Tallest_Skil ago

Shut the fuck up and go the fuck away, you goddamn ✡Sorcha Faal✡ pushing kike.

akilyoung ago

This must be for public posturing, cause they have ALREADY been rooting it all out.

This tells me, truth that WE know, will be made public via this agency at some point in the near future.

Imtede ago

Personnally, I would like to see a public hanging!

Imtede ago

I think we will first see the FISA declassified then sent to the Senate who will make referrals. Hopefully we will see that in late December.

GodsAngell ago

Please remember that the DeClass is ONLY for Public Consumption....only for the court of public opinion. Do NOT lump this into the same category as the round up, as if the court of public opinion must FIRST decide these people are pychopathic criminals. NO!!! That is for the Military Tribunal Courts......and NO DE-CLASS IS NECESSARY FOR THOSE TO GO FORWARD.

There are two separate and distinct things:

1) Educating the public, through de-class, and

2) ROUNDING UP THE CRIMINALS AND TRYING THEM IN A COURT OF LAW THAT DOES NOT REQUIRE ANY DECLASS WHATSOEVER!!! Military Tribunals will review all top secret classified information......no declass required.

jbo5112 ago

I thought the executive order only covered new crimes committed starting next year.

Authorpatriot ago

True, but for optics it might be easier for people swallow the red pill with Declas. Then there will be less chance of civil unrest.

DebGS54 ago

I like your thinking

OhBad15 ago

It shows he's ready to address the next huge step into the deep state influence of the rogue intelligence groups - https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2868192

grace8 ago

I just see this continuing to move slowly. There will be many hearings and investigations released/reported on to congress b4 arrests begin. I'd guess 3-6 months minimum. I'd love to be wrong on this. But if it was going to be faster why call up this board to start an investigation. Even if it is to review investigations already completed and further evaluate through testimony/interviews I cant see that happening in less than a few months.

It will be 1-2 individual arrests at first but as ppl accept the evidence and those arrests there will be large group arrests. Can not do this by stealth. The numbers are too great. To think ppl wont notice over 100 ppl suddenly die like McCain is unrealistic. And frankly frightening if they didn't notice. I mean talk about asleep.

nullifyNWO ago

'deal with the press first'. This 'press' is not press in the sense of a fifth column of democracy or free American press or manifestation of the 1st amendment. This press - i assume you have the MSM in mind - is a network of - mostly Jewish - enterprises which are propaganda weapons in their war against the U.S.

Since the Amerikan people woke up to the extent of supporting Trump, the propaganda network runs a strategy of barking, i.o.t. fake the impression of wide spread ('common')Trump resistance. This impression is fake, and there will be no riots apart from a few payed weak agitation groups like antifa or BLM (where are they btw?).

To the contrary, in the real world, many more people are thursty for the truth and are happy to abandon the MSM FAKES to a larger extent every day. Also in reality, there is the constitution, and an elected leadership, supported by a pretty awoke military, ready to restore it.

grace8 ago

We see it differently. At least 35% of Americans firmly believe the MSM's over all message is accurate and complete. 10-15% of them may say on a recent survey that they think the press is being divisive but this is a new awareness and they see it as a small deviation from absolute truth rather than propaganda. If surveyed which is more accurate and truthful news the internet or the MSM more than 50% of Americans would say the MSM. The belief in a free press is a strongly held value here. At least 50% of Americans will be very concerned over major efforts to change the press and question if it is a way to eliminate the free press rather than return it to a free press. That's why the MSM keeps saying that DJT is attacking them and doesn't believe in a free press. To American thinking a free press= freedom. I don't know how he is going to do it. There may be evidence presented of bad behavior to remove key personalities in the press, to weaken the attachment to these long standing and, for that 50% trusted, news casters. But to really be able to get his message out he has to breakup the monopoly and that may be hard to with the changes they have made to our telecommunication and anti-trust laws. It used to be illegal for one organization to own so much media. He needs to come out and talk about strengthening the freedom of the press by returning to the laws pre clinton era which would require the sale of half the media in America. But how does he do that with a divided congress and Liberal judges blocking executive order with the press there to cover them in propaganda saying they were good to do it. 50% of America really does believe the MSM most of the time. Most of them are over 35.

