Suzo ago

Let me level set; there are 14 upvoats in voat for a fucking Q post. What am I missing here?

sammyg2087 ago

0 results for image search = they are AUTHENTIC

Arrvee ago

"What family runs CA?"

What ‘family’ runs CA?

GreyhoundsAway ago

RE: Q Post 2787:


Initially, I thought, "What about high treason?" Then again, one could argue that the sinister connotations wrapped up in the word 'globalism' is enough, but the NPCs won't get that.

Q-sent-me ago

"Global Treason"?

Hogitha ago

Democrat treason seems to fit

Q20191776 ago


Saw an ad during NBA All-star game last night about STEAM education for kids in public education. I had heard about STEM programs in schools, but now STEM is picking up STEAM?? Wait, what? Just what is STEAM? Could it be AI? Hmmmm...

Trump signed an EO on Artificial Intelligence this month that concerns me. Time for everyone to learn about AI so that government and industry doesn't deceive US in their haste to support economic goals over humanity goals. No, I am not an SJW. Still, it is time for humans to use THEIR God-given intellect. Study and learn. I'll try to help.

"...In 1976, Weizenbaum published Computer Power and Human Reason which argued that the misuse of artificial intelligence has the potential to devalue human life.[98]"

Praying that Trump's Intellect is greater than AI.

Adding this as a reminder to myself: "Many years later object-oriented programming would adopt the essential idea of "inheritance" from AI research on frames." Research further into Z programming.

And more: "The 1980s also saw the birth of Cyc, the first attempt to attack the commonsense knowledge problem directly, by creating a massive database that would contain all the mundane facts that the average person knows. Douglas Lenat, who started and led the project, argued that there is no shortcut ― the only way for machines to know the meaning of human concepts is to teach them, one concept at a time, by hand. The project was not expected to be completed for many decades.[115]"

Now, ask yourself, what else are social media companies (now in industry but birth by DARPA) doing with your data? What else are ancestry and DNA companies doing with your data (without compensating you)? What could possibly go wrong? Can you trust AI? Why? Why Not?

Progress? "An intelligent agent is a system that perceives its environment and takes actions which maximize its chances of success. By this definition, simple programs that solve specific problems are "intelligent agents", as are human beings and organizations of human beings, such as firms. The intelligent agent paradigm defines AI research as "the study of intelligent agents". This is a generalization of some earlier definitions of AI: it goes beyond studying human intelligence; it studies all kinds of intelligence.[147]"

if warring AI occurs, who's AI wins? Does the AI intelligent agent care? When would it stop?

My only hope is that I know God wins. Truth wins.

singlebrain1 ago

STEAM is STEM plus the arts.

Q20191776 ago

Arts? Like performing arts? Like band and drama etc?

Authorpatriot ago


singlebrain1 ago

Exploring STEM through the arts. Think Leonardo DaVinci

Q20191776 ago

Some might say the kids would be boring as STEM students, so they reverted back to the creative arts. The fallacy may be that math, science, tech, and engineering are not viewed as creative. Or, it might be that those without the aptitude for STEM are fighting back. Funny how the new way of STEAM is based on the old way of thinking (Da Vinci) before TV and tech dumbed us down.

My method is BSLBTPOT: Blue Sky Lounging By The Pool Of Truth.

IndigoEyes ago

You connection to your inner voice (God) is always stronger than AI.

Kieran7 ago


Q20191776 ago

Thanks for the reMINDer.

derram ago :

Stop the online conspiracy theorists before they break democracy | Julia Ebner | Opinion | The Guardian :

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "“This was an illegal coup attempt on the President of the United States.” Dan Bongino on @foxandfriends True!"

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