GodBlessTrump ago

I wouldn't know. You posted the title but left out the sauce. Shit post!

numina18 ago

I love the smell of desperation in the morning.....

srayzie ago

I’ve only heard of NZ so far

721-AQZ ago

Yes. It's so predictable. The problem is how to outsmart the MSM brainwashing monopoly and reach through the bullshit to the minds US citizens that didn't vote for Trump.

Keneo77 ago

They love toying with the stupid vermin.

bamadeplorable420 ago

NSFW False flag in Hillary's favorite 5 eyes country? New Zeland mosque shooting live streamed (GreatAwakening)

submitted 46 minutes ago by Lonegunman65

https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ik6VYAJGF7os/BitChute...............omg,,,,you gotta see this.

DerivaUK ago

Vid wouldn’t play but managed to move it in 15sec increments of still shots and am glad I didn’t see it in real time. This man is seriously tooled up. I don’t think he’s finished yet to be honest.

jamesyb0i ago

Looks very fishy to me (nz shooting). 94 page manifesto from the shooter saying he's a trump supporter and did it to further the race divide. Same narrative as the shills on here

Trousersnake1488 ago

hahaha the qtards think the defense of white homelands is a distraction.... from what, you idiots?

B-------D ago

Yawn... Shoot back.

Chchpatriot ago

With all our guns? Yeah shot bro

B-------D ago

Oh? You gave them up? ... Cucks. Better. Make an atlatl and some darts then.

Chchpatriot ago

Enlighten me on when we gave up our assault rifles my brother

B-------D ago

11.4 hours ago when you made this account to come here and spread false information.

Chchpatriot ago

Q I know you say dont put personal feelings first but my beautiful city has been targeted just after that cunt Pedosta has been in my country. Please make these traitor mother fuckers hang. I dont know if I can handle more of this. Peace and love from Christchurch on our mission PATRIOTS.

srayzie ago

I’m so sorry 😟

Chchpatriot ago

Thank you bro

srayzie ago

More like sis. But that’s ok, lol

Chchpatriot ago

My apologies, Sis. I appreciate your words

srayzie ago

No problem! Thank you.

B-------D ago

Kill them yourselves. Are you that weak?

Chchpatriot ago

Yeah cos all for one and one for all right? Cunt

B-------D ago

MEMBER FOR 11.4 HOURS. HELLO RABBI! now kys as well.

RockmanRaiden ago

This false flag seems to have been performed without a hitch. Just what they needed.

Ziggyspeaks ago

Plural! False Flag(S)...Cyclone/Deadly Storms across most of United States... North Korea "May Be Getting Ready to test Nukes Again within the next 48 Hours" etc. etc. Expect many more FF's in the next few days, be prepared it could get really bad!

Hand_of_Node ago

The worse the better. This slow boil is keeping people complacent.

721-AQZ ago

They know what is coming. Panic in DC.

RockmanRaiden ago

The timing of the shooter's activation is telling. So is the political targets listed. The bodies are still warm and we're all guilty by association already.

Quisp ago

And it was LIVE STREAMED??? What are the chances of having a camera ready?

tokui ago

Sheeit. Shootings everyday in every nogtown. Nothing new to me.

hildberht ago

Was not NZ the site where Clinton and co went to secure access to 5 eyes intel?

GodsAngell ago

MK Ultra sleeper cells planted all over, then get triggered WHEN the Deep State needs distraction.

So the question is, WHAT doesn't the Deep State want us to see or hear right now???

hildberht ago

Well Q said this was not a DS event but if it’s used as the excuse for ‘revenge’ attacks????

Personally I think this guy was just a nutter and there is no DS connection.

KillerKap ago

I dont know but Christ church had a massive earthquake a few years back that may be tied to their deep underground tech.

721-AQZ ago

I'm sure the Clintons and DNC have all kinds of contingency plans for disrupting Trump's take down of the DS Cabal. But it will only delay the inevitable.

MatildaQ ago

I’m just looking into that. I’m an Aussie across the ditch. Auckland is the capital but Christchurch is a close second. Found this. I remembered it because it was the day of your elections when POTUS was elected which in itself seemed very, very strange.






