you_want_me ago

Here's the current, and you can see it's being heavily brigaded again.

On top of that, you got the "Fake news" flair by the jew mods on this subverse.

Daily Crusader is, as usual, above the target. I quit using this subverse when I saw what the mods were doing to DC. I only use QRV now.

Shizy ago

Daily Crusader is, as usual, above the target.

If Daily Crusader was such a reputable news source, you fakes wouldn't be here pushing it SO HARD! Tell your boss he's wasting his money. No one is falling for this garbage 😂

xstalpha ago

Sad thing is, we don't push here. We got traffic from this so we came to defend @5c4RFAC3 who we hope has learned by posting here, that the mods on this subverse are 100% jew comped and hide the truth about jews however they can.

Shizy ago

Yeah yeah yeah, more baseless claims from a fake account. If you really spent any time around here you would know that it's 100% bullshit to say the mods hide the truth about jews! Go peddle your fake ass news site somewhere else!

Marleyisotope ago

I'm starting to think the mods in this subverse are comped. You gotta go to the official Q subverse for good conversation. It's QRV. There's a reason Q chose that subverse and not this one

Shizy ago

I'm starting to think the mods in this subverse are comped.

Starting to think? Looks like another brand new account, with only two comments ever, is saying the mods here are comped with no examples or proof.

Why did you stop replying to me with your alt? Couldn't provide any examples of your claims so you ditch that and post the same comment with this alt?

You shills are so transparent.

Shizy ago

The daily crusader is a highly questionable news source.

Please see this post for more info:

bill_clinton_rapist ago

yeah, see? mods here are clearly 100% jew comped

Shizy ago

when the source is shit, the content is already discredited.

Kinda like how you keep calling me a Jew with no proof!

bill_clinton_rapist ago

You're clearly a jew, since you don't understand greek or latin debate

Ad hominem (Latin for "to the person"[1]), short for argumentum ad hominem, is a fallacious argumentative strategy whereby genuine discussion of the topic at hand is avoided by instead attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself.

sfscubarob ago

Didn’t the Daily Crusader come out as absolute BullShit?

bill_clinton_rapist ago

this same post was on QRV last night and is a great read. It seems clear crusaderanon is at minimum in contact with Stone, and probably more high level guys if you consider their article about the Pompeo/Netanyahu meeting, it had high level intel in it that didn't hit open source media until 8 days later.

bill_clinton_rapist ago

This is insane. I can't believe Roger Stone is naming them openly. I wonder if Trump put him up to this? POTUS recent actions sure make it look like it.

jillkews88 ago

Starting to look like it. I'm also wondering why this is flaired as "fake news" when it seems to check out?

Marleyisotope ago

It's because the mods in this subverse are comped.

digital_minuteman321 ago

DailyCrusader is a shill website.

1776_Policies ago

Hmm. Why is it always the same 3/4 shills on every dc article? @Srayzie

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Why are you here asking the same question THREE times shill ?

Shizy ago

Why is an 8 day old account spamming the same comment?

Why is this spammed comment the only comment you have ever made?


CovfefeFan ago

It's like working with glue and getting it stuck to your fingers and getting it everywhere and you can't get rid of it.

Shizy ago

Exactly! Great analogy 😆

CovfefeFan ago

I was dealing with a sticky substance a few days ago, and I'm still finding things I touched and left sticky. Then I signed on here and saw that the "DailyCrusader" group was back again and found a new way to get their crap on here around your flagging. You still caught it, I'm impressed.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago


bill_clinton_rapist ago

probably because most of us just lurk so we don't get involved in the stupid upvote/downvote fights, you say one thing against jews in this subreddit and the next morning you got 100 downvotes in your comment history. best to stick to QRV honestly

Shizy ago

100% BULLSHIT! People talk about Jews here all the time and there's no censoring that! If you think your right, prove it member of 8 days 😂!

bill_clinton_rapist ago

Look at what you people are doing to crusaderanon

Perfect example

Shizy ago

Look at what you people are doing to crusaderanon

What are "we" doing?

