gogogogostop ago


Jimbobjumpback ago

Here's an interesting thread that dovetails with yours. Notice Chelsy and POTUS both tweeted 'Merry Christmas' at the same moment. https://twitter.com/Slayczar/status/1077770264820236289

57005-177 ago

I saw that, looks like others are starting to take notice of their twitter inactivity too. ๐Ÿ‘

DTrumplican ago

Bill Clinton's tweet full of cryptic book titles lol. What could it mean? I don't know how to post a pic of the tweet sorry

57005-177 ago

Yeah, not sure what the message is either.

MissleCopterStoped ago

I took a screenshot of that last yesterday morning, and my inner voice said, โ€œsave it information hoarder faggot.โ€ ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

DTrumplican ago

hahahaha me too

notboundtosilence ago

If Trump says we can say Merry Christmas you can bet those wack jobs will not say it, just for spite. It would be comical if we were watching children on a playground, but since these people are supposed to represent the voter it is frightening.

NosebergShekelman ago


Patriotic_Legend ago

Hillary and Barack both tweeted 10 hours ago, just a quickerry Christmas, the rest did not.

StarAnon ago

Hussein and Hagatha Clinton tweeted 7 hours ago. 10 am EST.

57005-177 ago

Check out @SerialChillerโ€™s post, both Hillary and Hussein tweeted within 10 seconds of each other!


What a coincidence and both were old WH christmas photos too! Megan McCain tweeted a cryptic message too, adding her link too. Cheers Patriot.

StarAnon ago

I visited those links! Collusion .. I have to check McCain's - Thank you :)

MissleCopterStoped ago

Howdy Dowdy Mr. Ed Chelsea tweeted about 3 hours earlier than obummer and hildabeast did.

Comey who isn't a homey tweeted 3 days ago.

57005-177 ago


SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakening submission by @GodsAngell.

Posted automatically (#15762) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

57005-177 ago

Someone wants to ride on my coattails. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

ohgmoney ago

Why do **so **many people start a statement (in this case written, but the issue is lessened none) with the introductory word "So". It sounds very casual and takes away from whatever is trying to be expressed, like ending with "you know what I'm sayin'". Remember Vally Girls? Totally.

mwoew8t5cs ago


57005-177 ago

Love it, totally missed that too.

Hopefully commenter doesn't have a pet peeve about incorrect spelled words. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘

Right on Patriot!

57005-177 ago

Like totally gross me out! Yeah no English major here, but glad I captivated you on a 2 letter word..



Fateswebb ago

Thing is, even if they were in custody, probably some of them don't even run their Twitter's, wouldn't they have media lackies to do that for them? I know Donald runs his or think he does, but I think most delegate that job.

F_Tard_Fred ago

Barack did post today. So far he is the only one. All other are still silent.

SerialChiller ago

Both Hillary and Obama just posted "Merry Christmas" tweets just now. There are some very interesting oddities.

  • Both of them posted OLD pictures from the White House christmas. It is way more obvious from the Clinton's picture than it is from the Bama's. Now why would both of them choose to post some very obviously outdated christmas photo? Wasn't there a more recent picture available? Or were they both not in a position to take a more recent photo together with their family, or had to ask someone else to post a stock photo from a few years ago?

  • Both of them posted within 10 minutes of each other. The timestamps on their tweets - you can check for yourself by inspecting the 'data-time' of the <span class="_timestamp"> html element on the tweet are as shown below. The data-time field is in Unix-time, which I have converted to GMT using an online converter.

Person unix time GMT
Obama 1545747277 Tue, 25 Dec 2018 14:14:37 GMT
Hillary 1545747869 Tue, 25 Dec 2018 14:24:29 GMT

Now, none of this is hard proof, and maybe they will post something else soon to quell this speculation... but it might be worth asking on their Twitter feed why they do not have a 2018 Christmas photo. Right now Hillary's tweet responses are from the bunch of the delusional "madame president" lunatics.

57005-177 ago

Still no activity on their accounts as of about 10 minutes ago.

Shiftworker1976 ago

Q said 10 or less.

57005-177 ago

Q was close as it was 10 minutes and 8 seconds between the tweets of hildabeast and hussein. ๐Ÿ‘

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @57005-177.

Posted automatically (#15779) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

mwoew8t5cs ago

The old Christmas photos (from white house days) is easily explained by the fact that neither Hillary nor Obama is Christian, and neither actually celebrates Christmas. So they had to dig around for old photos.

57005-177 ago

Those tweets are almost exactly at 10 minutes. I tweeted them well wishes of Treason Greetings, but when I go back to check analytics, the tweets are gone.๐Ÿ˜ฑ

wikipiques ago


57005-177 ago


FishBoat ago

I'd be inclined to give it a few more days. None of these people are prolific twatters. Not like Trump.

