ALIENS2222 ago

This is a very scary post. I believe every word and for the first time I think that there is a tiny chance that we may not pull out of this without a Civil War killing half of us. I think that gets more likely by the day and I'm planning for it at this point. I don't think it will take to the 2020 elections before this blows up.


I thought DJT cut all aid to those countries. What's up with that? Haven't heard a peep. I would think those countries would be taking it to the 9th circuit.

ScorchedEarthAnon ago

I heard on the radio today that the number one demographic in Houston is Spanish speaking. It’s not just the border towns that have been taken over.

grace8 ago

Remember that what got us booted from Reddit was similar comments to those made in the comments section of this post calling for violence.

the fact that there are more than one of them and that the comments got a lot of upvotes tells us that this post by Ga is incendiary. It is one sided and sites sources that give it a sense of authority. Somehow GA's sources in the past have never resulted in his predictions coming to pass.

When GA presents only on side of the situation he shouldn't be surprised people start calling for violence. GA, you need to be a responsible poster on this site. This is not the first time your posts have created a situation that could result in this site being shut down.

@Molochhunter @Crensch @bopper

The other side of the story is:

While reading this please keep in mind that Mexico has changed what they are doing and the flooding of migrants that created the current conditions on the border is not currently being allowed to happen.

We can hope that these particular players get gathered up and returned since trump returned 10,000 this past weekend and wants to expand that effort.

In addition, ICE has announced they are gearing up for a major round up of people who never showed up for their court date fr them to be returned to Mexico.

Dsonophorus ago

Disarming guns is done foster real and learned helplessness. You do realize that teaching you to not defend yourself is a Zionist psyop - right? Directing all opponents efforts to a padded safe-space on the internet... Does that sound like something a more intelligent adversary would do to a semi-retarded target? Perhaps you think voting isn't another padded safe space? It hasn't gotten us to where we are now, so surely it will get us out - right?

Free speech means exactly that. If you believe otherwise, and prefer to attack people who exercise it rather than the people, institutions and laws that are trying to restrict and redefine it - then fuck you. I would prefer you correct your thinking, but I will bitch-slap sense into you if required.

grace8 ago

I have no problem with owning guns. Best defense of Freedom we have.

Making threats of violence on public forum has in the past, and could again in the future have Q subs shut down. I respect the mods dont think this will happen here. They have far greater knowledge of Voat then I do. Now that we are no longer controlled through bludgeoning our mods with "threats are free speech", will they seek to control Q subs through other means?

Q subs are new territory. They have been censored and suppressed like nothing before. We can not predict what they will do next to shut us down. Making meaningless threats on a public forum incited by a known poster who has almost never been right in his frequent freak out threats is a unnecessary and reckless risk that endangers all of our rights to "have our say".

All that said, I respect the Mods, opinion that this wont happen on Voat. But is it really worth the risk. None of us wants to go it alone without a news source.

Dsonophorus ago

I understand your view. It has some reason to it. I don't agree with it. It has dangerous and subversive qualities. All animals defend themselves. That primarily means violence when necessary. It is natural. It is nature. What you are pleading for is an abomination against nature. People must not only have the real capability of discussing when and where violence is a necessary, they must actually carry out actions to guarantee it when it is actually required.

Removing the capacity to discuss specific violence removes rational discussion and reason from it.

Your plea against discussing a natural right of all living things actually equates to either: A) You believe violence is never appropriate - an abomination B) You believe that someone should act in place of you when it is required - infantalization psychological warfare.

So this is a matter of principle and the particulars of how GAB is able to be influenced against the good of the people actually using it, isn't important. People must have the freedom to discuss issues that may be vital to their survival and well being.

This is a red pill that many people are too controlled to accept, so they continue with the blue pill. The Cabal kills its sheep daily. Disarming yourself physically or mentally is a great aid to the Cabal and a great harm to those requiring protection, yourself and your nation.

grace8 ago

You do not understand my position at all. You draw inference that do not represent me at all. My statements here have nothing to do with whether violence is appropriate or not. My statement is that this sub is not the place to discuss it openly, period. If one was to plan an insurrection would you really put it on a sub like this? Any serious effort, would not be publicized here. This sub would immediately be taken down if it resulted in the shooting of government entities. Q would become the man who inspired a national uprising. Any such undertaking would need to happen through militias, separate from Q.

Dsonophorus ago

Your points all have some truth to them again. It seems perfectly acceptable to discuss violence here as long as it is biased against it. Where is the right place for the public to discuss violence? Does it exist? Violence isn't automatically murder. For instance citizen arrests require violence.

Free speech IS free speech. There is a difference between discussing appropriateness of targets for violence and conducting violence. Without good discussion and reasoning channels - as many as possible, any problem can expect inferior or erroneous solutions - including when that topic is the necessity of violence. People need to be accountable for their actions. That includes people who decide to act after considering violence. The primary purpose of the 2nd amendment is precisely the case where the government (or parts) is subverted and fails its duty to represent the people - personal defense similarly is really just an example of the government failing its duty to protect, requiring the citizen to perform that role.

Ultimately your argument for the NIMBY position of GAB on this issue is not persuasive. Appealing to aspects of legality being against discussions of violence only demonstrates the concerted effort against this nation by those who have successful sought to undermine it from within the system. It demonstrates the level of subversion already in place. It needs to be pushed back and restored to original function. Not pushing back will not restore it.

grace8 ago

Q has asked us not to rise up. So your discussion of violence is off topic.

