Tallest_Skil ago

You’re clinically insane. You are severely mentally ill. You need to get help IMMEDIATELY. You’re a danger to yourself and others. Nothing you have said is backed up by reality.

Exoduslarry ago

Almost like you've channeled Praying Medic. Hope, patience , kindness and steadfast endurance.... trust the plan and pray.

HeatPatriot1 ago

I needed this! I have decided to back off a bit...to mentally reset. The midterms were hard. It feels like we're losing. Thanks so much for your thoughtful piece!

BelleDJour ago

Thank you. The voter fraud IMO was devastating to a lot of Patriots. People are demoralized. That is a fact. Giving up? No. Discouraged but praying more? Yes.

darkb ago

politics not like going to McDonald's,, problem, lack of speed to get answers.. It`s politics , not tv .

GodsAngell ago

Yes, no fast food "Justice". The Wheels of Justice Grind slowly, .....but they Grind Very Fine.

If you have ever been unfortunate enough to have to be involved in a lawsuit, you KNOW how slowly the wheels of justice turn. In the beginning it feels like an eternity, but soon the days, weeks and months.....sometimes years flip by, and then BAM, Lady Justice lowers the Boom!....ah the sweet, sweet smell of success!

Like a woman giving birth, as soon as her baby is in her arms, she forgets all about those long months of pregnancy inconveniences and the horrors of labor pains that seem to go on forever! Suddenly there is that sweet little life starring up at her, and immediately the pain, and inconvenience and the many months of patience, required to get here are immediately forgotten!

robmorris ago

Thank you Patriot, some good advice for us all. Trust the Plan. Remember God is in control. WWG1WGA

301854 ago

Thank you for this great article. It should help those who are disappointed. Trump did add another executive order on Sept 21 to deal with foreign meddling in our elections. It also covers voter fraud. Then he goes out and holds rallies all over the country. What does this do? It excites the Republicans and they go out and vote. What else does it do? It forces the demoRATs to be more open in their voter fraud, because they have gotten away with from forever, but this year the eyes were on them. the old moral; if you step in shit and no one is looking you can wipe it off and nobody knows you stepped in it. But, if everyone is looking and you step in shit everyone knows you stepped in shit and wiping it off doesn't matter. Looks like this has happened to the demoRATs. In 45 days the election fraud report will come. I don't expect arrests right away though. I think they will follow the money for a while and catch more fraudsters, then the arrests will happen. But then again, If the demoRATs manage to steal the Senate also,Trump can't let the demoRATs get into the offices they stole, so it may happen before January. Whatever happens, I am sticking to the plan.

GodsAngell ago

It just occurred to me this morning to add this info, incase some people are too busy to listen to this hour long interview:

Here is Dr Dave Janda's Report Sessions and other things:


Greg Hunter Interviews Dr Dave Janda: Sessions, Voter Fraud Before, During & After the Midterm Elections

One more thing, if you listen to this Janda interview his insider sources also indicated that Trump arranged to have ALL election voter machines checked right before the election, and sure enough they had to seize MANY because they had predetermined vote totals for Demoncrap candidates! This happened in just about every state! This could possibly explain why the Demoncraps were in a panic in some places (AZ, Fl, etc), and had to, at the last minute, sit down, work around the clock and making up a bunch of provisional fraudulent ballots! They have been outed now!

I've been telling everyone, NO ONE WANTS Communist Demoncraps! They ALWAYS have to cheat to appear to have won ANY election! Tighten up the controls over election processes to eliminate cheating, and the Demoncraps will just blow away in the wind!

Politiskep ago

Sorry OP, but this sounds like bullshit to me. Appeals to childishness and maturity or accusations regarding these things are tactics shills have been using since before the 2016 election. I think that for all the eloquence of your paragraph here you're intending to "legitimize" the ridiculous programme of demoralization our desperate enemies have attempted to inflict on the Q movement. So, with all do respect, please shut up you fucking niggerfaggot.

drmckoy ago

Thank you, GodsAngel. I really needed to hear that right at this moment. I will persist in prayer and faith that justice will prevail and light will replace darkness.

CokeOrPepe ago

Wonderful essay, thank you.

SharkShack ago

A very thoughtful and reasonable post that explains things rather than simply, "Sit back and enjoy the show" and "trust the plan."

DaraChaos ago

Thank you so much for this post! I've been so invested since before the 2016 election. I naively thought that once the election was over, that everyone would settle down and give Trump a fair chance, just as we have tried to give previous presidents a fair chance, whether we liked them or not.