57005-177 ago

Hillary and DWS usually tweets at least once a day. The others seem to post randomly or post when they think they got the goods on President Trump.

WyoTxn ago

JP's last tweet is 12/20.

57005-177 ago

Fixed it, thanks!

lonelyqanon ago

Unfortunately Hillary & Hussein have posted "Merry Christmas" wishes today :(

MatildaQ ago

Timeline. 10 minutes apart and using OLD photos. Coincidence?

These people are STUPID. Q

GodsAngell ago

Very old photos used. HRC's hair is too long.

Backoftheqanon ago

I checked the witches twitter a little while back and there's a Christmas Greeting message posted about half hour ago. Doesn't mean she posted it could've been a clone.

17RedPills ago

Just checked HRC tweet. Wished Merry Christmas about 25 min ago. Posted old pic of family in what looks like WH.

57005-177 ago

I just tweeted all of the above Treason Greetings, but when I go back to check analytics, my tweets are gone! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

17RedPills ago

Obummer from 39 min ago. Pic from what looks like WH too...

numina18 ago

It says John Podesta tweeted 12/25, but I checked and it is really 12/19. Let's pray this is true. Merry Christmas to all!

57005-177 ago

That was typo and fixed it, oops!

Invicta ago

I pray they are being executed. But then they could be sunk in their Satanic rituals, for example, terrorizing children then killing them for their adrenochrome (C9H9NO3).

swimkin ago

HRC must be perusing this site. She only tweeted a Merry Christmas today.

o0shad0o ago

I'm skeptical. Podesta's tweet is current, so he's out; and the "ultra-elite" typically all head for tropical vacations over christmas. So their twitters going inactive doesn't mean much IMO.

archvile7 ago

Actually Podesta's last tweet was also on the 21st, if you look at his page, OP put the 25th for some reason (probably because he is a fag)

57005-177 ago

You certainly nailed me as a faggot on that one, I will fix it. I was really tired and was the last comment/post that I did last night.

Thanks for catching that and it is corrected.

Merry Christmas Patriot!

archvile7 ago

Merry Christmas, FAGGOT!

Just kidding, I love all of you assholes.

Semper Fidelis

57005-177 ago

Semper Fi Patriot!


o0shad0o ago


RightSideUp17and6 ago

They are not even gonna fake that they acknowledge Christmas, thus Christ. Musta been like speaking with a mouthful of thorns when they would say it in the past. They despise Christ and US. By their fruit, ye shall know them.... I would say a basketful of rotten figs-figuratively speaking, of course. (laughing at my unintended pun)

wikipiques ago

one person i know really well cannot say merry christmas without kinda knashing his teeth. he can only be forced to say it to someone he looks up to or hAs more authority

RightSideUp17and6 ago

That is unfortunate if they cannot enjoy the Gift we have received. We can pray that they receive that Gift in the future. Jesus is our Hope. Certainly it is not the Spirit of Christ that anyone feel forced to say that which they do not mean. Christ is not a God of compulsion-other gods are, as i can speak from former experience.

57005-177 ago

You are most likely correct, but they seem to tweet โ€˜normallyโ€™ to fit in and throw it in our faces that they get away with murder, literally.

RightSideUp17and6 ago

Likely a particular source of glee to those who carry out deceit. It will be awesome when this does not work anymore. I believe "it's happening". More folks woke today than yesterday, case in point: this sub (and others). Godspeed!

Anonymous_D2L ago

Hopefully Q will post later today with confirmation that they've all been detained, and denied bail. Along with all th bankers, certain families, and other high ranking pedo scum bags.....

yellowoodneepuks ago

This is hopefully the most incredible gift !

1cd1233 ago

I just checked jpedoboy twit. Last posted 12/19/18, I scrolled down just checking it out, on 12/18/18 jp retwitted Tom Steyer talking about Russians attacking there post/pages. We know it's Q supporters. Panic.

v888 ago

Too busy enjoying torturing the children their friends kidnapped for them for Christmas.

pby1000 ago

This! No lie. It is that time to give and receive baby body parts, preferably of a male. Using a female would go against longstanding traditions.

MolochHunter ago

although David Rothschild popped up to trashtweet Trumps handling of the Fed

Gmods ago

Greetings Hunter ! Is this the same David Rotschild, David Roschild wanted by Interpol - to face Fraud charges,,,

French police have been ordered to track down one of Europeโ€™s wealthiest aristocrats over a fraud involving hundreds of British pensioners By Rob Horgan 18 Jun, 2015 'cos I can't find any recent news... ( Perhaps he's done a 'Lord Lucan' ? ) and, while we're on this tack, Q mentioned a lot, L[d]R , Lynne, AND, Field McConnell said the light 'plane / Helicopter crash at Waddington Hall grounds, was a failed attempt to 'sieze LdR & Evelyn d R ? ?

