Spud4ever ago

Hooah , Patriot , excellent job (I'd give you a cookie [and yes, I'm a expert Baker of connoisseur cookies-] but for now you'll have too settle for a smiley - sorry)!!! πŸ˜€πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Peanuttles ago

Well done!

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago


We salute you...



PtCPt ago

Hadn't seen anyone mentioning "Taxis" yet. There's talk of Cohen's Father-In-Law financing a Chicago Cab company with $20M. Don't know the connection exactly. But, something to dig.

Muntanolva ago

I'm just curious, but what was your chain of thought in searching these things? I'm sure you just googled "Scott Free", but when you found Scott Free Productions, what makes you spend so much time digging in that lead? I'm not doubting you, but do you really dig through sources like that, even when you're not sure it's a good lead? Or was there something that made you think this was the lead? And when scouring all the movies, how did you find the quote in this? Did you just happens to remember the movie personally and remember the quote? Sorry, it just seems like you were either really lucky or actually did go through a ton of work to find this.

digital_minuteman321 ago

I just trusted myself like Q told me.

Muntanolva ago

I'm sorry, is this a joke answer? Q told you to trust yourself?

digital_minuteman321 ago

Yeah that's what Q says over and over again. Question the narrative, search for the truth and above all, trust yourself. Plus it made sense when I found it.

Muntanolva ago

Ok I get what you are saying. I was about to say that Q's never said this but I finally did find a post where he says "trust in yourself" in context of fighting for truth. I was about to say that "the heart is deceitful above all things," but I know this to mean man's instinctual desires, and I know that saying to "trust yourself" to someone who is filled with the Holy Spirit is the same as saying to trust God.

bopper ago

I like your (correct) theology.

51JesTuck ago

Well, if you followed β€œQ” from the beginning, the WWG1WGA was referenced early on in the discussions of the β€œQ” drops, subsequently the movie β€œWhite Squall” I seem to recall.

MissleCopterStoped ago

However, Scott Free hasn't been mentioned before though.

Spec1al1interest ago

As an aside and possibly not related Scott Free productions was the firm of Ridley and Tony Scott, and Tony Scott committed suicide a few years back... another Hollywood linked death? Will have to look up the date...

MissleCopterStoped ago

Interesting observation and curious if they had fatal door knob encounter as cause of death.

Spec1al1interest ago

Think iirc he jumped off a bridge

Patranon ago

The storm is upon us might lead you towards the white squall

joeythew ago

That's outstanding! Also impressive you sat through entire movie to find it.

Lynnwiod ago

It's in the TRAILER linked by Q. Twice.

Paladin_Diver ago

It's a pretty good movie, but I sail, so perhaps I'm a bit biased.

MolochHunter ago

flairing potential Q proof

nice digging

amarQ144 ago

...and quick!

usernameisnotthis ago

then are you the one who Q said if u decide to change careers your name will be fast tracked?

Mila7714 ago

Bopper is right. Sgt. Scott Patterson who wore the Q patch was demoted. https://miami.cbslocal.com/2018/12/03/bso-sgt-reprimanded-qanon-patch-pence/

TheTruthfor1000Alex ago

Dang! I thought he was talking to ALL of US!! Kek!

bopper ago

Q was talking about the swat guy that had a q patch on.

AmmaK ago

I think that when all is said and done - there are going to be a lot of job opening with the government......Gitmo might have more opening, too!

Boysrback07 ago

That's how I see it lots of openings soon.

Paladin_Diver ago

Is that the consensus from 8-Chan? I haven't looked.

bopper ago

Me neither, but very likely it is.

Paladin_Diver ago

It sure does look like consensus.

It's pretty amazing how well the crowd-sourcing works on this stuff. It's probably the only time in my life I've given the group's opinion any credence at all. (This is a compliment to all Anons)

bopper ago

Absolutely right!

digital_minuteman321 ago

That'll be so crazy.

H33h33h33 ago

TheY should have a blue goose wait in for the criminals to climb aboard as they exit the funeral. Express to GITMO

redditblowsgoats ago

Looks like he also wants you to apply to the SS or FBI based on your super sleuthing skills.

digital_minuteman321 ago

Hell yeah I could use a nice job again.

amarQ144 ago

Go for it!..."If you decide to change careers… Your name has been entered to be fast-tracked." ;)

eronburr ago

Aren't AT ALL concerned how they know your name?

digital_minuteman321 ago

They control the NSA, they know everyone's name.

GritD2 ago

Nsa = cheers bar.


eronburr ago

Supposedly voat doesn't log your IP but I'm not caught up on todays posts and how you were referenced other than a voat post

digital_minuteman321 ago

I personally think the reference is for that Q officer that was fired from his swat position.

eronburr ago

While swat is law enforcement and he likely has insight that would help a clean FBI make progress cleaning up that county. I think FBI is more investigators and critical thinkers than militarized law enforcement.

I would think it makes more sense why Q knows that officers name but I would also think your critical thinking is more an asset to a suit and tie gig. Apply and find out how quickly you get a call. If they have your name and it's "fast tracked" should mean they couldn't find any obvious skeletons in your closet.

Paladin_Diver ago

Interesting take. It's plausible, if perhaps unlikely. It would be a nice touch, though.

angelCole ago

Go for it, we need smart, dedicated patriots in our LE in DC. Good luck and God bless!

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

No he didn't you dumb nigger

MissleCopterStoped ago

Fuck Apache servers instead, at least it is a free lay.

1patriot99 ago

While I'm inclined to say "what a fu***ng moron", I am simply not one to put folks up on a pedestal. Right on @digital_minuteman321

digital_minuteman321 ago

Q POST 2544 confirms it even more!


ifuckdolphinseverday ago

nice try kike

digital_minuteman321 ago

Good thing I'm Presbyterian then.

bopper ago

Lol, so was Trump's mum.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Hey you should get off moms as I just off of yours.

bopper ago

What you say Missie?

MissleCopterStoped ago

What you say Missie?

When I was finished, I asked her if she had change for a 2 dollar bill not that is any of your business.

bopper ago

You are high MissieCopter :)

SearchVoatBot ago

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MissleCopterStoped ago

Maximum attitude is only 18,000 feet, I wish I could get higher though. πŸ˜€

bopper ago

Now you make sense lol.

Kirbyrambo ago

Just arrest the scum. Tired of these moves and countermoves. Delays upon delays and more delays. Forcing the American people to watch the charades and phony funerals of traitors while spending millions upon millions of the tax payers money to give them (the RATS) more limelight and world wide attention while they smirk in our faces. If Q is telling the truth that "FISA is a 2 way street" then the Q team must have all they need to arrest plenty of the DC RATS and others == and the ones they don't have sufficient info on will be snared by the other Rats turning States Witness to save their own skins. Enough is enough already.

pckpat ago

First it was all about the big shitstorm is coming in Oct.- Oct. cme and went, then it was 'after the election"- then next, wait 'til Nov. 11- that came and went, and it became "on Dec. 5" Now more back-pedalling. Not very encouraging...at all.

digital_minuteman321 ago

I am with you, patriot. The white squall reference is a good example of the storm that's coming.

angelCole ago

Yep, I just the saw this post and came back here. Great job as I knew I had read this earlier. πŸ‘πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ˜

Patriot-Forever ago

Great reminder Patriot!

Falcon9h ago

dead link

Winred ago


bopper ago

Good job mate! I saw your earlier statement about it. Neat! I don't think I would have thought to even look that up.

This is a great Q proof too (of the definite, undisputed connection between POTUS and Q).

ChiCom ago

Here's the wwg1wga quote in white squall https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0118158/quotes

bopper ago