I have become so frustrated and upset, that it's really beginning to take a toll on my everyday life. I am taking a step back from politics, and trying to trust the Lord to handle the evil. I still check this board and twitter once a day, but not multiple times a day, as I have in the past. I'm trying to read some mindless fluff now, which is very unlike me, but I believe it's necessary for me not to focus on things that infuriate me, at least for a little while.

Tonight, I got my husband to agree to only watch Tucker (his fav) instead of a full night of news commentary. After that, we turned to the weather channel to watch something peaceful, like tornado shows, LOL!!! I'm also enjoying CreepyPasta and r/nosleep because they're much lighter reading than the current news, and that's damn sad!

GodsAngell ago

Hey, everyone was upset with this election.....although we didn't do too badly.

The day after the election, Acosta went ape shit with Trump at that press conference, and Trump, also not in the best of forms, lost his temper with Acosta.

This website should be a safe place to vent your confusion, and frustrations, etc., ask questions, (which show you are THINKING), so that we can support one another, not attack one another.

We are going to get through this together, and we are going to WIN, WIN, WIN!!!

Enjoy the Holidays!

DaraChaos ago

@GodsAngell Thank you for the excellent advice, I think I'll take it! "Relax and Enjoy the Holidays!" I wish the same for you!

BetweentheGreennBlue ago

I think one main problem is that in back of most of our minds is this niggling wonder whether we're being led by a ring in our nose. Those of us here who've done the research and reading (eg. James Perfloff, Patrick Wood, Jim Marrs, etc) understand that the elite have been in power for a very long time. They have deceived us for a very long time. When I "woke up", the world became very different. So there is always this question - "Is this just another elaborate con job?"

In the end, my faith is solely in the Word of God and the Lion of Judah. And because of that, I choose to trust this president as well, because of so many reasons. I'm not sure where it leads. I think in the end, America may still go down, but who knows how far away. But for now, this is the fight, this is the time, this is the place, and may we stand, having done all to stand. Until there is SOLID proof otherwise, TRUST THE PLAN. WWG1WGA.

Hand_of_Node ago

this niggling wonder whether we're being led by a ring in our nose.

Does it seem likely they'd abandon everything at the pinnacle of their power? Trump is an ideal controlled op figure. Wonderful rhetoric. Beloved by crowds. How many jews and globalists has he imprisoned? What about old what's her name? He's great for slowing down their plan so it doesn't raise the alarm too fast or too soon. The birthrates are already in place and it's just a matter of time.

BetweentheGreennBlue ago

Who are "they"? If you think Trump is part of "they", I don't think so. Newt said as much. So ya, I think they'll assassinate him before anything.

And don't do the jew thing with me.

Hand_of_Node ago

"They" are the people too wealthy to appear on the wealth lists. "They" may not always micromanage, but they run the show through a wide variety of means and methods. Sure, they may or may not assassinate him, depending on how that would influence their goals. If his usefulness drops below the value his assassination might create, that might become a possibility.

GodsAngell ago

Don't forget that THIS PLAN to expose rampant EVIL and Bring them to Justice, was ALL GOD'S IDEA FIRST!!! God even picked Donald Trump to do His bidding. At first when i heard Trump was running, I thought "oh brother, what next?". I didn't even listen to the first debates because its always the same crap, NEVER talking about the REAL ISSUES that matter. And THEN I started reading about some of the things coming out of Trump's mouth, and I was astounded with TRUTHS he divulged! It was a breath of fresh air! I became a believer before I heard of the various Trump Prophecies. But then when I heard the Trump prophecies, I realized GOD ALMIGHTY was the ONE who was behind this!!! And you know how that goes, You are either on GOD's Team or you are a sad loser!


Let God be TRUE and every man a liar!!!

2007: Kim Clement (2 minutes):


2011: Mark Taylor, the Trump Prophecies:




Suffice to say, Trump Team are getting a LOT VERY Seasoned Insider Help!!!

aflameofYah ago


God is definitely doing a work! Justice will roll down like a river and righteousness like an overflowing stream. He promised. WWG1WGA

BetweentheGreennBlue ago

I'm with you on that. Trump is God's man, of that there can be no doubt.

Let me stress though, that Moses was God's man too, and God's intent was to lead them to Canaan. The people grumbled, complained, and sinned mightily. And God was willing to start over with new people. In the end, He relented enough to simply let that lot die in the desert, and start over with their children. May we be so blessed. This is one wicked nation, and the divide between the righteous and the wicked I believe keeps growing.