GodsAngell ago

I don't know, you are talking about a particularly gullible group that never thinks for itself, doesn't know how to think for themselves. They will believe EVERYthing CNN says. CNN said that mcstain died of cancer, and they bought it hook, line and sinker.

I disagree with the slow movement, otherwise, why does Q keep telling us about a D5 Worst Case Scenario Avanlanche getting started. Ever see a painfully slow avalanche that takes 3 months? Also Q says it will be like a house of cards falling. How long does it take for a house of cards to fall? Months???

Nope, my money is on a very quick middle of the night stealth round up of huge numbers all at once. A coordinated attack. These people will suddenly go silent on twitter and we will never see their ugly faces again. Then there will be leaks, of what is really happening. And as usual, the totally dumbed down won't believe the insider leaks. If its not on CNN it is Not News!

DebGS54 ago

Re your comment on D5 avalanche happening slowly. No it doesn’t happen slowly once it starts coming apart. But think. How does it form in the first place? What conditions create the possibility of the avalanche? A continuous build-up, a build-up that becomes past the tipping point. THAT is what we are waiting for. It takes time to build to the tipping point. We are almost there because these people are stupid.

grace8 ago

There are not 65,000 sealed indictments, but 65000 pacer records that could represent one of many different court hearings, like a request for a wire tap or a request for postponement, search warrant and several other motions.

They had 9 months or more of reports that 1man, McCain was ill and then dying b4 he died. There is a big difference between that and 100+++ lawmakers/leaders suddenly disappearing as you describe and the left not being a bit curious about that.

I agree Q did say it would be sudden and swift. You will get your middle of the night round up in 6months my guess. This is what I referred to as group arrests preceded by a few arrests to get ppl accepting the evidence of the need for arrests. b4 they can happen the IG report has to come out which will trigger further hearings be4 congress or senate. Then their is Huber's report that will be weeks and more hearings. This new investigation body that Trump appointed will have to be roasted and grilled now by CNN for weeks while they insist that they should all have to be agreed to by the senate Judiciary.
I do not know how they are going to manage changing the media. Resignations are very possible but unless they change the control at the top the new ppl in front of the camera will be just as bad. It could be they will use anti trust laws to break up the monopolies but with all the changes to the laws regarding media ownership I do not know if there are any ways to break them up. The importance of conservative judges becomes evident here. Getting judges in place is going well but may need more time.

The hearing coming up dec5 is an open to the public hearing. The witness just has to dance around the question for 5 minutes and then the next question comes from a democrat. Then 5moreminutes with a republican. This is why Comey has said through his lawyers that he welcomes open to the public hearings but will refuse private hearings. In a private hearing the same law maker gets 30 minutes to persist in questioning till they get an answer. Comey bothered to go on the record to say he will resist private hearings where his words can be twisted and leaked because he knows the hearing on the 5th is the opening salvo and that requests for private hearings will follow.

GodsAngell ago

"There is a big difference between that and 100+++ lawmakers/leaders suddenly disappearing as you describe and the left not being a bit curious about that."

Make no mistake the left is totally aware of what is going on.....only their dumbed down powerless audience "might" be confused. I say, "might" because they are so busy with their I-phone chats, etc, UNLESS CNN (or others of the same ilk) go CRAZY and splash this all over the evening news, it will go unnoticed. CNN audiences (and similar audiences) don't think on their own. They are spoon-fed audiences.

If the military rounds up a lot of deep state bad actors in one night, the rest will be shaking in their boots, realizing what is at stake.

Do they want to make it worse for themselves?

Do they want a shot at a pardon, that they know only Trump can provide?

They will keep their mouths shut and make up excuses exactly like they did with McStain (he has cancer and died).

Only the dumbed down masses are clueless. Make no mistake lame stream media knows EXACTLY what is going on.

I think they will do the same thing that they did with McStain.

grace8 ago

So If I am understanding you correctly, you imagine around 500 ppl including the heads of all social media and 100's of lawmakers/political power brokers and CEO's can be secretly rounded up over the course of a night and the average CNN viewer wont realize it? I just don't see that as possible.

I think the last play of those who have not been arrested but fear arrest will be to cry foul at the top of their lungs and paint Trump as Stalin in an effort to once again delay their own arrest. They will already have tried to flip and been refused.

