corrbrick ago

Regardless if the OP got all the facts correct, it's quite clear that Trump has to do something. If he doesn't, his base melts away, and he knows it. And without his base, he becomes susceptible to impeachment while he and his family become vulnerable to violence from the left.

If you grant that Trump must do something, is it likely that that something would be confined to lashing out aimlessly with no chance of effect? Of course not, Trump is incredibly strategic, and Trump appreciates the power of leverage. So much so that he would never attempt a deal without it. Trump plays to win, Trump holds a grudge, and above all, Trump is patient.

POTUS proved his awareness of his precarious position by the extent of his campaigning. Do you really think that he "never thought he would lose (i.e., be cheated)"? If you do, you don't know your President! Buckle up sweet pea.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Looks like a bi-polar moment for you, all calm, all is well, still a little OCD on the post title exclamation points though.

I am so happy your Prozac is finally kicking in.

hangry ago

This OP is a loon who just makes shit up. Remember she said the tanks were headed to the border to stop the caravan?

HoppyHap ago

Once the ballot is in the soup there is no way take it out without throwing out the entire pot of soup. No names are on the ballots.

1patriot99 ago

It should be obvious that not only was POTUS aware of the voter fraud issue way in advance, but also set up a situation that would ultimately expose the issue -- without and wiggle room or fallback for escape. The amount of prep and planning for this -- given the size and scope of the election fraud -- must have been massive.

Thanks for the post!

MuckeyDuck ago

We know POTUS is good for his word when he said:

Oct 20, 2018 07:36:13 PM All levels of government and Law Enforcement are watching carefully for VOTER FRAUD, including during EARLY VOTING. Cheat at your own peril. Violators will be subject to maximum penalties, both civil and criminal!

All levels of government means all levels including FBI, NSA, DOJ, DHS, MI, and maybe even CIA.
Plus state law enforcement too.

1patriot99 ago

I believe the peril is going to be a bit more comprehensive given the EO that will whack the illegals for voting as well as the rest of it.

MuckeyDuck ago

You can't extract much punishment from illegal that has not go that much on the downside. And after punishment, let say a prison term, then what do you have. You have a attitude adjusted, and deported illegal so not much upside either. Lastly, his punishment want filter over to other wannabe illegals to stop them, like telling you kids not to drink, seldom keeps them from the hard lessons they it seem they have to learn for themselves.

1patriot99 ago

We'll see how it pans out. Oh and as far as not having much, where I live they have nice houses, nice cars and shop where they please.

ElvisP ago

Looks like a troll post to me

MissleCopterStoped ago

This NPC shill usually has the “OMG the sky is falling!” posts, this one is actually kind of normal which is an outlier in their case.

Rhondaher ago

Ive been under the opinion since Obama won if we had honest elections there would be no Dem party. These people cheated to get into power so they could destroy America from within and form their one world Govt. to usher in their lord and master Satan. They are not human they are devils children. Treason at the highest level.

kneo24 ago

Trump can demand recounts all he wants. He has zero authority to make it happen. You do know how this works, don't you? Do you enjoy writing sensationalist garbage?

NellerBean ago

Trump can demand recounts all he wants. He has zero authority to make it happen.

EO has made election fraud a national security issue and President Trump does too have the authority to direct DHS to handle it if anyone refuses to cooperate in the recount.

If someone was suicidal, it may actually drive them to commit suicide while on said anti-depressants as it makes them functional enough to actually follow through with it, or even make them even more crazy and commit some horrible crime.

Disagree with most of your post, but there's no denying the truth of this statement.

kneo24 ago

Except executive orders do not allow a President to do at they please. Remember when the Islamic nigger from Africa did it all the time and everyone was upset about it? This is an over reach of executive power, IMO. And where exactly does the over reach stop? Every time someone has said, "well it's my guy so I don't care", I've seen them complain about the next guy, or the previous guy doing the exact same thing. We, the people, should not be condoning this action, as it is we the people who ultimately give them power. Essentially, signing executive orders is meaningless for this. It does not give him the authority you wish to think it does.

NellerBean ago

Except executive orders do not allow a President to do at they please.

Tell that to the judge who ruled that DACA (which is verifiably unconstitutional) has to remain in place.

National security falls to the executive branch; this is a national security issue and, as such, could be dealt with by DHS under the Patriot Act even without the EO.

kneo24 ago

Well there are a couple things wrong here.

First, you're just essentially argued that an EO does allow a President to do as they please even though you know the judges ruling is wrong. If I were to go by this logic and take it a little further, clearly HRC did nothing because no one is prosecuting her after all this time.