If my people, who are called by name, humble themselves, pray, and turn from their wicked ways.....this won't turn around without Trump, and it won't turn around without repentance in the church.

Keep praying, stay vigilant.

GodsAngell ago


I firmly believe that the REAL Great Awakening will happen spiritually after the world is set free from these diabolical powers. This first Awakening that is happening now, is people having their eyes opened to all the rampant corruption. The second one will be even greater, when Millions turn to Christ when they realize Christ was really the one who set them free, Trump Team just being willing servants of Christ.

jodieann ago

This helped me get a bit more grounded. Thanks!

RedneckPatriot ago

There is strength in unity indeed. A very well thought out post. The key to all of this is patience and timing but we can't lose focus of the cause. Our freedom is worth fighting for so I encourage those who are discouraged to look at the bigger picture and have some faith in those who toil day and night to make this all a reality.

GodsAngell ago

Yes, we all tend to skip steps in our minds. First collection of evidence.....that is the key to the take down. Can't recall what op posted it, but it is more than likely that Obummer pardoned everyone for everything before leaving office. So these past to years has been not only digging up the buried bodies (evidence) from the past, but also COLLECTING Evidence as these psychopaths continue to rack up more crimes since Obummer left office. Remember Al Capone, a gangster, guilty of all kinds of crimes, but the casees were difficult to prove if all witnesses went silent (or got bumped off). But they finally got Al Capone on tax fraud. The mass amount of assets he collected didn't tie out to the paltry amounts he claimed on his tax return. Its the little foxes that spoil the vine.

Evidence Collection, evidence collection, evidence collection.....that is what these past 2 years have been about......AND setting the stage for a fool proof take down.

Remember these psychopaths are all still hoping Trump will pardon them, and know he has the power to do so. This is a powerful tool in Trump's bag of tricks. Trump holds all the key cards. He will play them when the time is right for maximum benefit to the world.

4abc7123 ago

I enjoyed reading your post. THANK you ....as I said we can't stop now. We have to have each others backs and stay the course and not be victims of the democrats. WE are NOT. Wise words....hope many read them.

angelCole ago

I've had to take a few days off myself. I decided there is nothing I can do about the election fraud happening at this moment, nor the caravan or any other crime being committed by the dims. I don't want to stroke out from my blood pressure. It will happen when it's the right time. I've taken to watching documentaries on youtube just to ignore the lack of justice happening. I am not going to bitch or whine cause I hate that shit. Keep yourself distracted with other things like family time and helping others. God bless our president, I love him, trust him and support him all the way. WWG1WGA #KAG

Judd66 ago

Thanks I sure needed that! Honestly I will probably need more doses before the end to keep me calmed down enough not to do something irrational! Truly thanks!

WeatherEye ago

This is wise and helpful. THANK YOU

KimnanaT ago

Thank you for this post..I had posted my personal frustration with the current rate of things and unsurprisingly was immediately attacked. This is the platform to go to when we need to encourage one another to stay the course and hold the line.

blueskywins ago

Thank you. It’s been hard to watch them steal the election. And you know what, writing that fucking sentence enrages me. Why the fuck are we just letting this happen?!? I own a gun and frankly watching those fucking satanists steal the election... I’m ready to go to war over this. I mean now. I know i’m Not alone in this. I also don’t understand the vitriol spewed at pedes who are simply questioning what is going on, questioning Q. I don’t question Trump, btw, and yes, I know Trump could be Q+. I mean, aren’t we NOT supposed to be following blindly but asking questions? Even Christ had a doubting Thomas... we’re human; it’s how we’re made. But thank you for your perspective, it is food for thought for sure.

GodsAngell ago

Hey, everyone was upset with this election.....although we didn't do too badly.

The day after the election, Acosta went ape shit with Trump at that press conference, and Trump, also not in the best of forms, lost his temper with Acosta.

This website should be a safe place to vent your confusion, and frustrations, etc., ask questions, (which show you are THINKING), so that we can support one another, not attack one another.

We are going to get through this together, and we are going to WIN, WIN, WIN!!!

Trump Team did all they could for this election, and We The People sure turned out in MASS for this election, so we did our part too. Now sit back and watch Trump Team do their thing....LEGALLY, through the Rule of Law......which as I've said before the Wheels of Justice Grind slowly...too slowly for some, obviously, but they are Grinding Away steadily, and they Grind FINE!

Relax and Enjoy the Holidays!

