Animal_Chin ago

In Q post 647, Dated January 31, 2017, an Anon states:

I have posted this so many times.

Tomorrow is Freedom Day.

Q posted a flag named Freedom and timing is everything.


And Q responds on the same day, January 31, with:

[D]ay [Of] [D]ays


SearchVoatBot ago

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Anonymouse_cheese ago

Promises made promises kept

moblodite ago

The midterm elections were protected... Right... I hope this D day statement has more teeth ! We were told in October "Q-2344= Are you ready to see arrests? Are you ready to see PAIN? Are you ready to be part of history? Q" Still waiting. Im more than ready to see action on this stuff.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Maybe the midterms results will change when the LION gets let out of the bag?

If they have it all, maybe cheats go to gitmo?

moblodite ago

I sure hope so ! Would make more sense for this to go down before these people are seated on the 3rd, then we would be forced to have re-elections in the States where leaders are arrested. And before re-elections.. arrest all of those who were involved in the voter fraud ! Our GOV has been Corrupt for decades.. I just want justice. Want our Nation back.

GodsAngell ago

Yes, once the round ups start, 68,000 sealed indictments might gut the HOUSE!

So "the fat lady definitely has not sung yet" on the midterms!

Plus, all the rampant voter Fraud will be exposed in Feb 2019, so that should knock out some more demoncraps.

CovfefeFan ago

53-47 active when?

EO (designated_target(s)) active when?

GodsAngell ago

The March 1, 2018 Military Tribunal/Court Martial Exec Order, goes into effect Jan 1, 2019.

NEW GOP Senators get sworn in on Jan 2, 2019.

New Senate Session convenes on Jan 3, 2019.

Monday, January 7, 2019 is Orthodox Christmas 2019.

Senate reconvenes on Jan 8, 2019....apparently Senate is not in session on Monday Jan 7, 2019.

CovfefeFan ago

Sounds like it could be D DAYS.

GodsAngell ago

Yes, Q post 2626 says "The Clock is Ticking.", which means we are in a Countdown right now!

Countdown to D-Day!

CovfefeFan ago

I've read some posts that consider it to be 24th Dec. However, There have been many others with several dates in January. Always keep them guessing, I guess. I'll just enjoy the show.

RightSideUp17and6 ago

Yeah, i have learned to stay away from trying to pin down days. I dont say days to any one else now, because when it gets moved, it erodes the credibility of the Qvement. Now, here is a question: When is H-hour? We shall see....

ColonelFlag ago

D-Day in military terms is the day an attack or operation begins. Overlord is just the most well know. Sometimes you hear D-(hours minuets) before the operation is executed. It cold be the beginning of the next stage.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Thx. I now remember Overlord.. ☕️ 🍰

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

edit. Time shown in pasted section was automatically converted to GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) which is five hours ahead of E.S.T.

GreyhoundsAway ago

Re: Q-post 2629. [D] Day might have double meaning. Invasion of Normandy breached Hitler's Atlantic Wall, beginning the liberation of France and Europe. Think of Qanon going international. The Yellow Jackets in France, Britain, Canada, etc... Allied powers. Dark to light. Hit the beaches. Storm the beach head. The liberation begins! ALSO... [D] = Declass? And while this is likely too far and just fun mathematical coincidence, think: D-Day = June (6), 1944. 44-19-6=19... DEC 19.

If D-Day is imminent and it involves Declass, watch for POTUS tweets or Q-posts making other Normandy references. Quotes from Ike's "Great Crusade" letter to Allied troops.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

See separate comment re 4th January 2019; the day after the House sits...


Buzzsaw ago

D in kill brackets. Could D = division? Arrest of both R's and D's and deep state will be the start of the end of division...unifying our country again! Crawling out on a twig here. I don't see D = Dems because cancer is in both parties...why single out 1? I don't see D = declass because it is in kill brackets which is the opposite of bringing declass out into the light. D is the 4th letter as in Jan. 4th. Does it mean popcorn time will be on the 4th?

stray502 ago

Today is Dec 19 2018 and no where in North America is it 11.23 pm I am in Eastern standard time which is 8.32 and Pacific is 5.32. Those of us at Eastern Standard time are the latest time in N/A

GreyhoundsAway ago

Good catch! I'm just playing with numbers and speculating here.

23-11=12. Twelve days of Christmas? 25DEC2018 - 05JAN2019. When does EO go into effect? New Congress seated? What do you want for Christmas?

GodsAngell ago

NEW GOP Senators get sworn in on Jan 2, 2019.

New Senate Session convenes on Jan 3, 2019.