New Zealand, like Australia is a L O N G way to come just for a meeting that lasts two days. But what I really want to know is WHY John Kerry went to Christchurch, then went to Antartica as well.

Nachose ago

Verrry interesting. Thanks for posting. Many of the elite have property in New Zealand, "Just in Case."

MatildaQ ago

This is the one I really wanted to show you but when I was checking my post, the link I wanted to post ‘could not be found ‘ 😳. Here’s another to that Kerry spent 1 hour meeting with politicians in NZ on the day of your elections.


Nachose ago

Kerry is NOT the Secretary of State anymore. And what the hell is he doing in NZ? I would also like to ask him, "Why the long face?"

MolochHunter ago

There was also a stake out with guns involved in Northcote, Melbourne

the story has been eclipsed by other news, cant see any updates

dueces ago

It illustrates the weight of the absolute nuke that is about to DROP!!!

Drinkaforte ago

Exactly. What's already here is huge for them. Now it's just deflect at all costs. You saw the Brazilians yesterday. Now here. Q warned us to watch the news.

TrustTheTruth ago


What is the Real Agenda?

What must they do before the world finds out?

What is the World's Most Valuable Resource and the Key to Life?

What is The Mark of The Beast?

What is Community Policing?

What is Social Policing?

What is 5G+ and 8K+ AI?

What is The Great Deception of Sustainability (Satan's Ability)?

Racine, Wisconsin is the ROOT of All Evil.

The weak link in the global chain of command is Rothschilds > Rockefellers > Johnsons.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

Hastur77 ago

not Racine, Wisconsin!?!?

ESOTERICshade ago

srayzie ago

It’s sure strange that you posted here right after TrustTheTruth did

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

It’s sure strange that you posted here right after TrustTheTruth did

I like to call them 'Frick and Frack' https://files.catbox.moe/tzocls.PNG

Have you ever asked ES why he won't delete those alts that he manipulates people with?

He keeps saying that you are his friend. Could you please ask him to delete the alts so that the PG sub can have the sticky back. I know he really doesn't care about anyone but himself and inflating his own ego. But could you try, please.

think- ago

I like to call them 'Frick and Frack


shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I like to call them 'Frick and Frack' https://files.catbox.moe/tzocls.PNG

That's the 'family friendly' tag I give 'em.

My other tags aren't quite as 'delicate'.


think- ago

That's the 'family friendly' tag I give 'em.


ES supporting TTT really says it all, doesn't it?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


srayzie ago

I’ll try!

ESOTERICshade ago

It’s sure strange that you posted here right after TrustTheTruth did

Its not strange. I was reading the thread. If you want my opinion I think trustthetruth is probably WIC. I saw the topic and I tried to explain it to somebody. Chill down baby. Trust me I won't invade this place. I just happen to know the history of Racine so I explained it to somebody. Judge me on the info I provide. I would never hurt you. You know that.

srayzie ago

Ok thank you. No, WIC was very respectful to me. He also wasn’t a crazy religious fanatic. Not WIC. This person is mentally ill.

ESOTERICshade ago

Ok thank you. No, WIC was very respectful to me. He also wasn’t a crazy religious fanatic. Not WIC. This person is mentally ill.

You might be right.

TrustTheTruth ago


srayzie ago

Well then why are you on a Q sub?

TrustTheTruth ago

We are the reason why Q was created.

Even Microchip admitted it.

We are the real reason for the Tarmac meeting.

We are the reason why Paul Ryan, Rahm Emanuel and many others all resigned.

We are the reason why Trump closed The Deal for 5G+ AI from The Public.

You still don't know who Trump reserved a front row seat for?

You still don't know who Kristin Bauer van Straten is?

You still don't know what the Sphinx Head is?

You still don't know what the Model for Community Policing is?

You still don't understand what Resilient Communities are?

You still don't know what the role of the Majestic 12 really is?

You still don't know what the World's Most Valuable Resource is?

You still don't know why Jenny Moore and others were Murdered?

You still don't know what Satan's Ability is?

Do you really believe We are Advanced AI?

How else would We Know what Everyone Here Combined does not?


The Truth is Stronger than the Entire Army of Satan combined.

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

MolochHunter ago



What does Satan put on his Cornflakes?