NoRoyalty ago

Sorely needed commentary GA. I'm ashamed to say the "instant gratification" devil has been sitting on my shoulder.

Blacksmith21 ago

Did we give up when Germany bombed Pearl Harbor? Nooooo!

Good analysis.

vladtep ago

Germany bombed Pearl Harbor? Are you fucking retarded?

Blacksmith21 ago

You must be a young one. Try watching the movie Animal House. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8lT1o0sDwI

Note the 3 upvoats on my comment...

GodsAngell ago

Pssst: Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

But we all knew what you meant.

Blacksmith21 ago

FFS - It's a line from Animal House!!!!

Publius1778 ago

Down voting is free speech. Give me a break. Down voting is part of the platform design, just as you cannot post until you get sufficient number of points.

This site is not for frustration even if it is honest. It is for news and analysis. Venting real or shill is for comments, not articles.

LLA1776 ago

Thank you for this. I had to tell myself to take a break last week and know that President Trump and all the Patriots know what they're doing and they see the big picture. My view is through a door viewer. Trust and allow is my mantra now.

Telern56 ago

Very good thought process on your part GodsAngell. Thank you.

BenevolentQness ago

Great read, Thanks

SpiritualWarrior ago

Whew! I saw that title and thought, "I better check it out and make sure it's not a shill trying to divide us!" So refreshing to read this and I applaud you!

I've been doing a lot of digging on the California fires today, because I have friends and family there that I worry about. I did a lot of reading and watched some good videos (they help for giving you a visual understanding). It was funny/not funny that I had already read a few days ago about PG&E being owned by a Rothchild and that they were using DEWs. I think this is the right article: PG&E. In one of the videos I watched, they said that PG&E now claims that they believe they had a malfunction in that area. BS. It's an attack and they're doing it with lasers and I suspect that somehow the smart meters are involved. I believe that is yet another threat as a message to POTUS. Think of how many of us they can kill just that fast. It's real and it's happening. I've been sick with neurological issues since the installation of our smart meter and I also had a "rare" pineal brain tumor removed in a very risky surgery last year. Our house was completely gutted and remodeled two years ago. All brand new appliances, the works. Two days ago, I went to use my microwave (less than 2 years old) and it just quit. Not the breaker, not the outlet. No clue why, but there was a helicopter hovering somewhere nearby. I couldn't see it, because it's rainy, but I could hear it (they give me anxiety - PTSD) and it clearly wasn't one that just flew overhead and kept going. Very weird. I can tell you that I'm not a paranoid person, but it's got me freaked out.

One other note, my best friend and I were talking yesterday and she was telling me about how she and her husband were out walking in the hills over by College of Marin when they heard this strange, scary human noise. When they turned the corner, they came up against a man and woman who looked like they were out of it. Then they started pointing these green lasers at them. It scared them both, and her husband is a drill sergeant with the Army, but he wasn't armed. I tried to figure it out, but couldn't come up with anything. Out of pure coincidence, I came across a very short video where someone was recording that noise and saying WTH is that.

There most definitely is stuff going down that we're not aware of. It's possible that they have a set plan to do a mass event like California, only on a bigger scale if key people suddenly disappear.

SaveOurGrandChildren ago

Also, California passed a law that will have PG&E be able to pass the cost of any "malfunctions" attributed to PG&E onto their customers.

Hand_of_Node ago

BS. It's an attack and they're doing it with lasers and I suspect that somehow the smart meters are involved.

Because that's plausible. Are there leprechauns operating the lasers?

GodsAngell ago

Plan to Burn up Northern California Disclosed (Video)


This woman went on the record with these plans to burn up CA, years before the big fires in 2017 and this year.

Yep, the EVIL Rothschilds own PG&E and Southern CA Edison.....I believe they own all the utilities.

Trueseeker_90 ago

Have you noticed the fires are in areas where the high speed rail goes thru.

SaveOurGrandChildren ago

DS plan was to have one road from South America through to Canada - similar to China's "Belt and Road" initiative. DS wants all countries connected for ease of control.

GodsAngell ago

Yes, saves a lot of eminent domain money.

Anon22022 ago

Thank you!

Stopmotionhistory ago

Do not fear the storm but learn instead to dance in the rain.

ProgNaziGator ago

Can you make this point without q?

If not then what does that portend?

GodsAngell ago

Yes. Q has only confirmed what many of us TRUTHERS have known for decades. Although rampant pediphilia and child/sex trafficking/slavery, that was news to me. Now we understand that activity was a KEY part in this whole wicked puzzle, so the Top layer of the criminal elite could keep ALL Politicians and government bureaucrats in line to do their evil bidding.

