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Rocky_Bindhamer ago

My money is on Tillerson and Pence. Trump wanted Kelly as VP, but had to take Pence and some other Establishment Republicans for his cabinet or they were threatening to run a third party candidate and give the win to Hillary.

Without VP buy-in, you can't do a 25th amendment.

Kelly was sacrificed to Mueller by the DS. I think he came with Rogers.

Wanderfar ago

Best VP would be Rand Paul. He has consistently fought the good fight and has had POTUS back from the start. He would be ideal candidate to succeed Trump in 2024.

Steelerfish ago

Rand Paul is the swamp. He turned his back on conservatives and libertarians by throwing his weight behind Mitch McConnell as he was about to lose his primary to a conservative. Mitch immediately sandbagged us by refusing to do anything about Obamacare when we had the chance. Rand makes political stances when his vote doesn’t matter, when it does he accepts pork for his vote just like the rest of them. He is a two faced liar. Rand is as manipulative and power hungry as his masters Boehner and McConnell. I love what Rand says in public, but his support of the Washington establishment and quest for personal political gain over principle is a major red flag. We would not have Obama care if it weren’t for Rand Paul.

blueskywins ago

You could say the same about Cruz.