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KnownBand0 ago

No Outside Comms = Beware of False Prophets. I came here from Reddit, Calm Before the Storm. just watched Mueller do his Pontius Pilate routine...washed his hands, sealed his fate. all this infiltration should have been expected. Trolls and shills are small potatoes. worry about the ones you dont see coming. the TRUTH is the biggest weapon we have. i'm just a nobody with a secret clearance. 40 yrs. i know Q is real. certain words. Be well everyone

1southofyou ago

Do you understand what all this crazy is about? I get that a mod resigned because she allowed true ID to be known and was threatened. That I get. But what started all this and what’s the prob with mods keeping the house clean?

Possibly my ignorance about this is bliss but I’m curious.

Shizy ago

Nope, that's pretty much it. We're catching shit for standing up and not letting this sub be shit on.

Blacksmith21 ago

We need a PR campaign to upvoat the good and downvoat the bad. That's the only way this sub will survive.

Shizy ago

I agree!