If you notice, Q only points out things that are already public. He just redirects our attention, in case we missed an important article or something, like Trump's key Exec Oders.....all public information or things that Truthers have uncovered over the years. Q has only helped us to connect the dots. If one goes back and re-reads all of Q's posts from the beginning, it is all pretty much there. These were bombshell revelations or confirmations of things we suspected at the time of their posts.

Really what else is there? I think we all pretty much have the whole picture by now, if you have been following Q's posts from the beginning, OR you have been a Truther for decades and discosvered this stuff on your own.

The only thing Q is not telling us is EVERY SINGLE thing going on behind the scenes, nor does he date set.

Also, Q is not the ONLY insider leaking information to us. There are others that have been trying to wake up the public for years.....and other insiders leaking stuff today on 4chan.

So if Q went silent for the rest of his life, it won't make much difference to us. We've got the BIG PICTURE.....we have learned to THINK on our own, and we REJECT ALL of Lame Stream Media PROPAGANDA.

I hope this answers your question.

JGamble ago

doesn't account for the deep state doesn't control the dudes with guns/handcuffs. show the evidence and arrest the people.

Trump is getting revenge on the people who burned him. Revenge has nothing to do with justice.

Q either has the evidence or not, what we don't have is the truth

GodsAngell ago

Your source for this?

Trump is getting revenge on the people who burned him.

JGamble ago

Creepy Porn lawyer is one step away (not much of a leap) only source is pay attention over the past 12 months. Trump loves to sue people and is super vengeful, and he is saving the world from people who worship satan. All can be true where I live.

CivNatisFullRetard ago

And here we see the Qult in action. You fuckers are the same idiots who fall for Multi-Level-Marketing Scams. You will NEVER stop believing in Q because he is a part of your identity. You can't stop believing in him because if you did, you would disappear. You weak-minded boomers need to believe in something because it staves off the realizations of you own failures and eternal inadequacies.

bamadeplorable420 ago

WELL,,,,,so,,,we are waiting for a good time to put all this filth out....when they (socialist/dems) won't think we are racist, or trying to cover something else up , or or or ...SO,,,WHEN WILL THERE EVER BE A GOOD TIME????

scoripowarrior ago

Thanks for your words of encouragement and explanation. As one who has been on this journey for awhile, it is always good to have others "talk you down" from the ledge and help open our eyes and mind. I appreciate the work you contribute.

Bonscottrocks007 ago


Bonscottrocks007 ago


Lauraingalls ago


Bonscottrocks007 ago


Lauraingalls ago

You need to GROW UP.

Lauraingalls ago

Shazbot! An application error occurred, we will back online shortly SOMETHING happened on Qmap.

Lauraingalls ago

Very detailed and true. There is a QUOTE I like which is, "To one who has faith, NO EXPLANATION IS NECESSARY. To one WITHOUT FAITH, no explanation is possible." - Thomas Aquinas - For those who believe in Q, we TRUST what he says and know life is hard and real, and things can cause setbacks, for those who don't believe, nothing Q does will matter, Q will always be a FRAUD.

hope4gaia ago

I appreciate this and I will get on with my life as you suggest. It's a little more difficult in California when we are being burned out of our homes with impunity overnight. But worry doesn't help that. There is so much evil in the world. But Trump is doing his best and I appreciate all the white hats. Blessings!

GodsAngell ago

I'm in California too. Rest assured Trump Team knows ALL About Gov Jerry Brown's pre-meditated MURDERS. He is obviously planning to go with via "scorched earth". There is a sealed indictment with his name on it too!

Bonscottrocks007 ago

No action, the movement loses steam, it's as simple as that, without the people you have nothing and the dems and socialists keep pounding the pavement and the rest bend over and get it shoved up their asses because at least they show there loyalty all we have is some fictional letter...

Trueseeker_90 ago

Plenty of action actually.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Sometimes GA you hit the nail on the head. Thank you. ☕️🍰

Qzenseeker ago

Yes thank you GA :)


venicreator ago

Very much appreciate your thoughtful advice. I’m willing to be patient on all the other stuff- it’s just that the injustice of the blatant vote fraud is so much salt in the wounds- it’s the same feeling I had recently visiting a friend in the hospital and being forced to listen to CNN on his roomate’s TV. I wanted to rip the tv off the wall.

Trueseeker_90 ago

I once watched Cuck News Network 12hrs straight.