Secondly, claiming something is a national security matter doesn't make it one. You're again arguing in favor of EO's being used without any oversight.

NellerBean ago

Blah blah blah. Can't have a Constitutional dialogue with a know-it-all progressive masquerading as a conservative. Or a libertarian. Or whatever you're claiming to be.

Just have to wait and see.

kneo24 ago

I agree, we have to wait and see, but that doesn't excuse you for the flimsy arguments you made in favor of the use of EO's to legislate.

DryerBox ago

Trump demanding a recount doesn't mean it will happen... also a recount might not fix the problem, it could take an entire new election... Good thing all you Q fags kept saying "midterms are safe" when clearly they weren't safe at all. inb4 "it was a set up" or "it was a trap" Yeah, that's exactly what was said when republicans lost Alabama.. nice try.

DryerBox ago

The special eleciton, moron

MissleCopterStoped ago

What is an eleciton?


DryerBox ago

I'm sorry that Q anon retards suffer from short term memory loss, but here is the link for you.

MissleCopterStoped ago

What the fuck is wrong with you? Archive that shit!

Only then will I look at your crappy source clickbait MSM shit.

If you want to make the claim you are smarter than us, at least put forth effort in making a MSM article in archived format, Only then you might not be a niggerfaggot after all.

DryerBox ago

Politico is MSM as well idiot

MissleCopterStoped ago

I was actually giving you something to work with being that you are an NPC anyways. Don't think too hard, you might strain yourself.

amarQ144 ago

"think mirror"

CheriRuzich ago

Put California on the recount list. Cox was way ahead for Governor and then the flaming liberals threw the election by cheating.

Rhondaher ago

Yes CA may be the biggest shake up in hisfory. When we clean out that den of thieves we may find CA is a Red State after all

bimbobrat ago

I knew of no one that voted for Cox. Most people even on f.b. seemed to be rallying behind Travis. What a spark Travis is. And lo and behold, how did Cox beat Travis? Then as mentioned Cox was way ahead then the next morning saw Grusome won. I PRAY we have recounts.

NellerBean ago

Red even in the deep blue zones.

GodsAngell ago

Amen! I sure hope so too!!!

We should all be on the look out for news of more recounts (or Election Fraud Audits).

RealBlackberry ago

I know some people are not gonna like that I am voicing this idea because it does seem harsh to us patriots who do the right thing, but what if we have voter booths where you go in, swipe your id and they take a photo of you and it's kind of like a drivers' license, but it's a true record of who you are and whether you have the right to vote.

Rhondaher ago

Great idea. I think everyone should be made to re register to vote at the DDS and show proof of birth and residence and can be issued a voter Id with picture on it just like Drivers license

RealBlackberry ago

Agree. WE have to have a plan before 2020.

GodsAngell ago

Yes, I think that is a very interesting idea.

Have you sent it to the President?

RealBlackberry ago

I thought about it but I wonder if he'd really get the memo. I wish I had a contact. Maybe I should try.

MissleCopterStoped ago

That is an excellent idea!

RealBlackberry ago

Thanks, I wish I knew some contact in DC. I think we have got to have something in place by 2020 or we are gonna have chaos.

TPTBNewsReviewer ago

People have to be patient until the Democrats finish stealing the election and complete the crime. This is why McSally conceded, to allow the crime to be completed, and now, GOP has called for an audit. Meanwhile, Snipes, et al, are still committing crimes. This is a delicious moment in history for intelligent and informed Trump supporters. Enjoy!

NellerBean ago

Patience isn't a virtue of people who live their lives in front of the screen.

amarQ144 ago

When thieves break into your house, make sure you don't disturb them until after they have come back as many times as necessary to make sure they got everything...then...boom...don't do anything even if you know who they are except report it (see something say something) to the people who sent them to rob you in the first place and "trust" that they will punish themselves...that's the plan...

DawnPendraig ago

It depends on if you are baiting a trap to catch their criminal enterprise. Then you do sit back and watch and wait as they lead you back to their base operation.

Napoleon Quote: “Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."

GodsAngell ago


grace8 ago

I think ppl get it recounts slow the process of certifying so we are all bummed cause we thought they were going to certify.

GodsAngell ago

What is "certifying" vs recounts?

MuckeyDuck ago

Sorry, I don't trust Democrats. Give them an inch of rope and they'll hang you with it. Give the same rope to Republicans and they'll hand themselves.

GodsAngell ago

Some people are NEVER happy, even with Good News.

