ditzee ago

Her video was a joke. A beer and thanking her husband for being home? Guess like the rest of us, he doesn't want to be around Nope a hontas either.

Fateswebb ago

She better drink some more beers then.

Qrv1 ago

@srayzie Ok...you ignored the warning to delete this sub. Now you will face a wave of attacks unlike any before in the history. This is not a UK movement and this is not the official replacement of Reddit.

MolochHunter ago

In HISTORY? Hear that, @Srayzie ? You must be really special. An unparralelled threat to the deep state. Way to go Srayzie. First chick on Mount Rushmore 👍

srayzie ago

Haha 👍🏻

srayzie ago

You guys are so god at doxing me that you think I’m from the UK? 😂
@Kevdude, do you remember who else thought I was from the UK? @Thisistotallynotme 🤭

@Shizy @MolochHunter @Crensch

Shizy ago

Interesting that @thosistotallynotme hasn't commented for the past 4 days.

I wonder what he's doing? 🚁🚁🚁

srayzie ago

He’s too busy letting me live in his head. He’s living on search engines trying to find out my identity.

MolochHunter ago

are you frikken serious? you mean these wankers havent even figured out yet that you come from New Zealand?

I thought we were dealing with professionals here. Your accent gushes through your typing FFS

Vindicator ago

The Titanic was built by professionals. ;-)

Star_Trek_Q ago

I just started typing "Ready for Warrent" into Google ... maybe my mind made a Freudian slip and I really meant "ready for warrant" as in search warrant, and I don't mean Google search! Anyways, how can anyone be ready for her or have any enthusiasm? It feels like she's a has been before she ever had time to become one.

Q-sent-me ago

Criminal fraud who prevented deserving people from their scholarships by lying about her background.

She should be imprisoned, and then deported (just for good measure).