OhBad15 ago

Jimmy Carter, during his reign of madness, dissolved this panel originally started by Dwight Eisenhower for C_A oversight. He also assisted in the founding of the uber partisan NWO SES which took over 'supervision' of all gov't functions.

singlebrain1 ago

I wonder if this is his response to Daniel Best's 'suicide' by battering. He was looking into something with China. Try to find the link. Also Whatdoesitmean.com has a story on the NJ murders of the Caneiro family. The Dad was supposedly an FBI informant or agent installing computers systems for Citibank. Citibank supposedly is involved in Money Laundering. I don't know how reliable this site it. It seems Russian.

OhBad15 ago

Most pharma opioids are made in China which is and has been in bed with the Clintons / Walmart / Arkansas mafia / HSBC / British banksters, also Killary is a patent / intellectual property lawyer with connections to drug patents & the cash flow they produce.

GodsAngell ago

Also Sorcha has an added take to this development. Trump made this move after the murders of Trump's man, (BEST) who lowered drug prices for Americans, AND this past week an FBI Informant and his whole family were murdered. Trump has had ENOUGH! (So have we!)

Trump Takes Personal Control Over Entire US Intelligence Community After Hillary Clinton Assassins Massacre FBI Informant And Family