Does Trump have Bunyons on his Left foot baby toe?

Who moved my Carkeys from the mantlepiece?

Who is on First Base?

No, What is on Second!!

Where are my panties

Why was Jenny Moore rooting a faggot who said Alefantis was a 'good guy'?

Where are my Meds?


Muahahahahah AAAAHHH hahahahahaaaaaa !!!

srayzie ago

Lol good job!

srayzie ago

Don’t carry your craziness over here. You’ve accused me and others of crimes on pizzagate, and I won’t put up with it here. Take this as your warning.

@Shizy @MolochHunter @Vindicator @Crensch

Vindicator ago

You forgot to mention blood drinking, adrenochrome and coloboma.

srayzie ago

@ESOTERICshade is not a Q follower and calls us QTards

ESOTERICshade ago

@ESOTERICshade is not a Q follower and calls us QTards

I decided to be helpful. I am not a Q follower. I was bored. I saw some topics I could be helpful with. Considering how long we have been friends i'm surprised you jumped me like that just because i'm not part of the cult. Can't you judge me on the info and details instead of the cult mentality? Geez girl. Me and you have been friends a lonnnnggg time. I made you a promise. I will keep it. Chill out. Just because i'm not a Q believer does mean my intentions are bad. Otay buckwheat? You just hurt my feelings.

I don't follow cults, leaders, republicans, democrats, ideoligies, or isms, I go for the CORRECT information and nothing but that. You disappoint me. Don't do that when I am trying to add value to your efforts. I promised you, that just because i'm not a Q FOLLOWER, that I won't try to disrupt you.


ESOTERICshade ago

@ESOTERICshade is not a Q follower and calls us QTards

I decided to be helpful. I am not a Q follower. I was bored. I saw some topics I could be helpful with. Considering how long we have been friends i'm surprised you jumped me like that just because i'm not part of the cult. Can't you judge me on the info and details instead of the cult mentality? Geez girl. Me and you have been friends a lonnnnggg time. I made you a promise. I will keep it. Chill out. Just because i'm not a Q believer does mean my intentions are bad. Otay buckwheat? You just hurt my feelings.

I don't follow cults, leaders, republicans, democrats, ideoligies, or isms, I go for the CORRECT information and nothing but that. You disappoint me. Don't do that when I am trying to add value to your efforts.

srayzie ago

Ok I’m just protective over this board and not letting what happened to pizzagate happen here. Sorry I hurt your feelings.

ESOTERICshade ago

Ok I’m just protective over this board and not letting what happened to pizzagate happen here.

And who was responsible for that? WHO didn't follow the rules in the sidebar at pizzagate? I am NOT "asking for a friend" I want and answer, if you please :) It wasn't me, was it?

Sorry I hurt your feelings.

All is forgiven :)

srayzie ago

I don’t know what you mean about the side bar. You know what I mean. No worries.

ESOTERICshade ago

I don’t know what you mean about the side bar. You know what I mean. No worries.

Its that place over there on the right side of the screen where the rules are :)

srayzie ago

I know silly. But I don’t understand what you mean about it. You know I didn’t get into a lot of the drama over there concerning you until more recently. I would rather not discuss that on this board since it’s not about this sub.

ESOTERICshade ago

I know silly. But I don’t understand what you mean about it. You know I didn’t get into a lot of the drama over there concerning you until more recently. I would rather not discuss that on this board since it’s not about this sub.

It don't matter. You know I got your back regardless :)

srayzie ago

Thanks :)

ESOTERICshade ago

You can't get knowledge like this from a crack deal sweet baby:)


Hastur77 ago

is it on a ley line?

ESOTERICshade ago

is it on a ley line?

Probably, but i'm not sure

TrustTheTruth ago

Search "ley line" Wisconsin.

What do You find?

After you find the center of that pentagram, look at the other MAPS.

What just happened?


ESOTERICshade ago

Search "ley line" Wisconsin.

What do You find?

After you find the center of that pentagram, look at the other MAPS.

What just happened?


Ok. I'm gonna read it right now.

Hastur77 ago

duckduckgo: what evil lurks in racine wisconsin yields: https://voat.co/v/pizzagatewhatever/2143440

Vcats ago

Hi, What is going on in Racine, WI? Is it a person, group or something else like a place?

