Amazing SB2! Seems to confirm what we are all expecting, time for the round ups, and the round ups might happen before Christmas!
Trump, Q, Gingerbread, Stockings and GITMO. PART1.
I read that the docks at GITMO were worked on to permit HUGE SHIPS to dock at GITMO, ships that will also contain prisoners, because too many to process at once or hold at GITMO prisons, so they will be held on ships, like a floating hotel. Seems to fit in with your interpretation of this coded message between Hannity and FLOTUS.
LOVE the fact that FLOTUS happened to visit this particular air craft carrier named after one of the big heads of the cabal, Bush Sr (otherwise known as "poppy" due to all of his opium drug trafficking)!
Concrete Cutter Repairs Pier at Guantanamo Bay Naval Station
One CSDA member recently traveled to Naval Station Guantanamo Bay to cut and remove an old concrete pier and returned several months later to resolve a critical issue with the new pier construction. The job involved core drilling six 18-inch-diameter, 7.3-foot-deep holes in concrete pipe piles using diamond tools.
COMMENT: These new piers are very important.They can be used if necessary to berth decommisioned Navy vessels such as LST's, Aircraft Carriers and the like each of which can house up to 6000 persons on a temporary basis until the final housing and/or trials are completed. LOL, cant you just see a ship full of lawyers standing in a chow line dressed in tattered 3-piece suits?
MARTIAL LAW After Christmas? Q's Warnings of Martial Law
Q Followers Briefed on Laws Surrounding Enemy Combatants and the use of the Military to round up Treasonous Enemy Combatants - check!
Q Post Dec 2: #2523 - GITMO READY FOR NEW INMATES - Everything Ready for ROUND-UPS!!! Trump Can Use Deadly Military Force for Round Ups!!!
HERE'S "THE PLAN"!!! We are at Stage 5 of 5!!!
TheFinder ago
Thanks GodsAngel, appreciate this info...TheFinder
Strongand_sassy1 ago
with several locations as gitmo being the highest risk and the most available for convictions of treason, in reference to hangings and firing squads.. but Q did say monitor the funding, so I would presume that barges r foe transportation and holding til the grand opening sale at gitmo on the first . discount for all treasons fast tracks die for free... but giving senate takes new places on 3rd . season ticket holders are approaching their ride soon if not already
levinyl112 ago
Are you all seriously this stupid? you really think all these politicians are going to be put onto a prison ship with no one asking why? Lets not get side tracked this is a non story.
MonQeyShine ago
Newfag here, good info, thanks.
BlaQPatriot ago
"Head em up, move em out.." Rawhide theme, the Official Gitmo Round Up Song!
Sexybuttcheeks ago
I’ll take your downvotes now, but nothing will significant will happen in 2018. Nothing we’ll know about anyway.
comprametu ago
I love every sentence of this post. Music to my ears. Thank you Christ for bringing justice and saving us again!
Tallest_Skil ago
It’s literally not happening. Fucking kill yourself if all you’re going to do is post hoaxes.
levinyl112 ago
Agreed - People are very autistic here
GinormousGuy ago
Sorry, this is BS. At least one of the pic is the Vincent C Bain prison barge used by NY. I can tell you with absolute certainty that it isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. It will be going under massive repair soon and NYC has their own problems with prison space. Sorry for the partial disappointment.
obvious-throwaway- ago
What's all this Kike shit about? Why the fuck is anyone posting from "controlled opposition"?
levinyl112 ago
Shut up you goyim wanker! Go and clean your foreskin it stinks!
Blacksmith21 ago
"LOL, cant you just see a ship full of lawyers standing in a chow line dressed in tattered 3-piece suits?"
GodsAngell ago
Of course there are many, many ugly conscienceless attorneys most happy to do the job!
BUT IT WILL COST the defendants! These type of attorneys don't exactly work pro bono!
Since the deep state woke up BROKE the morning of Dec 21, 2017, thus the need to do nonstop book tours, the speaking tours and (with the Clintons and obummers) global BLACK MAIL tours......all scrambling for money to pay for their EXPENSIVE legal defense costs.
SpiritualPaper ago
Those barges have been there for years as an addendum to Rikers. We need more sauce.
MissleCopterStoped ago
Angel usually gets her "priviledged" information from Sachal Faal from whatdoesitmean.com
Bushpilot ago
The NY barge actually was in Beaufort, NC last week and then moved on south to Charleston, SC.a couple days ago. Havent heard where it is now. Maybe not going to Gitmo but being moved southward.
SpiritualPaper ago
Question is- who is going to be on them?
GodsAngell ago
For all we know, they are full already!
cmcgee14 ago
Proof they are going to Gitmo?? You got solid proof?
Lawyer77 ago
So in 30 days when nothing has happened will you all finally give up and acknowledge that you’re living in a fantasy world?
GodsAngell ago
Hey, Lawyer77, IF you ARE a Lawyer, shouldn't you be reaching out to deep state back actor psychopaths, so you can drain them of what is left of their wealth???
Lawyer77 ago
Yes, I’m a lawyer. I come here to get a laugh. It started when I had an opposing party who was a sovereign citizen person. His pleadings were hilarious. After I crushed him in court I decided to find other crazy conspiracy groups and found you guys.
