Vindicator ago

Vonn, I am flairing this "Potential Lead" to encourage further investigation.

srayzie ago

Many looked drugged. Some had bloody noses. Some beat up. Some were "special". Bullshit. Most, if not all, are not models. I can't believe you said that. There were tons of sickos responding to to the posts on Instagram. I sent thru many. I couldn't believe it. Many looked unhealthy and like they had been crying. There is something really fishy about you if you think this. I looked at articles about this "artist". I don't care what the dude calls himself. He's whacked. Anybody can call themselves an artist, photographer, etc. come on

ababcb ago

I think this deserves a bump.

Vonnp ago

Password: Melody But no place to put the password..VERY strange good catch!

ababcb ago

This is the stuff of nightmares...

SoManyQuestions ago WTF. If this isn't strange then I don't know what is...

RecycledUser ago

REMEMBER: you can right click on each IG pic, to see comments. Even the second one on her IG, was disgusting enough. Someone who has the time, can you please back these up???

RecycledUser ago

just be sure to backup everything you find; she'll most likely wipe it all, once she gets word of it. Plus there's already been three shills(?) on here today, with 'expertise', wanting to help and store all info on their server. don't want to see you guys lose all of your work. I'm sure others on here can give direction on when and who to report her to.

StayClearandAbove ago

One of the photo's has a comment by: The Academy of New York**

Code word "ART" means SEX:


Red shoes, checkered patterns, panda bears, young models, sexually suggestive T-shirts, Pedo Bear, "LATIN TEARS" photo of girl's body, that seem potentially pedo-themed, and super sexual, sick comments all around.

Even more bizarre are all the "construction" related photo's depicting like subway grates.

SUPER STRANGE Construction / Plumbing and Piping Pics...! Underground rooms?

Acid Dissolving tanks?

Can't make this stuff up.

Is this site trafficking / prostitution front? What are they selling really? T-shirts??? Puh-lease.

For those that know how to archive, please try to archive the sites...!

For the very technical, I wonder who can explore this website:

Wonder what is hidden!

EDIT: I may be confusing the Construction related pics from a link I followed from another sick-sounding commenter on theacademyofnewyork instagram which lead to all sorts of sexual innuendo and all sorts of construction related pics. I have closed the tab and lost the link and have no idea what pic I clicked to read it. My bad. If I find it again, I will post.


Not sure about the validity of Rachel Chandler as a potential Child Handler, but this article might help clear up some things about this particular casting/modeling agency:

Vonnp ago

These models are a front. They are of age and look more model like. You cannot look at Walter Pearce website and tell me these are normal models at least THREE are underage! They look malnourished and defiled.


They are not "normal" models, read the article. The business model of this agency is casting people who don't have the "normal" look, for use in specialized and new age modeling campaigns. Again, I can't speak on R. Chandlers ties to the Clinton's and anything pedo related, but simply stating that this particular agency could be legitimate.

Vonnp ago

The midland agency website yes, this secret Walter Pearce page connected to it was hard to find, like a secret page and, again, has underage children. My whole point is this website in particular, its separate from the main page. No names to the models, no contacts for the 'models,' nothing.

LtSilverFox ago

Well that was creepy as fk

srayzie ago

Scroll thru the comments. I posted some pictures and stuff

Vonnp ago

Its a front. There are children involved that's what I mean by fake.

Melitica ago

It is not a front. It is a real modeling agency that represents weird looking people...some of whom may be under 18 as are many models...for children's clothing.

anonymousj ago

LOOK!!!!! The Christmas stockings in the picture on the instagram spell SATAN! These children look drugged. Not a smile or hint of one on any of them. This is sick.

srayzie ago

Here are some creepy pictures from his Twitter account

A big trash bag. The comment says "Keeps blood off" Do you have any prints for sale?

Weird, drugged or odd looking people. Some imbred maybe?

Vonnp ago This Instagram page is linked to ray chandlers IG she directly tagged this person look at the whole page please do not comment on anything, I know its hard not to

Warnos44 ago

I agree with the sentiment that they adjusted their eye size to prevent facial recognition.