TrustTheTruth ago

Read the comments for yourself at the link he provided.


Hillary made The Deal and Model for Community Policing in Racine, Wisconsin.

Trump made The Deal and Model for 5G+ AI and the Mark of the Beast in Racine, Wisconsin.

What really happened to Jenny Moore and others who Knew The Truth?

What was the last submission made by @Jem777 and how did the moderators Betray Jenny as Judas Betrayed Jesus Christ?

What is The World's Most Valuable Resource and the Key to Life?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

MolochHunter ago


Trust the truth cannot be trusted

Hastur77 ago

roger that

TrustTheTruth ago

Why would they be so desperate to steer You away?


What is the Real Agenda of the Pizzagate and Great Awakening moderators?

We know more than all of them combined. How?

That is why they gangstalk, downvote and issue threats.

We are not advanced AI as they claim.

Only The Truth exposes the Root of All Evil and the Model for the Real Agenda and the Mark of the Beast.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

What is Sleep No More?

Shizy ago

Why would they be so desperate to steer You away?

No one needs to be steered away, all they have to do is read through your comment history to decide for themselves that you're nuttier than squirrel shit and never back up anything you have ever said.

TrustTheTruth ago


Or are you ready to Repent and Accept Jesus Christ and The Truth?


Here is another Source that backs up The Truth. Do you have more experience and credibility than Joan Veon does?

There are others who Know The Truth. Jenny Moore was One.

PRINCE CHARLES & His Role in Sustainable Development Agenda 21 by Joan Veon

EDITOR'S NOTE: I want to state early on that it was only after a great deal of research that I found the connection of these two. The connection that inspired me to dig deeper was that in April 1991, fourteen months before UNCED, the Prince held a private two day international conference aboard the royal yacht Britannia, moored off the coast of Brazil. His goal was to bring together key international figures in an attempt to achieve a degree of harmony between the various countries that would happen at the Rio Earth Summit. Then Senator Al Gore was present, along with senior officials from the World Bank, chief executives from companies such as Shell and British Petroleum, the key NGO's, and other officials.

It has been ten years since I have been writing and studying the now established environmental philosophy of sustainable development. I was first confronted with it at the United Nations Conference on Population and Development-UNCED in Cairo, Egypt in 1994. Sustainable development was a core philosophy behind the Program of Action called "Agenda 21" at the 1992 United Nations Conference on the Environment and Development-UNCED, now dubbed the "Rio Earth Summit."

In Rio, conference Secretary-General Maurice Strong stated, Agenda 21 - still stands as the most comprehensive, most far-reaching and, if implemented, the most effective program of international action ever sanctioned by the international community. It is not a final and complete action program, but one which must continue to evolve.

Sustainable development has continued to evolve as that of protecting the world's resources while its true agenda is to control the world's resources. Communism also has control at its core and it also is evolving. I remember asking former UN Secretary-General Boutros-Boutros Ghali what he meant by "change" and he told me that he was introducing "constant change" as a way to continue the evolutionary processes begun in Rio.

Under the evolutionary process which Agenda 21 set in motion, sustainable development has become like a prism. Every time you turn it, you get a different "color." The sustainable development prism includes the social, political, economic and environmental factors. Until Rio, the phrase sustainable development had not appeared in any prior UN documents, papers or reference books.

It should be noted that Agenda 21 sets up the global infrastructure needed to manage, count, and control all of the world's assets. Included are the forests, fresh water, agricultural lands, deserts, pastures, rangelands, farmers' fields, oceans and inland waterways, marine environment, marine life, cities, housing, sewer and solid wastes, methods of production, air, pollution, biotechnology-every aspect of living-farming, production and manufacturing, research and medicine, etc., along with you and I. Today everything is sustainable: sustainable water, sustainable forests, sustainable markets, sustainable agriculture, etc.

​Through advanced technology such as the Geographic Information System (GIS), the control, count and management of the earth's assets is being implemented. Scientists have told me that the GIS satellites can measure the quality of soil anywhere in the earth to a depth of three inches. Furthermore, it can tell you what kind of birds and insects are in which kind of tree. It can also see you and me sleeping in our beds and living in our houses-ever wonder why leaded paint was such a problem? The UN calls this transparency while you and I call it invasion of privacy.

