usmcProud1183 ago

God Bless President Trump and his family and God Bless all you anons and patriots, and God Bless Q

hildabeest-4-gitmo ago

Post 3053:

"Whistle While You Work" - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

srayzie ago


SEE_Truth777 ago

A gift for ALL.

A letter to a sister from a loving brother.


A lot can't see the world and beyond the way we understand it. They think they need "things" instead of realizing our God Jesus exists right here, right now. He is listening, teaching, and yearning for us to accept his love. My visions have never come in the details most people describe. It is planted in my conscious and plays out like a movie in front of me. To each their own and probably so. But understanding this world is but a reflection, is about the best way it can be described.

Like looking in the mirror and suddenly realizing. Oh that is what I am housed in? Ha! Lol When people truly come to the understanding that the house we are contained in is but a mere reflection...does race, culture or creed even matter? This is the existence of the spiritual, dimensional or whatever the next term man develops really is and brings a level of wisdom not soon forgotten. I ask people all the time. Without a mirror can you really see who you are? The wise answer, I see me for what I am, and the Lord Jesus that resides with me, correcting me as I exist and think and feel.

Everything belongs to God. No exceptions. That is the true understanding. And our acceptance of this fact and the choice of following him is true salvation. He died on the cross to create a bridge so to speak. God cannot look upon sin, that is he cannot look upon sin without judging it. This would be the true understanding of any perfect being or deity. So Jesus came to create that bridge through his blood so that we may walk in the presence or existence of our God. And God our Lord Jesus Christ exists everywhere. Praise Jesus!

Exists everywhere, at all time, space and dimension. Praise Jesus! Amen

The burning bush was not God the Father in that sense. It was Jesus Christ. You see man cannot see the concept that Jesus, God the Father and the Holy Spirit are not confined to these constraints that I mentioned. So the crucifixion had already taken place to our God. That is explicitly the meaning of what is, and was and shall be means. There is no new thing under the sun. Mainly because we are confirmed to a limited time, space and dimension.

This is the understanding of Christ our Lord. Once you have this wisdom. It is easy to make the choice of accepting the Lord our God and creator of ALL. Praise Jesus! Let them see Lord Jesus! Amen Pray this prayer for all the world my sister. Let the love and peace of God remain in your heart, always yearning to be with him.

Also, this is what the true meaning of the transfiguration was and is and shall be. The Lord Jesus showed the apostles at Mt. Pisgah that he could be at the same time, space and dimension for Moses, Elijah and them. They saw the spirits of Moses and Elijah to give them and us an understanding of his true existence. Praise the Lord! Praise Jesus! Amen And God spoke saying this is my son. That was to show they were all three together.

Ok enough writing. Thank you for listening. Everything has multiple meanings my dear sister. ;)

Therefore, the mantle of Christ is Christ and a representation of truly what he is.

Q20191776 ago

Thank you for this! I love my brothers and sisters. Will show tomorrow.

SEE_Truth ago

The conversation

Should we show them all there is to SEE?

Some will believe some won't.

They deserve to know, it breaks my heart, if they had love and peace they could.

No divination!

Blessed are they that do not see and still believe.

Can we at least show them the real chess game Mr. Trump and Q is trying to show them. Your humble servant is asking.

Everything has multiple meanings.

So we will explain the chessboard then? Americans, we are prideful. We want arrests. We want, we want, we want. We need to be humble to SEE the truth. Expand our knowledge and wisdom and love our neighbors. It is the only way to the truth.

One Belt One Road

Yay! Thank you my Lord Jesus.

See the truth!

Now I speak to YOU oh church of seven. YOU in faith. Hear these words today. Expand your logic and mind and heart. Mr Trump said chessboard but define chessboard.


The chessboard is the world. Each block being an area of geographic location.

Now take the chess pieces and divide them by the world population. Humans = greatest world resource. Hint: Soros is not a bishop, king or queen. Obama is not a bishop, king or queen.

Now make a move. Move one pawn. Wow! How much of the population moved with it? Mathematically impossible? Hmmm...

AI would definitely help to figure those numbers out. But maybe some didn't move? Pay them. (((They))) want all the money. Force them. Reveals to much? Manipulate them. Ah, but how does that work? Make them fight each other. Yes, directed attacks. If that doesn't work? Move migrants in to create chaos. Good move. Can make money from that as well. Use that which they worship. Oh, the stars, the trinkets, the hate, the lust of greed and ALL. Tickle their fantasy. Propagate, propagate, propagate! Perceive good where there is none. They moved! More. More divisiveness, more fantasy, more evil! Too many to feed. Kill them! Shorten life expectancy. Other move made. SEE the picture? Hypnotize them! Ah, the tech. Cause them to accuse and slander one another. War!

Facts, the moves:

Mr. Trump moves his pieces. They move wealth to Asia because socialism reigns. So Mr. Trump places trade stipulation. Hard to make war if you're broke? Russian sanctions. Now can't move chess piece if you have to focus on domestic problems. Mr. Trump moves piece again. Europe awakening. (((Their))) move. Propagate, propagate, propagate. Question. How many of population moves with Mr. Trump's chess piece? Is it just Americans? Nah, that would be arrogant to think that way. Space introduction move. What? They couldn't EMP Americans if there are blocks. (((Your))) move. Defund, defund, defund. Move the politician, polarization piece. Announce creation of WORLD ARMY! (((They))) already had in place though. Just for hypnosis. Beginning to see the picture? Understand the reason for slow arrests and careful strategy? Understand why the Q wants you to see the mathematical probability in the war games?

I cannot show you anymore. You must dig in all things! Worldwide! I am a servant of our Lord Jesus Christ. He knows ALL. He is ALL! God be praised! Jesus be praised! Soon fellow servants of the light. Very soon. All the truth will be known. Lord Jesus let them SEE!

jewyork ago

it would should jewish/serphardic bloodlines ate the only immigrants coming into the UNITED STATES.

operation smile such, are blood fronts, and each operation is an attempt to identify the loat ‘tongues’ of babylon etc.

what is the etymological meaning to pacific amd atlantic?

SuckaFree ago

Hmm. Care to elaborate?

jewyork ago

most immigrants are most likely of "jewish" blood. most informed history buffs, the crazies on this site have strong evidence to show there is no such thing as a "jew" but was a subterranean species that infested top soil. Or whatever terms you want to use.

So the immigrants that are always pouring in, giving free passes via churches and medical organizations are actually designed to allow those types of people in.

They use NGOs and such to find their like-blood types, and then import as many as possible.

They use these organizations to find their own blood types... and from what we've seen over the last 300 years... destroy countries with artifacts that contain factual historical records etc. They are searching and destroying while finding blood relatives.

I don't describe it well, but whatever psyops running on this site, and others, as well as declassified intelligence, you can make a good guess as to what they've been doing for a long time.

A slow drip...

derram ago :

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "The just revealed FBI Agent Lisa Page transcripts make the Obama Justice Department look exactly like it was, a broken and corrupt machine. Hopefully, justice will finally be served. Much more to come!"

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