Have you thought of taking anti-depressants???

MuckeyDuck ago

Man have you been checked for rabies, your awful touchy tonight. That comment was not negative. I am just trying to say, we better watch closely any contest where a democrat is involved. If any opportunity exit that they can exploit, they will take advantage.

What I'm sensing is that you have your daggers out for me because of some past comment I made. I don't really care if you approve my comments or not, if you are reading me correctly, but I care a lot if you are made at me due to a error on my part of a misperception on yours. I assure you that I am usually a geyser and not a mud puddle on most issues, so you should stop being so irascible.

NellerBean ago

Highly suggest not going at it with the mods in this sub, they're overwhelmed by shills to the point that you won't be having the same conversation with them no matter how well you articulate the point you're trying to make.

Treat them like goldfish, and feed them good thoughts, gratitude and support. They're sensitive and will make your time here miserable if you choose to do otherwise (remember: they're dealing with paid shills whose sole purpose is to divide and infuriate, they're not going to "get it" no matter how hard you try to explain, you'll just be met with the down vote brigade).

MuckeyDuck ago

Thanks for your advise. As my mother use to say, "A word to the wise should be sufficient".

NellerBean ago

(that said, what a sh*t show disrespectful conversation above!)

Just hold compassion and send them good wishes.

GodsAngell ago

I have no idea who you are or what you have posted before. I think you are the one who is paranoid.

Go back and read your comment:

"Sorry, I don't trust Democrats. Give them an inch of rope and they'll hang you with it. Give the same rope to Republicans and they'll hand themselves."

What do you mean the GOP will "hand" themselves?

I assumed that was a typo and you meant "the GOP will HANG themselves".

Is that what you meant? If not explain.

MuckeyDuck ago

Yes, Hang is what I meant! I did not intend that to be negative, but I understand how it could have been taken that way. Just to let you know that I really do appreciate the hard work you mods do to keep these subs running, here is a paste of a priv msfg I sent to srayzie a couple of days ago:

Just wanted to say thanks for the understanding, and kind latitude you have show me in my learning process. Participating in this patriot driven forum, feels akin to slipping my hand into a warn, well fitting glove. This no doubt is a product of the thoughtful time you, and your fellow moderators have selflessly given to make this site work. I appreciate all your efforts.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Shut the fuck up @godsangell. It is none of your business to ask personal questions like that and socially engineering them to possibly dox themselves, plus you a not a fucking doctor, otherwise your posts would be meaningful instead of it sounding like it came from a person no smarter than a box of rocks.

slumbermachine ago

Anti-depressants are crap, dont even joke about them. Turn to and trust God, much more effective then the cabals pharmakia.

ProgNaziGator ago

The fact that he has to be a one man army, is why we will continue to lose for the time being.

KnightsofHubris ago

YAHOO!!!!!!! Trump Demanding Recounts in Florida and Arizona

Why do you think this changes anything? We don't do recounts in America based on what the President wants.

Rhondaher ago

Your forgetting Home land Security, NSA. Trump has many agencies working with him. Last to get cleaned up is FBI, CIA

KnightsofHubris ago

Your reply has nothing to do with my comment.

The NSA and Homeland Security have nothing to do with recounts.

GodsAngell ago

"That's not what your post shows. And looking this up. It seems he met with 3 people and they argued about funding the government and avoiding a shutdown."

So you are saying that Trump's Official Calendar was full of lies, OR there are only 3 Republican Senators in the Senate???

Do you have a source for your information that Trump ONLY spoke to 3 Republicans today and this is ALL that they talked about???

KnightsofHubris ago

So you are saying that Trump's Official Calendar was full of lies, OR there are only 3 Republican Senators in the Senate???

I'm saying that you do not understand what you read. And Trump's calendar was accurate. You should read it again.

Do you have a source for your information that Trump ONLY spoke to 3 Republicans today and this is ALL that they talked about???

Yup. Google "Trump Senate" and limit your search to the past 24 hours. You'll find plenty of links. The Hill did a couple of stories on it.

GodsAngell ago

But you REFUSE to provide ANY links. Says a mouthful.

petevoat ago

Just ignore the whiny whiners. That's all they are good for.

Meanwhile, we can be hopeful. We can't all think Trump and team don't know what is happening and taking action when appropiate.

AngelofDeath ago

That's great … but if they added thousands of ballots into the mix … and they're still there, HOW IN THE WORLD is a recount going to help anything??

Hope you get to feeling better.

