Morbo ago

Confirmed Bill...Hillary & Barak to be detained today. (Dec 28)

And what will be your excuse when December 29th and beyond roll around and the Clintons still roam free? You make a fool of yourself every time you are so damned certain something is happening when nothing is. The gullibility in this sub is taking away what little credibility it had. You are doing so much damage to the movement.

MolochHunter ago

Morbo, you need to appreciate, from the unified stance of the Moderator team here, that @MissleCopterStoped is a multi-alt disinformationist who has been busted on countless occasions disrupting research in Great Awakening and Pizzagate forums, both here and in Reddit

my advice is that you would be a fool to pay any heed to his messages. In fact I recommend using the 'block' button so that you dont get caught in his web

Morbo ago

MolochHunter, you warn me about MissleCopterStoped spreading disinformation, however you completely overlook the very post this comment thread is on. What about the disinfo spreader known as GodsAngell? That account is spreading disinfo all over GA. There is no proof or 99% of the garbage that GodsAngell spreads (like DEW attacks) yet nothing is done about this. In comparison, MissleCopterStoped is far more credible and reasonable than GodsAngell so I will do the one thing so many people in this sub fail to do, THINK FOR MYSELF. I warned Srayzie that the new Rettardit Q influx would ruin this sub and now we see that this is coming true. Gone are the days of good research and plausible, critical theories. Now all we have is a bunch of make believe and outrageous claims about aliens, demons, DEWs, EMPs and JFK Jr filling up the sub. The real research into where the money goes, who's involved in behind the scenes collusion and back alley deals exposed is no where to be found now that the Rettardit sheep have taken over. This sub belongs to them now. You're just here to clean up after them now. You (and Srayzie, Shizy) need to take this sub back and get GA back on track. No more wild-ass guessing and preposterous fantasy happenings. FACTS and REAL RESEARCH ONLY.

MolochHunter ago

GodsAngell can be duped by some pretty low-quality info, but no-one has shown that he is wilfully and deliberately deceptive or that he uses Alt sock puppet accounts to herd people's opinions

making excuses and deflecting for people who are actual proven professional shills is a far graver concern for us Mods in maintaining the integrity of this sub than the odd user who will discredit themselves through sloppy work

whether or not you are aware of it, your reply to me is precisely the kind of thing MissleCopterStoped would post through an alt account , or otherwise would be delighted to have duped another user into expressing that foolish view

@Srayzie , @Shizy

Morbo ago

Wow, so now I'm a MissleCopterStoped alt account. Wow. You just proved to me that you cannot be trusted to run a sub like GA because you are not able to do even basic research into my account to see that there is nothing that links me to any other account (because I have NO alts whatsoever). I've been on Voat for nearly 4 years now, but let's not let that fact get in the way of you insinuating I am an alt account. My history should speak for itself but you couldn't be bothered to look into it at all. Whatever. It's obvious you side with GodsAngell so I'll leave it at that. Why fight against disinfo and crazy speculation when those in charge don't care about it at all. You say the gravest concern for you "mods" is maintaining the integrity of the sub ye you have no integrity yourselves. This sub is lost and you let this happen. It belongs to the fools now. You have done more to divide us than the DS ever could. Well played, controlled sheep.

srayzie ago

I've been on Voat for nearly 4 years now, but let's not let that fact get in the way of you insinuating I am an alt account.

3 of BuilderAnon’s accounts were here for over 3 years. He deleted 2 of those when I exposed him. So it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been here.

@MolochHunter @Shizy

Morbo ago

So expose me then. Bring us all the proof of me being a sock puppet account. You can't do it, I promise you, because I'm not a sock puppet or alt. You're dealing with an individual who has had it with stupid fairy tales being spread like truth. You, dear Srayzie, made a Patriot into an enemy. You failed at your mission, unless of course your mission is to divide which it seems to be.

srayzie ago

You were added.

