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trenace ago

Outstanding posts. Thank you. And keeping it Q-based is just what was needed for what's supposed to be a Q board.

Of course distractors and shills are going to be all over this. Some sincere but duped, others just purely shilling.

Very interesting point I had never thought of is that OF COURSE the successors to the Nazis, and there are, would be pushing Holocaust denial. And of course some "facts" will be wrong or dubious but yet are not really significant (how many starved to death vs shot vs gassed, I mean really, huge number dead by the Nazis regardless.)

Hang onto your hat, the shills they are coming, but THANK YOU for top level posting.

Blacksmith21 ago

DISINFORMATION is necessary.

Lauraingalls ago

SO this is a "JOKE" to you? Why did you bother?

Blacksmith21 ago

Take a deep breath.

Lauraingalls ago

I'm beginning to wonder if there are ANY NORMAL PEOPLK HERE. You post all this stuff and then you say "DISINFORMATION IS NECESSARY. What does that even mean to you?

Vindicator ago

Laura, I'm beginning to think you are a fraud here to stir up drama. @Blacksmith21 was quoting QAnon. If you were a Q follower, you would know that.

Lauraingalls ago

I know what Q said, but since Q wasn't alive "disinformation is necessary" doesn't apply to every single thing in the world. Q wasn't born yet. I can read history as well as anyone else.

Vindicator ago

Q directly confirmed Hitler was a puppet of the Jewish Rothschilds.

In a discussion of this EXACT period in history, Q also stated:

"The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital. It must be controlled." Clearly, "disinformation is necessary" absolutely DOES apply.

I find it very, very interesting that you are trying to make @Blacksmith21 look like a bad guy here in his thread.

I can read history as well as anyone else.

If you were a Q follower, you would know how stupid that comment is.

Q has told us history as it is currently written is full of lies, especially about the Nazi's and WWI/WWII:

Buy a history book published 20 years ago.

Buy a history book published 10 years ago.

Buy a history book published this year.

Compare. Focus on WWI/WWII

Something ALARMING will be discovered.


I think you are definitely not a Q follower.

Lauraingalls ago

I don't care what you think.

Vindicator ago

You should.

bopper ago


Lauraingalls ago


srayzie ago

Holy crap. I don’t remember that one. Q specifically says Focus on WW1/WW2. You should make a post here Vindicator!

Vindicator ago

Yeah...haven't had the time. I've been meaning to, though.

This ties into the Federal Reserve and fiat currencies. That is the Big Game Q and Trump are really hunting. Pizzagate and FISAgate are just the ammunition for their elephant gun.

Those are the people who have been trying to take down Voat all this time, also: the international banksters.

srayzie ago

See parent @Crensch @Think-

Crensch ago

This submission is a declaration by BS21 that he refuses to engage my comment honestly, and will instead dismiss my claims out of hand.

I'm just this side of ruining what's left of his pathetic life.

srayzie ago

I don’t understand enough of all that other stuff. I’m excited over the Q posts Vindicator found

Crensch ago

They're good. Sorry, I get tunnel vision often when someone pisses me off.

srayzie ago

It’s ok

Crensch ago

What do you think Q was referring to there?

srayzie ago

Well it could be about the Holocaust