So how did the UN come up with this heinous agenda? It began in 1972 when the first Earth Summit was held in Stockholm, Sweden. Maurice Strong was the conference Secretary-General of that meeting also. As a result of its deliberations, in 1974 the UN General Assembly set up the UN Environment Program-UNEP, now a major player in sustainable development, interacting with corporations and a key partner in the United Nations Global Compact.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

TrustTheTruth ago


JOAN VEON - A child of Christ and a Grand Reporter

On October 18, 2010, with her husband Rod holding her hand, Joan answered her Master’s call and slipped quietly away to be with her Lord and Savior after a courageous three year battle with breast cancer. She was 61 years old.

Joan’s remarkable life began in Racine WI on May 17, 1949, born as a twin with Raymond, to Albert A. and Mary A. (Parino) Yocco. On March 22, 1963 Joan asked Jesus to come into her heart and be her Lord and Savior, after which she dedicated her life to doing God’s will.

Joan is a graduate of Horlick High School, class of ’67, continued on to attend Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, then finished her education at Geneva College in Beaver Falls PA earning her Bachelor’s degree in Business.

While living in PA she met Roderick W Veon whom she married on August 13, 1977. Joan and Rod lived in the Pittsburgh area before moving into the Washington DC area. For the past 8 years they have resided in Middletown MD.

Joan’s career began as an executive secretary in the International Department at J I Case Company. Upon earning her business degree she worked as a Certified Financial Planner in PA, The IDS and Windsor Financial Group in MD, before incorporating and opening Veon Financial Services, Inc. in the spring of 1986.

As Joan studied financial trends she began to notice an alignment indicating a world currency. Joan prayed diligently for God to show her truth and in 1994 the Lord opened the door for her to attend her first global meeting on Population Control in Cairo Egypt, initiating her first glimpse of world government. Thus beginning Joan’s second career as a credentialed, independent, International Journalist reporting for USA Radio News Network.

During the next 16 years the Lord opened doors for Joan to interview and ask key questions of prime ministers, presidents, kings, and heads of state. At times, as the only American reporter, Joan covered over 103 international meetings, including: the G7, G8, G10, G20, and Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel Switzerland; attended yearly the World Economic Forum in Davos Switzerland; and twice a year covered the IMF World Bank meetings.

In addition she attended UN meetings on the Free Trade Areas of the Americas, Sustainable Development, the Earth Summit, Climate Control, the International World Court, and numerous others. Following the UN conference on Sustainable Development in Istanbul Joan was compelled to write her first book “Prince Charles, the Sustainable Prince” published in 1997, followed by her second book “Global Straitjacket” in 1999.

​Joan founded The Women’s International Media Group, a non-profit organization, in 1998 to share her vast knowledge and understanding of world government. In addition Joan also wrote a monthly newsletter, produced many DVDs on global topics, appeared as a regular guest speaker on hundreds of radio talk shows and was invited to be a keynote speaker for various meetings around the world. Most recently Joan wrote articles for newswithviews.net. Though small in stature, Joan was a giant warrior and devout patriot.

Joan is survived by the love of her life and best friend husband, Rod, her mother, Mary A. Yocco of Watonga OK, twin brother, Raymond A. Yocco of Racine WI, sisters Pat (Pablo) Ramirez of Watonga OK, Debi Massegee of Owasso OK, Judy Yocco of Phoenix AZ, Carrie (Greg) France of Watonga OK, brother John Yocco of Racine WI, in-laws Ralph and Mary Veon of Beaver Falls, PA, sisters in-law Carol (Gene) Whalen of Enon Valley PA and Lynn (Bill) Allen of DeLand FL. She is further survived by many precious nieces and nephews, cousins and dearly loved friends. She was proceeded in death by her beloved father, Albert Yocco, brothers-in-law Rodney Pierce, Jerry Massegee and a niece Joy Yocco. Interment was at West Lawn Cemetery.