NoNoTheRoBoT ago

Jadsticles ago

Rumour has it, when trump assigned DHS the legal power to review and investigate elections, they secretly marked each ballot paper in some special way. I dont know about this though...

AngelofDeath ago


notgtaxtoi ago

It would be wonderful, but don’t get your hopes up. Just like in stock investment, trusting rumors is usually a trap.

Whentwurf ago

Democrats are filling out real ballots but claiming fake people voted with them

ChiComs ago

Correct, 25,000 late mailed in ballots with backdated postage stamps on real paper, with real names of people known to not have voted that day (dead, prison, senile, etc), and the feds will just ignore the few blatant scams and keep the BOGUS ballots !!!!


the dems stole the election because the republicans let them violate laws!

SpaceForce45 ago

They have secret things hidden all over passports to verify their validity so it’s possible...that would be genius!!!!

GodsAngell ago

Don't worry! Leave it to the Experts!!!

AngelofDeath ago

"Experts" … that those things on CNN???

amarQ144 ago

That's pretty much what got us here.

Q_Watch ago

Remember, the Titanic was built by experts but amateurs built the Ark.

Rhondaher ago

No the criminal element in both parties got us here

amarQ144 ago

...that would be the experts

sonuvspam ago

I don't understand why, when there is a question of the count, they allow the same jackasses who produced the questionable count, to count it all again. If I give the IRS a bad number, they will not tell me to count it again, nor will they trust me to do it if I want to. They will say "Step aside, WE will check"

AngelofDeath ago

Worse than that. I've been audited. I KNOW how stupid those bastards are. They'll lie right to your face just to get you to react. Treasonous scum. I have no idea how they find so many traitors to work for the IRS.

GodsAngell ago

Every Party has a POOPER, and YOU are it!!!

Go ahead worry, and worry, and worry. I know you think Trump Team are complete imbeciles, and thus they need your nonstop criticism. Looks like you are happier that way.

Meanwhile the rest of us will REJOICE!!!

AngelofDeath ago

Fine, you go die burning in their flames singing about how great you were for 'taking one for the Gipper'. I'll take my Javelin and ram it through them like Phinehas … you know, the one YAHWEH HIMSELF THEN DECLARED WAS A RIGHTEOUS MAN, and made a special eternal covenant with him and his family line. Only person in the Bible that happened to, and all for EXECUTING some scum of the earth.

It was President Trump that said the ballots are polluted and we need another election. Recounting is a waste of time once the ballots are mixed with fraudulent ones.

Rejoice about things you should rejoice about:

Psa 149:5 Let the saints exult in glory: let them sing for joy upon their beds.

Psa 149:6 Let the high praises of Yahweh be in their mouth, and a two–edged sword in their hand;

Psa 149:7 To execute vengeance upon the nations, and punishments upon the peoples;

Psa 149:8 To bind their king’s with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron;

Psa 149:9 To execute upon them the judgment written: this honour have all his saints. Praise ye Yahweh.

Mittermeyer ago

The guy only said shit about the IRS being scum and he is right. What are you even talking about. Remember Trump gets audited every year and they admitted to auditing republicans excessively to fuck with us.

GodsAngell ago

Don't worry! Leave it to the Experts!!!

grace8 ago

I hope your right. If Trump wants it I guess its good. But all I can see is 1)the possibility of loosing Florida senate/gov

2)another delay to unsealing the indictments/arrests

Well,if they really recount Arizona maybe we can get rid of the smug liar in ARizona. Not sure though since an independent audit sounds different than a recount and the president cannot order AZ elections board. or any states election board to do anything, can he.

GodsAngell ago

Let me help you with the translation: Audit means a Fraud Audit.

How in the world does a recount or an Election Fraud Audit have anything to do with Unsealing indictments????

The psychopaths will not be rounded up until the March 1, 2018 Military Tribunal Executive Order goes into effect which is Jan 1, 2019.

The one has absolutely nothing to do with the other, unless one of these demoncrap candidates has a sealed indictment with their name on it already.

Lets see, would you be happier if there were no recounts or fraud audits?

What does it take for Patriots to Rejoice?

I'm truly puzzled?

grace8 ago

If Mueller's investigation and declassifying Fisa had to wait till after elections, I am suggesting that unsealing warrants has to, too.

Imagine that the recounts fail and the gop wants re-vote instead. They go in front of the judge and the DNC say but your honor all these unsealed indictments have materially changed the voter pool thinking from where it was at on Nov. 6th making it impossible for a revote. Trump had called for a revote earlier this week. Trump cant make them do it.

