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StarAnon ago

I thought vote manipulation was a banning offense.

grace8 ago

If I go and look at a users comments and disagree with them I can down vote them all I want. So can you. We all need to take responsibility to do this when we find a new account attacking Q and who looks like a shill. I told Quench I was doing this and he said it was awesome. Difference of opinion is different than attacks. Attack has to be met with concerted counter-attack. Mods have called for us all to down vote attackers as well.

StarAnon ago

Yes, but vote manipulation is what you're asking us to do. To go to someone's page, and downvote all the comments, you're just voting to destroy that persons ability to vote. The comments are out of context. You're asking people to bully someone into agreeing with you.
I was led to believe that was a banning offense that the algorithms here are set to target. If it's a banning offense, people should know ahead of time, fair? If not, then they should know that too.

grace8 ago

Reddits definition of voter manipulation. I have not done anything against these rules: Using multiple accounts, voting services, or any other software to increase or decrease vote scores. Asking people to vote up or down certain posts, either on Reddit itself or through social networks, messaging, etc. for personal gain. Forming or joining a group that votes together, either on a specific post, a user's posts, posts from a domain, etc.

Voats user agreement does not list vote manipulation or define it.
Here is a post on vote manipulation. It discusses brigading which I think would be me post a post saying I am recruiting for users to go and down vote a specific users specific post or posts. It talks about using multiple accounts to upvote yourself or give yourself the ability to give multiple downvotes to someone. here is another post by Putt on vote manipulation:

I am not brigading any one 1. I have no alt accounts. 2. I am not recruiting people to vote down a specific person's posts. But I am saying you are allowed to use your one vote as you see fit.

By the way,You said I am using my vote to bully someone into agreeing with me. I do not care if anyone agrees with me or not. I do care if this sub gets attacked and good content people get driven away by spam, attacks, etc. Our new board owner told us to take responsibility for protecting this sub by increasing how much we down vote. If you encounter someone who you think is a shill out to destroy the sub, I encourage you to use your down votes to prevent them from being able to post on our sub. Same thing your new mod said.

StarAnon ago

This isn't Reddit. Yes, use your vote to up or down. You're speaking of going to another user's account, and just downvoting all of their comments. Recommending everyone to do that to a person is brigading. I didn't comment to argue. Clarification on what the rules are is fair to those being recruited to participate in these activities is fair, in my opinion. I understand your argument. I don't think it's a prudent, or fair practice, and yes, I believe it's bullying people into submission.

grace8 ago

What do you do with a bully but stand up to them. That's the only thing that works with a bully. It does not seem like you understand at all. Its clear you dont want to argue so I wont take it further than just one last attempt to clarify what I am saying.

Brigading would be if I said to you, hey user x just posted in GA. Go over and down vote his comment/ post. Making a general statement in advance that in the future to use your down vote any comments in a persons post history who is attacking a community is not brigading. Brigading is if I posted saying I am recruiting a troll army to attack GA and destroy the sub. That is exactly what Zyklon B did. He directed his troll army to post porn in QRV and his battle cry was 1990 (meaning post it 1990 times).

Your position is that one person can't use their vote to protect their sub from an attack that comes in numbers strong enough to disrupt the exchange of info. That's how subs die. I'm on solid ground since the main mod here approved what I did. In addition, he said in his recent post that the responsibility to protect the sub lies with each of us. He directed us to use your votes to protect the sub or loose the sub.

StarAnon ago

I understood you from the OP.