Morbo ago

Adding me to a list is proof I am a sock puppet? Wow, I didn't think you could get any stupider but here you are proving to everyone that you're emotion overrides your ability to think. Way to go there, DS operative. You've really earned your pay tonight.

MolochHunter ago

burning through his stable pretty quickly now, eh ?

srayzie ago

He deleted 4 for sure alts

MolochHunter ago

if you had a brain you would see that my post said GodsAngell is a discredit to himself, so i am not 'taking his side'. Polemic much?

if you had INTEGRITY you would agree that from a Moderators perspective, people being OR SUPPORTING proven professional multi sock-puppet shills is a HIGHER PRIORITY than credulous people who reveal themselves

GodsAngell's flaws are TRANSPARENT

Sock Puppeteers are OPAQUE

so we would really APPRECIATE users - especially users of such experience as yourself - assisting us to eradicate the sock puppeteers who are LITERALLY Deep State agents

unless of course you have some other agenda ?

Morbo ago

Cry me a river, Mod Derangement Syndrome. Mods are janitors not gods. Get off your high horse and do your fucking job. If GodsAngell is so transparently a flawed fraud, then remove the posts per rule #1 on the GA sub "Quality Posts Only". You know they are not quality posts yet they are allowed to stay and distract more sheep. You just don't want to get run through the wringers by removing posts or banning GodsAngell since that would make you look bad to the sheep even though it would make you look good to the real researchers. This is why the sub is lost. My agenda, if you must know, is information and fact. If you can comb through my comment/post history and find a single entry where I am pushing falsehood as fact (obvious satire excluded unless you want to be disingenuous), then please feel free to call me a shill, alt or whatever.

the sock puppeteers who are LITERALLY Deep State agents

Facts to back this up? Real evidence not some link to things like how the three letter agencies subvert forums. That isn't proof that this is what is happening on Voat so don't waste your time with it. Real evidence of an exposed DS agent right here on Voat or at least some verifiable third party evidence that this is happening here. Without verifiable facts on this, your claim is no more credible than GodsAngel's of MissleStopedCopter's claims and makes you a disinfo spreader yourself.

srayzie ago

Yeah. You’re definitely mimicking exactly what @MissleCopterStoped said. Go to hell.

@MolochHunter and @Shizy...

This groups aim is towards the mods. Let’s not get hung up on arguing with each and every one. All we need to do is paste the new post and downvote. People will catch on.

Morbo ago

And you're mimicking a DS agent. Hell is too good for you. Go to israel.

MolochHunter ago

so let me get this straight

Mods are janitors not gods.


You just don't want to get run through the wringers by removing posts or banning GodsAngell


You want me to be God to GodsAngell and a janitor to mult-alt sock puppeteers ? well, well

@Shizy @Srayzie

look what's come out of the woodwork

Morbo ago

Reconcile? It's not rocket science. You are a janitor but you refuse to clean up the mess because you don't want to be seen as a villain and dragged through the mud like the other mods who the sheep see as heavy-handedly in the wrong. You want to look good instead of running a good sub. That's obvious since you keep pinging Srayzi and Shizy on every comment reply. Srayzie has dealt with me before. Look what what happened to your sub now, Srayzie. See what the Rettardit invaders have done. I wasn't a problem here until the sub was invaded by sheep who will believe anything without doing any research. If you and the other mods think I am the problem, well then there is no hope for you.

A janitor is not a god simply because he determines if a piece of trash stays or goes. You think too highly of yourself. Just do your job.

srayzie ago

GreatAwakening has grown. You failed. Now this sock puppet account is exposed.

@MolochHunter @Shizy @Argosciv...

Let’s keep a list of every user that mimics the same narrative. I will add them to this post for all to see.

argosciv ago

This sub belongs to them now.

You (and Srayzie, Shizy) need to take this sub back and get GA back on track.

This sub is lost and you let this happen. It belongs to the fools now. You have done more to divide us than the DS ever could. Well played, controlled sheep.