I doubt that all indictments will wait to unseal till March. HRC and her ilk may wait till then.

Yes I would be happy if Florida, where both Republicans are currently the victors as things stand now, stopped counting. Of course I want the light to be shown on the fraud but I hoped that could happen through the courts applealing all the biased unlawful decisions made, not recounts.

I think everyone here just felt relieved when the republican candidates in Florida survived the recount and were still winners. Now you tell us there will be another recount including more ballots. It just doesn't sound good, but if Trump wants it then I guess it is.

Also, I imagine ppl are concerned about more ballots being replaced with fake ballots.

Im sorry nobody is excited. I appreciate you trying to lift the mood.

stirstick ago

I know, and from what I read, they are looking at the rejected ballots to determine what they think the person would have voted. What in the world does that mean? They get to guess at the persons vote? I cannot imagine.

corrbrick ago

Yes, that's exactly the meaning. High IQ counters "guess" at voter intent, naturally, without any bias whatsoever. That's what Bush vs. Gore came down to in 2000 with the hanging chads. It was also the excuse used to switch so many districts over to voting machines.

stirstick ago

This is insane. 😳

Logandolf ago

If the person is dead, they couldn't have voted. So there is that.

GodsAngell ago

Ah, a GENIUS!!! Thanks for the help!

Arrvee ago

And if the assumption is that the Dems manufactured ballots by the tens of thousands, what's the point of demanding a recount that includes these ballots?

GodsAngell ago

Gee, do I have to spell it out???

FRAUDULENT BALLOTS CAN BE IDENTIFIED AND DISCARDED, and with finger prints, they know who to arrest! Although I think they have a pretty good idea to arrest already.

Rhondaher ago

They knew before the election who to watch. They set a trap and the Desperate Dems took the bait.

grace8 ago

I hope your right but where does it say that? I mean if they are just recounting the under and over votes I would think the cheaters would have filled in the ballots correctly so those will not even come into play until the election is certified and then perhaps there can be some legal challenge. God I want this over!

I do not think this is what q meant by something big dropping. Jerome Corsi said a few days ago he expects to be indicted by the end of the week. Also notables yesterday were tracking some indictments unsealing coming in. Not sure it was any big fish but the crimes were all serious and politics related.

GodsAngell ago

To me these fraud Audits and Recounts are bigger than Corsi being indicted. If Corsi does get indicted, I would presume it is for GOOD reasons, along with a ton of other very deserving creeps. Q has already pointed out that Corsi was compromised, so why in the world would anyone be surprised if he gets indicted? To me, that is not big news. I suppose if you were a big fan of Corsi, and devoted follower of Corsi, it might be big news, but it is not to me.

Trump Team/GOP FINALLY doing recounts and fraud Audits, to me THAT is BIG GREAT FABULOUS NEWS!!!

It sure makes my week!....maybe my Month....or who knows when all this finished, My Year!!!

grace8 ago

But its not team trump or just the GOP doing the recounts or the audits.

Lots of Q ppl want to see Corsi exposed, including Q and he is the one who said it was a big drop.

Its the election boards including sipes:

The order gives canvassing boards in the state's 67 counties three days to pore over thousands of ballots that were rejected by machines because of "overvotes" — a voter appears to have chosen more than one candidate in a race — or "undervotes," in which a voter appears to have skipped a race altogether. With the help of state guidelines, the canvassing boards, which are allowed to enlist the help of volunteers, will try to determine how these voters intended to vote.

It's not entirely clear how many such overvotes and undervotes exist in the U. S. Senate race. A Times/Herald analysis of state and county data shows the number could be between 35,000 and 118,000

derram ago

RG72 ago

Big boom on friday to finish out the week maybe??

Notimportant36 ago

At this point, I've come to realize that the BOOMS were the firing of the shot, we just don't know the target, the distance, or the speed...

Any "booms" that did make the news were so under covered that most never caught on. Not that there haven't been major things, just prediction seems counter productive beyond the general.

RG72 ago

True. Anons should be watching for the booms, ie hirings, firings, EO, changes to laws.. I guess mist miss it because it's UNDER reported by MSM, and most people think of Booms as life changing event. But if they indeed are shots. Then maybe pew pew pew would have worked

Notimportant36 ago

Wish I could call even that better than guess.

It's partly that big booms in dismantling the cabal, to many normies, is just a "who cares" thing.

The main point is that we all need to make the effort to temper our expectations, especially on the time frame.

RG72 ago

Uep. That's why Q stated that the wheels of justice move slow....