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Blacksmith21 ago

Even better, the shooter had a magic gun with brass that evaporated before it hit the ground:


Vindicator ago

Hmm. Links are blanks?

Blacksmith21 ago

I just watched the video again. Those rounds disappeared. Given the contrast against the white column and grey concrete, you would see the shells hit the ground in that video.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm willing to hedge my bet on poor video resolution, but I didn't see anything in the videos which looked obviously like someone just unloaded a couple hundred rounds in a confined space. Esp on the scene on the concrete. What is obviously missing is the clinking sound of brass hitting the ground after the last shot. Usually about 1-1.5 secs for ejected cartridge to hit the sounds.

Again, there are a lot of variables involved, but you would have seen the empty shells bouncing around. Also, ARs eject at 90 degrees. Those shells looked to eject forward at 45 degrees. weird.

think- ago

fyi: Archived page is empty, @Blacksmith21.

SitelessVagrant ago

Watch it again. Look in the upper right. You can see the cartridges rolling around on the ground.

muffalettadiver ago

That is huge. What is going on?! This is some crazy shit.

Adam_Jensen_ ago

Your archive is not loading the picture for some reason.

whysosensitive ago

You can see the cartridge hit the pavement in the dark spot. Theres no mystery here.

Fagtardicus ago

so those muslims were shot at by blanks?

Adminstrater ago

It does appear strange, but I think it could be accounted for by the video compression. Once the brass shells get far enough away from the camera, the compression makes it indistinguishable from what is in the majority of the region of the frame being compressed.

Other than that, there is still a probability it could not have been live footage being streamed.

MolochHunter ago

wowee. You should make this its own post

mrfetus ago

The brass behaves correctly, it's hitting the ground by the pillar.

VicariousJambi ago

I see it too

theHare ago

i see it too, they are piling up over by the pillar. could still be blanks i guess.

mrfetus ago

I'd would have been easier for them to just shoot people. Not like they care.

DawnPendraig ago

Wow. Nice catch whoever spotted that.

mrfetus ago


Keneo77 ago

Wow, cgi

srayzie ago

So many things are not making sense about that shooting

Novusod ago

RainDrops ago

There were two different mosques involved in the attack.

Those photos above from inside the second mosque, the Linwood Islamic Centre. There were victims inside and outside on the street.
Body obscured in foreground:

The first mosque, the Al Noor Mosque, is where the gunman went inside and killed the majority of the victims. It has a green carpet with a pattern in it.

Photo of carpet taken prior to the shooting:
Four year old victim:

Blacksmith21 ago

It's another fake flag. Just like watching the Ft. Lauderdale airport shooting. Once you know what to look for, it becomes very obvious.

RainDrops ago

I think you're a bit confused as there is a difference between a false flag attack and a fake attack.

In a false flag attack, there is actually an attack that occurs that is then falsely attributed to an innocent party, group, nation etc. Actual people still die, real devastation occurs.

In a faked attack, the entire event is staged, it never even actually occurs and any so called victims are all part of the drama. No one actually dies but everyone plays a part.

Remember: Problem-Reaction-Solution.
Create a problem, using a false flag terrorist attack, thus engineering an emotional response, such as fear or hatred, from the public. The public then demand that action be taken to solve and/or prevent similar events from occurring in the future. This allows the enactment of the predeterimed solution that was wanted all along.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm not confused at all. False flag = people dying in an event. Fake flag = 100% faked/staged event (hoax). Hope that clears it up for ya.

RainDrops ago

But people actually died at those mosques in NZ making the attack a false flag.

Blacksmith21 ago

How do you know?

RainDrops ago

It's simpler, more economical, and produces more of an emotional response when the event is real. Why pay them and risk that someone will reveal a hoax, when it's much easier to just do the deed.

"Three can keep a secret, if two of them are dead."

Blacksmith21 ago

Refer to Sandy Hook.

RainDrops ago

The Sandy Hook hoax theory, promoted by disinformation agent Alex Jones, to discredit and make people look crazy...
Sorry, I'm not buying into that either.

singlebrain1 ago

Anything promoted by AJ is suspect.

RainDrops ago

Exactly what I said. Thank you!

Blacksmith21 ago

Then maybe you should study up on the SCIENCE of Blood Pattern Analysis. This is what happens when you shoot someone with a 5.56 near a wall:

I appreciate your concern trolling.

RainDrops ago

How do you not know?

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm not convinced. There are too many inconsistencies in the videos and photos. If you paid attention to the Ft. Lauderdale airport shooting, you'd see all of the same hallmarks as Christchurch - fake blood, people acting oddly in that type of situation, etc. Then there are forensic inconsistencies - like what appears to be prestaged ammo mags and blood spatter analysis which doesn't jive.

Bottom line -- A room in which 20-30 pp were shot up against the wall with a 5.56 does NOT, I'll repeat DOES NOT, resemble any crime scene blood spatter analysis I've seen.

Why are you stumping so hard for it to be real versus staged versus fake?

That's called confirmation bias. The only thing I'm doing is assembling known details and they are all falling into the staged column.

@kyjane @vindicator @srayzie (read the article/watch the video)

KyJane ago

I don't disagree with you, Blacksmith21. I absolutely do believe this was all staged. The blood spatter is non-existent as far as I can see and the total amount of blood... there should have been MUCH more, and why no bullet holes at all in the walls around those shot? It's all looks way too neat to be real.

srayzie ago

I think it was a false flag. I think people really did die.

That first video I watched that was almost 15 minutes long looked real.

The shorter video, which may be the 2nd location, did not seem real.


Vindicator ago

Thanks for the links, Blacksmith.

Shepperoni ago

What about the headshots at the end? Looked REAL to me.

think- ago

False flag doesn't necessarily mean that nobody was killed.

RainDrops ago

I watched the entire video, it was real. I saw part of her head blow out away from her. There was also blood and brain matter on the street. It was gruesome!

pepefrogjr ago

think about CGI or holographic display. they can make micheal jackson appear and dance on stage using hologram, they can do this too.

its a possibility

Shepperoni ago

Yeah I watched it strictly because the dozens of people saying it was fake. So I wanted to see the fakery. Well I was upset to find quite the opposite. Horrible.