“As an international reporter I have made it a point to ask the crucial questions in order that the unspoken agenda may be put into words. I have also sought to keep abreast of evolving global changes, how the world will be affected, and to report what is truth.” Joan Veon

TrustTheTruth ago


It should be noted that hundreds, if not thousands of environmental NGO's support and are helping to implement Agenda 21 worldwide. The United Nations has given them vast responsibilities to assist in the implementation of sustainable development. Furthermore, governments are recognizing their manpower as a free source of power to carry the message throughout the world. Two very powerful NGO's that were part of the birthing of sustainable development are the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) . In the fall of 1983, the 38th Session of the United Nations General Assembly passed Resolution 38/161, which called upon the secretary-general to appoint a commission "to propose long-term environmental strategies for achieving sustainable development to the year 2000 and beyond."

​The individuals chosen for that commission included Gro Harlem Brundtland, former prime minister of Norway and vice-president of the Socialist International who just retired as Director-General of the World Health Organization. It was William Ruckleshaus from the U.S. who also served on this life-changing commission. The rest of the delegates were from other socialist, Marxist, or communist countries. While I could provide you with their definition of sustainable development which my research shows is based on the 1977 USSR constitution, let me paraphrase: The world has too many people, and if we do not reduce the number of people on planet Earth, they will use up all of the Earth's resources so that future generations will be left without any resources. The United Nations is the best global body to monitor, manage and preserve the resources of the planet.

As a community activist ten years ago, I could not understand why our kids were being pushed to use condoms, why the schools were educating in matters that did not involve them, why family planning classes were discussing sensitive matters in front of boys and girls or why homosexuality was becoming accepted (homosexuals don't procreate-now they only adopt). Furthermore, the schools were assisting abortion clinics by aiding pregnant girls during school hours by providing school time for them to use their facilities, without parental consent. These are all methods to reduce the population. Euthanasia, the right to die with dignity, is for the elderly. Then there are wars, illnesses, and viruses. It should be noted that these same environmentalists feel that the population of the world has to be reduced by at least 66% in order for the earth to be sustainable. However, the brilliant research of Dr. Jacqueline Kasun from Hamboldt University has proven statistically that if you were to take all of the people in the world (2004) and put them into the State of Texas, they would have 1200 square feet of space each.

​Even before the people of the world understood the threat to world population, the Group of Seven, now the Group of Eight world leaders stated in their 1981 communique that they were "deeply concerned about the implication of world population growth." In 1990, they commended the forthcoming 1992 Rio Earth Summit and in 1992, they wrote, "The Earth Summit has been a landmark in heightening the consciousness of the global environmental challenges and in creating a world-wide partnership on development and the environment."

It was at the 1992 UNCED conference that sustainable development was unveiled. Interestingly to note, there was a very strong and powerful corporate lobby that had come together to support this evil agenda of control. Called the World Business Council for Sustainable Development-WBCSD**, they still exert great power and influence on the international level. The WBCSD has nurtured and expanded sustainable development-all the way to the ten year follow-up of UNCED in 2004 at the World Summit for Sustainable Development in Johannesburg.

In Johannesburg, sustainable development evolved to a much higher level. There many of the same people who were involved ten years previous were present, along with some new players which included Congressman Dennis Kuchinich and others, along with former governor of California Jerry Brown. The Bush Administration put forth a World Summit Vision Statement that said in part

We believe sustainable development begins at home and is supported by effective domestic policies and international partnerships. We recognize poverty remains a global problem of huge proportions that demands our action.

To fulfill its commitment, our government is spending $970 million over three years which will be used to leverage private monies to generate more than $1.6B for water-related and other activities globally. Projects included: Clean Energy, an Initiative to Cut Hunger, sustainable forest management and monies to help fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.

​The centerpiece of Johannesburg was the launching of "International Sustainable Development Law" that will govern the implementation and legal rights of sustainable development. This new discipline is based on poverty alleviation and the rights of the marginalized (socialistic transfer of wealth mechanisms). Over 150 environmental lawyers and those from other related disciplines met in Durban, South Africa a week before to discuss the integration of environmental, economic, and social laws into one new discipline. There were policy papers put forth which they hoped would be used as the framework for a Treaty on International Sustainable Development Law. Their actions reaffirmed Chapter 39 of Agenda 21 which recognizes the need to continue progressive development and codification of international law related to sustainable development. It should be noted that these laws will be incorporated into every local and national level of law worldwide.