Now all we have is a bunch of make believe and outrageous claims about aliens, demons, DEWs, EMPs and JFK Jr filling up the sub.

^ Manufacturing consensus of hostile takeover, through use of a manufactured crisis and blowing it out of proportion.

Get off your high horse and do your fucking job.

Just do your job.

^ Repeating MCS?

the sock puppeteers who are LITERALLY Deep State agents

Facts to back this up? Real evidence not some link to things like how the three letter agencies subvert forums. That isn't proof that this is what is happening on Voat so don't waste your time with it. Real evidence of an exposed DS agent right here on Voat or at least some verifiable third party evidence that this is happening here. Without verifiable facts on this, your claim is no more credible than GodsAngel's of MissleStopedCopter's claims and makes you a disinfo spreader yourself.

^ Translation: "Don't talk about DS/3Letter agents without showing your hand or you're disinfo like the person I'm defending or the person being used as bait."

Smells like HenryCorp/D_I...

@Shizy @Crensch @kevdude @Vindicator @MolochHunter

srayzie ago

I added him to the list

argosciv ago

I know :)

Just pointing out what stands out to me.

srayzie ago

Good. You’re good at this. Notice the Jem comments from both thisistotallynotme and MissleCopterStoped? @youllrememberme always brings it up to but calls it “drama”.

argosciv ago

Notice the Jem comments from both thisistotallynotme and MissleCopterStoped? youllrememberme always brings it up to but calls it “drama”.

Did indeed notice.

Morbo ago

You really are stupid. Go through my posting history and comments. Show me what you base your sock puppet claim on. The fact that you are just reacting to this whole thing in the usual programmed "I'm a mod therefore I know more and are a better judge of character than anyone else" power trip says you are nothing more than a fool with no reasoning power of your own. If I'm a sock puppet account, then you're a DS operative who is here to control the narrative and trick a bunch of gullible idiots into believing things that are often blatantly false. Power tripping mod with no sense. You are a good reason why the 19th amendment was a bad idea.

MolochHunter ago

ok, i'll do my job. Right now

@Srayzie, @Shizy - this guy is suspect as FUCK

Morbo ago

Typical. Ban me then fucker. Show us all what you really are.

MolochHunter ago

no i wont because that's not the guidelines given to me

we ban users who consecutively ignore warnings not to post against submission rules

Morbo ago

Well what was your threat to me then?

ok, i'll do my job. Right now

@Srayzie, @Shizy - this guy is suspect as FUCK

Sounded an awful lot like you were about to use your mod powers to end this.

MolochHunter ago

you have a talent for conflation and misconstruction

you can infer anything you want from that post. Here, I'll repeat it :

ok, i'll do my job. Right now

@Srayzie, @Shizy - this guy is suspect as FUCK

srayzie ago

Yep! Downvote the fucker and keep pasting the link!

UPDATE on the group trying to Infiltrate Voat's Q community!

They will get tired of it.

Morbo ago

Well do whatever you're going to do. It's probably nothing, per the usual, so I'll end this here. GodsAngell just posted more garbage so it's back to normal.

While Q is "quiet" (busy rounding up psychopaths)

More unsubstantiated claims, but hey, this sub seems to like make believe stories so who am I to care, right?

MolochHunter ago

you care , by :


commenting negatively

posting links proving GodsAngell's source is garbage

not frustrating Moderators attempts to expose and discredit multiple sock puppeteers

is there anything unclear or unreasonable about that?

Morbo ago

If you would look into things, you would notice I only comment negatively (or truthfully is a better way to say it) against certain topics on GA like the DEWs and power/internet outages. I'm not here disrupting all of GA. I'm only here on these topics because they are never backed up with anything more than speculation and Project Blue Beam garbage. The mods of GA are certainly working together in unison tonight to squelch a single individual who was once a Patriot and is now an individual who thinks for himself. You and Srayzie have converted a Patriot into an enemy. WWG1WGA doesn't mean shit to me now that it would have to include the likes of you. I'll go my own way without you and in spite of you.

