CBS/TheGoodFight sends message to assasinate Trump possibly at Mar-A-Lago (GreatAwakening)
submitted 5.7 years ago by FatFreddiesCat
This Look close at the top words in left column, then look for Mar-A-Lago in second column.
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Aminous17 5.7 years ago
CBS' The Good Fight encourages Political Terrorism
think500 5.7 years ago
They will go 'all out' to get him now, cornered and desperate, they have nothing to lose.
GodsAngell 5.7 years ago
My thoughts exactly. Now that DS knows Trump has Assange in custody, there will be multiple assassination attempts, on top of the 30+ assassination attempts to date.
cantaloupe6 5.7 years ago
Creepy list.
maybe time to lop the dragon heads that breath the hottest fire
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Aminous17 ago
CBS' The Good Fight encourages Political Terrorism
think500 ago
They will go 'all out' to get him now, cornered and desperate, they have nothing to lose.
GodsAngell ago
My thoughts exactly. Now that DS knows Trump has Assange in custody, there will be multiple assassination attempts, on top of the 30+ assassination attempts to date.
cantaloupe6 ago
Creepy list.
think500 ago
maybe time to lop the dragon heads that breath the hottest fire