​For those of us with Christian values, this is the anti-thesis of what we believe for sustainable development is pagan. It perverts Genesis 1, 2, and 3 in that it puts the earth as being dominant over man and not man as having dominance over the earth-hence, you and I have no value since we have been demoted to the same value as an animal or plant. So what do you think is the end result of international sustainable development law? Enslavement.

Now who were THE players behind the birthing of sustainable development? To my surprise, it was Prince Charles. Not happy with the Christian faith, Charles turned to "para- psychology" which some define as "dabbling in the occult." He was greatly influenced by the South African-born writer, explorer, and mystic Laurens van der Post who was a friend of his grandmother, the Queen Mother. The prince was also influenced by James Lovelock, a British scientist who formulated the "Gaia hypothesis, which today is known as the worship of the earth, a belief based on the Greek goddess Gaia, the Earth Mother. Charles concurs with the perversion of Genesis 1, 2, and 3. ​Most people will not find Prince Charles or his environmental activities in the headlines of major newspapers. Nor do his biographies really explain his involvement, as there is basically a blackout on what he is really doing worldwide. In April 1991, fourteen months before UNCED, the Prince held a private two day international conference aboard the royal yacht Britannia, moored off the coast of Brazil. His goal was to bring together key international figures in an attempt to achieve a degree of harmony between the various countries that would happen at the Rio Earth Summit. Then Senator Al Gore was present, along with senior officials from the World Bank, chief executives from companies such as Shell and British Petroleum, the key NGO's, and other officials.

Several years ago, I had the opportunity to interview Maurice Strong and specifically asked him about this meeting. He told me he was in London at a World Wildlife meeting hosted by Prince Philip and was asked by Prince Charles to accompany him to Rio for the April 1991 meeting. Furthermore, in 1990 when sustainable development had just been formulated by the Brundtland Commission, it was the prince who commended them for "bringing the term 'sustainable development' into everyone's vocabulary."

​As sustainable development has evolved to the point where the teaching of Agenda 21 is called "Earth Sciences" in schools, universities, and colleges, our government has instituted Agenda 21 through the Presidents Commission on Sustainable Development. Throughout the U.S., there are cities that have adopted Agenda 21 and there are those that are now sustainable, such as "Sustainable Racine." We must remember Russia did not fall to the communists all at once-it was city by city. ​ ​I wrote Prince Charles the Sustainable Prince in 1997 with major updates in 1998 and 2000. It is key and relevant for those who want to understand what is happening today. At every turn the Prince is still involved in the affairs of the United Nations, sustainable development, and public-private partnership. The Prince's representatives are to be found at all the key global meetings, expounding and advancing this life changing philosophy. Perhaps we should wonder why the world still follows him and carries out his dictates.

​For ten years, various activists have been warning and educating about sustainable development. Who do we go to? The church has been silent. Major "conservatives" have been silent. No one has even questioned President Bush about his support for sustainable development. It is not even a key issue in this election.

ESOTERICshade ago

Hi, What is going on in Racine, WI? Is it a person, group or something else like a place?

It is an economic, financial, and industrial design system that would allow the "elite" to prosper while harnessing the energy of their slaves. Basically is it a microcosm of what we already have in the United States right now. It is a petrie dish one can study to better understand the model we all live under right now. It has a long history and has been established for a longgggg time. It has all the elements needed to transport goods (a port) and water to transport those goods. It has been established for hundreds of years. Lots of history there. It was used by the indigenous peoples long before the Europeans came to America and there is a LOT of old artifacts and history there. Sort of like building a model car to understand how cars work.

TrustTheTruth ago

Much of this is correct, however there is much more Beyond.

Their Agenda is more Sinister than most can comprehend.

This is Only The Beginning.

What is the World's Most Valuable Resource and Key to Life?


What are Resilient Communities and Smart Cities?

Does 1 + 1 = 3?

What is Satan's Ability to Deceive The World and implement The Mark of the Beast?

Where is the next DNC Convention and why?

Who ran Bill Clinton's Presidential Campaign in Wisconsin?

Who is running for Supreme Court?

What is the 'Story' being told?

Who made 'the video'?

