriate name) of 8 plus MI to discuss the Iran situation.

Pollycracker ago

my imagination suggest the leaker was Schumer and he leak the early target list to Israel who gave it to Iran to forment war between the Shihite and the Sunni's. Win, win, win for Schumer: deflects his involvement with Nexium, honors his masters, makes money on the depleted uranium sales.

Lyonessrising ago

Brennan is in there.... God I want to see that cockfaced mother get hauled out publicly

HerbanGardener ago

Brennan is such a smug sonofabitch. I hope he does down hard....publicly.... and they make an example of him.

Blacksmith21 ago

They just trapped all three.

USAMatters ago

Disney letting us know what their boss is up to -

Pollycracker ago

We are truly living in "La La Land": "Leakers will be totally isolated from future target deliberations." Easiest money that leaker ever made, no consequences.

bushka ago

They won't be able to make any more money. Another rat will have to be recruited.

Qanonplus1 ago

That is how I know this info is true.

Steelerfish ago

The Hal turner radio show is as credible as Jim Acosta or Alex Jones.

I call bullshit because of the source.

Although I wouldn’t be surprised in the least if this information turns out to be true. And if true, I sincerely hope the ramifications to whoever leaked it are made public and are severe.

Trumps cover story is bullshit and we all know it. He is 10 steps ahead of the opposition.

DawnPendraig ago

I agree.


I didn't even see a source listed! Like you said, it may be true, but I don't buy it without a reliable source.

justjakk ago

We are the media now. You won't find ANY real reporting.

3Pea_Kabuki3 ago

we have a CIA base in Qatar....just wondering if brennan is still involved. Now who takes Qatari money? Pelosi, Obama, Clinton, others. I think Qatar is involved. They finance Irans bullchit and the muslim brotherhood.

CR302 ago

CS and NP allegedly met with Brennan after they danced away from the WH meeting.

SuckaFree ago

It should be a simple matter of rounding them up and trying them for treason. If we know what version of the list it was, who had access to that list, and how Iran got the info, then just arrest them all. This country has become too tame because of endless "investigations."

FirstDamsel ago

AND NO convictions!

WhereIsMyMind ago

"tame" more like a oligarchy of corruption

numina18 ago

Maybe it was a trap to locate the leakers. Hmmm. And, Trump got the Dems to do their little dance. All in all, probably a profitable exercise.

Cristo316 ago

5 Dancing 6 with [CS] added?

Mscss ago


drstrangegov ago

This makes more sense than anything else I've heard.

Patriotknife100 ago

Definitely a sting operation. No way POTUS was going to attack Iran. NO WAY US pilots would be involved, when US military could use cruise missiles. More disinformation/bait for the cabal and they fell for it hook, line, and sinker. I'm quite confident that the "leakers" are already identified, also. :) WWG1WGA! MAGA!

CMAnon ago

I agree. It jerked Iran's chain and allowed our satellites the opportunity to see how responsive they are and where the hidden anti aircraft arms were at. POTUS was signalling someone with that 150. Maybe the leak was fictional too to see who reacted to the notion.

369693936 ago

Did you notice that the 1 in 1.8 in his chirp is actually an I?

Podingo7 ago

Thats what i was thinking, why put pilots/military in harms way, when we have so may weapons that could wreak havoc( more sanctions, DEW, cyber attacks,freezing assets,etc.)...only thing that make sense, is it was a trap to draw out some more swamp turds..

joeneesima ago

Is that why those 2 TRAITORS were high-fiving and dancing -- thinking about our soldiers being killed?

Can we PLEASE remove these dangerous, treasonous traitors from office?

It's getting more dangerous every day.


How long can we put up with it?

PeggyGilmour ago

Lock them up, these messages are encrypted and probably able to be tracked.

Grunge ago

Treason has only been rewarded in modern day USA.

Blacksmith21 ago

White Hats have all the evidence they need to charge and arrest right now.

Scroobius ago


amarQ144 ago

Select targets given to Schumer/Pelosi...who than meet with J. Brennan who passes info to...Kerry??? Logan Act sting. When Trump brings Iran to the table the first order of business will be full disclosure of where the $$$ went. ALL the signatories had their hand in the pot.

