ADaniels ago

Correction: Trump is powerless.

bamadeplorable420 ago


TheOldestGoat ago

So what happens when we get a Q drop using DJT's Twitter Account

Vibratron ago

it actually wasn't President Trump's twitter was a fake parody account, which raises more questions

Landwhaleonline ago

Real question: If he's so fearless, why isn't Hillary, Obama, Podestas incarcerated yet? The Fed is still in place raping the people as we speak. Just curious.

Pollycracker ago

Perhaps Trump is inflicting the pain of a thousand cuts on his adversaries in in order to spare the world the trial and recitation of their crimes against humanity.

TrishaUK ago

Because the Q Plan has been explained over and over, and your question has been answered many times, look back and re-read if you really want the answers. Its ALL here where you are right now!

Landwhaleonline ago

It's a simple question, why is it so difficult to answer? I didn't ask anything about any plan, nor did I even mention this Q you are talking about. It's been answered so many times you say, yet you can't answer it...

TrishaUK ago

Same question as you asked 'stickied' above, answered :) WHY HAVE THERE NOT BEEN ANY BIG ARRESTS YET? - PART 1 -

TrishaUK ago

okay, its because the DemonRats and Rinos still controlled/ran the Courts, the FBI, the DOJ, the NSA, the CIA the MSM etc., and the criminal 'elites' in the Deep State were still running things as they had normally done. It has taken 2 years, but Trump is finally getting rid of the old guard and installing new ones who believe in true justice and these animals will pay the price for their treason and robbery of the American people. It took decades to build their empires, and it will take more than 2 years to drain the swamp, but the plug has been pulled and now we will see them going down. It will just take more patience, we are watching a show, and you only get to see the finale at the end of the show, we are just at the beginning stages. Any clearer?

Landwhaleonline ago

I appreciate your sincerity, but I no longer believe anything coming from them. Would be nice if it were all true, but looking at the grand scheme of things, nothing has changed other than some faces within the government. Cheers and I wish you well.

TrishaUK ago

Well wishes sent to you too. :)

Jimmycrackerson ago

No I'm right there with you man. People with money will continue to get away with everything. Trump doesnt give a fuck. He is still rich at the end of the day. People like us are getting fucked over by the deep state on a daily basis. The courts are corrupt as fuck on all levels, little people are being entrapped, and leeched off of, by the very same law enforcement trumps claims are doing such great work. Everyone I know is on probation, or has a close family member cycling through the justice system. Paying the state fines and fees on top of everything else like mandatory insurance, crumbling public infrastructure etc. They said make America great again. I'm sure not seeing it...

singlebrain1 ago

Criminal justice reform is needed, but not to allow the dangerous loose. Trump is promoting a reform, BTW.

Vibratron ago

well, you obviously don't understand "process"

Landwhaleonline ago

Allow me to ask you, if you were to commit the very same crimes they all did, how long would it take for them to "process" your incarceration? Hmmmm?

Vibratron ago

not long....but I'm not the same person as Obama or Hillary or have to put the necessary players in place to play the game correctly. Example being that you couldn't start a pass oriented offense, without a quarterback capable of throwing the ball.......without the correct players, (in this case Investigators, Judges and Prosecutors) in place, it may look good on paper, but it will go no where

Landwhaleonline ago

I just asked a valid question, why are you so butthurt?

Vibratron ago

I just pointed out the can take it any way you choose

Landwhaleonline ago

well, you obviously don't understand "process"

Is there another hidden meaning to your reply?

Sir_snorky ago

I think it’s more so that if you were to commit those crimes you don’t have a massive cult following, millions of dollars, and foreign help at your disposal.

Landwhaleonline ago

Apparently I don't understand this, and it's now called "process"

Landwhaleonline ago


PeopleAreReading ago

Wish he really was fearless, abolished the federal reserve, disbanded the CIA, executed the corrupt politicians, Soros and Antifa. Oh and close the border and break all ties with Israel.

singlebrain1 ago

Patience grasshopper.

Vibratron ago

They are definitely taking steps to end the FED, now how long that will take......who knows....but they are heading in that direction

justAnotherAnon ago

What steps have they taken? Do you mean by shoring up our economy & bringing manufacturing jobs back here? That's all I could think of that may be related in that it helps to be independent and self sustaining as much as possible.

I haven't seen any actions directly related, but have heard and seen him talk about it. There was a bill related to having a gold backed correct, but I believe it didn't go anywhere.

Sauce please.

lbeni540 ago

Pain coming.

crypticking ago

Have you ever heard that those who know nothing fear nothing?

lerker ago

Found the shill

TrishaUK ago

I have heard that knowledge brings wisdom. He knows far and above you or I, he has the whole intelligence and military knowledge being advised to him and most of all he has God on his side. So hey, I would be fearless if all of that had my back! - Have you not heard......he IS a stable genius! Get with it CryptKing lol ....peace out :)

MeanoReno ago

crypticking, So you are saying that you fear nothing, ok.

Vibratron ago

Have you ever heard that it's better to keep your mouth shut and let people wonder if you're an idiot, than it is to open your mouth and prove that you are?

MissleCopterStoped ago

Quite a few NPC shills do that same exact thing everyday on the boards including the one you replied to. 😂😂😂

1Sorry_SOB ago

Filthy Jew.

Generallyquiet ago


"The TSF is an economic barometer that sums up total. fundraising by Chinese non-state entities, including. individuals and non-financial corporates. The TSF measures money offered by domestic suppliers, mainly.

digital_minuteman321 ago

He said Scott Free instead of scot free. I digged and found Scott Free Productions, who also made the movie White Squall, which has the famous quote of ours: Where we go one, we go all.

KyJane ago

Why all caps in the three words, TERRIBLE, GREAT & ALREADY? Seems pretty odd to have those words in all caps.

WhiteRonin ago

I didn’t know it was “scot free”. I would have easily written Scott Free thinking it was a reference to some scandal in the past.

Now, I’m not saying that Trump doesn’t know the proper usage, just that moron me would have wrote it Trump did.

Vibratron ago

Congratulations, Q just confirmed your analysis

digital_minuteman321 ago

God Bless America!

MattDawg80 ago

If POTUS keeps making these references someone is gonna have to ask the Q!

lynnmar ago

Awesome catch!!

singlebrain1 ago

Nice dig Anon!

amarQ144 ago

...the Albatross was sunk in the final Storm...nice find

MissleCopterStoped ago

Mind totally blown!

VicariousJambi ago

oh fuck me dude lmao

Blacksmith21 ago

Nice dig. That was the first thing which crossed my mind when I saw "Scott Free" written.

AHistoryOfBadMen ago

Nailed it

pby1000 ago

Fucking autists, man!

DawnPendraig ago


Vibratron ago

~! ........ok Timmy----You get a Gold Star by your name~! ......excellent

Vibratron ago

Well, that was excellent observation first, and quick investigation secondly....really cool

70times7 ago

Delusional: characterized by or holding idiosyncratic beliefs or impressions that are contradicted by reality or rational argument, typically as a symptom of mental disorder.

digital_minuteman321 ago

Like how the MSM gets the masses to believe in what they say without question. ;)

bopper ago

Why does Trump say the word "Taxis" here in this tweet, and capitalizes it?

AHistoryOfBadMen ago

I'm guessing cohens taxi company debacle

comprametu ago

Thanks for the answer. Did not know why "Taxis".

pckpat ago

Good old MSM stalwart the NYT can shed a little light. Did they mention Russians?

Trizzle1 ago

Good eye!