'While some #QAnon believers are melting away, others are taking to Voat to announce their intention to arm themselves and form citizen militias.'
Why would so many people be so upset over a larp? Rothschild? Their symbolism will be their downfall.
Ddboomer ago
Rothschilds are Satanists and one of the top demons in the New World Order. They hate all of us!!
Blacksmith21 ago
Yeah. It was bad. Thanks. Left 4 kids behind too.
Blacksmith21 ago
kestrel9 ago
Clearly its legal or you'd have had to delete it yourself in order to uphold Voat rules. Encouraging people to be violent is legal, the Left had it right all this time.
kestrel9 ago
this is what she said
kestrel9 ago
I don't recall
MolochHunter ago
thank you, @kevdude, yes I've been appraised of this by @Srayzie
kestrel9 ago
Just because someone could do it doesn't tell us more than just that. We'll never really know what it would or would not prevent among people wanting to take it to news etc. but on the GA sub itself, it would have been an attempt to curtail non Q related distractions that have become an issue for users. Everyone should take heart, however, they're free to disrupt any sub on Voat with violent themed shit posting, just 'cuzz'
Blacksmith21 ago
Yeah - not thinking clearly. Long, shitty week. Had to clean up a friends mess after eating a bullet.
Blacksmith21 ago
I can't disagree with you on that point. We are likely under a magnifying glass ATM. Even if we curtail our speak, they will still post something half ass on an unrelated sub and claim it to be Voat writ large.
Gonna sleep on this tonight...
kestrel9 ago
I think I just proved that at any rate.
FatherDadDude ago
That is rich. If anyone would take their head out of their asses and look at our movement, they would find nothing to support his claims. We are a movement of peace, uprooting evil wherever it is growing.
Saufsoldat ago
Hey guys, let's form an armed militia.
Modernminuteman ago
The only reason many in the deep state are still able to sit up and take nourishment is because we patriots do believe in the rule of law but had Trump and Q not shown up when they did there would be many of these deep state traitors to humanity 6 feet under for we reserve the right to take back our country by any means necessary.
ChillStepOut ago
Why is little pedo afraid ?
NoNoTheRoBoT ago
TheOldestGoat ago
I get the impression Mike Rothschild is a fake Troll account and should be ignored...
darkb ago
the plan is working
amarQ144 ago
No idea who this dude is and don't have a twitter. Rothschild?... Not hard to guess what side he is on. So, all this fuck has to do is post a tweet and all of voat runs for cover while policing themselves from any reference to anything resembling patriotism??? Some fucked up shit here faggots!
Cc183 ago
They picked it up nice and quickly.
SnapAwake ago
I personally interacted with him on twitter some time back. He vehemently claims he's not related.
GritD2 ago
The only violence I want is at the end of a fair trial/ tribunal, a final leg twitch as the traitors of this great nation die.
2fast4u92 ago
Finally figuring out who the (((deep state))) is now?
HulkInformation ago
Just a note to mention it, but he's not a Rothschild, he's in fact a larp.
Pavlova22 ago
Policing each other in StaSi fashion is exactly the desired objective. Simply ignore the shills.
veteran88 ago
It's because he is a pedovore faggot.
Trial_and_Error ago
Keep your mouth open mike...When you speak its shows you are feeling the squeeze. Just keep watching. Your days are clearly numbered
NellerBean ago
So we now know without any doubt that DS is planning a major FF event, perhaps with multiple players in multiple locations, to be blamed on a bunch of "Q following" patsies. Stay safe, Patriots.
Hey Mike Rothschild! Since you are lurking/shilling here, I wanted to ask how uncle Jacob is doing?
Dismal_Swamp ago
That faggot doesn't use night mode.
MissleCopterStoped ago
That is surprising being they are blood sucking vampires.
silasdeane23 ago
Mike......very bad Mike R> Kim Clement was a glorious person. You sir, your energy notwithstanding, will be visiting Mt Sinabug, Redemption sir? Generations of enslavement, papuer sir is your destiny, and a prayer for the protection of the children and innocents under your faithful spawn.
ForTheUltimate ago
replying to rostchild
you are evil
what is this heading
MathFagCA17 ago
badalice SHILL BE GONE! Patriots need to down vote and report user for not following rules. we all know we need to call shit when it smells, just doing my part. Attacks are expected and shills know we Patriots will not stand by while our freedom is being destroyed, this is why they are so afraid of Q and Anons. Great work Patriots, keep it up!
zottgeek ago
I've always been armed. Who isn't and why? Ppl w/o guns are just targets. Whereas I would be an armed target....
jbo5112 ago
They're preparing for: presidential assassination, EMP attack, or mass depopulation event. Is he saying he knows of plans where this should concern me?
Plant_Boy ago
I think the left is getting the right mixed up with Anti-Fa again.
