Is Supreme Court Justice Ruth Ginsburg alive, or is she dead? I have raised the same question about Julian Assange, addressing it well over a year ago here on Voat.
Now, it's Ginsburg, who at 85-years of age has supposedly survived colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, heart surgery, broken ribs x2, and now lung cancer.
A litle bit of info about staging cancer.
All types of cancer are staged for the process of determining the extent to which a cancer has developed by growing and spreading. Staging is important to determine prognosis, treatment options and decision making, and is defined by:
Location of the primary tumor and type of cancer cells
Size of the primary tumor
Whether the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes
Tumor grade
The most common system for staging cancer in the form of solid tumor is the TNM (tumor, nodes, metastases) system. The TNM system is based on:
The size of the primary tumor (T)
How much cancer has spread to neraby lymph nodes (N)
Metastasis (M), or if and how much the cancer has spread to other areas in the body
Numbers are added to each category that explains the size of the tumor and how much it has spread. The higher the number, the greater the size and the more likely cancer has spread.
TX - The tumor cannot be measured
T0 - The tumor cannot be found
Tis - Abnormal cells have been found but have not spread. This is called carcinoma in situ.
T1, T2, T3, T4 - Indicate the size of the primary tumor and how much it has spread into surrounding tissue
NX - Lymph nodes cannot be evaluated
N0 - No cancer found in nearby lymph nodes
N1, N2, N3 - Number and location of lymph nodes involved where cancer has spread
MX - Metastasis cannot be evaluated
M0 - No metastasis found (cancer has not spread)
M1 - Metastasis is found (cancer has spread to other parts of the body)
A stage is also assigned to the cancer based on the TNM values and other factors. DIFFERENT CANCERS ARE STAGED DIFFERENTLY. For instance, stage III colon cancer is not the same as stage III pancreatic cancer. In general, a higher stage refers to more advanced cancer.
Stage 0 - Abnormal cells are present but have not spread
Stage I, II, III - Refer to size of tumor and how much cancer has spread to lymph nodes
Stage IV - Disease has spread to other organs and tissues
On Septmber 28, 1999, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 66-years of age, was discharged from Washington Hospital Center where she had been a patient for 11 days for colon cancer surgery. It was found incidentally when she had gone to the doctor for an abdominal infection. Kathleen L. Arberg, the court's spokeswoman, stated the colon cancer had reached "stage 2," that a small tumor was removed but no evidence was found that cancer had spread to lymph nodes. It had "minimally penetrated the outer muscle" of the colon, said Arberg. Ginsburg underwent a sigmoid colectomy followed by "precautionary" chemotherapy and radiation treatments which began in October 2000 and finished in June 2000.
On February 5, 2009, 75-year old Ginsburg had surgery at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center for "what appeared to be early-stage pancreatic cancer." She had her spleen and part of her pancreas removed. It was during one of those "routine examinations" that her pancreatic cancer was found by routine CT scan which showed a tumor measuring about 1 cm. across in the center of the pancreas. The lesion turned out to be benign, although it was not disclosed what kind of pancreatic cancer it was - the more common but typically devastating adenocarcinoma or the slower growing neuroendocrine type - the type that eventually killed Steve Jobs. There is reference that Ginsburg's surgeon - Murray Brennan, M.D. - found a smaller, previously unidentified tumor which was malignant. No further information could be found about this. Her pancreatic cancer was noted as Stage 1 and had not spread. She was discharged on February 13, 2009, and I could find no evidence of any further treatment.
Detecting pancreatic cancer at an early stage is extremely uncommon, as it normally does not present symptoms until the cancer has spread and it's way too late to obtain a decent prognosis. It is one of the most aggressive cancers in existence. There are no good screening or treatments for it.
Now, we have Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg supposedly returning to the Supreme Court on Friday, February 15, 2019, to participate in a private conference at which the justices considered adding cases to the court's docket. It was her supposed first appearance since undergoing surgery for metastatic lung cancer in December.
Surgeons removed two malignant nodules from now 83-year old Ginsburg's left lung on December 21, 2018. "Post-surgery evaluation indicates no evidence of remaining disease, and no further treatment is required," Kathleen Arberg, the same court spokeswoman, said in January. No additional info has been revealed as to the type of tumor(s) or size(s).
This is how Ginsburg attributes her survival back in 2013 - "Ever since my colorectal surgery in 1999, I have been followed by the N.I.H. (National Institute of Health). That was very lucky for me because they detected my pancreatic cancer at a very early stage."
Detecting pancreatic cancer at an early stage is extremely uncommon as it normally does not present symptoms until the cancer has spread and it's way too late to obtain a decent prognosis. It is one of the most aggressive cancers in existence. There are no good screening or treatments for it.
Based on Ginsburg's medical history, her survival defies both common sense and medical logic.
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