Bee4Q ago

I'm still having issues getting on here. I try it over and over again until I can get the page to open.

bamadeplorable420 ago


Jasperrock ago

Anyone know what's really going on here?

davidw221 ago

can someone help me out, I purchased one of those VPN programs from a company called Strong VPN, still got the browser issues everyone else got, also, got a town on the browser that was my hometown, so seems like the VPN isn't working, I think I got sold a bill of goods from this company, or can someone explain why I'm still getting this information on my computer?

JohnQ-Arkenstone ago

I also got a browser check that lasted almost a minute. Was starting to wonder what was going on, first time this ever happens. Resource monitor was showing that my browser was sending a lot of KBs to someone. Is it really VOAT doing this, or are we being redirected through National Security Agency and Canadian Security Intellingence Service servers? Both NSA and CSIS work very closely together.

Tallest_Skil ago

Get off our website, self-important kike shills. Your hoax is already dead.

divine_human ago

checked priviledges right now, pondering 1s and 0s, lol, then got me back to the page without further issues.

Rhondaher ago


ShaneE11183386 ago

I was getting PTSD flashbacks from when reddit shut the awakening down :/

RightSideUp17and6 ago

That experience only intensified my resolve. But it sure was a strange feeling, if that didn't prove that this was real what would??

ShaneE11183386 ago

Yep same here and I mean I was going hard on there like when I picked up my phone I'd have a text from my gf. Dad, a missed call from potential job but nah I went straight to the awakening lol. Well I kinda dramatized that a bit bit you know what I'm saying.. and exactly I honestly dont even get how anyone can say it's not real but that's my perception. Im a huge believer in perception is your reality.. I argued with someone over Twitter a few months ago( yes I broke my golden rule and argued over Twitter) but this lady who claims she's been "certified" in counter terrorism for 9 years was arguing with me on who took over the Islamic state's lost territory. She said her answer and I had mine. She asked if i was certified which I knew right away what type of person she was and I said not in counter terror as a whole I do have certificates that I completed for homeland security/defense and then told her I have my bachelors in CJ and minor in international conflict and security. Which she replied that means nothing lol.. [It does but college was a trap and now am thankfully only 10k in debt ) anyway whatbshe didn't know is from about age 12 to present which is over 15 plus years I have read and researched Islamic terrorism and insurgencies wherever they were AND was addicted to following events of the Syrian civil war. But even though I presented facts she literally said a dif. Answer. So what I'm trying to say in regards to the awakening. I still think there are some that will come over and see the light but we really cant change someone else's reality. An example is my dad. I try to give a red pill here or there and he just laughs and says "if it doesn't bother me I just wanna live my life and work and go on ebay( he loves buying antiques there) but his reality is so much dif. Than mine and its fascinating yet terrifying to see.. thanks for letting me share

RightSideUp17and6 ago

Cool w/ you sharing. Happy to listen. Yeah, I may not have some official credentials but if ya got a mind for research, seeing the signs, and connecting the dots...well, a lot of folks are starting to see the light. Not to expect overmuch, as really a small percent really gets involved. Jesus started with 12. So I don't push, I never argue (waste of time), but do speak the truth in love. Then I walk on. If they want to learn more, then I will give them an intro to the Qniverse, as we all are supposed to do. Spread the word. While some think I am a nut, and others fear for my safety (and it has not even got "hot" yet) I will keep calm and Q on. My future is assured, what need I/we fear?? Glad you're on board, Patriot, folks do not understand the half of the threat of Islam. No matter, God wins (not allah).

DammitMan ago

It just checked my privilege before letting me in. When I clicked on this post it took me to the post submission page.

Patti_McGreen ago

Looks like it's fixed now!

Zadim ago

It stated checking for Privilege this morning.

I asked Coleman what privilege did I require: male privilege, white privilege, tax burdened privilege, Non-citizen felon privilege or Non-previously deported criminal illegal migrant privilege.

Coleman refused to answer.