Who knows? We are just theorizing But, I very much doubt massive arrests will happen b4 all of the various reports have been dissected and disseminated.

ChiefMAGA ago

Control the media, you win the war. That's the only way its done. DECLAS this shit as well and stop waiting.

GodsAngell ago

Nope, I disagree. Round up the bad buys, on the quiet, and try them in a court of law for all their crimes. THAT IS HOW YOU WIN THE WAR!

Good God, man, if it required control of the media, TRUMP WOULD NEVER HAVE WON IN 2016!!! ALL THE MEDIA WAS AGAINST HIM.....yet we still WON!!!

Controlling the media, naturally would be helpful, but I assure you it won't happen until the leaders of the deep state are rounded up, and that includes the leaders of lame stream media who are also guilty of treason and sedition by aiding and abetting Treasonous Criminals. They suffer the same sentence as those they aided and abetted....execution!

Boysrback07 ago

Trump is controlling the media they are to stupid to see it. Like a cat to a laser pointer.

GodsAngell ago

Yes, he has been playing them like a fiddle, but only to make fools of them. It hasn't gotten to the point where MSM actually tells the truth.

2773620 ago

I hope this Advisory Panel has teeth. All Hell will be breaking loose after January 1st, no matter what.

DavidGydeon ago

I'm seeing a bunch of very different theories. So far, none of them feel "right"...

1) the arrests 100% cannot be done in secret, resulting in a Monday morning in Congress, for example, where 150+ reps just dont show up. Feels like a Gestapo. No good.

2) the arrests cannot happen yet. Too many diseased liberals still think HRC is a "good" person. They need to be made aware that the bitch tortures and rapes children. The general public needs to be actively searching for these scumbags to bring them to justice. We just arent there yet. Luckily, that can change VERY quickly with some Huber testimony and evidence (ie, Weiners laptop)

3) it HAS to happen soon, with "soon" meaning before the House is turned over to swampier Democrat control.

We are close. Very close. I would begin investing in popcorn this coming week.

Are_we__sure ago

They need to be made aware that the bitch tortures and rapes children

Why do you believe this?

Are_we__sure ago

The New York Police Department (NYPD) has confirmed

This is utter bullshit.

The NYPD confirmed nothing.

That Erik Prince story has been shown to be a complete bunch of bullshit. This was a rumor floating around the internet before Erik Prince tried to claim it. One guest of the Alex Jones show, Doug Hagmann had the same story and he claimed Rudy Giuliani was behind it....Giuliani was working for the Trump campaign. Erik Prince was secretly working for the Trump campaign and he got his sister named Secretary of Education for his efforts.

The Reason the Erik Prince story is bullshit and has been proven false is the entire bullshit NYPD story rests on a claim that NYPD had the laptop first and had a case ready to go when the FBI stepped in and ripped the laptop from the NYPD. This has been proven false, because the judge released the original warrant to seize the laptop. It was an federal warrant and it was the FBI that seized the laptop NOT THE NYPD.

The Proof it's bullshit.

Here's the Weiner warrant


It shows Weiner turned over his electronic devices to a security firm to hold for the FBI to seize. This was just a few days after the underage sexting story broke.

The IG report confirmed the FBI seized the laptop on the same day this warrant was approved.

Timedancer ago

GodsAngell ago

You have to remember that MANY of the Deep State players already RESIGNED from office early this past year.

Feinstein, Pelosi and Maxine Waters will suddenly disappear. Excuses will be made that they are ill, as happened with McStain.

pixelkitteh ago

I have a feeling RBG is next... but I like your theory, I think this is highly likely to happen with at least a couple of the top players.

Authorpatriot ago

They've laid the groundwork for RBG's disappearance so I agree with you.

nullifyNWO ago

RGB, in her condition, probably would not pass the test for a drivers licence. But SCJ, no problem.

MotoshiBoy ago

Then Roberts!

DamnLiquor ago

stick to your own insane threads Oprah

ChiefMAGA ago

Waiting. When will this happen? Give me another date.

GodsAngell ago

Jan 1, 2019 is just a few weeks away, which is when the March 1, 2018 Exec Order closing all the loopholes in Military Tribunal Law goes into effect.

NellerBean ago

Don't forget the DHS election fraud report due mid-December.