TheOldestGoat ago
I've alway been confused why the good people are told to be non-violent while the bad guys just go about doing whatever the fuck they feel like...
wokeasfook ago
Called out hard in the comment section. Good job goats
greenthumb1776 ago
Thanks for posting. I've never seen a call for violence on Voat. In fact, this creep could have been the one who made that same thread he is referencing. And I object to him calling Voat the worst place on earth. A place to speak your mind unfiltered is a rare find these days. I love Voat!
Conway ago
The reason they aren't talking about taking down voat is probably because they control the greater narrative(just like reddit). Right now that narrative is to push the Q fallacy. Soon it will change to something like be angry Q was fake, lash out. Doing so you will play into their hand you will cement the violent right wing stereotype and they will use that to gain power.
They are manipulating us into becoming unwitting allies. Think how antifa looks when they were harassing tuckers wife and children. That's what they are trying to turn you into. The difference is the media won't be sweeping your actions under the rug.
If Q is real, fine if someone thinks Q is fake, that's fine too. The way legit Q followers react to a different opinion is reminiscent of a social justice warriors reaction. Not the reaction of someone seeking truth.
I urge each and every one of you to take a long hard objective look. I can't promise you I'm right but, it does seem that we are being used and manipulated.
Can we please get back to truth seeking and not blind obedience to faith.
Fcaf1202 ago
Morale is low...opportune time to troll hard..
singlebrain1 ago
Why do you say that? My morale is fine.
stirstick ago
I think the election drama and the border issues are a bit discouraging. And, I think people are getting fatigued from the continual, never ending leftist battle cry. Every single day the same drama.... Our president being sued by CNN. Horseface. Mueller. Russia Russia Russia.... It is never ending. Actually, the MSM drama is exhausting also.
I don't know that people are melting away, but I do think people are getting sick of the drama. In my entire life I have never seen such chaos in our country. And, I keep hoping Trump can turn things around, but he is one person, and there is an army of insanity coming at him every single day. To be honest, I am surprised he wants another 4 years.
singlebrain1 ago
I agree that it is unrelenting and exhausting. I limit my time spent on reading or looking at anything. I cut TV out of my life some time ago and that has helped. When I feel overwhelmed, I take a vacation from all media, go for a walk, read a book, play with the dogs.
stirstick ago
We do not have TV and I do not usually use social media except during elections. I agree a break is a good idea.
K-anon ago
Mine too😀
Mind_Games ago
Weird, it's almost like a fucking kike would try and infiltrate a group that tracks down their deception/deceit and their tactics of keeping themselves in power.
valk2 ago
Trying to bring the site down with that tweet. I have never seen a call to arms on here in my years of being on here. @valk was my original account.
What dumbass is talking about something like that out in the open. Did you guys learn nothing. You don't telegraph to your enemies what you're doing.
badalice ago
so...the police and military are going to join you, thats the deal
badalice ago
what does that mean then. i mean i know you used a big word there. but lol what? :)
MissleCopterStoped ago
What is considered a big word, more than five letters?
badalice ago
so if all you bro's get together with your "guns" that im "sure" you all have, and form a militia, how do you think that's going to do against....well i guess any police or military force, cos not being funny but you've defo not got many takers here, it's gonna be like wako but with bed-fart stinking geeks in wank stained pants. sorry, its just true.
Shizy ago
Yeah, you go "Alice" you dumb cunt with a 5 hour old account! 😂🤣🤣
Nefarious-Nephilim ago
K-anon ago
K-anon ago
The police and military are members of the militia. Read the U.S. Constitution???
Bonscottrocks007 ago
Nice Someone with a brain Get armed and get ready, fuck em all let God sort out the rest
badalice ago
hey guys, i just want to know, do you feel a bit dumb after putting so much time and effort into something that has turned out to be a joke....and how did you not know?
MissleCopterStoped ago
Make a post about why you think time is a joke.
I will wait.
Kirbyrambo ago
I would like to extrude him from my colon like after a few bean burritos.
fuckfacemcgee ago
That fucking nose! I'll have to remember to thank Jesus when I die that his father didn't make me a kike scumbag with a schnoz like that. Amen.
nigger_eggs ago
Rothschild? Merely a cohencidence, goy
Food4theGorg ago
No wonder all the Q forums on Voat have been brigaded by shills. The most recent influx on QRV is ridiculous. This cabal motherf'ker is paying them to do so. He completely outed himself with his idiotic tweet. Thought it had been Soros who was paying the shills.
singlebrain1 ago
Well said.
Light_Guard ago
The only people bleeding away are shills pretending to be QAnon followers. WWG1WGA and we are not all melting into puddles.
badalice ago
so, there are people bleeding away then. like just leaving the "hardcore" base.