Revodude1 ago


zech7 ago

yes. on and off for past three hours

RakerKey ago

yep just got an ' account check ' message for few seconds initially -

then it went to log in page so its still occurring 5.3 hours after your post about it

LeeDoverwood ago

Yep. It sucks.

PacaGoat ago

And not only that, couldnt down vote shills. Couldnt reply to some shills. We persited!

Lonegunman65 ago


hitekhobo ago

We are over the target šŸŽÆ ladies & faggots šŸ˜—šŸ—½

Witsend ago

What's voat?

721-AQZ ago

It's the DNC trying to hack in.

i_scream_trucks ago

Yes. And clicking on your post actually puts me into the 'submit' page....

Truth_Journey ago

All day... Still having problems.

Adam_Jensen_ ago

Sometimes I get a static error.

SmellMyFinger ago


CwfAww ago

All night

howdoyoumakeahormone ago

Yes. There must be fuckery going on.

B-------D ago

woooohoooooo Its back! Yay Voat!

kestrel9 ago

Yes, it's pretty sketchy. Tried to post many times, message: 'Voat does not allow 'Write' operations at this time'

kestrel9 ago

okay it worked that time :)

conofgov ago

There was a goat BBQ, and I didn't get any :-(

Peanuttles ago

Yep. About an hour or so ago out here in Cali. It said voat was under maintenance or on fire...

BroncoBill ago

It told me it was checking my priveledges.

GoTeam17 ago

I got a "Just checking your privilege." with the VOAT goat picture for about a second then I got automatically logged in and sent to the make a new post page when I went to read this thread in a new tab. I had to just go straight to this post page with no new tabbing. I noticed earlier today a shit load of names posting that I had never seen before. Some of the new names posting seemed like legit newbies others were obvious shitbirds. POTUS's speech the other night has really set off the cyber war.

Lynnwiod ago

Yes, I got the ā€œVoat Goat is Bad, Naughty Goatā€ or something close to that. I tried clicking the Voat Logo/Link in the top left corner and got in.


All kinds of problems, "under maintenance or on fire", "voat being bad", dropped offline, multiple login attempts required and delays navigating between pages.

Seems to be under some kind of attack... as we speak.

EmXPpatriot ago

I am also getting a dialog box that says "Hi I guess you're new around here" but I've been here 6 months. I guess my comment contribution points are too low (?????).

Reeequality ago

Putt rolled out a security update, resulting in a browser check for some Goats. Now if you accidentally submit your password as a comment, it will be started out, see: *******

FuckYourSafespace ago

I had my privileges checked. Jussie Small-ette dumped flaming acid feces on my face and murdered me TWICE! It was pretty benign as far as aids nigger kike attacks go. But now I can't voat on comments or submissions. Is it terminal?

cantaloupe6 ago

1) Maintenance, 2) PuttItOut tripped on the cord 3) DDOS attack

Alternative site

scoripowarrior ago

I couldn't get on to the site for several hours. Try various ways and kept getting 2 different errors message. 1) site was undergoing mantinence would be up shortly. 2) my priviledge needed to be checked! I finally cleared my cache and now can get into site again.

EmXPpatriot ago

I'm getting this error when I try to upvote comments. Denied - Voat does not allow 'Write' operations at this time (Runtime State Vote Rule 2.1.1)

PepeLovesPandas ago

I got " Server Error" several times. It took forever to get on here.

Moorgarten ago


ideologicidal ago

Just got a "welcome to Voat" drop-down and a failure to upvoat your submission, so yes. Say "Voat is being bad", and "checking your 0s And 1s over the course of the day.

EmXPpatriot ago

I got the 0s and 1s comment thing too.

ideologicidal ago

It seems like a scanner of some sort. Given a second or two, it resolves into Voat, in my experience. It proceeded my replying to your comment.

I think Voat just recently lowered its horns and got defensive.

Crpowell821 ago

Yeah, I got "Voat is checking your browser".