ChiefMAGA ago

It can be due any day. Up TO 45 days.

robmorris ago

These people are STUPID. WWG1WGA

albatrosv15 ago

Anyone using "boom" in the title can go fuck themselves.

Momma_Beasley ago

But I like BOOM : (

pwdwp ago

Washington Examiner article Here

Trizzle1 ago

Nice article. Re-posted!

Jimipickle ago

The evidence of action behind the scenes (us anons) has picked up dramatically. Public evidence is required...public arrests and execution of sentence...and the world is watching...the only way to avoid all out war is to kill the head fast and burn the body...trust the plan And be prepared...Godspeed

GodsAngell ago

Jan 1, 2019 is just a few weeks away, which is when the March 1, 2018 Exec Order closing all the loopholes in Military Tribunal Law goes into effect.

A public round up on live tv, would only trigger already unhinged leftwingnuts and cause civil unrest.

Stealth is our best friend.

The Military Tribunals can not be televised either, because too much top secret classified info discussed at the tribunals.

But word will get out to us about their deaths (executions, like McStain's), when it is safe to do so.

Are_we__sure ago

Jan 1, 2019 is just a few weeks away, which is when the March 1, 2018 Exec Order closing all the loopholes in Military Tribunal Law goes into effect

This executive order was because of a law championed by John McCain and signed by Obama. What loopholes do you think it closed?

JGamble ago

that what HRC/Obama would do. Not good. More non-release's, more deaths, more drama...yoda/jesus aren't happy

PygmyGoat ago

Someone on Twatter was claiming McConnell said No Name got a double-tap to the head. I haven’t been able to find any info to confim/deny it. Has anyone else seen any sauce on this?

GinormousGuy ago

He was referring to Field McConnell. Now he's pretty "in" with Mad Dog Mattis, and wasn't/hasn't been corrected by him, which is very telling to me that McConnell knows something. Further, McCain's was a closed casket ceremony...not sure I but the hair loss reasoning.

StarAnon ago

I agree. I think (praying) that there will be some arrests in Dec. Kasich will probably blab again when someone meets their maker. No name's execution rolled right off his tongue so naturally. I got the impression he'd been talking about it a lot. He'll let us know what's going on.

papanoire ago

FYI, the clip about McCain put to death is at 5:05 of this video interview. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvUyCaKo86E

StarAnon ago

Yup. I've seen it. I shared it to as many naysayers as I could get away with. I'm sure he's been asked about what he said, and hasn't withdrawn, or corrected his statement. It was a good validator! Thanks for posting the link :)

nobilisbellum ago

It would be good to let the Antifa douches rise up and try to start a rebellion so we can clean house.

StarAnon ago

They are insane, cowardly, and wimpy. They tried to intimidate us at a rally down in the city.
We stood at the barrier waiting for the rally to begin, and checked them out. They stared back with calculated anger. They didn't put their scarves on while we were there. They had them hanging down around their necks. They were planning something, or checking out the crowd. We left before they started trouble. They went into action after we left. They ambushed people that were solo. They're total cowards. I would love to see how they would defend themselves, in a fair fight. They'd lose.

GodsAngell ago

Well that's a thought, I hadn't thought of. A good way to cause them to rise to the surface.

But of course, if they only demonstrate in states controlled by Deep State Commies, no one will be arrested. THAT'S THE PROBLEM.

Jimipickle ago

War is awful. No one really wins. Just a series of choosing the best of two bad options. War is coming for the wicked, choose wisely where you hang your hat. Only God can extinguish evil and protect His faithful at the same time. Pray for God’s will but prepare for War.

Jimipickle ago

when they do not show up for work (politicians, Hollywood/msm) there will be no voices for the left to follow...= done right. But if mil/NG are involved, it will be noisy and get attention. Stealth is the plan, plans adapt...stay vigilant anon. You are here for a reason. Godspeed

MuckeyDuck ago

But you would agree, yes, that prosecution of Nazi's at Nuremberg trials is vastly different than prosecuting deep state, cabal, political bad actors.

1) 50% of the country did not view Nazi's as benevolent characters, or Axis prosecutors as malevolent.

2) Dominate institutions, media, academia, tech companies et cetera were not supporting a pro-Nazi angle.

I believe that those implementing The Plan, are very smart, and I have no doubt that the entire scope of actions will effectively cut the head off of the leftist Medusa, and kill the poisonous vipers that spring from the grounded blood.