Nefarious-Nephilim ago
badalice, lol I get it, like badabing but with lice, like a parasite. what are those blood sucking parasites called again? those ones that are really bad and don't let go till they've sucked all the life out of something? Ive got a bad memory, I remember Jesus didn't like them, What were they called again?
Bonscottrocks007 ago
Shills The new word of the month, sheeple, get a new term, and Q is fake Where's your Q now? Why the silence? It's a joke and you followed an imaginary #, william cooper would laugh at you all... sheeple
Qanonplus1 ago
Blah blah blah has no life. It's pathetic really...
K-anon ago
We serve the President, not Q. Why do you not know these things?
singlebrain1 ago
Oh the shills, the shills. What to do about the shills. I don't want this movement hi jacked.
badalice ago
singlebrain1 ago
I'll buy a vowel. I for shill
endprism ago
The entire Rothchilds family needs to feel the wrath of the American people. I hate this family and their greed so much! Why are they all bad people?
AUSAFVet ago
Obviously, from inbreeding, they are physically going down the tubes...lol I can only assume, from the inbreeding, the mental prowlness is going too!! (Look at England's royal family..is why new blood is being introduced)
Of course in the "old days" they had the USA civilians soo busy looking at sparklies/wars that our previous generations were happy enough to just :live: Not anymore...Throw up as many FF as you like...we don't buy it anymore rothfuckers!!!!
Food4theGorg ago
They all worship Satan that is why they are ALL evil.
UKPAT1984 ago
If you are violent then you are not a Qanon
singlebrain1 ago
No your are not.
Winnipegger ago
What a POS. Probably posted the threads himself...
singlebrain1 ago
Could be. Can we find out?
Winnipegger ago
It's a standard Alt-Left technique. -Make an inflammatory post/comment and screenshot it while claiming to have "found" it in the wild- We've seen the Alt-Left do this time and again
singlebrain1 ago
Ok, so lets fight back.
theguysmiley ago
imagine that!
MrShekelstein ago
All for a larp.
The rothschilds BLEED.
mtpatriot ago
those "melting away" were never in heart and mind with Q - non violence - united.
jrobb03 ago
Attacks coming from all angles. If anyone believes one word a Rothschild says then they are nothing but a sheep. Just take an hour to research their name and you can explore corruption that will mind boggle you. He probably went on voat and made those posts himself lol
Qanonplus1 ago
No one knows evil until they have studied The Rothschild.
badalice ago
just so's you know, you're a really good example of Dunning-Kruger
jrobb03 ago
... trying to figure out how you make that assumption after viewing one comment. Right on though
Hand_of_Node ago
He may be referring that twitter user not being a real rothschilde. That's just a username to attract attention. There are also a number of people on voat who enjoy trolling anon subs, especially one where the users are so irrational and emotionally responsive. There was a very big ALL CAPS thread just recently that seemed to fool most of the Qcumbers, and even I was taken in until I saw one specific sentence and recognized the wording. (then he admitted it - but the whole post is still getting attention) It's a trolls paradise in that sub.
jrobb03 ago
Very logical response. Only has 2,600 followers so that twitter account holds little weight. It’s still very real that people who do hold weight are still attempting to discredit Qanon very often. If you think that the “real” Rothschild descendants aren’t shaking in their boots at this movement you may be fooling yourself.
Hand_of_Node ago
Well.. I'm not convinced that "Q" is a benign operation, but I'm able to go for up to hours at time without attempting to discredit it. This comment will be an example of that.
Also highly doubt the "real" Rothschilds are worried. They and their associates control the planet, and virtually everything of significance that happens in it, including the US franchise.
jrobb03 ago
they controlled POTUS getting elected in 2016?
Hand_of_Node ago
They, in the tribal sense, were powerful backers very early on. He has tremendous connections with them, and has declared he's "the best friend" to their country, "ever". Virtually his entire family married one, and he has them as close advisers. I realize there are hierarchies and levels of connection. Knowing what we know about the people too wealthy to appear on the 'richest people' lists, it seems improbable that something this important would be allowed to go unchecked.
The contrast between the rhetoric and the actions appears to support the theory that it's an effort to contain a growing disquiet. I'll just leave it at that.
jrobb03 ago
hmm i'll have to look into that before I hop on board with that theory but I will admit it's very odd and I have always had an uneasy feeling about Kushner
Rhondaher ago
Get behind me Satan Rothchild. Christians call these demons out and tell them to leave in the name of Jesus, leave this world and Gods people alone. Say it outloud. Lets say it as a collective voice. There is power in the name of Jesus. I hate these demons and what they have done to our world. Q says united we are strong. Lets unite in a collective voice. If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and call on me I will heal their land. This is a Spiritual war and we need to fight it in the Spiritual realm. Lets do it!
RealBlackberry ago
Amen! Expose darkness to light.
Qanonplus1 ago
badalice ago
Jesus was an idiot.
