MDS0341 ago

I was wrong about the D in Jill brackets yesterday, today Q clearly stated it was for the Dems and most of the corrupt republicans are already purged !?

MDS0341 ago

I do believe Mattis was a war General, not domestic 😏

derram ago :

Spot the Change in President Trump's Oval Office - The Atlantic :

FBI on Twitter: "This week, #FBI Dir. Wray completed his visits to all 56 FBI Field Offices. Beginning at @FBIKnoxville in 9/2017 & ending yesterday at @FBITampa, Dir. Wray has had the honor of seeing the great work the men & women of the FBI are doing every day throughout the country & world.…" :

Lisa Mei Crowley on Twitter: "New Q: Ryan (age 48) announced retirement on 11 Apr so he could "spend more time with his children." It appears his CoS, Burks, was involved in #SpyGate coup attempt vs @POTUS. More Rs have announced resignations than Ds. Ds hoping to stop what's coming.…"

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Telern56 ago

But they won’t be able to stop what’s coming. Praise God Patriots, praise God!