Mr De Niro frequented brothels in Europe with underage girls.
He also won two Academy Awards. That in itself is suspect, just like George Clooney who is not a great actor or director, but won 2 Academy Awards also. Let's throw Meryl Streep and Kevin Spacey in the mix.
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Pedo Bob has been investigated in the past with his BFF Weinstein for throwing parties with only underage girls in attendence.
When he was last in Paris France he was questioned by the french police for his close friendship with known pedophile ring members in that country.
Bobby recently had an amicable divorce from his wife of many years, could it have been a plan on his part not to have all of his assets seized which would leave his wife penniless when he is charged and sentenced for child sex trafficking?
According to the EO that president Trump signed on Dec 22nd 2017, that went into effect Jan 1st of this year all those charged and convicted of child/human sex trafficking can have ALL of their assets seized
I sure hope we learn what truly it is that scares Bobby De Niro, regarding Trump. De Niro has been in Hollywood a loooong time, meaning he has probably done some very naughty things and is being leveraged to behave as an idiot through blackmail? What famous and arguably, wildly successful actor would spend time attacking Trump unless he is afraid of something or someone?
Betty_Liberty ago
Deniro is a chomo.
comprametu ago
drmckoy ago
Mr De Niro frequented brothels in Europe with underage girls.
He also won two Academy Awards. That in itself is suspect, just like George Clooney who is not a great actor or director, but won 2 Academy Awards also. Let's throw Meryl Streep and Kevin Spacey in the mix.
Mscss ago
Fuck that pedo
CovfefeFan ago
no, I don't want to
SearchVoatBot ago
This submission was linked from this v/pizzagate submission by @Oh_Well_ian.
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Trfsrfr ago
Damn you ain't kidding! That is a dude fosho! Probably good friends with Michael...
Lucky12B ago
He has a nigg wife.
kpstrobes ago
He is one of the loudest screamers. He is acting GUILTY of something....
Rgladstone ago
Crazy days and nights has a "story"....
Titaniumman ago
Pedo Bob has been investigated in the past with his BFF Weinstein for throwing parties with only underage girls in attendence. When he was last in Paris France he was questioned by the french police for his close friendship with known pedophile ring members in that country. Bobby recently had an amicable divorce from his wife of many years, could it have been a plan on his part not to have all of his assets seized which would leave his wife penniless when he is charged and sentenced for child sex trafficking? According to the EO that president Trump signed on Dec 22nd 2017, that went into effect Jan 1st of this year all those charged and convicted of child/human sex trafficking can have ALL of their assets seized
KYanon ago
Agree! Also FF always follow his rants. Follow in Q research.
FirstDamsel ago
"Little Bob" De Niro MUST have Big things he's hiding.
BitChuteArchive ago
isitjustme ago
I sure hope we learn what truly it is that scares Bobby De Niro, regarding Trump. De Niro has been in Hollywood a loooong time, meaning he has probably done some very naughty things and is being leveraged to behave as an idiot through blackmail? What famous and arguably, wildly successful actor would spend time attacking Trump unless he is afraid of something or someone?
FirstDamsel ago
Napoleonic complex...and probably pedophilia.
Snicklesnork ago
I have read that he loves pizza.
hollywood2020 ago
his one inch dick
Witsend ago
That's one quarter of his overall height. Proportionally that's pretty good.
derram ago :
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Myan ago
his shit movies