FatFreddiesCat ago

This is all over the news now!

Aprioned ago

Why is the media still trying to pretend like Trump is against the establishment? He's an Israel cocksucker and this shit throwing contest is not fooling me.

Tallest_Skil ago

Why do I have to find this here of all places? You kike puppets won’t even notice the significance of Bletchley Park.

PacaGoat ago

And thats the way it is.

Canbritanon ago

The Catcher in the Rye.

PGLiterati ago

Triggering MK Ultra?

ShaneE11183386 ago

I just watched a chilling video on YouTube about this guy that has gone all over the world and said he has talked to satanic super soldiers that spoke dif. Languages and he said there are MILLIONS of them. And the guy told him " we are just waiting for the black awakening call" and i guess they will just try to slaughter everyone. I dont get chilled but this video was fucking weird but my gut told me it was truth. Weird that one of the words was "slaughter" on the list

fishgutmartyr ago

Just beneath Mar-A-Lago: missle.

NelleBeane ago

This week's NCIS (also CBS) episode also had a lot of "triggers" for mass shooters. NBC shows do as well. They're doubling down and going all in, in the hope of triggering innocents to do their dirty work.

If you own red shoes (another trigger), please don't wear them until things start to REALLY turn around.

FatFreddiesCat ago

I understand your point but, No, I am not naive. We are on the offense now! It's time to call the media out on this type of sh!t. Enough is enough! I consider this a real and direct threat to the POTUS. No less!

Food4theGorg ago

The cabal must think that they are impenetrable if they are so damn blatant. Makes me angry. Never let our 2nd Amendment be taken away from us.

KyJane ago

These are the kind of things that makes one want to exercise that amendment irons and put them to good use.

Cajun_Robear ago

The word order is no coincidence. This is exactly what the deep state wants - promote instability and anarchism in an attempt to divide and conquer America.

Plan1988 ago

Absolutely. I will tweet this sub to the Secret Service and Homeland Security right now.

FatFreddiesCat ago

Thank You Patriot!

GodsAngell ago

Good Work. I sent it to the White House too.

Plan1988 ago

👍. I sent it to Washington DC Congress also. Thank you !

satisfyinghump ago

Instead of publicity why cant rhis goat be spreading awareness with this? Those goats who choose to watch tv are already watching and any that may be swayed would have been swayed by anything else.

satisfyinghump ago

Regardless if someone believes this is part of a conspiracy to trigger or convince/push over the edge, someone, to do harm to our current Glorious President Trump, the choice of words and the order they were placed in for the tv show and that specific scene... should draw SOME attention from the secret service to the writer room... no???

FatFreddiesCat ago


GodsAngell ago

Agreed. I just sink this link to the White House.

SandyAndreas ago

It's a spin off from The Good Wife that went direct to CBS's streaming services because they knew it was trash that wouldn't get good ratings. All CBS shows are propaganda. Both shows focus on lawyers and political head games.

FatFreddiesCat ago

I have never watched it myself but appears to be a typical propaganda series for the masses. Wiki

petevoat ago

It's a tv show: https://m.imdb.com/title/tt5853176/

The specific episode everyone is talkong about is season 3 ep 5

Zadim ago

Middle column - eliminate / Mar-A-lago / Missile

cantaloupe6 ago

Lots of other things too...

Blacksmith21 ago

LOL - Fabulous Furry Freak Bros.

RightSideUp17and6 ago

Lord help me! Flashback!! hahahahahaha! Yeah, gimmee some SLACK. (I remember.)

FatFreddiesCat ago


Blacksmith21 ago

Do you remember Bob of the Subgenius?

FatFreddiesCat ago


SuckaFree ago

That's fooked up

Aminous17 ago

CBS' The Good Fight encourages Political Terrorism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpzgbBq32Ac&feature=youtu.beYouTube

think500 ago

They will go 'all out' to get him now, cornered and desperate, they have nothing to lose.
https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3156903 https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3144691

Aminous17 ago

Deal with JA? They are really affraid. Thinking like you

GodsAngell ago

My thoughts exactly. Now that DS knows Trump has Assange in custody, there will be multiple assassination attempts, on top of the 30+ assassination attempts to date.


cantaloupe6 ago

Creepy list.

think500 ago

maybe time to lop the dragon heads that breath the hottest fire