USAMatters ago

Agree totally. Also, if they know who is calling the false flags & generally the location - these people all need to be round up.

Remember all the dog tweets lately?

Pinecones ago

And dogs run in packs

satisfyinghump ago

Whats the inportance of them?

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Our "allies". I kind of hope it's the UK. I fucking hate the UK. One, their country fucking sucks. Two, their people are the biggest cucked faggots in the world. Three, they are the world's premier anarcho-tyranny state. Four, 1776 motherfuckers.

dunklederf ago

it's israel

get the war going, kill some goyims in the process, to make the white man throw EVEN MORE manpower into the conflict with the intent to escalete.

typical kikery.

ArcAngel ago

keep the wite soldiers state side.. cuz ya know, wites are useless cowards.. send all the black & brown ones..

369693936 ago

get the war going, kill some goyims in the process,

Christians and Muslims sacrificing themselves in a big blood ritual on the Solstice. Ha, or not!

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

No more wars where white men go to die for no gain for our own race.

LettItBurn ago

No attack? Dammit... now the CIA will have to move all those sick women, children and babies in incubators out of the target zones and back to the hospitals where they got them.

redtoe_skipper ago

I thought that the CIa spyring in iran was busted.....I am sure they can come up with some refugee who is well prepared for testimony @ con-gress

Furlefonce ago

Just another parade ...

G45Colt ago

Betrayed, or a sting operation?

AUSAFVet ago

The man is smart

EpicWin ago

Down the fuckers go!

Locknltx ago

Also my thinking, 100% sting

LeeDoverwood ago

Sting Operation. Trump Knew! He knew it was a hoax and played along. Even offering key intel as to his feinted counterstrike. He played them like a cheap fiddle and watched for leaks. This is what a real Commander in Chief does. Works closely with military intel and out plays the players. They got smoked hard.

isitjustme ago

Yes! He’s a master chess player. His brain is wired for this kind of shit!

LeeDoverwood ago

I admit, back when Ted Cruz was running and I only knew Trump as a billionaire real estate tycoon I thought he was a wealthy clever buffoon. I didn't like him and I was voting for Ted. When he outmaneuvered Ted and won the primary, I was a bit bummed out. Then I looked closer at Hillary. Ohhh, I couldn't stand her. I've known about her since the Clinton administration and I learned to despise her. When she sent out paid thugs to attack Trump supporters right near where I was living I saw and watched on TV and all that I saw made me get angry. I realized I HAD to support Trump if I ever wanted to claim my right to protest against the evil agenda I saw with Hillary. Since then I've gradually come to understand Trump better. Yes, he's scary smart and they are seriously fucking up by doubting that. The left deals in emotions and that's their undoing. Trump is a tough as nails savvy player and he's playing them and wrecking them on their own pikes. Daddy Trump, he'll beat you like dirty rug on cleaning day if you want to mess with him. Work with him and everything is fine for you. These people never learn.

isitjustme ago

Well said! I’m

Super_Elite ago

Not just leakers. I'm sure the military got to update their target list based on what lit up and moved around in Iran in response.

LeeDoverwood ago

I don't think there ever was a real intent to attack. It was a feint designed to catch out the leakers for possible future operations should the need arise. Sure, targets can be reassigned and most likely are by now.

DammitMan ago

I do hope you’re right.

Yuke ago

It's a bit dangerous to be playing like that. The only way I see the US laying a trap in the hopes of catching traitors is if Iran were in on it and helping. I can't really see that with all the rhetoric going on of late, so it seems to me someone leaked info to try and get US pilots shot down, which would surely have started a war. And we KNOW this is exactly what Israel wants, so...

new4now ago

Wasn't Japan's Prime Minster Abe in Iran on the 12th?

Wonder if he had anything to do with this?

akilyoung ago


Goldenhawk ago

MI sting to identify and plug leaks known to still exist … these people are stupid … Q

Blacksmith21 ago

Chuck and Nancy are very fucked They just committed treason. Again.

nx6bg ago

and cheered/clapped in the wh parking lot on video lol

Blacksmith21 ago

That too. That video won't age well. Who shot the video?

nx6bg ago

no idea but it went viral ;-)

Blacksmith21 ago

That's my point. It was shot from a restricted area.