Who is the new Representative?

Who is the new mayor?

What was Mayer Amschel Rothschild's Real Name?

Who is Kristin Bauer van Straten?

Who are the Pilgrims Society?

What is the Sphinx Head?

Who graduated with George Bush and Lloyd Kaufman?

Why did Warren Buffett buy the Racine newspaper, and then Kenosha and Lake Geneva?

Why did Paul Ryan resign and why is no one asking about it?

Why did Rahm Emanuel Resign and what do role do his three siblings play?

What did Tony Podesta admit was his big break when he was interviewed?

Why did Trump suddenly close The Deal from the public and who did he reserve a Front Row Seat for?

What is The Truth they cannot Allow The World to Know?**

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

fogdryer ago

next dnc convention----------------wi Who ran Bill Clinton's Presidential Campaign in Wisconsin?--------- Who ran Bill Clinton's Presidential Campaign in Wisconsin?---les aspin Who is running for Supreme Court?-----lisa Neubauer (jeff neuabauer spouse) What is the 'Story' being told?--------------gov will care for you

What was Mayer Amschel Rothschild's Real Name?-moses Kristin Bauer van Straten------------She graduated from The Prairie School in Racine.moviestar Hollywood connection Who are the Pilgrims Society------------------elite who settled this country Sphinx Head Society is the oldest senior honor society at Cornell University. Sphinx Head recognizes Cornell who have demonstrated respectable strength of character on top of a dedication to leadership and service at Cornell University. Who graduated with George Bush and Lloyd Kaufman?---------oliver stone Why did W. Buffett buy the Racine newspaper, and then Kenosha and Lake Geneva?---to control news Paul Ryan-----got caught/America doesnt get the big pic yet Rahm also got caught------------his brother is powerful in Hollywood. rich. Other brother is a doctor. politics/healthcare/Hollywood Tony Podesta admitted to getting his big break into art and politics when he was "Made" in Racine, Wisconsin.

the truth is we are going to die--------slowly-painfully.

TrustTheTruth ago

You Know more than most. Keep going.

They didn't resign to spend more time with family.

Jesus Christ and The Truth are to be Shared with All.

Expose the ROOT.

Share The Truth outside of Voat.

Learn how no one will touch The Truth.

Show the MAP.

Reveal the Great Deception.

The World can be Saved.

Jesus Christ and The Truth are The Only Way.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

srayzie ago

@ESOTERICshade is not a Q follower and calls us Q-Tards.

DerivaUK ago

He’s baaaaaaaaaaack!

B-------D ago

He has been saying this for days... But no answer..

Battlefat ago

It’s an ideal ruse but take no part and continue to demand accountability for all of the people murdered for the sake of distraction

721-AQZ ago

Agreed. And don't get sucked into defending ourselves against the Nazi narrative. It has nothing to do with us.

Battlefat ago

Yes, these people are infantile

721-AQZ ago

I'm finding that out first hand with some of the nazi voat people here.

Battlefat ago

I was referring to Boomers but point taken

Drinkaforte ago

Yep. Nailed it.

BaldMiscreant ago

Yes, trust the plan, don't leave the couch, someone else will fix it...

pckpat ago

Well, ok then then...why don't you let us know exactly what you are doing? So that way we can all be just as actively involved on the front lines.

angelCole ago

Amazing isn't it, they talk tough from behind their KEYBOARD.

Battlefat ago

I trust no one’s plan and have not asked your participation in mine. If you have impetus, take it, because you seem to imply that you will, but I don’t lead individuals to their own slaughter, and I don’t so much terrorize as protect, but that’s because I have something to lose. I implore you to inculcate the same

BaldMiscreant ago

It's not terrorism if the objective is eradication

DerivaUK ago

What? Eradication is exactly the usual voiced justification for terrorism right there

Battlefat ago

Name your enemy, because I know mine. If you are that person so be it. One day we’ll look back and laugh, but some of us will have more to look back on. If the world is burning while we do it, at least one of us made it to watch it burn. I’m trying to survive, cowboy, how about you

BaldMiscreant ago

I'm trying to make sure my lineage survives.

onelson1 ago

I have been noticing everything happening right now. Like someone is scared =) MAGA