If not for Julian Assange, there would be no pizzagate or pizzagatewhatever.
Unfortunately, there has been NO unsubstantiated proof since October 2016 that Assange is alive, around the time his internet was cut off. Between October 15-18, the web was on fire with rumors that he had been taken from the Embassy or had been assasinated at the Embassy. These rumors swirled around for a little while, then all became quiet. Since then, the general consensus is that he remains in the London Ecuadorian Embassy with a tweet here and there that justifies his well-being. How can anybody's well-being remain intact after 5+ years in isolation?
Many will point to the most recent "live" interviews as evidence that Assanges lives. IMHO, It would be a mistake to consider the Pilger and Hannity interviews with Assange to be authentic.
Consider the John Pilger interview of 11/25/16. It is obvious that the video was edited. No date is mentioned in the interview itself. Pilger later responded that the interview took place on 10/30/16. No scenes included both Assange and Pilger together. The only thing we do know is that it took place during the presidential election. https://youtu.be/zEMKrRXjA3UYouTube
Then we have the Sean Hannity interview on 01/02/17 that took place on 12/26/16. Hannity, the guy who initially called for Assange's arrest, now believing every word Assange says. Check-out the suspicious fake-green studio illusion. There is also evidence of disproportion, and It appears that the 2 of them were not in the same room. Was Hannity at the London Ecuador Embassy? Probably. Was that Julian Assange? No, not in real-time. Was it a clone or body double?
About a week after the Hannity interview, on 01/10/17, Assange refused to give digital proof of life. He was asked repeatedly to provide the key during his "Ask Me Anything" session on Twitch via his Reddit account. He did not provide it but did give the impression that Wikileaks was compromised.
Then on May 19, 2017, Assange made a brief balcony appearance after the Swedish rape allegations were dropped. Was this actually him or a body double or a clone? He looks far too good and too healthy after 5 years of isolation. https://www.google.com/amp/www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/05/19/sweden-drops-julian-assange-rape-investigation/amp/
Proof of life is needed. Without it, we can only add one more government cover-up to the never-ending list.
derram ago
https://hooktube.com/watch?v=zEMKrRXjA3UYouTube :
https://hooktube.com/watch?v=F6bTUrQgYDMYouTube :
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