GodsAngell ago

and what happened to you as a result???

GodsAngell ago

and being forced to listen to CNN on his roomate’s TV.

Yes, that would test the patience of Job himself!

intothelightwego ago

A thoughtful and timely piece which I read with great interest - thank you for this!

GodsAngell ago

Someone asked me: Can you make this point without q?

Yes. Q has only confirmed what many of us TRUTHERS have known for decades. Although rampant pediphilia and child/sex trafficking/slavery, that was news to me. Now we understand that activity was a KEY part in this whole wicked puzzle, so the Top layer of the criminal elite could keep ALL Politicians and government bureaucrats in line to do their evil bidding.

If you notice, Q only points out things that are already public. He just redirects our attention, in case we missed an important article or something, like Trump's key Exec Oders.....all public information or things that Truthers have uncovered over the years. Q has only helped us to connect the dots. If one goes back and re-reads all of Q's posts from the beginning, it is all pretty much there. These were bombshell revelations or confirmations of things we suspected at the time of their posts.

Really what else is there? I think we all pretty much have the whole picture by now, if you have been following Q's posts from the beginning, OR you have been a Truther for decades and discosvered this stuff on your own.

The only thing Q is not telling us is EVERY SINGLE thing going on behind the scenes, nor does he date set.

Q has not told us the date of the round up of the bad guys, but No Name IS very much DEAD. That's one off our hit list.

We all saw Hildabeast and her husband and her assistant walking around in boots to cover their gps ankle monitors.

Also, Q is not the ONLY insider leaking information to us. There are others that have been trying to wake up the public for years.....and other insiders leaking stuff today on 4chan.

So if Q went silent for the rest of his life, it won't make much difference to us. We've got the BIG PICTURE.....we have learned to THINK on our own, and we REJECT ALL of Lame Stream Media PROPAGANDA.

I hope this answers your question.

PS: One more very important thing that Q informed us of, is that Trump Team have been planning this Global take down for over a decade. There is a master plan that has been worked on refined over the years by White Hats in the District of Corruption.....my guess is they have been working on this take down since the 911 false flag attack that killed thousands of innocent people.

So it was a great relief to know, when we first discovered this truth, that 1) There IS a PLAN, and 2) Trump Team are Working this plan.

FBI-ANON spilled some massive beans on 4Chan in July 2016, a frustrated insider when he/she saw Hildabeast go free, KNOWING full well she is guilty as sin of fraud, Treason, Espionage, Murder, just to name a few things. FBI-ANON was trying to get us to focus on the Clinton Foundation Charity Fraud, Pay for Play.

Then Seth Rich got murdered later in July and we all smelled a BIG RAT there....another Clinton body count.

Then of course there were the HUGE, MASSIVE Drops by WikiLeaks in the Fall of 2016, which now we know was courtesy of ticked off DNC Insider Seth Rich. Pizzagate, etc, pedophilia, spirit cooking, Demoncraps killed Justice Scalia, and much more.

Nov 1st Dr Piecznik (who co-wrote with Tom Clancey) posted the following fabulous short video:


Nov 1 2016: Dr. Steve Pieczenik: The 2nd American Revolution Has Begun

In May 2017 Mega-ANON, also a Justice Dept insider came on the scene with such bombshell info, that she earned the name MEGA Anonymous because her drops were so loaded with insider intel. She was the first to hint that ALL WAS NOT AS IT SEEMED.....as in "there was a Big Plan in play", and We The People, because we were still dumbed down by lame stream media, didn't see HUGE things/topics that the media didn't even touch (glossed over or out right ignored).

Then late Oct 2017 Q appeared on the scene, and the rest is history.

So if Q went silent permanently, we would all be ok. We are Truthers first, last and in the middle. The CAT is WAY out of the bad now, we can never go back. If anything happens to Trump, THERE WILL BE A BLOODY CIVIL WAR IN THIS COUNTRY, and I can tell you for sure WHO would win....not the leftwingdings!

So we rejoice that there is a plan, and we are highly alert to any facts that surface that give us clues as to what is going on behind the scenes.

Think of it: someday we will never see Hildabitch any more, or any of her gang. Some day the Soros and the Rothschilds Dynasty will be GONE......along with all their Central Banks.

Such days we willingly look forward to, and are glad that Trump Team have crafted a detailed long range plan to make all this so, WITHOUT a bloody civil war.

I hope I have answered your questions.

Exoduslarry ago

Like oil on troubled waters