Moorgarten ago

I dont know if this is Barr in the reflection, but it looks like the Glasses are not the same, and this Face in the reflection is not really a one in a million Faces. Dunnoh.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Ddboomer ago

Pray people!!! GOD IS FAR MORE POWERFUL Then THIS EVIL! Prayer Warriors!!!

SearchVoatBot ago

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FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago


srayzie ago

I knew you missed me 😁

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

dude- You're like 1 of every 4 posts.... Don't flatter yourself.

srayzie ago

Don’t get your nut sac in a twist. I was just teasing you since you’re so aggressive with me.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Dude- I was teasing you back.

divine_human ago

where does that thumbs-up pic come from? didnt see it in the video.

srayzie ago

All over Gwitter and 8chan. You can see people running to take pics. There’s windows in that vehicle he’s in too

divine_human ago

ty... watched the video various times but didnt see him in the window^^.

srayzie ago

You’re welcome

Shiftworker1976 ago

That’s BARR For sure. Seen him many times.Gore Vidal Jackie’s godfather wow.To many coincidences going on. I retrieved my George inaugural issue thumbed threw it I will find Gore, and more. I just ran out of Popcorn to.

EarnYourVote ago

While it does look like him, the guy seems quite a bit younger. I also find it hard to believe that he would not be spotted. Isn't his schedule posted somewhere?

GodsAngell ago

If BARR was on a secret mission re: Assange, it would not be posted on his public schedule.

EarnYourVote ago

He wouldn't show his face out in public then either

1scm ago

I hope JA survives until he gets to the US. The whole set up is for optics only, except when he is deposed on US soil. He will send the entire top layer of corrupt democratic thugs to jail and some beyond. JA is all about legally testifying, his 'charge' is phony and relates to 2010, but that is all that's needed to get him here. He will be putting shrimp on the barbie in Aussiland soon after that.

GodsAngell ago

Yes, "phony" charges as in "Trumped Up" Charges.....get it??? ;)

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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momgrizz ago

No, the man in the reflection is way too young to be Barr

Banned4Truth ago

Totally way too young. Mid 30's. Barr is closer to 60. For anyone saying the detail is lost in the reflection can compare his reflection with the guard wearing the yellow jacket. 30 something too

Scotanon29 ago

I thought the same thing. Resemblance, yarrr....but NOT Barr.

julzee2 ago

Check this one out. I think Assange just dumped a YUGE Wikileaks dump. I'm trying to upload to yt but yt won't process it (so far).!/back

srayzie ago

I was reading on 8chan that it’s not new. Plus, Wikileaks is now compromised.

LeeDoverwood ago

The glasses don't match.

olieman ago

I'm pretty sure Barr himself would not be involved in the physical extraction of JA.

Scotanon29 ago

Sure as shit ain't gonna fly to London for a thumbs-up. He's kinda busy of late....

GodsAngell ago

He would have been there to make sure the Extradition went on without a hiccops that cause the UK to detain Assange some place where he could be killed by the Deep man in the U.S. Justice Dept, on the spot.

GodsAngell ago

I disagree. Assange is an EXTREMELY Valuable KEY Witness in the Treasonous Coup attempt, because Assange KNOWS where Wikileaks got the DNC emails in 2016....Seth Rich. No Russians involved at all. That blows the whole foundation of the Russian Collusion hoax to smitherenes.

ZombiClown ago

So,he is more important as a witness,good sign. I expect POTUS to go negative on him,for optics, pulling DEMS in to defend him. Once he gets response,his testimony/files will be used as a weapon. I can't verify photo but it moves the needle towards good guys in charge.JMHO great post,like always!

GodsAngell ago

An Extremely Interesting Catch of BARR's face reflected in the window. So that is who Assange was winking at and giving the thumbs up to! Assange's new White Hat Handler. ** Sure looks like these charges are phony, and that BARR KNOWS what an important KEY Witness Assange is to the whole TREASONOUS COUP attempt by Hildabeast & Obummer & Co.**

BARR is there to make sure nothing goes wrong with this Extradition (show) of this very KEY Witness.

OK, I am just remembering that BARR testified before Congress on Wednesday, then he must have flown over night to the UK for this SHOW on Thursday.....probably flown on Air Force One, to bring Assange back home.

Here is what I posted earlier about all this, which the presence of BARR seems to confirm:

Julian Assange (WikiLeaks) was "supposedly" removed by police escort from Ecuador Embassy in London today, and he was brought before a Judge for Extradition to the USA!

