ArielQflip ago

Hold up. I watched the videos of runway models of Midland and thier affiliates. Several are truly modeling. The others, idk. I matched 3 faces from Q's original post.

DerivaUK ago

Bags and circles under the eyes indicate severe stress to me. Kids that age shouldn’t have these marks. They’ve been through a lot imo

BillMunny ago

Not one of them who could 'model' for a clothes line, these are the flotsam and jetsam of the socialist world, when a predator looks at prey, they look for what makes the prey weak, that is what these pictures show, these catalog for the predators the weakness of the prey. Pick one, they're yours, I hate to think where any of them are now.

OptimusPrime4 ago

Casting and modeling agency my ass! she is a damn lousy photographer! All she can do take is Mugshots of victims.

HumanPrimer ago

Beautiful models....for like the walking dead. Did even one ever get hired for model contract?

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

I have been on the trail of the pedophiles since a couple weeks before the 2016 election (I know, I know, not decades), when the undeniably odd Podesta emails came out. I thought I'd be able to be one of those people who would want to know everything, in the way that Q said many won't. But I just looked through these pics and my soul was certainly bruised by them. While they portray the deep beauty of humans, they also have a terrible black evil to them. It just comes off of the pics to me like an odor. Perhaps like the smell of sulphur that has been associated with demons including our politicians. In degrees of "bad", I won't be able to tolerate as much as I originally thought, at least visually. Reading, likely way more.

bwarren2010 ago

Can you imagine having someone missing in your family and seeing them here? I hope authorities will have these photos to show to all such families

bwarren2010 ago

These are kidnapped people, who are drugged, photos put in “modeling agency” book which is really human trafficking book to sell these people to elites for sex slave, sacrifices,or whatever else they want them for

darkknight111 ago

I found some of her photos. She seems to be the photographer for the cabal. Spielberg is in some of those images.

BlazingBear1 ago

These people look like sick druggies.

Pointyball ago

Did they specialize in casting meth addicted extras?

Shiftworker1976 ago

Reality hurts to the soul. We must fight back with our whole being. Patriots PRAY

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Invicta ago

How many are dead (snuff flicks)?

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DaraChaos ago

Not all of these people look underage, but they all look kinda broken, and certainly not like up and coming models. :(

srayzie ago


MotoshiBoy ago


Revodude1 ago

I bet the vast majority of these kids were ritually killed and probably eaten.

srayzie ago

Look at Q post 3142. Makes you wonder.

Backoftheqanon ago

There's something really odd about these kids. Many of them looking somewhat deformed and malnourished. It's like they have been purposely selected because of their perceived differences from "normal" kids. I don't doubt they have been drugged, and sadly the likelihood is that most of them are likely dead now.

I recall reading a while back about the sick pedos who traffic kids, how some of the kids are the offspring of underage girls who fell pregnant after being raped by the sickos and how many of those babies are actually kept in captivity until their time comes. Seems to me that if you are the offspring of a child molesting pedo and kept in a cellar or cage most of your life, the chances of your having a "normal" development both mentally and physically are not very good.

These are pictures of horror IMO.

The people responsible are fuckin sick.

I hope I am wrong, but something tells me otherwise.

angelCole ago

One girl in 7th group is wearing an evil eye charm on her necklace.

srayzie ago

Yay I saw the eye. Creepy af

CMAnon ago

They all look dead in mind and spirit. Very odd group of people.

Elfchiro ago

Broken, all of them...

PeggyGilmour ago

Those poor kids.

holaymackal ago

I'm no expert, but I want to say that the trend for these types of agencies is to get 8x10s that have people not smiling, no makup, etc. It evens the playing field and lets the casting people make an accurate decision how ugly or good looking you really are.

Jdtaylormm ago

These kids look like they are on something or starved. All of them are skinny

DammitMan ago

These models don’t look anything like what you would expect from a modeling agency. No gloss, no glitz, no smiles, no poses.

alphazebra ago

What makes you think these are models for looking at? Models are also built to test other words, built to break and learn from. Since we are already dealing with sick and twisted, I think we need to remember to not see them thru our eyes as to what a model represents. “Model” could just be a perverse homonym.

MystikMa ago

Their targeting a specific consumer base.

AmericanMagapede ago

They all look "Off"

Their face,

their demeanor,

their bone structure,

subconsciously I can feel something is very fucking wrong, but I can't figure out what the fuck that is

isalod_2298 ago

Particularly the shapes of the faces. Some of them have extreme proportions...too wide cheekbones, too skinny faces; you are absolutely right.

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

In total agreement with you both, that is what I meant by "human beauty" as in variation. All of these together show us human variation I think. Wide/narrow, big/small, etc. It's really like a menu.

Jimmycrackerson ago

I see this too. Some of these faces are very asymmetrical. Distorted, disfigured bone structures.

SilverAlaskanWolf55 ago

As a photographer I can honestly say without reservation that only a half dozen of the young women are Salvageable (professional makeup artist needed to be used in Any profitable ad campaign. Actually I'm probably being overly generous with 6. The majority of them are high on some drug, I wonder how many are "Used Up" in one of pizza dungeons before being Disposed of?

4KingandCountry ago

My God, their eyes are empty after years of abuse. Innocence long gone..

LeeDoverwood ago

Do you know any thing about Look model agency based in Sacramento?

SuperDoobie ago

If a person aspires to be a model and participate in the modern fashion industry they are broken already.

