VQTmom ago

Outstanding! Learned so much from your post and comments. Thank you.

MolochHunter ago

sterling werk, ol feller

kestrel9 ago

Thanks for putting this together!

Re the article> Ron Burckle named in Epstein's address book.

correction on pic 'Chandler and Bill 2'... that is Ghislaine Maxwell at Chelsea's wedding.

The1stLantern ago

Appreciated, will amend

Joe10jo ago

Great job but some of the pics aren’t of Chandler, for example, The one with Epstein.

The1stLantern ago

That's why it isnt labelled as her. Thats Prince Andrew and Epstiens underage gf.

jbo5112 ago

She's also connected to the MARFA JOURNAL http://marfart.tumblr.com

Nachose ago

Excellent, that's for posting all this!

scottbear ago

That Walter Pierce character is a degenerate. That whole modelling world is full of degenerates as far as I'm concerned.

Blacksmith21 ago

Modeling is fashion wrapped around human trafficking.

scottbear ago

Look at this cringe worthy piece on Pierce, hailing him as some sort of visionary of the modelling world by walking down a run way out of his mind on drugs by the looks of things.


What a truly sanctimonious world that these monsters operate within.

RockmanRaiden ago

Amazing. @srayzie

srayzie ago

Thank you!

mintmachine ago

great post


Magazine article from her wedding. Took place at Lypiatt Park which was built in 1220. Owner of the estate, Dan Chadwick, son of the famous sculptor Lynn Chadwick, was running around in a white rabbit suit for the wedding.

"The couple's unusual ceremony was conducted by a shaman.."


The1stLantern ago

Of course there would be a white rabbit in it..

Sum-of-Nun ago

Here is some of what I found a year ago. The image links have since died. I can update later.


I was doing some digging on Rachel Chandler and Walter Pearce (of the Midland "casting/modeling" agency [per 1054-1057 Q posts]) and I happened upon this photo of matching tattoos along with some interesting comments. The tattoos have meaning.


Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thee_Temple_ov_Psychick_Youth

TOPY is dedicated to the manifestation of magical concepts lacking mysticism or the worship of gods. The group focuses on the psychic and magical aspects of the human brain linked with "guiltless sexuality". TOPY's research has covered both left hand and right hand ritual magic and elements of psychology, art and music.

Here is some more information from their own sacred texts:

Explore daily your deepest desires, fantasies and motives, gradually focusing on what you would like to happen in a perfect world, a perfect situation, taking away all restrictions and practical considerations, what you would really want.

What we suggest next is not instruction. It is method. A method which can be used by anyone, alone or with friends, regardless ov any material or social circumstances. A method to be used by thee individual to break through to their deeper consciousness, where fantasies ambitions and real wishes reside, thee place where all dreams meet. People can most readily identify and relate to dreams that are sexual, and that is thee primary reason for our choice ov sex as a vehicle for this method to begin with. Our interest is therefore practical.

We believe that it is essential, if we are to survive and progress, that we first recognise, accept and ultimately reach our true sexual desires. This not only satisfies thee body and consolidates thee spirit, but acts as an example for all our goals in every area ov life, and attacks at thee root ov control. Control begins with sexuality, so it seems crucial to begin at this universally applicable point and develop our awareness from there.



Bonus Vice Article:



Sum-of-Nun ago

Also, a list of who she was following on Instagram.


Blacksmith21 ago

kaylie.schiff Kaylie Schiff

The1stLantern ago

Did some digging, finding no apparent relation - and kaylies insta seems clean

Sum-of-Nun ago

Good eye.

Sum-of-Nun ago


Look into Tom Guinness-Taylor's (husband, fashion stylist) real mother, Susan "Shoe" Taylor.


Susan Mary Taylor (known as "Shoe") was born over her father's butcher's shop at Oldham, Lancashire, on July 26 1944. As a child, she helped out in the slaughterhouse: "The slaughterer slit the carcass down the middle, and pushed the steaming insides, or rops, towards me. My job was to pick them up, pull each part away from the slime which holds it together and put it in the rops bucket, separating the large intestines from the small, the stomach from the throttle." Meanwhile, her father told her: "Don't forget the maggots." It was not work for a beautiful young girl with dreams of glamour, but there was romance amid the offal: one February 14, her father gave her mother a Valentine's gift consisting of a raw sheep's heart pierced with a meat skewer.

Lovely family.

Tom has styled for: https://instagram.com/concretereplimited

Concrete, anybody?

Blacksmith21 ago

Thank you. Excellent digging.

Blacksmith21 ago

Is the IG link dead or can I not see it through my security?

Sum-of-Nun ago

Works for me.

Nachose ago

So Rachel Chandler's mother, Susan "Shoe" Taylor, had a long term affair with a Mr. Guiness. Is this any relation to Rachel's husband, Tom Guiness? Also, thanks for posting. Rachel's mother was as mess from the get-go.

Sum-of-Nun ago

Tom's mother is Susan "Shoe" Taylor. Tom's full name is Tom Guinness-Taylor.

PGLiterati ago

Are you sure? I checked this out a couple weeks ago. Diana Mitford married Bryan Guinness and had a couple kids. She is (was) his grandmother. Mitford is somewhat infamous--as you may know--she had an affair with Oswald Mosley and she divorced Guinness and ultimately married Mosley.

Sum-of-Nun ago

I am sure. Tom's father, Jonathan Guinness- 3rd Baron Moyne, even wrote a book about it.


Thomas Guinness-Taylor (born 1986)

To avert a scandal over the extramarital affair with Taylor, Lord Moyne published Shoe - The Odyssey of a Sixties Survivor in 1989.

Interesting connections, to say the least.

PGLiterati ago

Same one as Mitford, she is Jonathan's mother. Diana, Lady Mosley, born Diana Freeman-Mitford and usually known as Diana Mitford, was one of Britain's noted Mitford sisters. She was first married to Bryan Walter Guinness, heir to the barony of Moyne, and upon her divorce from him married Sir Oswald Mosley, 6th Baronet of Ancoats, leader of the British Union of Fascists. https://www.famechain.com/family-tree/19715/diana-mitford

awakeQ1 ago

good work