Bill Binney, former NSA agent was the first to point out that a local drive, a flashdrive had to be used to download all that data, as it would have taken forever over the net. AND Binney ALSO pointed out the fact that the CIA has software to make it look like the Russians did a hack, when in fact it was not a hack, but an inside leak.

This is all good news folks!

To me, this does not look like Assange. A white beard? It could have been anyone with a beard for a disguise. I think this is theater.

IF,, this story is true, Assange being extradited to the USA under Trump's protection, would be the best thing to happen to him. Trump KNOWS all about Seth Rich, so Trump KNOWS Assange is a valuable, KEY WITNESS, in the TREASON Case against HILDABEAST!!!!!!!!!!!! Assange will probably be flown on Airforce One, which has diplomatic immunity.....for Assange's protection.

BUT, According to Mega-ANON (the fore-runner to Q Anon), Julian was taken into a Witness Protection program when he was rescued by the White Hats in our Gov't, Oct 2016. Julian hasn't been heard of or seen since. This IS what happens when people go into Witness Protection programs, no one sees them again, not family, not friends, no one but his White Hat handlers. IF the White Hats hadn't stepped in when they did, Assange would have been killed Oct 2016. Hildabeast wanted him dead, so you know what that means.

This was also confirmed by Dr Steve Pieczenik, Nov 1, 2016, re: The Beginning of the 2nd American Revolution (which confirmed that Assange was working closely with the White Hats during 2016):

So my speculation is, this is PURE THEATER to get Assange out of hiding and back into the spotlight again. But Assange will be well protected at all times.....all the way to Clinton's Military Tribunal for TREASON!!!

EITHER WAY, (whether this was a paid actor to look like Assange with a beard, or it was Assange after he was planted back into the embassy), EITHER WAY, THIS IS ALL GOOD NEWS!!!! THIS MEANS TRIALS FOR TREASON ARE COMING RIGHT UP!!! That would be the ONLY reason to bring Assange out into the spotlight, out from witness protection!!

This is All Good News Folks!!!

moderator99 ago

more people would probably read ur posts if they were shoter and u got rid of the excessive bolding.

Ddboomer ago

It’s not Bar nor Assange. Assange has been protected for quite awhile.

RainDrops ago

You are ridiculous!

That man reflected in the window is NOT US Attorney General Barr.
It is just someone that was present and was taking photographs with his cell phone.

Clearer picture of the reflected cell phone guy:

Just stop with all this ridiculous BS that you constantly post.
Is it intentional disinformation or are you simply dim witted?

GodsAngell ago

This is not even the same photo. Assange isn't winking in this photo, so obviously this was caught in a later frame of the video.

RainDrops ago

I never said it was the exact same photograph, just a clearer shot of the same guy. You can even see his red phone case in both photos.

The photo you linked but I highlighted his phone in its red case:

It's not Barr and you need to verify things before you make posts, as many have already pointed out to you, numerous times!

DinoCrocetti ago

eyeglasses don't match Barr's

1scm ago

Your assessment is entirely correct, however, never believe or trust pictures no matter how real they appear. Barr was not in London. JA knows is being evacuated to safety on US soil.

LaeliaPurpurata ago

Not Barr. Dark hair and glasses are different.

GodsAngell ago

You have proof BARR was not in London on April 11th?

RainDrops ago

Do you have any proof that he was in London on April 11th, besides your
ASSUmption that he was?

julzee2 ago

Omg I had not seen this! Thank you for the links! Omg! Popcorn for everyone! 🍿🍿🍿

Labourmix ago

Jesus, that's enough internet for you today.

DawnPendraig ago

She she sell whatever she is on and share with the rest of us. Her 10 page copy and paste replies are exhausting to even glance at.

ZombiClown ago

You ROCK! YES ,part of the plan! T/y for giving me a chance to T/y for all you do! GODBLESS

GodsAngell ago


TurquoiseLover ago

While the grainy video of his arrest did not allow for much analysis of the clothes that Assange was wearing, the book in his hand sent a message that was clearly legible. He was carrying, face up, a copy of Gore Vidal’s “History of the National Security State.” The book was published in 2014, two years after Vidal’s death, and consists of a transcribed discussion between Vidal and Paul Jay, the editor of the Real News Network, a nonprofit news organization. Per the back cover, it concerns “the historical events that led to the establishment of the massive military-industrial-security complex and the political culture that gave us ‘The Imperial Presidency.’ ” The back cover also features a quote from Vidal: “I think everybody should take a sober look at the world about us, remember that practically everything you’re told about other countries is untrue.”