The Plan must tear the institutional left root and branch from the American system of government.

From article: Desperate time call for desperate measures (link at bottom)

Ergo, the academy, from which the ideological contamination has emerged and spread, should be selectively defunded. A sectarian press and accessory internet sites, which are not “free” but propaganda arms of the Marxist axis -- American Pravda, as James O’Keefe calls it -- need to be prosecuted for flagrantly violating the SPJ Code of Ethics. (My comment - I believe that they are guilty of outright treason) Organizations that have proliferated for decades with the intent of sabotaging a constitutional republic -- the ACLU, the Southern Poverty Law Center, Planned Parenthood, among an innumerable host -- must be disbanded.

Similarly, powerful corporations that use their wealth and influence to eviscerate the economic, social, cultural and political structures meant to sustain a strong and prosperous nation -- such corporations as the Tides Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and the infamous Clinton Foundation -- have to be neutralized, and individuals whose billions go to fund the revolutionary enemies of the Republic and foment schism and turmoil must be arrested, deported or extradited.

In addition, guerilla outfits like Antifa need to be declared domestic terrorists and face the might of a loyal military. Groups that play the racist card to extort illegitimate advantages and sow discord should be put on notice. UN-supporting globalists need to go the way of desuetude along with an anti-American anachronism like the UN itself. The U.S. should deal diplomatically with nations on an individual basis rather than subsidize a Wilsonesque institution mired in corruption and Security Council obstructionism. The Democratic Party and their assorted Republican allies should be exposed for the oligarchic fifth column they are.


Jimipickle ago

How is it different today, 50% of us did not agree to Obama/hrc? I am a little confused by that fact? Good read on the plan that is underway. There will be more attacks, ff and more. Hard to hide this forever. At some point we will know, cuz they will shut the internet down. Restart with us in control is....unimaginable. Cannot predict a good outcome of this at anytime that will not end in horrific bloodshed at some point, worldwide and here. Slow roll to crescendo or biblical BAM! God’s will be done!

MuckeyDuck ago

You say, "50% of us did not agree to Obama/hrc?" Okay what is that split then. If not 50% it is certainly millions of people who side with the lefties. Case in point: HRC won 2,864,974 more votes by popular count than did DJT. Are you saying that a large number of Americans were sympathetic to Nazi innocents?

One of the other points I meant to make is that no matter what The Plan does to dismantle the institutions and key player of the subversive left, unless those that identify with the leftist, including minor leaders, act in a spirit of reconciliation, much violence could ensue.

For example, after Lee's surrender at Appomattox, if he had chosen, he could have mounted a insurgent action that would have dragged hostilities out for years, but instead he chose to dedicate himself to bring the nation together. Here are his own words from an interview conducted shortly after the surrender:

“What course I shall pursue I have not decided upon, and each man must be the judge of his own action. We must all however resolve on one thing not to abandon our country. Now more than at any other time, Virginia and every other state in the south needs us. We must try and with as little delay as possible go to work to build up their prosperity.” Lee further encouraged the south in its position toward peace with the North in stating, “To secure such a peace it was not only necessary that the south should abandon its arms, but abandon also all enmity and negative position, and accept with cheerful alacrity the changes of the time.”

Jimipickle ago

I am going to give you the road on the nazi thing because I think we are saying the same thing. And I am now confused about the question in general. :)

As to the rest, great read! Godspeed

MuckeyDuck ago

No worries. I regret if my reply seemed augmentative in tone. Sounds like you know what Lincoln said, “It is better to give your path to a dog than to be bitten by him, contesting for the right.”

Ditto Godspeed

TheOldestGoat ago

Has anyone else noticed to the content coming out of Hollywood seems to be drying up lately

feli00 ago

we must stop the council of 13 and the club of 300. Another thing is a uselessness and a deception

MystikMa ago

you are so right...

IDaMan ago

Save the best for last [P]

GodsAngell ago

these groups will collapse once the round up starts because there won't be anyone left to attend their shady sick meetings!

StarAnon ago

Who'll be left to write the protester's checks? It'll be fun to watch fake news report that a couple of their co-workers have been hauled off.

feli00 ago

hopefully and you are right friend

Jimipickle ago

That, I hope, will be televised in HD