MolochHunter ago

But you just can't bring yourself to say anything negative about those who use multiple sock puppet accounts.... why is that so very hard ?

Morbo ago

Because they are not my issue. I'm not a mod here and I have no power to deal with their disruptions. I can easily ignore them and most people can too. Patriots aren't lining up to follow those sock puppet accounts. People aren't being fooled by them the way they are by fantastic claims of DEWs and electric grid attacks with blue lights. Patriots are lining up behind GodsAngell though and following him/her into the realm of crackpots. They vote GodsAngell up and post more of the same nonsense in the comments when they have no proof either. This is a real problem. The sock puppets are just nuisances. If you can't see the difference here...

MolochHunter ago

You need to work on being less obvious

Morbo ago

You need to work on being less suspicious. Show me the proof you have that I am a sock puppet. Go on, I'll wait. It won't be too hard to figure out that I'm a regular user if you look at my posting history. You'll be too embarrassed to publicly admit that you are wrong though so you can just PM me with your findings if you wish.

See something, say something. It's a bad concept when those who you report to are paranoid and delusional. Much like with the Red Scare of the 50s, all you will see is sock puppets and shills because that is what you are looking for. You are doing this to me and you can't admit that you have no proof that I am what you claim I am. You're just scared shitless and you don't know how to act when you confront a real person with a real complaint about this sub. You would not survive when SHTF and you have to act in real life. I'm not going to lose any sleep over that.

MolochHunter ago

here's a test of self awareness for you

You just landed yourself on a list of suspicious users that @Srayzie posted here

now, how about you go through my list in my comment here and tell me which behavioral infraction might have landed you on that list ?

Morbo ago

I don't care which arbitrary rule you think I broke to land me on an oooh, scary list. You don't enforce the sub rules around here so why should some new arbitrary rules matter to me or anyone else? You take your mod position here as some sort of supreme power granted to you by God himself. You're not a god and your lists don't scare me at all.

MolochHunter ago

you act like you have the authority of a mod when you arent even in the role - sorry - couldnt even keep the role

being on the list isnt intended to scare you. Its intended to make other users here know that you arent to be trusted

and thats exactly what you will get every time you make a new alt and that alt defends or deflects from the practice of using numerous alts



Morbo ago

You really do think you're special because you're a mod. Wow. You must not have anything else to feel special about outside of Voat if you think that is something that makes you great.

Again with the alts bit. I HAVE NO ALTS! Prove me wrong. Show me the alts and the proof. This is why I cannot and will not ever trust you or the other GA mods. You're so caught up in tilting at windmills that you have no connection to reality any longer. Oh, and by he way, thanks for introducing me to MissleCopterStoped. I probably wouldn't have really noticed him had you not falsely accused me of being him. After reading his comment history, I could see where you think we are the same person, but in reality you just found two different people who had the same gripe with the same user on GA. Now there are two of us. You made that possible. Thank you.

srayzie ago

You obviously care enough to keep making comments.

Morbo ago

I can make comments because Voat allows me to. I also care enough about truth to call out posters like GodsAngell who use their free speech on Voat to spread lies and wild speculation without supporting evidence. I thought GA and its mods once cared too, but tonight has proven to me and a few others here that is not the case. Do you honestly believe what GodsAngell posts is real, accurate and true? If so, why? I truly want to know why it can be accepted without proof and anyone critical of it is labeled as subversive shills and DS agents.

srayzie ago

We aren’t saying that. We are going to address this issue. This is separate than the bullshit the shills pull.