Monday, January 7, 2019 is Orthodox Christmas 2019.

Senate reconvenes on Jan 8, 2019....apparently Senate is not in session on Monday Jan 7, 2019.

nobilisbellum ago

Original poster UK Bloke is in.... guess where??? I’ll let you work out the rest.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

I am in The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

We are five hours ahead of EST.

For me it is 02:17 am

krytter4 ago shows 6:32 not sure why the discrepancy here, but FYI

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Converted automatically to GMT. Five hours ahead of EST.

krytter4 ago

...and there you go!

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

I hadn't ever noticed it did that before. Computers, eh?

My Apols for that...

krytter4 ago

No problem

samgator39 ago

Q+ is PDJT!

lynnmar ago


sorosminion ago

Hilarious! Here you go again! Another bullshit "prediction" . What is the prediction? Mumbo Jumbo. NOTHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN! AS ALWAYS, nothing at all! You suckers just keep getting strung along. It's pathetic and STUPID! Things aren't going good for Trump at all. You idiots are easily propagandized!

1Barefooter ago

Why are you here sorosminion? Is the paycheck worth being hated?

MrCooper12 ago

You Funny and ugly!

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

@indeknow suggests D day is

Jan 4th 2019

1+4+2+0+1+9= 17

Oh My God


lynnmar ago

No arrest till after January 1st 3pm. The EO takes effect st 3pm on Jsn 1, 2019. Plus we need the new senate in. So enjoy your holiday knowing you'll have an sxtra Christmas after Jan 1. I actually think it wont be until March.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Could you explain why the Senate needs to be in?

Not quite connected those dots yet...

lynnmar ago

I think that the senate can block civilians in tribunals. Same with supreme court makes up some stupid rule. Not that it would be right but W is making the plan PERFECT with no wiggle room for the DS to crawl through. Thats why we needed both control of senate & Supreme court. Senate is judiciary body. We have a thin margin now but once RBG is gone we'll get another Constitutional judge. Also why we wanted more than simple majority senate because we alsways have rhinos that screw with it. I think there is something more goung to be done to knock out more rhinos & re-appoint rather than elect through fraud voters with the senate. I read in by laws of tribunals or something that only the SC or senate can possibly stop them once declared an act of treason/nationla security. TRUMP put in Executive orders to establish the treason. Beautiful play

indeknow ago

How about [D] Day = January 4th?
EO goes into effect January 1st.
Congress seated January 3rd.

slbwarrior ago

I like it. D5 was a date, and this makes alot of sense. Though I would add there's no reason why an arrest can't occur before the 1st. Field McConnel says it will happen by the 27th, or he goes public and tells the world he's all wet. We shall see...

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Can I remind you that one of the most decisive engagements of WW2 was called...

D Day

Perhaps [D] Day means "the day we strike"

EricKaliberhall ago

D Day means Day of Days. In the military, D Day is the day on which a combat attack or operation is to be initiated.

redtoe_skipper ago

decision day

Notimportant36 ago

Agreed, I like the idea of trying to decode a day. Reality is that it's just going to get hopes up for what is a growing track record of wrong guesses.

Not really expecting anything major before Christmas...naive people a chance to forget some of the drama, then round 3 starts.

It does actually seem like; say in a boxing match, near the end of the round just let yourself get sloppy and take a couple hits so they come into the next round a touch too cocky.

yellowrosegal-eliz2 ago

that's what I was thinking

MDS0341 ago

To put Dems in kill brackets is painting s broad brush with kill brackets, and also eliminates the corrupt republican punk asses

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Yes that was my thought!

Q said it is not R's versus D's, but rather Good versus Evil

Can't remember the drop, but it's correct...

MDS0341 ago

Deep State, Dems is against Q’s principle of uniting country by not dividing into categories

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Indeed. Yes that was my thought!

Q said it is not R's versus D's, but rather Good versus Evil

Can't remember the drop, but it's correct...

Batand ago

Q 925: This is not about religions or party affiliation. EVIL is everywhere. There are no drawn lines. No boundaries. Good vs Evil. Q

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Thx @Batand

Quick reaction 🎖

Revodude ago

I will go for Dems in the kill brackets for 1000.
January 3rd or another date set by the current congress.
But don't get wound up in a date. The future proves the past.

numina18 ago

This is wonderful!!!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all Patriots, and Q and the Trump family.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

D in kill brackets..

Is it D for Democrats,

Or D for Deep State ?

Or is it BOTH?

GodsAngell ago

Either DeClass or D-Day. But in looking at the rest of Q's posts yesterday, "The Clock is Ticking", I vote that the D, stands for D-Day!

