cholofrost2 ago

OregonAngel2 ago

We have real things to do. Who needs a game? It's a distraction.

thislionsheart ago

Art has always been a vehicle for truth in times of tense political turmoil (like getting silencd/shot ) . Video games are art.

BPwBGm ago

Bitch, you stealing the thunder from the post yesterday? I kill u!

Y8goKTH959VCLKty8xIz ago

I’m more bothered by that comma

Does op even eNLish?

BPwBGm ago

It's the mark if the fajjet

bloodsmurf ago

Ever since I played that game tat year it came out at E3 I've loved it. Spot on!

GreenSlug ago

Ive always wondered if i would like Deus ex, what ones can i get for 360/ps3? Should i bother with all i can? Gimme the low down

DanijelStark ago

Aside Deus Ex ( especially Deus Ex 1 ) franchise - there are Hideo Kojima games , like MGS . MGS II has many red-pills , especially with one particular codec transmission ( you can find that on youtube ) . Deus Ex 1 is for PC , and there is also PS2 version . Without any doubt , one of games with best story , if not the best of them all ... ( because of eerie connections to our "real" world )

There are actually many more red-pilled games from 90s golden age of gaming era , than it is today .

GreenSlug ago

Yea i was a 90s gamer. The metal gear series are some of my favorites. The classic NES ones, mgs, 2, 3, and peace walker, i havent played any newer than that.

DanijelStark ago

First MGS I have played was MGS1 on PS1 . I would maybe even put MGS 3 as best one , 1,2 and 4 coming more or less equally on 2nd place . Havent tried MGS 5 , and havent played Revengeance either ( I dont like the hyper-futuristic setting and only Raiden gameplay ) .

The conclusion to MGS saga was greatly made ... unfortunately , we will probably never see new worthy MGS games , nor Silent Hill ... nor anything from piece of shit called Konami . Once , they were a synonym for top quality game , today , they are lower than Ubisoft or Bethesda .

GreenSlug ago

Yea i started with MGS also and played the metal gear games much later. Im torn between 3 and 1 for 1st. 2 is alright, but i just dont like gayboy raiden very much.

Silent hill 1 and 2 were awesome, i think i played a smidge of the one in the apartment with the hole.

derram ago

DanijelStark ago

Yep , Deus Ex is one of biggest red-pills in gaming . I actually played it long ago , as a kid .

As for Twin Towers which were removed BEFORE actual 9/11 ( and dont forget , in starting level "terrorists" actually bombed Statue of Liberty ) , the explanation from devs was crap . Technically , WTCs would be a part of skybox , nothing else . So , it would be just a blurry texture , almost no performance hit .

DanijelStark ago

You remember Paris level ? It has an eerie similarities with current yellow jackets happenings . Except there are no armed robots outside patrolling the streets and shooting anyone ...

If I could choose a game to be remade , it would be Deus Ex 1 . And its different from its successors , in my opinion , even better , especially much better than Invisible War .

Phantom42 ago

Wolfenstein: The New Colossus is also a white hat game.

It shows the Reich as it was. Strong, advanced, and a good way of life.

Contrast that to you, the player, siding with niggers, jews, degenerates, so on...

The Reich was right.