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

I thought he was @rapinbillclinton

Another day another wally....

Shizy ago

Yeah I thought the name looked familiar. They sure crawl up out of nowhere to defend this "news" source!

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago


Daily Crusader satire fake half truth

Been chucked off here regularly..

Expect 'sandwiches' any moment... if any of you remember that...

1776_Policies ago

Why is it always the same 3/4 shills on every dc article? @Srayzie

bill_clinton_rapist ago

probably because the mods here are comped jews, and let JIDF get away with anything, but then try to destroy anyone who openly names jews. if you want real discussion, you gotta go to QRV, i barely even peruse the front page of this subverse anymore, it's a joke

Shizy ago

😂 Was that meant to be serious? I for one have been called "racist" many times for naming the Jew! I know my fellow mods have as well. Why are you making stuff up?

But by all means, keep shilling to draw people over to QRV if you're so desperate!

bill_clinton_rapist ago

nothing to be "desperate" about. this same post was on QRV last night and is a great read. It seems clear crusaderanon is at minimum in contact with Stone, and probably more high level guys if you consider their article about the Pompeo/Netanyahu meeting, it had high level intel in it that didn't hit open source media until 8 days later. You guys have clearly allowed a JIDF downvote gang to drive them from this subverse and into QRV. you mods even tagged them as "fake news" with no proof whatsoever, except shilling from the same 3 accounts or so that came into this post immediately, as soon as it was made.

it makes me wonder what else you comped mods have censored in the past

this is why QRV is, and will remain, more active than this subverse. I didn't buy into the whole "mod fights" when I started lurking here, but after seeing the Daily Crusader drama, I sure as hell do now

QRV is a million times better, and that's why it's the official Q Research Board subverse. you guys... are just some kind of jew ripoff of controlled opposition

Shizy ago

Daily Crusader is a joke and run by a felon. See this post:

If QRV is great because they don't call out Daily Crusader for the fake news site that they are, then by all means stay over there and spread your fake news freely!

bill_clinton_rapist ago

You're clearly a jew, since you don't understand greek or latin debate

Ad hominem (Latin for "to the person"[1]), short for argumentum ad hominem, is a fallacious argumentative strategy whereby genuine discussion of the topic at hand is avoided by instead attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself.

Shizy ago

Now you're spamming the same comment. That can earn out a ban so I suggest you stop.

I see now that you're just a troll! Same 8 day old account as the other troll on this thread who keeps spam pinging @srayzie. You and your alt can shove off now and go promote Daily Crusader bullshit somewhere else.

srayzie ago

It’s probably the same one that sends me private messages on Twitter saying he’s “Joshua’s friend”. That’s the owner.

Shizy ago

Oh really? It's so weird how they push this news site. If their site was credible, it could stand on its own merits and wouldn't need a gang of goons going around trying to force it on everyone.

bill_clinton_rapist ago

I don't care if you ban me from this subverse, this place is a fucking joke.

I mostly lurk, and I lurk QRV anyways ever since I've seen you people literally censor good information

just sick of seeing you people pretend not to be biased, when you got the same 3/4 shills showing up to every one of this guys articles within minutes of it being posted

Shizy ago

Kinda like how you and @1776_policies show up at the same time, both with 8 day old accounts and attack anyone who calls out Daily Crusader? Hmmmmmm, I smell a stanky agenda going on.

I'm not banning you, I'm simply warning you that one of the rules of this subverse is no spamming. You and your alt have both spammed comments so I'm being courteous and letting you know continuing that can earn yourself a ban.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Remember this alt as @rapinbillclinton


PGLiterati ago

No on Daily Crusader.

1776_Policies ago

Hm. Why is it always the same 3/4 shills on every dc article? @Srayzie

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

You're the same guy wiv different alts, is why....

you_want_me ago

you need to take your schizophrenia meds, moshe

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Hey there Deputy Dawg...

Muskie replying...

Oh no, the serious alts being set free...

Isthatreallyyou ? No, thisistotallynotme but if you look closer youllrememberme !

Is that you gunny ?