Illegal Immigrants from Africa WITH EBOLA - Only Separated from Rest of Immigrants by a RIBBON!!...Exposing Everyone to EBOLA & Then Sending them to the 4 Corners of USA!!! (GreatAwakening)
submitted 5.7 years ago by GodsAngell
The Invasion Goal, clearly and openly stated, is to make the USA no longer a White Christian Country. Muslims/Africans with Ebola flooding into the USA!
The "quarantine" at the borders where these EBOLA Africans are held are TOTALLY INADEQUATE! Just a ribbon between EBOLA victims AND ALL THE REST OF THE ILLEGALS.....THE ILLEGALS THAT GET SENT TO THE 4 CORNERS OF THIS NATION TO INFECT THE REST OF US!!!!
MUST SEE THIS Short 5 Minute VIDEO and Spread The Word!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
99cobra 5.7 years ago
They look like soldiers on leave in civvies.
TSE 5.7 years ago
Uhhh, ahh, how dramatic - Ebola at the southern border!!! Yes Africans from countries with Ebola have entered the US, but not one of them has been diagnosed with Ebola.
singlebrain1 5.7 years ago
What evidence is there that they have ebola? If they had ebola they would be bed bound and very sick.
GodsAngell 5.7 years ago
I guess you are right, from a thousand miles away, and the CDC has got it all wrong.
Thanks for clearing that up.
derram 5.7 years ago :
Beyond A Border Crisis - YouTube
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99cobra ago
They look like soldiers on leave in civvies.
TSE ago
Uhhh, ahh, how dramatic - Ebola at the southern border!!! Yes Africans from countries with Ebola have entered the US, but not one of them has been diagnosed with Ebola.
singlebrain1 ago
What evidence is there that they have ebola? If they had ebola they would be bed bound and very sick.
GodsAngell ago
I guess you are right, from a thousand miles away, and the CDC has got it all wrong.
Thanks for clearing that up.
derram ago :
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