The US courts position is now and has been for an extended period of time that hate speech and threats are not free speech. This subs mods do not consider threats as covered under free speech. There are other places on Voat where this is up for debate. v/GA, thankfully, is not one of them anymore.

What I protested against was not the planning of an insurrection but saber rattling, or blowing off steam that was incited once again by God'sAngel. It was done out of ego and the need to be a man. It places this sub on shaky ground. If they are looking to get rid of us, this is how they will come at us. If we could take a vote on this sub of who wants to discuss violent uprising at the risk that this sub, Q and Trump become more associated with violence how many upvotes do you think that would get? If you want Trump to have a harder time winning the elcetion, keep it up. Your doing a great job at it.

Dsonophorus ago

Fair points again. I understand the strategic and tactical points of this. Q and the military have a much better information frame to assess where violence is necessary than the majority of people here. Most people simply aren't qualified to make decisions like that.

As long as progress is being made...

grace8 ago

Exactly. Progress is being made. This is an information war. Our part in it is to stay informed and inform others of whats really happening.

The importance of this can't be over stated. Propaganda has 1/3rd of America thinking Trump is a dangerous idiot who needs to be impeached. Power Players world wide are at present trying to decide if he really can take out the globalists. Part of that equation is how many people support Trump. Support for him stops impeachment. Support for him encourages world alliances. The more support he has the faster things can move.

This sub discussing violence and popular uprising will by association label both Q and Trump as dangerous anarchists. How's that for a 2020 campaign slogan: Trump 4 Anarchy.

GodsAngell ago

I am the messenger here.

The WHISTLE-BLOWER drafted the entire post, including the Title. If you have an issue with the title or its contents take it up with the Author.

I just post INFORMATION, so that we are a WELL INFORMED Patriotic Group. If I posted that it was going to RAIN tomorrow, and someone decides to get out his gun and shoot someone because of that, it is not my fault.

This post is NOT in Isolation. I am sure everyone on this board knows by know that Trump has come to some agreement with Mexico, to START TRYING to stem the Tide of Diseased INVADERS.

But I put a Top Priority on INSIDER LEAKS.....because it is usually a tip off that TOP MANAGEMENT is either SCREWING UP, or Compromised. Both of which Trump should know about. And IF you noticed, I stated I sent a copy of this Whistleblowers Post to POTUS so that he can look into these allegations.

MolochHunter ago

omg you retard.

take responsibility for your shit. Its a shit title full of hyperbole and if you replicate it in your post and refuse to edit it, of course people are going to presume its your work and opinion

did you start your post with "here's an article by someone else i thought was interesting"? No you didnt.

you deserve the heat you are getting for this, GA - like usual

GodsAngell ago


What part of this do you NOT understand???

Talk about retards.

MolochHunter ago

yes I agree it's irresponsible posting and to a degree hyperbolic

people are entitled to speak their mind, though. Generic, speculative calls for violence are within the realm of free speech. If its a direct threat of violence to you, a user, or a specific individual, though, please ping me in

otherwise, downvoat and comment as warranted

Pollycracker ago

Well, I guess we can assume the NWO has released the extinction event they have clamoring for. I say we take out the bunkers so they too are exposed.

rndmvar ago

So, nuke New Zealand?

RidingWithTheKBoys ago

"Trust the plan"...

ArcAngel ago

lock n load. dont trust the cops

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

It's about that time to go out at night, dressed in all black, leaving the phone at home and a movie on on Netflix for an alibi, and go out to these "shelters" and start killing every single invader.

Enough is enough.

sinclair ago

Maybe this is why they aren't responding?

You can find THIS sub owner here, here, and here, even after this. Also, here, here, here, and here.

They appear entertained elsewhere.

Crensch ago

Or maybe it's because the comment is deleted?


It seems you have an issue with our meta rule. I'll give you one warning, then I'll ban you.

No attempts to harass others or incite drama or slide/interfere with discussion in comment sections

We have a subverse for that now.

grace8 ago

Please explain what you would have preferred me to do specifically and I will respect the NEW policy.

Crensch ago

You did just fine. The user Sinclair did not.

grace8 ago

So it is okay to ping in the post. Is it better to ping in meta and then put a link to the post and the user name of the comment in question?

And if someone gripes at you here is it okay to rebut here or ...I don't know how to move the problem to meta if that's what we are to do.

Crensch ago

If someone gripes about you here, ping the mods and you are more than welcome to defend yourself. If it needs to be moved, a mod can help facilitate that.

@bopper @molochhunter

Does that sound about right to you guys?

MolochHunter ago

I still think we err on the side of leaving the comment undeleted as evidence of their disruption, but if necessary we issue a warning of a userban

Crensch ago

The comment above I believe was deleted by the user himself. I did not see it in our mod logs

sinclair ago

What subverse?

Blacksmith21 ago

Easu, Captain Columbine.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Its hyperbolic rhetoric issued forth with poetic passion. Chill. No one's going to do anything. Nor do I advocate for anyone doing so. It only plays into their agenda.

sicntrd ago

They are murdering elderly people in my area in Nevada.

ibepokey ago

can confirm. live in the Tulsa area, and the Cucarachas are clearly taking over.

county jail has more taconiggers than niggers now. OK news is dominated by spics committing violent crimes/duis

Morbo ago

But, but, trust the plan!