Warnos44 ago

The comment really makes that super creepy. And what is the spikey thing?

Womb_Raider ago

This photo looks especially odd to me. Is she inbred like @srayzie mentioned? Perhaps the child of a drug addict who had their child taken by Children and Families or something similar?

srayzie ago

Oh that's nothing. Look thru. Some are extremely odd looking and some even seem mentally disabled.

Womb_Raider ago

I couldn't keep scrolling. You can tell it's a god damned menu. I'll look again later :(

srayzie ago

Go look. I just added some


Wtf this is fucking whack. Somebody report this.

micha_ ago

Some of the women look extremely depressed, almost shocked. Lots of persons the FBI can interrogate.

srayzie ago

OMG. It gets even worse when you go to Instagram. People who leave comments are also sick. I need to archive some things. This is unbelievably sad. These pervert have public profiles! I'm just in shock. Ok, I am not trying to be mean. I feel so bad for these people. But many of them look VERY ODD. Like maybe inbred??

algernon4peace ago

It's terrifying to think about this, but in the wikileaks a 'farm' was mentioned. If it's horrifying to wonder about.

And you know the elite are a massively inbred lot themselves.

srayzie ago

Yeah, one of the big banker families, I think the Rothchild's, wanted to keep their blood line good so they married cousins and stuff


Possibly very true

Womb_Raider ago

Make local copies. Something not connected to the internet, flash drives if you have them are best for storing sensitive data you don't want tampered with, like evidence in this investigation.

srayzie ago

This isn't local. I don't even know this person. There could be missing teens here. Maybe go to the missing children's site or something

Womb_Raider ago

You said "I need to archive some things", I'm just saying that archive could be compromised at any time. You should be taking screenshots and storing them locally to prevent tampering. You don't have to, I'm not telling you to, I'm just saying if you care to keep it for long term and potentially as evidence, you should take certain steps to ensure its longevity.

srayzie ago

Oh ok. I got you. Thank you

UprightAndStanding ago

The walterpearce pics need used as meme backgrounds for more sensitive human interest psa. "This girl just got cast as a trafficked teenager. Except that it's not a's real." And some stats about missing children.

Meme some simple graphs using missing kids stats Especially a map of US. Highlighting the D.C. Proximity.

Let's raise awareness now of human trafficking in general. Don't force PG yet. Spoon feed the masses. Like the sad puppy commercials that tugs at heartstrings. Connect some sad human faces to the terminology of trafficking.

Melitica ago

He is an actual agent...modeling. Represents Hood by air clothing. Specializes in trans, genderqueer and ugly or weird looking people. Has been mentioned several times in vogue, teen vogue and other fashion mags. Website is not fake...models look that way for "style". Millenial hipster gay bullshit.

mangosmoothie ago

Her tumblr is so odd...

MeatballPizza ago

I think think is worthy of a STICKY

MeatballPizza ago

Very disturbing. She allegedly became the provider of these victims after she was abused herself. Shocking to see her still out there with a public face of any kind.

TokyoJoe ago

Those modeling agencies always seem sketchy, telling people their kids are so cute, take pics, give us your address and number. There was something about one of the TV agencies similar set up, and it was a catalog to sell them. Maybe the buyer pics the child out and then is taken?

Vonnp ago this her Instagram and the people she associated with on there have pictures of naked children!!!!

micha_ ago



All those people look either doped up or abused. Disturbing.

Kawksnahch ago

That site is weird... a lot of the photos are shopped. The... the eyes... sometimes the shapes of the heads... It's as if they're being distorted on purpose, which could... be... a style? But... i think they're distorted so as not to be trawl by image searches.... maaaaaybe. Something is seriously off/fucked with these images.

Kawksnahch ago

i happen to be professional photographer and can tell you it's not lens distortion. Iiiiiit's literally the one thing i can call bullshit on.

This is not that.

Edit: some of them could just be deformed, malformed, or straight up weird lookin'. But.. there're a couple that are like... that's not how people are built.

auil ago

Theyre definitely using a really low focal length. They look like caricatures- freaks me out.