Truther65 ago

What makes you think they aspired to be models? They were nabbed, drugged and forced into this. Ever heard of human trafficking?

SuperDoobie ago

Not speaking to these specific individuals, those on the industry as a whole.

Truther65 ago

Got ya.

MystikMa ago

Expert or opinion or judgement?

SuperDoobie ago

Judgement and opinion.

jtreddit ago

their pupils are enlarged, must be drugged.

think- ago

To me, most of these people look drugged, broken, inbred, disabled, etc. it’s so fricken sad...

They even gave that look a specific term when writing about fashion. An old term was 'heroin chic', but the new one was something like 'street raw'. (?)


letsdothis3 ago

I'm not sure but we have posts about this agency dating back to over 2 years ago.

hildberht ago

They all look like street kids and why are all the guys photo's without their tops on?

Something very wrong about this agency. No offence to these kids but even a moron like me can see they are not model material.

GravityReel1999 ago

My thoughts as well. Possibly homeless/street kids or from broken homes that no one will care or notice if they're not home. Wave a few dollars in their face & entice them with a modelling career where they can earn more money & hang out with the rich & famous.

MrDarkWater ago

If you've ever looked at any hipster-clothing sites, you will have seen how the "ugly model" has been on trend for years

the_art_collector ago

Or maybe ugly "model" trend. Cheap. Disposable.

OriginalRealityCheck ago

Depends on who the audience is, doesn't it?

The elites are very sick people.

Blacksmith21 ago

These are humans for rent/sale/disposal. All of them are drugged - look at the pupils.

Many of them look to be of black Carribean and eastern European descent.

People hire "models" all the time for big events - corporate, product launch, tradeshow booth, jewelry, fashion, etc. It makes sense they could hire them for anything else.

MystikMa ago

Those are what they call Contact sheets, casting will need x-tras for a crowd scene. Unless it was for a horror, asylum off norm. To me,disposable's (product) may be the Buyer Mkt they procure for. S & M, snuff? The newsletter @ Comet Ping Pong PC selling slices/ old/ almost gone/expired from last Mo/ reduced drastically. Was the most bizarre & Fk'd shit, yet I know there's worse. Really hard to fathom the depravity.

Blacksmith21 ago

There are no limits for them. Each "level" comes with new depravities. The worst is reserved for the most elite.

kestrel9 ago

When they do both a modeling agency AND casting, that means they can scope out the most vulnerable and at risk kids to 'cast' in increasingly compromising jobs. They'll know the easy targets.

hamman365 ago

i know others have said this, but their eyes, no spark in most of them. Slack affect, you have to ask what are they on or have been through

comprametu ago

as if their soul was dead.

hamman365 ago


lckypscs ago

There is something weird and wrong with ALL of them. And their eyes...are they all drugged?

Bigneckedmanjr ago

Maybe disassociation from satanic sexual ritual abuse. Maybe a front for handlers working for drugs... I’m sure Ray can’t be at every coven/grove/State House/Hollywood elite party at the same time...

59Geezer ago

So sad.. They do look drugged for sure, and some even look like they could be genetically modified? That's pure speculation on my part, just to be clear.

Smokybubbles ago

It's hard for the kids to realize they're in danger or run away when they're drugged out of their mind.

think- ago

...are they all drugged?

You bet.

Basballdude ago

All the dudes are shirtless and there’s some creepy pictures with black plastic(viscuine) hanging behind them. Its kinda like thr Lethal Weapon movie when they put plastic down to keep the blood off the floor and couch...

Justme1111 ago

My guess is the plastic means those are the people meant for sacrifice. Just a guess but the black plastic means something different.

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

Yes, I noticed the same color and style of tarp that I own for leaves and shit behind several! Not good at all. They are reflective so perhaps that's a reason, but they are also good for cleaning up wet messes.

kaonashiii ago

yes...into psychosis.

Cristo316 ago

None of these kids look happy and healthy on the outside.

One can only imagine how broken their mind and spirits are.

At what point will the Lord pour out his wrath on those responsible?

Pray it's SOON!!

OriginalRealityCheck ago

Not meaning to be rude, but seriously looks like "only LGBT need apply."

This is sad and sick.

Blehblehbleh73 ago

I was thinking something similar. Like these are the sort of people libtards are STRIVING to be, and what for? Why would ANYONE want to look, feel, or be this way?

OriginalRealityCheck ago

Because all the Liberals, including the Media, keep insisting that it is "cool."

Blehblehbleh73 ago

Not the media's fault that these individuals make bad choices

OriginalRealityCheck ago

It looks like they don't have any choice.

Bushpilot ago

How about the kid with "overlooked everytime" tattooed on his chest.

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

I grew up with a father and mother, as did they, and my son and daughter are growing up like that as well. This is perhaps what affected me the most. Neither are EVER overlooked! That poor baby, to only be able to give him back his years and start anew.

Cristo316 ago

Missed heart aches for these kids.

So messed up.

Don't give up Patriots. Do not stop shining the light on this until these monsters are brought to Justice!!!

bopper ago


LokkenLoaded ago

In your first picture posted, the black dude at the very bottom, this is him:

pckpat ago

He looks like what in pre-PC times we used to call retarded. Or maybe he's just that stoned. Nice face tats...prison chic.

srayzie ago

Yep! You’re right.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Thank you @srayzie

srayzie ago

You’re welcome :-)