From the underage sex slave Iris in Taxi Driver to the mid to late 20s Jake LaMotta sniffing after the 15 year old Vikki in Raging Bull to the murderous, sadistic child rapist Max Cady in Cape Fear to Ginger McKenna, the prostitute wife of mobster Sam "Ace" Rothstein who had been pimped out since the age of 14 in Casino, there is an extremely disturbing, recurring theme of paedophilia in Scorsese's collaborations with DeChomo.
Dipshit, we’re pretty well-versed on any topic that relates so give it up already. Franklin’s “Pizzagate 101” so if you need to shock and awe some people how about starting with your Libtard friends.
why don't you just articulate the Franklin Scandal for him?
Yes.. HW Bush was the architect of pedo blackmail. Yes, Warren Buffet's newspapers covered up the scandal. Yes, child rape victims were called 'male prostitutes'.
Luckzzz ago
The butterfly points to the Pizza sign (there's an arrow next to into).. right on spot...
haggl ago
This movie is from 1976, they have been doing this shit for a long time.
Oh_Well_ian ago
another scene from the movie >
Notice the World Trade Center in the scene.
I also don't think it's a coincidence that this movie was woven into the fake narrative of the Reagan assassination attempt.
contrarianism ago
She's gonna go to a commune. For safety.
contrarianism ago
That white van stopped under the pizza sign tho.
BeTidy ago
Yes, a suitable van for the "finders" or some other group mounting abductions. Or for the FBI under cover.
Vindicator ago
Yes, this was one of the strongest pieces of evidence for the pedo food code. I believe I posted about it once. A great reminder.
Fsumom ago
He calls her a chicken. Maybe then it wasn’t just a homosexual term. Maybe it was what another term for all underage sex partners.
Oh_Well_ian ago
chicken... cut into segments and devoured.
Remember all those 'chicken on a spit' parties at Roberta's Pizza in Brooklyn? Chicken on a spit is a euphemism for raping and forcing oral copulation on a child.
Joe10jo ago
Omg that kills me! My understanding throughout all of this is that “ping pong’ing“ is the same thing. True, ya think? 😢
SpiritExpedition ago
He says the her pimp "calls her a piece of chicken". Weird phrasing.
Podge512 ago
From the underage sex slave Iris in Taxi Driver to the mid to late 20s Jake LaMotta sniffing after the 15 year old Vikki in Raging Bull to the murderous, sadistic child rapist Max Cady in Cape Fear to Ginger McKenna, the prostitute wife of mobster Sam "Ace" Rothstein who had been pimped out since the age of 14 in Casino, there is an extremely disturbing, recurring theme of paedophilia in Scorsese's collaborations with DeChomo.
All projection with the left. Punchy DiNero made a Hollywood career of it.
Lansing-Michigan ago
The right is totally innocent? Google Midnight Tours of the White House.
3141592653 ago
Yes to this
Joe10jo ago
Dipshit, we’re pretty well-versed on any topic that relates so give it up already. Franklin’s “Pizzagate 101” so if you need to shock and awe some people how about starting with your Libtard friends.
Oh_Well_ian ago
why don't you just articulate the Franklin Scandal for him?
Yes.. HW Bush was the architect of pedo blackmail. Yes, Warren Buffet's newspapers covered up the scandal. Yes, child rape victims were called 'male prostitutes'.
Joe10jo ago
Lol Ian, looks like we rid the house of that one! 😁👍
Shepperoni ago
Blacksmith21 ago
Nice find. Throw this into the dough:
Oh_Well_ian ago
nice dig... added.
BitChuteArchive ago
derram ago :
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shewhomustbeobeyed ago
irishtimes -
image -
theoldones ago
3 people can keep a secret if 2 of them are dead.