Anyone else hear about 25000 gal of cyanide currently being shipped to FEMA prisons? Any sauce on this anywhere at all?

Windofchange01 ago

No, but RedPill78 reported a few days ago, that a source of his saw trucks hauling coffins. His source, if I remember correctly, was also a trucker. RedPill78 had no sauce for this, only took his source's word for it.

Scary stuff if true and can be tied together with the cyanide.

Found this on the cyanide:

Trying to locate the video from RP78.

bvaughan1015 ago

Interesting that Q uses the word "yall". I mean, here in the south we use it continuously. Just never heard Q use it. Gotta be a crumb there.

srayzie ago

That’s an anon talking to Q that says that. See on the top left of each post. It says Anonymous. Then Q responds.

RockmanRaiden ago

This is a good example of how people keep saying 'Q said this' and it didn't happen. Dipshit Anons aren't Q. No outside comms.

YoikesandAway ago

That was not Q, that was an anon.