Morbo ago

So why shit on me for something you know is a problem? I called out a specific set of inaccurate posts (DEWs and power substation failures) who happened to be pushed in unsubstantiated ways by a single GA poster. I did not broadly attack all GA users or even other crazy ideas like JFK Jr still being alive or aliens. I called attention to a real problem, as even you see it, and now I'm persona non grata for trying to prevent these lies from afflicting more users. Shills aren't that specific and they don't go into other subs to help out Voat goats with installing Wifi light switches correctly or how to help a user make his whiskey infinity bottle management easier. Yeah I'm some crazy new kind of shill/DS agent/alt account that has spent nearly 4 years here helping people out when I have knowledge on a subject just to fool some mods later on so they won't notice my subversion. It's a crafty plan, like following someone home by driving in front of them and tuning left when they go right. They'll never know you're following them. Dastardly.

srayzie ago

I haven’t read all your comments. I have read some. You used the same tactics as MissleCopterStoped. I have never claimed that the post was good. We are going to look more deeply into this person. We’ve been bombarded with shills that attack even good posts. That needed to be dealt with.

Morbo ago

We are going to look more deeply into this person. We’ve been bombarded with shills that attack even good posts. That needed to be dealt with.

Just remember that a mod's job is be a custodian not a god. Shills are gonna shill bu not everyone who has something critical to say is a shill. A mod must look at the whole situation to be able to know the difference. It's not an easy thing to do, but that is part of what the job entails. I've been there and I know what it's like. You should see what it's like when you're the one paying the bills to keep a forum running on a private server back when servers were expensive to run and have your userbase think you owe them something for them using up your resources. I spent thousands of dollars doing just that until I wised up and cleaned up the forum. They bitched and moaned but I got them to behave until I decided I was done with that and ended the forum entirely. Maybe I was like a god because I had the power to destroy what I created, but I only ended it when the forum's purpose had lost its relevance and there was no point in sinking money into it. I know what mods face. I know it well. It's a thankless job but it's something voluntary so you can't complain too much for a decision made on you own.

srayzie ago

I think we’re doing a good job. We have dealt with this group for months. That also needed to be dealt with. You came off really rude at a really bad time. I’m going to bed now.

Morbo ago

Well good night then. May your dreams be shill-free.

srayzie ago

Thank you. Good night.

MissleCopterStoped ago

The mods are also traitors by allowing this bullshit to fly on the boards. I tried to report it (as it is against this forum rules) and instead they attacking me for blowing the whistle on it.

Now my days are filled by being cyber-stalked on my account by the gang stalkers they call themselves mods. I wouldnt be surprised if they are a cyber arm of Antifa[g].

Aren't we fighting an enemy that does the same tactics as I mentioned above?

My unsolicited advice is do not report this traitor otherwise you were have a target on your back like I do now.

srayzie ago

This will be pasted everywhere you decide to lie about us...

@MissleCopterStoped lies about us. Find out why by reading this.

Save this link @Shizy and @MolochHunter!

Shizy ago

Excellent work! I saved it.

Shizy ago

I have never attacked or stalked you. Why would you make such claims? Do you really want mods to go around censoring and deleting everything? If you don't like what @GodsAngell posts and you feel it's false, make your case for that. If something can be shown to be disinformation it will either be deleted or flaired. I don't understand the problem you still have? That post from your link was flaired unverified.

And if you're going to make claims against the mods, at least ping them. I guess it would make it hard to lay out baseless claims and play the role of victim if there's no one around to rebut you.

@srayzie @MolochHunter

Revised ago

Every time I read this shit my heart jumps. Then I look deeper into it and find it is false and I just get mad.

There has got to be a better way. Too bad Q doesn't have a press secretary for mundane daily updates.

Morbo ago

When I read one of these post titles, I immediately look at the poster's name. If it's GodsAngell, as this one is, I take it as complete BS speculation and likely disinfo. I've learned to recognize a lot of usernames for this purpose so my heart no longer skips a beat. Too bad that doesn't happen anymore, it was kind of fun to hope for even just a brief second.

derram ago :

Trump - GITMO - Military Tribunal - Trafficking - EO - YouTube :

Q Anon/GITMO/FLU Spread at Border/#45 in Iraq/Future Proves Past!👈💥 - YouTube

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