waldo1899 ago


MAKE no mistake about it....next event is projected October 2046.....I'm too old to give a crap

indeknow ago

You really should not plagiarize Sorcha Faal without at least giving them a mention.

qanon1776 ago

I do find it to be quite a coincidence that the emergency lines were affected when this is his chosen means of communicating emergencies to the masses especially at this particular time.

TSE ago

This post is BS. They did not say that they are Coming for the DS.

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Morbo ago

Why do you Qanons listen to this account? The frequency of posting and the wild speculation from GodsAngell is looking more and more like a group effort to spread disinfo and lies which many of you fall for. Didn't Q recently say in the Q&A that the electrical grid is safe, yet here is SatansDemon telling you the opposite and with nothing more than speculation and some links that don't add up when scrutinized? Stop listening to this obvious plant who is leading you down the wrong path. Seriously, do you all really believe that if the DS had DEW weapons that they would take out a couple of power substations instead of a whole power plant or better still, directly take out the POTUS with it? Why waste the opportunity and simultaneously reveal the cards in your hand with minor targets when they could go for the gold and end the people who are against them? Think for yourselves and stop falling for this account's fairy tales.

serpentdove ago

Didn't Q recently say in the Q&A that the electrical grid is safe


TurquoiseLover ago

POSSIBLE DEW KENNER LOUISIANA (Slowed Down) DEC 28, 2018 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnaJR4bTJZE

You tell me what it is then?

MDS0341 ago

The DEW topic is beyond and I mean way behind ridiculous

Could our transformers be overloaded or attacked, yes, but microwaves from space is about as stupid as anyone could waste their time with

So childish to even consider this

I would rather find out if there is really a pedofilia problem because I’m still in shock at this idea.

If pedo is true in our countries ranks, i ask to be the first to be allowed to torture the proven guilty

Morbo ago

I assume you're talking about the dots that are in the righthand side of the video. Those are lens flares or other lens distortion artifacts. They happen from internal reflection inside the glass lenses and are a common problem for photographers. As for the "blue light", well that's a electric arc happening at the power substation. I've seen them in real life (former power industry here). There was nothing unusual in either the the LA or NY events. Everything I saw in those videos was spot on for a high voltage switching failure. Honestly I'm surprised they weren't more intense because the surrounding areas didn't go down in droves. That tells me the fault mechanisms and operators who man the remote controls did a great job of handling the problem. While these events are not everyday occurrences, it does not alarm me that two events happened in short time places that are very far apart. Some things really are just coincidences.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago


GodsAngell is known to post huge tranches of information gleaned from all around, and hypothesize from it...

Sometimes I agree, sometimes I half agree, some I disagree...

Hypothesis: a conclusion drawn from a range of evidence....

Hypotheses are put up to a peer group for evaluation..

We all are aware that G A is putting up hypotheses for review...

We then have a lively debate putting forward different opinions...

We, being on VOAT, then express our opinions, by voting...

Watchers can see the preponderance of opinions, from the voting, too....

You don't believe in Q so why do you quote what you disbelieve ?

Are you confusing Q with some omnipotent being who knows everything?

If Intelligence Reports said grid was safe, at that time, Q gave best advice, at that time, but things change...

This grand hypothesis ?

Umm I'm no fan of Sorcha, not at all... I discount her stuff unless it's confirmed elsewhere...

DEWs, nope they could destroy far more... (unless hiding their true capabilities..)

I thought this power grid issue was connected with a software vulnerability?

Since you're here so much, you've read this comment on 911 outages?

[–] @indeknow 9 points (+9|-0) 3.9 hours ago

DS takedown attempt of the Presidential Alert System.

CenturyLink routers crashing all over the United States during the past 24-hours, that followed Blackwater’s warning message “We Are Coming”

DS used an old NSA tool to hack and infect about 45,000 routers.


link reply ...

There are several other submissions where the hypothesis is that the vulnerability in the routers has been used to infect / damage the transformer controls systems, leading to the problems widely reported and the scary blue videos....I'm not gonna link them here, but they are there...

Why don't you join in, find one, and post a link ?

That's what we do....

CivNatisFullRetard ago

GodsAngel is nothing more than some boomer whore who thinks that jesus is real and cares about her. "People" like her are part of the problem and will be exterminated once the country is back in order.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

You, Sir, are projecting, but there's nothing wrong with you wanting to be a "boomer whore" in this day and age... you just need to grasp the nettle.....

qanon1776 ago

Because we read someone's post and opinions does not mean we are falling for anything.

