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Normie-Vision ago

Crensch was the owner of a downvoat brigade verse. Notice how crensch power mods this verse?

You are at war with yourself.


sosat_menya_reddit ago

im with you on this

bedfellows and blowjobs fucking up voat?

shit_alt_lmao ago

Read my post.

That's what happened.

That's what's allowed by this paradigm.

If you support the paradigm, you support that norm.

Crensch is outside that paradigm. Learn.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

you have been Q ueered to much seek help

Normie-Vision ago

your user name is a punn on a phrase I coined on voat, you better learn you shit alt


shit_alt_lmao ago

It confuses the enemy, doesn't it?

Which bread crumbs are real? Which are fake?

Am I you? Are you me?

Lots of fun. What is next?

shit_alt_lmao ago

It confuses the enemy, doesn't it?

Which bread crumbs are real? Which are fake?

Am I you? Are you me?

Lots is fun. What's next?