gogogogostop ago

It's military. Different rules in warfare. This is a war, you know.


I have heard that the presumptive of innocence is nullified and void in military law procedures. Guilty until proven innocent.

GinormousGuy ago

I just can’t wait till the first one gets whacked: John Brennan. Then will enjoy watching the rest of them f**kers like Coney and Clappers shit in their pants.

scoripowarrior ago

I sure hope Brennan is one of the very first to be strung up! He is such a smug SOB. He deserves the very best a noose has to offer.

MissleCopterStoped ago

That certainly is good on the ears to hear, and no hours long battles (think OJ and his blood and DNA all over the famous White Bronco) to go through if it can be used or not.

awildbanannaphone ago

Now I do, thanks!

ghost_of_aswartz ago

Because military tribunals don't have to kowtow to the legalf*ggotry of process law

Vibratron ago


UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

This is the video of Lindsey Graham carefully getting Brett Kavanaugh to confirm in great detail, LIVE in front of 50,000,000 people that US Citizens can lose their Constitutional Rights and be tried by a Military Tribunal as Enemy Combatants.

Makes me smile when Graham says... "and some of them were hung ?" and Kavanaugh looks across at the Dems, then back at Graham, and says "uh, Yep !"


MissleCopterStoped ago

That famous question will undoubtfully be written in future academic history and lawschool books for a long time to come. πŸ‘

1Barefooter ago

Sounds like the Robert Mueller modus operandi. What's good for the goose..... it works for me!

shawnfromnh69 ago

Watch special witness Jullien Assauge in the case of DNC setting up a candidate by bribery for the 2016 primary. The democratic party is fucked and the blacks nationwide will wake up so fast at what they have been blind to for decades.

MissleCopterStoped ago

I wonder if African Americans will get so angry they commit vigilante offenses by vandalizing their houses and other assets they own, or even the person themselve.

Zadim ago

It will be as if the entire AA community has been overdosed by the dem's synthetic Opium called welfare will be given a ginormous dose of NARCAN - one minute sleeping next moment eyes - wide - open - third minute RAGE

Shizy ago

Are you going to address this?


shawnfromnh69 ago

Wow when this goes down I expect about a million smoke shop screechers to erupt nationwide. Hell I wonder if some tech companies CEO's are going to be headed there like Jeff Bezos or the like or Soros or Rothschild. Be nice not to cut off the head of the snake but shove a stick of dynomite in it's mouth.

awildbanannaphone ago

bro, your references are out of control!... lol good one tho

ghost_of_aswartz ago

smoke shop screechers

REEEEEEEEEEE I'm calling the cops. Hello 911? Theres this fckin like Trump fck who F*ckin won't god dmn leave my Fck store. ....

... ...Hello?


shawnfromnh69 ago

Most of the Obama Administration and many department heads, fbi, justice, anyone involved in the dossier, anyone involved in the uranium one deal anyone connected with the clinton foundation. So many fuckers and only so many cells to go around. I wonder if they considered this might be the big payout they were waiting for.

scoripowarrior ago

Send them to Fed Pens. There is one in Terre Haute, IN where McVey was sentenced until he was executed.

MissleCopterStoped ago

There is 800 FEMA camps to choose from and only the VIPs get exclusive (penthouse) cells. πŸ˜‚

shawnfromnh69 ago

I said a couple of months ago that they should use military tribunals and some idiot here swore it was not legal to try citizens that way. Well fuck you the guy that said that was not legal because it's in black and white you don't know crap.

eronburr ago

Not legal, lol. Legality depends on our constitution, which has been suspended since before any of us were born.

HuFlungDung ago

Ya there are a bunch of FaggotFucks here stating at Gitmo they cant do this and they have to do this because of Laws.Those Prison barges in International waters are the place to Torture,waterboard or probably whatever we want and by the time they make it to Gitmo they should have extracted everything and are ready for execution.Anyone who is a terorist whether domestic or whatever has lost all rights.God Bless you Patriot

G45Colt ago

That very question was posed to Kavanaugh by Graham. Not only did Kavanaugh cite statutes, he also mentioned case laws and precedents. Then there is the fact that we are a nation at war, which brings its own set of legal options not normally available during peacetime.

Fun times ahead.

MissleCopterStoped ago

How ironic that GWB will suffer from this as he was the one whom declared war in the first damn place.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Best plot twist for this show and I am enjoying it.

FecalDemiurge6000 ago

Might explain why Trump is leaving troops in Iraq? Is there a publicly stated reason?

