varialus ago

Weeks you say? Well then they probably don't have Ebola.

hang_em_high ago

Anyone here not angry yet?

new4now ago

The only way we are going to win the battle at the border is to take on the cartels

ColonelFlag ago

The guys in charge definitely look and swish like fags.

QJFKjr2024 ago

How about AJ saying they " marched through streets." Sounded to me like they were protesting. Not very appreciative I thought. But no , jones just worded it that way to get people's attention . Snake! Mossad!

Basballdude ago

Yup. That’s what I was saying too!

PtCPt ago

This is incredibly irresponsible action of our government, intentionally exposing us to the potential of widespread deadly disease. Contempt doesn't even begin to describe how I feel about it.

GodsAngell ago

Trump has a lot on his plate, I doubt if he realizes this risk. I sent these posts to him today.

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

I dont usually play devil's advocate, but what if these Congolese are like white hat crisis actors, all medically checked out etc. and paraded around to really ignite the push for a proper border?

Enjoy the show!

Jewed ago

Yes, he has a lot of kike dick to suck, he can't possibly stay informed or take action against anything. Simply no time left. WAGAWGAGAWTF

SharkShack ago

Get lost ass clown!

Basballdude ago

Pretty sure I remember Q telling us Alex Jones is a schmucky shill...

GodsAngell ago

This Ebola info is coming from multiple sources. That is why I included a link to the other sources. Alex Jones lives in Texas, so naturally this issue is a hot button for him.

Qd4Action ago

What is wrong with the fucking Democrats and RINOs that oppose shutting down illegal immigration? Those politicians, globalists and bureaucrats that have enabled this unwanted global invasion of America should be rounded up along with the invaders and sent off to wherever they are taking the illegals and stripping them of their wealth, holdings, and citizenship - PNG status. This is forcing a civil war.

Khemyst ago

Because of one of a few reasons:

  • They are being paid by the Mexican mafia to look the other way,

  • or they are afraid that the Mexican mafia will put a hit on on them for acting to close their drug, sex, child trafficking channels down.

Jewed ago

You are an unwanted peasant. They want to change the breed of peasant they have.

rickki6 ago