EmXPpatriot ago


thebearfromstartrack ago

YES fag. WTF retard? Was it niggers? I can't WRITE at this time. This aggravates me.

Adminstrater ago

The internet is a scary place. One day you have access to your community, and the next day some authoritarian decides that the community you belong to should not exist, and decides to try and dissolve the community through the extreme means of attempting to forbid entry.

Freedom of association is a human right, and when authoritarians decide that you are not allowed to associate with your chosen community without due process, it is impeding your right.

GodsAngell ago

Yes, I had trouble too last night, and "some" trouble today too.

Here is a sticky note on the topic:

Goat Problems

We are having some technical issues.

We are trying to find and fix.

Enjoy the ride.

Jasperrock ago


wwwwww ago


LeeDoverwood ago

Anytime some lawyer fag wants to start a class action sign me up.

ThisNameAlreadyTaken ago

It's just a matter of time before people rise up against the oppressors. The French invested the guillotine because regular old beheading took too long. So they did it assembly line style.

NotTheMeanest ago


FatLadySings ago

could be a shill check......

EuropeNeedsFixing ago

I got a "browser check" page for some seconds, then it forwarded to the page I wanted. They're probably prepping for upcoming DOS attacks.

rdeer1103 ago

As did I, tried several times and gave up til now

KyJane ago

That's what I got for a couple of seconds when I clicked on this post just now.

RakerKey ago

yes I just got exactly the same just now - nearly 5 hours after your posting about it here

i_scream_trucks ago

I think we already had them. It was playing up a few hours ago.

googlewatch ago

I blame Cloudflare. Their technology really sucks. Cure is worse than the disease.

NotTheMeanest ago

Itā€™s helped me get past Australiaā€™s bullshit censorship and its pretty fast - anything I need to know about them??

i_scream_trucks ago

Change your DNS settings.

I'm now on voat natively through Telstra without VPN.

Inb4 herrrrr youse a vpn... nah.

NotTheMeanest ago

I did. But could only change my wifi, so downloaded the app for mobile data

googlewatch ago

They're run by social justice warriors and they tap your internet traffic. They require javascript to run on your client's browsers, which reputable websites won't.

NotTheMeanest ago

Well, the proof will be in the pudding, as they state they donā€™t sell or use my data to target ads, Iā€™ll know soon enough! I only have it on my phone.

cantaloupe6 ago

1) Maintenance

2) PuttItOut tripped on the cord

3) DDOS attack

Backup site

721-AQZ ago

Goats eating the server cables.

amarQ144 ago

Its all fucked up. Guess'n the goat died or the damn place caught fire.

insanitea ago

I'm already seeing a massive increase in shilling so I'm expecting another false flag by Wednesday.

Also, it just broke again when I tried replying.

PacaGoat ago

Having the same issues. So if we look on the bright side. This is a sure indication we are winning. I get a lot of arguments over simple stuff. And any reply sets off a tirade which tells you its a shill. Just keep poking them. Let em blow a gasket.

Gorillion ago

Yep. Shills everywhere lately. Like ants.

4chan's catalog system is busted too (4channel seems okay). I'd be very skeptical if Putt claimed this is something unconnected to an outside attack.

babywayne ago

Me too, just now it said it's checking my browser before it let me in. Weird.

X22guy ago

Several times tonight

Lauraingalls ago

I had trouble too. It said it was under maintenance or ON FIRE and then it said it was being bad.

tokui ago


Lauraingalls ago

Is being being worked on or attacked by the Deep State? LOL.

1southofyou ago

Yes. On QRV they said they were prob doing maintenance. Very regular time outs for about the same amount of time.

If it was down - well you wouldnā€™t be reading this.

scoripowarrior ago

I couldn't reach ANY thing on voat. Had been trying since around 8:45 pm EST. Just got on a short while ago. I was worried that it had been purposely taken away like GA/reddit.

Lauraingalls ago

Yes. It said it was under maintenance or ON FIRE and then it said it was being bad.

dmanny77 ago

yep. thought it was my browser. good to know not just me.