Basballdude ago

Exactly. Why do you think POTUS used the number of casualties in his tweet? He was signalling to someone that “we khow who you are beyotch”. Now I just have to figure out the significance of the number 150.

MIMI1999 ago

The “150” is an epic troll of Trump telling them how stupid they were. Has Obama minions written over it.

Qdini ago

Yes, a direct message to Obama -- we know you are behind this setup

Mscss ago

150 Iran civilian were placed at the target to maximize the political outcry of civilian deaths from the socialist/liberal party once known as the Democratic Party. Just another FALSE FLAG prevented by the Trump administration.

369693936 ago

The 1.8 billion in his chirp is really I.8, what does the I signify?

Mscss ago

Obama gave the the drone that landed in Iran

Fritter ago


Basballdude ago

Oooooo... nice analysis of the 150 number!

Ardithla ago

I’d say sting. If it’s Israel then this may be the season that they will be dealt with last.

Sucurri65 ago

Definitely. I see Mossad out in the Strait of Hormuz with their Limpet mines - oh shit! One didn't detonate! Better go back and get it! See Mossad shooting down the drone, blaming Iran for it. Mossad forwarding the intel to the Iranians. Well, here it is. We're finally at the scene of the movie when Chucky and Nancy are desperate. Nancy will dissolve into a babbling incoherent and drunken mess. We see the beads of perspiration slipping down Chucky's curved kike beak as his eyes bulge from his head in panic, his sphincter tightened upon realizing Pres. Trump just trolled his shit yet again. LOVE our President!!

369693936 ago

Don't forget the deep cover Mossad operative who came out crying that DJT raped her 14-5 years ago when she was older than his current wife and in menopause. Since it's completely normal to invite him into her dressing room while she tries on a lace bodysuit. And stuff.

DamoclesofBenghazi ago

Crying chuck is a citizen of Israel and against abortion of Israelis, but 100 percent for abortion of Americans.


angelCole ago

Sting, 100%.

G45Colt ago


GodsAngell ago

Someone (a retired military officer) just this to me late last night:

"Here is what really happened. The drone was shot down in International waters, it was planned this way and russia even proved it was in international waters. A strike was ordered but it was called off to see if there would be a pre-leak to the press and there was and now they have all the people who leaked the information. They also proved that a certain CIA Debbie hapsel or whatever her name is also leaked info to the deep state. So trump just hit the jackpot. They got all the leakers they have yet to get and even who in the media got the information. Trump is gaining more info and Debbie just got her self stepped on when its over. Because she leaked that trump knew they were about to leak information and warned them, but too late for them to cover it up. Trump wins again."


I responded:

Very Interesting! Thanks.

So no war in Iran?

This was all a set up to find White House Leakers?

One more tidbit: People are trying to figure out why Pelosi and Schumer were jumping for JOY immediately after departing Top Secret Security Briefing, re: Iran. Lots of theories:

Chuck and Nancy were dancing......they thought they had gotten the war they wanted ........wrong again

Interesting exchange between two anons about their view of the Schumer-Pelosi dance, the subsequent meeting with Brennan, the NYT story and more.

I wonder what all the high-fives were about?


"Yes it was a set up but I suspect it was also a set up to get MOSAD agents trying to damage parts of the US, like happened in Philadelphia. Yeah see Pelosi and schumer and the deep stated needed trump to go to war vs Iran. It would be the only way they could cover up much of their actions with Iran. You bet they were happy they were part of the pre leaks. You can tell that drone was expected to be shot down. It took 0 evasive maneuvers, none at all. They wanted it shot down they got it shot down and now the deep state and the mosad are screwed. And lets not forget trumps remarks today about deporting millions of Illegal aliens because they did not meet their court ordered hearings. He's using the deep states own law against them. Rumor has it they will go in early sunday morning and start rounding them up and deporting them (say 11+ million of them). If so I expect late sunday or early monday we will have M. Law invoked. Probably for 10 days and be lifted on July 4th. In the process we might get a two-fer. Yep 100,000+ indictments served. Which also means we might have no internet connection and most certainly no Social media to access as they might all just shut down."

Blacksmith21 ago

These people are stupid. And desperate.

grannyluvsq ago

I hope you're right.