I’m happy to take anyone’s money. It’s all green and my firm doesn’t discriminate.
17RedPills ago
That one is a 6 day shill. Nuf said?
dianemdeath ago
What is it to you what so many of us believe in? In 30 days will you publicly admit how wrong you were followed by an apology? Stop trying so hard to control what doesn't belong to you in the first place. God bless
Lawyer77 ago
If there are mass arrests and martial law within 30 days with document dumps showing a massive world wide pedo/satanic conspiracy then I’ll be more than happy to say “wow, guess they were right.”
What would it take for you to admit that this is all fake?
Tallest_Skil ago
"Oy vey goyim why do you care about your people being exterminated from the face of the earth"
No, because we're not wrong, you subhuman yid.
Qsentmehere ago
Kill yourself
Lawyer77 ago
I’m perfectly happy with our world. It’s becomjng more liberal and soon you conservative dinosaurs will just be a historic footnote. You’re the fringe grasping to hold on to a fantasy. But seriously, don’t Jonestown yourself; be happy.
Qsentmehere ago
Naw, you liberal pussies and leftist faggots will all die
Lawyer77 ago
Such hate. Does your religion teach you that?
Qsentmehere ago
1, I'm an atheist. 2, it's easy and natural to hate all enemies of the constitution, foreign AND DOMESTIC.
gogogogostop ago
And they wouldn't be sending them there empty, would they?
GodsAngell ago
That's a nice thought!
bamadeplorable420 ago
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 62138c No.4281837 📁 Dec 12 2018 19:16:27 (EST)
hummm...2 large prison barges and a Aircraft Carrier.,,,just a thought.
fuckmyreddit ago
I hope this is true. I pray this is true. I hope something big happens. It's depressing to have my hopes dashed. Don't show us fake shit for a few shekels.
BoraxTheFungarian ago
Hopes dashed? There's a lot going on man... And not much negative that I know of. Look at who's dying, who's forced to sit quietly in the background... New alliances. Plays are being made every day. The real narrative seldom gets out though.
elitch2 ago
Explain the bump stock ban, fanboi.
Hand_of_Node ago
Plausible claim, and the reason I might still allow a 1% chance Q isn't a malicious hoax of some kind.
Neo_Tactical ago
I posted a link for that New York prison barge yesterday (article from 2012):
NYC’s Prison Barge – The Most Depressing Barge in the World?
GodsAngell ago
I read about the one coming from the West Coast, it has previously been used to catch drug smugglers at sea. They said, the Coast Guard were not in U.S. jurisdiction yet so smugglers not officially arrested, just detained. Of course, they are arrested when the ship reaches US territory.....which could be weeks or months depending upon the shipping schedule.
calfag ago
Question: Shouldn't they fill them with traitors before heading down there?
GodsAngell ago
Don't second guess. Trust THE PLAN.
MissleCopterStoped ago
Listen to this shill, trust the plan, what the fuck ever, you don't have an canned answer at the ready for him?
GodsAngell ago
Shill. You still here? Can't you find ANYthing better to do??? No one will hire you? Ah too bad. Still stuck in mommy's basement.
MissleCopterStoped ago
Did you find some new Sorcha Faal articles yet for your insane lunatic postings that you constantly plagiarize?
I think I see an article circulating in the Kremlin right now that you can steal..
Tallest_Skil ago
Kill yourself. Prove your god is real.
Lurkerwastaken ago
I hope they load up in DC and LA then head for international waters for some maritime international law cruising before reaching GITMO
Squarecircle ago
And thru the b triangle !
Zadim ago
Is this another variant of "Watch the Water" from Q?
GodsAngell ago
Could be!
derram ago
https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=6vxVugybdLs :
This has been an automated message.PNG
Squarecircle ago
Hoping for a b- triangle swim !
Really_Cool_Dude ago
Can anyone verify if this is true? I have heard that is just the NYC prison barge.
hangry ago
Nope, they can't.
AbjectSubstance ago
Hey look, we're behaving just like reddit.
hangry ago
Never been on Reddit. But no one has verified this post here - it's more Qcrap.
AbjectSubstance ago
Good. The reason people are behaving like redditors is that they believe it because it feels good, and silence any voice of reason.
If only we could explain that the downfall is happening right now. This behavior, right here, is a serious reason why we can't organize.
sorosminion ago
LOL You fucking superstitious Jesus fucking moron! You post this silly shit constantly, you believe ANYTHING you see, repeat the dumbest, most obvious hoaxes and ARE AS DUMB AS A FUCKING POST! What's happening Jesusfucker? You having more political-religious hallucinations! YOU ARE TOTALLY FUCKING CRAZY!
theoldones ago
i'll bet oboonga wishes he'd have shut down the place while he had the chance, if he gets locked up there.
NellerBean ago
I bet — much more than that — that he wishes he'd pulled off a FF big enough to trick us into giving up our guns so he could have just skipped that pesky 2016 election.
sicntrd ago
Especially since his bunker in Arlington is shut down.
theoldones ago
serves him right for disrespecting the dead of the warriors by building it there.
GodsAngell ago
Ddboomer ago