coulditbe4Q ago

Maybe this will help a bit. Feel better they don't have the numbers.

vangielee17 ago

I know there are those who have a tendency to be critical of other and can even be harsh at times, but I think we are have our occasional moments of weakness and can use some encouragement, myself included. So hang in there my friends and trust the plan; mostly trust God!

LadyPatriot ago

Group HUG!!!

Qdini ago

READ the newest FBI Anon post. Next Week is BIG!!!

RightSideUp17and6 ago

First: ignore the negative speak. Light dispels the cockroaches and they scuttle off, miffed. You, Patriot, hang in there. You are likely approaching some breakthrough in your life. Darkest before the dawn and all that. What we get to learn here, is that Q Team is teaching us to do our homework. That can be researching the latest (or former) Q posts, and/or it could be you developing confidence within yourself, knowing NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS you will have done your part. The best part i advise people in any case is to see to your loved ones and family first. The "enemy" with all of its agents in the cabal and other nefarious operations really desires that we split apart. Hold fast to what is dear to you. Live the rare example of sound character-fearless but wisely expressing truth in your life towards friend AND foe. Take care of yourself. This is gonna be a long fight. The first American Revolution did not occur overnight. We also had at that time as a fledgling Nation the very help of God. I am sure that in those days there was some sort of "Q Team" equivalent. Information went forth, signals were sent, it was slower but still EFFECTIVE means. 'One if by land, two if by sea." Then, even then, Patriots had to take what they had and RUN WITH IT. Even if Q "goes away" i am fully confident, as has been said, "you have so much more than you know". I do believe Q is still "here", just not always visible in posts. There is as we know a whole Team on this "cosmic op". We got it. God's got it. As another anon said, take a break. A "walk in the woods" does wonders for the weary soul. I just wrote this as it came to me. In it you, too, will have what you need. We need you. Again, take care of yourself, and your loved ones. This will fight the enemy more than you realize. To just be a freaking good solid person these days punches the enemy in the face. God WILL give you the strength. Forgive the lengthy message-but the time to scribe what stirs in my spirit was time for YOU. Godspeed.

coulditbe4Q ago

Well said Patriot!......Cheers!

RightSideUp17and6 ago

You are more than welcome, Patriot! Together we will stomp the enemy under our feet. That is the POWER God gives us! We can keep calm and Q on, while the DS loses their Shi-ite. hee hee

LadyPatriot ago

I wish I could give you 100 up votes! So well said, RightSideUp!! I think your wise words will help many of us. God bless!

RightSideUp17and6 ago

ThanQ, LadyPatriot, your "voat" of encouragement in turn lifts my heart. For any wisdom, i give credit to God. For such a time as this, we are all here for each other in this challenging yet rewarding adventure. Godspeed! WWG!WGA!

nomoss ago

Take the time to read the links and then the podcast at the top of page. You will see what's going on.

Truther65 ago

Patriot you are not alone. I do not have one single human being to talk to about Q. I live alone and my family are all normies who laugh about me behind my back. My sister accused me of having joined a cult. I don't care. I have made the commitment that I will be with Trump and Q whatever it takes. Frustrations running high sometimes? Yes, frequently. Going back to being a normie means letting go of all hope of ever being un-enslaved in the future. Then you are giving them permission to win and to keep you enslaved. Don't let them win. You wouldn't be happy anyway knowing what you know. You can never UN-know anything. Do not give in and allow evil to have potency. By God's law the potency of evil cannot exist and flourish unless YOU allow it. Don't allow it. We are with you and Q is with you. We are your family.

TurquoiseLover ago

But the angel of the Lord by night opened the prison doors, and brought them forth.

Diggernicks ago

You sound like a bitch OP

EricKaliberhall ago

Warriors pledge:

"I will sacrifice, I will endure, I will fight cheerfully and do my utmost, as if the issue of the whole struggle depended on me alone."

Minxy_84 ago

Dear Lord, bless this poster. Give them a sign of your will in their life. In Jesus name, amen.