We are now officially in a Countdown!!!

Batand ago

Declas? Declas will bring the house down.

Q has also bracketed the [D] in [D]ark, but that doesn’t seem relevant here.

lastcallhall ago

Maybe... dark to light could be Dec. 21. The solstice wherein the days get lighter moving forward.

Trizzle1 ago

That would be nice. Or anytime before Christmas.

swimkin ago

Also the same day Congress leaves for Christmas break.

Lauraingalls ago

Nice to get comfort from President Trump and Q.

GodsAngell ago


Lauraingalls ago

Amen is RIGHT.

lastcallhall ago

My initial guess is [D] day is the day Dems take office. FISA brings down a newly sworn house.

Feroucious_Truth ago

I don't think so, D day is a day when Q+ said it=19th commencement of invasion,

QPilledLib ago

If d=4 it could mean January 4th, the day after new Senators are sworn in.

KyJane ago

I like the sound of that. Democrat day when FISA brings down the house, we get our country back. Of course, the rest of them are not going to shut up, but there must be enough of them going down that it won't matter. If the main swamp gators go down, the rest won't have those peddling the narrative so much, nor will they be standing in the way obstructing to no end.

comprametu ago

I hope you are right!

AUSAFVet ago

But they can't be arrested while in session ( lol )

Anon22022 ago

They can for TREASON!!

GodsAngell ago

DECODING OF ALL OF THE ABOVE TAKEN TOGETHER (2626, 2627 & 2629): Looks like Q+/POTUS is assuring us that D-Day is coming, for the long awaited ROUND UP of psychopathic deep state bad actors, and we know they will be taken to GITMO.

The discussion about the Tick Tock Dates in 2626 Q is alerting us to the Military Tribunal Exec Order of March 1, 2018, which goes into effect Jan 1, 2019.

And it appears that Trump is waiting until the new GOP Senators have been sworn in, and possibly waiting for the new Senate session to convene on Jan 3rd?

Does this mean that the bad guys will be rounded up after the New Senate Session convenes on Jan 3, 2019?

Remember the LAW states that IF a Congressman or Senator is guilty of TREASON or Federal Offence, they can be arrested while Congress and Senate are in session. They can be in the middle of voting or in the middle of a speech, it doesn't matter. If they are being arrested for TREASON or FELONIES, they can be arrested at any time.

SO.......Trump Team are waiting until everyone is back in Wash D.C., so they can round up quite a few right in the capitol building or capitol hill offices. It might be cheaper for the tax payers that way.....rather than sending round up teams to all 50 states.

Revodude ago

Ding, Ding, Ding: we have a winner!!!

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago


"You took the words right out of my mouth!"

lastcallhall ago

And if the govt is shutdown, it becomes a non issue. The date then becomes a marker, and historically significant.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Hadn't thought of that...


lastcallhall ago

Just some further thoughts on my guess:

You have a House that is taking office with a full head of steam, swearing to impeach POTUS, etc. A smart enemy lures them into that trap with a series of "losses" leading up to that swearing in session. Let them get comfortable, arrogant, and feeling like they have won.

You also want to protect your own by getting as many republican seats out of the House prior to releasing the FISA. I know it's not a R vs. D thing, but by allowing the majority of the House to be sitting Democrats, you can wipe out a greater percentage of said house.

At the end of the day, release the FISA, and let the party begin.

corrbrick ago

Getting Rs out also purged a large number of Never-Trumpers. Removing the Ds who got there by illicit means allows for those seats to be filled by MAGA Rs.

Notimportant36 ago

There's so much apparent fraud; heard of one area of Florida with 120% voter turnout.

Trump may have still lost some seats, but probably like 5-10 not 20+... I have a feeling that the house coming down is going to be the start of the Avalanche. Damn... It's getting hard to keep seeing these delays, but each time there's a delay it also gives time to notice the stronger positioning across the board.

GodsAngell ago

No way Trump LOST the House! There was SOOOoooo Much Rampant Blatant Election/Voter Fraud! Fraud is the ONLY way the Demoncraps win, cuz no body (the majority) don't want them!

Notice how NO ONE ever showed up at any Demoncrap's rallies, while Trump's rallies were over flowing???.....people driving days to get to them? That picture says a mouth full.

There is hope: 68,000 sealed indictments......once the round up starts, the GOP may end up with a Majority in the House afterall. Pelosi is as crocked as a dog's hind leg, MADE MILLIONS in office for herself, with no bid gov't contracts for her husbands, no doubt being on China's payroll too. CHINA OWNS the DEMONCRAP PARTY.