57005-177 ago

I remember that post! When I was looking for โ€œJohn Galtโ€ and found Q instead around March 2018, and going back through the Q posts I had missed, that post and initials stuck out like a sore thumb. ๐Ÿ‘

Gmods ago

You know the word ' Serendipity ' ? Thank you friend { Stranger, I've not met... ] for, now I'm going to look-up John Galt ! Your looking for John Galt, finding 'Q', I'm convinced there's a Higher-Consciousness driving our desire to make this a better World... I guess many of us 'Awakened', & those here, are 'thirsty' for knowledge, absorbing all we can, - The Mind has greater capacity

than a simple 'Sponge' ! !

57005-177 ago

I have and always been interested in politics and Congress. John Galt was a name I never heard of, but sounded intriguely interesting, and found this name on YT while watching a 1980s English Movie called Naked which is about a homeless guy who was OCD on conspiracy theories (go figure lol).

Never did finish watching the movie once I found that comment and was quickly captivated by Q in his riddles ever since. Now I am moving in the direction that JFK jr. is part of the Q team and been brushing up on his history since it seems that I may be right the the big wigs of the DS have been arrested.

Check out my discussion post at:


I just checked all the accounts about 10 minutes ago, except for Meghanโ€™s and none have tweeted today either.

57005-177 ago

Did you see the stocks today? All in the red!

pby1000 ago

He seems to be melting down.

Anonymous_D2L ago

That was a great tweet, showed real desperation and panic, I had to laugh. If all a rothchild can do now is act like a child. They're more than on the ropes.....

kazza64 ago

he was mad ..... lol

digital_minuteman321 ago

Lol I love it when a Rothschild REEE's

Jimmycrackerson ago

But I thought Jews don't celebrate Christmas?

Kzintrooper2016 ago

They would do an Xmas post for appearance sake.

57005-177 ago

This! โฌ†๏ธโฌ†๏ธ

Jimmycrackerson ago

Oh for optics...

57005-177 ago

This! โฌ†๏ธโฌ†๏ธ

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Very interesting. Thx

57005-177 ago

I tweeted all of the above a Treason Greetings, but when I go back to check analytics, and my tweets have been deleted. ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

They have people paid to watch that sort of stuff ....

Fixers, I think they call them...

โ˜•๏ธ ๐Ÿฐ

57005-177 ago

The (censor) fixers have not really been around like they were before. I would have to say at least 6 months because my memes usually stay put whereas before that, they would take them down within minutes of tweeting on hussein and hildabeastโ€™s twitter accounts.

spiffyaintit ago

I was thinking you got the day wrong, and then realized we're in different countries.

Hopefully it's an indication of something..... especially when you tie in Meghan McCain's "wherever you are" Christmas post where she mentioned her dad.

57005-177 ago

I didn't even check her because the ESP lady didn't mention her, I will check it out.

swimkin ago

That isa very interesting tweet from her. Don't ya think??

57005-177 ago

Yeah, that was an interesting tweet.

flowerchild ago

Ackchtually ... that is unusual in the extreme.

1cd1233 ago

Yeah, even though they would be lying, they always try to take advantage of "optics" for the sheepple.

Ipotfan ago

Q+ (Trump) posted on the 19th that it was [D] day. Makes you wonder if something actually happened that day...

GodsAngell ago

The photo on Hildabeast's twitter is VERY OLD, it is from White House days. So I agree some assistant posted it.

Nice to think they have been rounded up already on the Quiet....while everyone is busy with Christmas.

Q did ask us: "What do you want for Christmas?"

No wonder Trump and his family stayed at the White House for Christmas.

It all fits!



You've got to see SerialBrain2's latest decoding! Its ALL about GITMO and the round up......possibly the round ups will occur before Christmas:

Trump, Q, Gingerbread, Stockings and GITMO. PART1.


FreedBy45 ago

Just checked now - HRC and BO have now posted short tweets with pics. They BOTH posted 2 hours ago...hmmmm...almost seems like someone has control of their Twitter accounts & decided to remedy the "elite" silence. To me, the same posting time is further proof of what OP is speculating on.

PacaGoat ago

From what I have read, those are old reposted tweets.

GodsAngell ago

This is a very OLD photo of the Clintons.....not current at all. Hildabeast's hear is too long in this photo. Looks like a photo from the white house days.

https://twitter.com/HillaryClinton (last tweet 12/21/2018)

I agree someone is READING OUR MAIL HERE and posted these fake Christmas twitter posts in response.

I pray to GOD that they have been rounded up already!

Q did say: "What do you want for Christmas?"

Where are the Planefags? Any unusual aircraft activity lately???

satisfyinghump ago

I agree with you and your pattern of thought.

But look at it from an outside point of view. It looks like no matter what were to happen, a post was tweeted or it wasn't tweeted, people that support the arrest of these individuals would believe the tweet was posted by a member of their group or if no tweet were posted theyd believe they really are in jail...