1southofyou ago

Wall has been media fodder to keep attention away from investigations. There was always the same plan to build the wall. Also wall is a misnomer (Complete Border Security includes barriers is a Wall - DJT has purolposely dragged this out). But what public sees is political theater. Next few weeks will see these things happen: 1)Trunp does Nat’l E and other things to fund wall and border security/sends more troops to border - wall stuff fades from news 2)Mueller report - not good for D’s 3)FBI investigations report - FBI spygate 4)RBG death - Trump picks new Justice - major protests - this is why the “hat boys” and now abortion in msm 5)China Talks w/ DJT - new trade agreement reached - quiet agreement on NK reached with China 6)North Korea Talks w/ DJT - continued dialogue 7)continued stories in msm about false docs made by Russians and others and Deep Fake - to confuse and cloud judgement when real evidence is presented (court of pub opinion) - this will fade too as media folks jump ship on those being brought to justice

Other things to note: -Stone’s arrest is not what it appears -Colter and the other Right wing media that’s bitching about Trump is controlled opp - makes trump look more moderate - spotlights D’s desire for open borders - The DJT side also has some mocking-birds -reduction in mil force overseas is a bargaining chip - multi-layered

sunshine702 ago

What do you see Stone's arrest as? That was pretty triggering for me this week because it was a signal to the rest of us - look what we can do at anytime for no reason at all

1southofyou ago

Stone is just doing what he does. Being an attention whore. Look into his background as political operative. That whole thing was staged and reporter with camera called. It is an obvious show.

Trump may not do NAT’l E - I shouldn’t have said that - what I mean is he will find a way to say wall is being built (this entire argument is ridiculous - wall is border security - all kinds of security) - The Wall was never going to be A Wall like in China - this here, that there, some fence, some vehicular barrier, etc. plus more sophisticated survalence, more agents, more support, etc. ALL not WALL is what it will be and what it was always gonna be - this is all a show - new immigration legislation is important.

Trump will find a way to say there is a wall or it is being built with or without Nat’l E.

Will not shutdown again. R Congressmen and Senators are not down for another shutdown - this is why you’ve seen them signaling to Trump by talking up that he needs to do Nat’l E - that’s them telling him we are not down for more shutdown.

Once Trump makes claims that wall is being built, wall will begin to fade from news. MSM will say he caved w/o Nat’l E. And they’ll say he’s doing an unnecessary and unauthorized Nat’l E if he died use Nat’l E. Nat’l E makes him appear stronger. Just saying the wall is being built by piece mail looks weaker. His choice...we’ll see. But he certainly has been shooting out tweets today saying wall IS being built prob so folks can be polled to see if that’s good enough or if he has to make a stronger statement to keep folks happy.

KnightsofHubris ago

Do you think Stone is innocent?

sunshine702 ago

Perfectly clean after decades in the DC loop/swmp. Nope. But is he a Cartel Drug lord nope

Headwest127 ago

Devin Nunes was quoted today or yesterday saying "Discovery in the Stone case will be entertaining" or something close. As well, Stone seems less than worried about his situation. Either that dude has ice in his veins or his arrest is part of the show.

wealthword ago

Isn't this one of the dummy beta accounts created when Voat was being developed?

Beewizer ago

We've all been there at one time or another, especially when we were new to it all. Definitely take care of yourself and have faith. I got a little pick-me-up last night after all of the outrageous abortion talk the last couple of days which I now know is a major distraction and psy-op. See Bill Michell, I follow him on Twitter, very enthusiastic, but here is his direct site (safe):

CovfefeFan ago

Haven't heard from Q because He told us to learn the comms. Trump's tweets have been full of great info. People have been posting amazing info here. February is going to be eye opening. We don't really need Q right now, we have enough outside of Q to know what is going on... Here is just a few things to read to help you see that there is a whole lot coming in the days ahead:

These are just a few posts that I have enjoyed lately... Also, there is a post that Brennon will be arrested on Feb 8. I am hoping that one is true and it's soon, so we will know soon enough. The wall IS BEING built. The SOTU is soon and should be amazing.


SuperDoobie ago

Hey Dude.

I cannot offer any solace on the state of the US government as I have lost all faith a long time ago. I am hoping the next few weeks will bring public indictments of Brennan and Comey (February 8th is the assumed date) and I will see some serious push back against the liberals in this country with the SOTU and hopefully more.

Other than that consider this. You are alone, always. Born alone, die alone. Suck that up and hold your head high. No kind words, sorry.

We may be the last to know and enjoy this country as it was. Be thankful, be grateful, and take care of number one, that's you.

WickerMan ago

Take a break. It's causing problems in your relationships, back off a bit. Cult members alienate their families and it hurts them. You have no power over the gov. right now. Give it a rest and mend home.

Pronebone45 ago

You get a win each day that you wake up above ground. Take a little time for yourself every now & again. Be selfish if only for a few hours.