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DickTick ago

I'm with Q. Always have been, always will be.

Fuck the criers. Fuck the doubters. Fuck the dividers. Fuck the shills. Fuck the MSM. Fuck the current democrat party. Fuck the traitors. Fuck the DS. And may God himself fuck the cabal.

God bless my fellow Patriots. God bless the entire Q team. God bless our extraordinary president and his extraordinary family. And may God bless the entire world that has our back right now.

Merry Christmas Patriots. Please try to relax, take a breath, and enjoy the holidays. We come back refreshed and ready for War.

This is our country. This is God's country. Let's take it back together and keep it secure for our children and their children. The juice will be worth the squeeze. Trust yourself to have the patience it's going to require.

Again, Merry Christmas everyone and Happy New year.