Zadim ago

I think the bush/clinton/obama cartel thought they were clever when they declared an ongoing state of war on drugs and on terror, only to have POTUS and MI turn it around and grab them all for treason, sedition and supporting the enemy DURING A TIME OF WAR


MissleCopterStoped ago

Oh gosh, I didnt even see your comment after I wrote same thing. πŸ‘πŸ‡±πŸ‡·

Zadim ago

Don't worry, the copyright application wasn't submitted yet so we're green!

Revised ago

Ironically the very next day Fienstien dropped the Ford bomb.

Q-sent-me ago

It is good to look back in retrospect, and see how the events followed each other. Thanks!

Qanonplus1 ago

No, I did not know. If true, that is sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet.

TurquoiseLover ago

Well thankfully, Trump is using the DEEP STATES own sick "laws" on them. Due justice. (NDAA as example, where's johnny mccain? who knows?)

GodsAngell ago

Thanks for posting this! Very informative. Can't wait till Jan 16th, when they start posting GITMO the cases on a Website.....if I understood her correctly!

Also we find out that people (the public?) will be able to watch the some of the hearings at GITMO at Ft Mead, MD...but I would verify this before you drive to Fort Mead with your popcorn. I know that when they are discussing top secret classified documents that those will not be available to the public.....naturally.

candtalan ago

Possible that the barges, carrier, etc are currently empty because preps are needed, and securing large numbers of inmates is a complication if at sea. A logical sequence might be to temp house large numbers of visitors in any or all of the FEMA camps (which always did look more like detention centres more than holiday camps), and transport them in large transport planes in batches as appropriate. (Wasn't there a big bunch of transport planes on training exercise recently..?). The barges would - by then - be ready and prepped for detaining visitors, with non-seagoing staff. The aircraft carrier might be a mil security measure, against a sophisticated possible adversary which is not yet completely stitched up?

TSE ago

Sounds like fake news to me. If 7 prison barges are heading to GITMO, I would assume they are full. We are taking people to GITMO, not picking them up from GITMO. So wouldn't we have heard something if that many people have been arrested to fill 7 barges?

DammitMan ago

Gitmo is not set up to house that many prisoners. I would think it would be a way to get materials to the site without all the watchful eyes.

GodsAngell ago

No. The docks at GITMO were expanded too, to permit really large (deep) ships to anchor at the docks. So the prison barges will be used for prisoners to stay in too, not just the expanded high security sites on land. It increases the number of prisoners GITMO can handle for a TEMPORARY TIME, because when these losers get found guilty of TREASON, and EXECUTED, there will no longer be any need for so many prison cells. These prison barges are handling the short term high capacity situation.

DammitMan ago

True Gitmo has been expanded but a full 7 decker barge is a LOT of prisoners.

FecalDemiurge6000 ago

Weren't they / aren't they doing additional construction?

GodsAngell ago

That was done already. BUT you have to remember most of these people will be found guilty of TREASON, so they only need cells to hold them Temporarily. Once they were found guilty of Treason, they get executed, and presto, no longer any need for the Prison Barges which can go back into service elsewhere.

Message: A LOT are going to be rounded up all at once......but they will only be live for a short time, so no need to BUILD expensive prisons for them. Just use the Prison Barges.

Zadim ago

7 barges now? I thought there were only 2 - one from NYC and one coming from Washington State or Sanctuary State of Oregon?

GodsAngell ago

Apparently more have been sent to GITMO.

brettco12 ago

7 barges but they are stacked 3 high- so you do the math! I cant.

Zadim ago

Maybe its typical government insurance scam - build 6 for gitmo - the 7th barge sunk - insurance on the 7th pays for the remaining 6??

GodsAngell ago

If the Military picks them up at 3am, do you really think it will be on front page news?

FuckYesJefferson ago

Fucking delusional boomer

TSE ago

7 barges?? Must be over 1000 people, and nobody is reporting on it??? NO WAY?? Hell, people would report missing people all over the place, and all of you would then wonder what happened to all the people and say that aliens took them while they did a DEW attack. Get real!!.

serpentdove ago

I don't like his mouth; but, guess it's time to resubscribe to Abel Danger.

Revised ago

Good to know. Everything captured by DHS can be used against................


SOTU will tell the tale.

GodsAngell ago

And NSA (that has EVERYTHING).

Revised ago

NSA was what I should have said.

Point is, if there are no arrests there are no tribunals.