Morbo ago

Many of you do fall for it. I see these posts all the time and they are not only voted up, but the comments are filled with others agreeing to the crazy theories without even questioning them even one small bit. So many people here believe the CA fires were caused by "blue light" DEWs and site Project Blue Beam as their proof but there is no hard fact to any of that. They also believe the fires were set along the EXACT same path as the high speed rail system, but when I posted the two maps scaled and aligned to the same size/shape, the paths did not overlap for more than 60% of the area. No one changed their opinions after that and kept on agreeing with GodsAngell and other fools spouting the same thing. Most of you ARE falling for it simply because you want to believe this is all true. Be skeptical and use critical thinking. Some stuff might be true but most of it isn't and doesn't stand up to even minor scrutiny. Do your own research and only accept provable facts as evidence for a "happening". Without facts all we have is fiction. Find the facts. Spread the facts. Reject the fiction. Reject the liars. Think for yourselves.

CivNatisFullRetard ago

GodsAngel is a dumb cunt but DEWs and blue beams are real. Look up project Athena. RichieFromBoston is a piece of shit but he has good videos on this stuff. I hate the guy but he's one of the only jewtubers who posts semi-interesting content.

He has a great video up now clearly showing blue beam activity taking out transformers in New York. Is any of this stuff 100% conclusive? No, but any honest person would agree there is more of a chance they are using these technologies, which they admit they have, on us and are going to cause a blackout sooner than later - at the very least, they have planned to.

Whether Trump stops it, who knows.

In summations, GodsAngel is a dumb cunt and if there is a God, he surely knows what a worthless stupid cunt she is. In addition, DEWs are real and they will continue to use them on retarded JewSA civilians. Unfortunately they havne't used them on niggers, spics, and other POS yet. So far, it's just been on mostly white people.

I look forward to the day we take back our country and can use this tech on every single non-white country in the world.

Morbo ago

Do you know anything about physics? If you did, especially in the areas of lasers and microwave radiation, you would see many obvious flaws in the idea that DEWs are anything but experimental devices. I have had a love of lasers my whole life. I have studied them in depth and know more about them than most people you will run into. Because of what I know, none of this Project Blue Beam stuff sounds plausible. Lasers are horribly inefficient and produce a lot of heat when you start getting into sizable power ranges. They also have many optical flaws that make them less than ideal as long range weapons (the beam energy density is not uniform, it's Gaussian and a lot of energy is lost on the edges of the beam cross section). They just aren't ready for prime time. If they were, I guarantee you the first place a high powered laser would be used is in nuclear fusion reactors since they have been working on that for decades now and still falling short. Why nuclear fusion ahead of a weapon? Nuclear fusion would lead to even more powerful weapons and total world energy domination. That's worth more than a simple killing machine to a Superpower nation. Also, if DEWs existed in practicality, why not just assassinate world leaders with them directly and take over posthaste? If the NWO cabal wanted the world in the claws, why not just take a few major leaders and then put fear into the hearts of the rest of them so they bow down? Why use them to take out power substations in less populated areas? Why use them to start fires in CA when gasoline and matches are just as effective? Why use a superweapon for non super things? If this does not make you question what you've been told about DEWs, well then you're going to believe anything so long as it sounds authoritative enough (i.e. some random talking head on a YT video who has a monotone voice and shows a bunch of still pics/maps/charts while repeating his talking points over and over again).

CivNatisFullRetard ago

Shut the fuck up faggot. Just because tech exists that could make our lives better doesn't mean the jewvernment would use it. Your whole comment is just shill BS and easily bunked. Too much heat? Are you fucking retarded? They had the death ray back in the 70s, fuck they even showed it on the History channel. You are a dumb faggot and you don't know anything. I don't believe anything that some "authority" figure says which ironically is what you're trying to do. You're trying to pretend you know so much about physics and lasers with your general knowledge that anyone could figure out with 2 minutes of research. Great story about your love of lasers bitch. Did some nigger fed shove one up your ass?

The rest of your BS aint worth addressing. You're an amateur at manipulation and in a good world, we would kill every piece of shit like yourself.

You odn't know shit and you need to go back to the drawing board to try to pretend you're intellectually superior. Actually, just kill yourself.

qanon1776 ago

Great warning. Thank you for reminding people.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

As regards the ongoing situation, I'm no engineer, but my understanding is that the lower the demand on the system, the less vulnerable it becomes...

So if everyone is drawing maximum, and the saboteurs manage to route it all through a particular transformer, then it can blow...

Suppose everyone tried turning off half their lights, and read a book instead of the TV, and waited a few days before washing clothes and drying them...??

Might that mean there would be not enough power to blow anything? Or reduce the damage potential ?

keloshi ago

You are partially right, but in this case, something is definately wrong or gone astray. Big IT/Telcom companies have redundancy built in and also have a backup plan (even if it is a manual switch over). I don't think that power usage had anything to do with it (power surge maybe). Looks more complex to me (I work in IT)

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Thx. I was hoping I'd get a better understanding, and I indeed have.. 👍👍 ☕️ 🍰

sicntrd ago

Just lay low, stay in the house, and make sure you have enough supplies for at least two weeks,