Rhondaher ago
The fool days there is no God.
GamerWithGlasses ago
Major downvote for you. Jesus still loves you. Remember that when your time is done.
whatisbestinlife ago
envious of those who made the screenshot
HonestBrah ago
How is he related to the Rothschild family (i.e. Evelyn, Jacob, etc.)?
Is this what he does for a living? Debunk conspiracy theories against his family lol.
MissleCopterStoped ago
Actually he does, Wow! How perspective of you!
Either that or was just a coincidence or stupid luck that you guessed that out of thin air.
However, I dont believe in coincidences.
singlebrain1 ago
He might just be trolling by using the name.
MissleCopterStoped ago
Mike has been trying to discredit this movement for a long time, we must becoming a threat to his family each and everyday that passes.
Doesn't surprise me he is why he is ratcheting this up a few notches.
FYI: this is how Q on Reddit was taken out, making violent threats while the Reddit mods that moved to u/theawakening did nothing but watch.
singlebrain1 ago
Protect Q and the movement.
Bonscottrocks007 ago
Yes protect thin air, idiot get a life
CSweeny_74 ago
This is how they will try to have VOAT deplatformed.
RealBlackberry ago
Yes, trying to do that with Gab.
KryptoKoins ago
Search inside yourself and ask if you believe God is changing the world. Feel it for yourself when you pray about it and God let's you know. Only the father knows when will be The day of the Lord. But it sure does help to get ready.
Trizzle1 ago
So he's a lurker.
helpfulhuckleberry2 ago
Maybe a lurker and a shill. Could be one calling for such things and then making the accusation.
Trizzle1 ago
Hell, I admit it. DS pretty scared!
JasonTakesMAGAhattan ago
His time comes to an end soon. You think the plan allows stragglers to plant seeds? They’re all finished.
AUSAFVet ago
They did the same thing on Reddit.
EyeOfHorus ago
And a faggot.
badalice ago
no you are, sassy
Bonscottrocks007 ago
Taking it up the poop shoot again huh? You faggot sheeple Q is fake news get a life
topvmom ago
Yeah nothing to see here haha
MolochHunter ago
@Srayzie @Shizy stay sharp, their agents are amongst us posing as patriots issuing calls for violence
ALL USERS if you see a call for violence please reply to the comment and ping moderators into the conversation so that we can delete the threat and ban the user
We will not tolerate this disruption of Qs message to trust the legally authorised process of removing corruption and treason
kestrel9 ago
Sorry, not possible, we have to embrace the violent rhetoric even if Voat is put at risk (like Gab). Every goat must be willing to sacrifice their own free speech to allow manipulative troll alts to 'keep us free', with every manner of nonQ related blather, including violent ideation. Let freedom ring
cantaloupe6 ago
They are trying to pull a gab.ai attack and deplatform. They try to find someone unbalanced to fool.
i_scream_trucks ago
You know what this explains why my reasonable 'dont sink to their level' post in response to something like this got downvoated to shit like yesterday....
Whoever is doing it is alienating normies not the q crowd.
cantaloupe6 ago
Bots or shills.
blocksof ago
I don't violence I want justice, their assets stripped and their name recorded in infamy, when you read Rothschild you read treasonous family spanning hundreds of year that sought to destroy the world.
Nefarious-Nephilim ago
Ive always thought the best thing to do would be to gather silently en-masse and just stare at the fuckers, No unlawful violence but when the time comes we should demand it lawfully from the judiciary. Their actions have killed enough, either death or worse is what they deserve.
"there will come a time when they cannot walk down the street". I so fucking hope so.
But I totally agree Agent Provocateurs are gonna try and start shit. I believe I'm angrier than most but I can still see the wisdom in restraint. We need to try and educate them if theyre just misguided though because misunderstandings can happen and lead to witch hunts, especially with emotionally charged subjects. Which in turn causes division. Only through engagement will you see their true motivations. But that is exactly why they target us, to cause division and we only take flak when we are over the target.
GutwormTheManEater ago
Bet you'll wish you took part in the "violence" whenever the government decides they finally have enough manpower to disarm the citizens.
wokie ago
Last week Q pointed through a link to his hit piece article: https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2843066/
This week he's obsessing over Q and Voat on twitter.
ThisNameAlreadyTaken ago
Well done. We should stand firm as a community and denounce this type of activity.
AR47 ago
Well shit I didn't know your movement didn't condone violence, and it is because honestly the two subverses get intermingled to me.
As for you not supporting violence as a means to an end......do you really believe justice will prevail or you just saying that?
I have been to many places on this planet and seen corrupt government many times with laws only to protect the ruling class such as we have here in USA now, and when I look around now you know what I see? Cops fucking everywhere these days.
WhisperingPine ago
Excellent call and your right they Shills are running scared so they are trying to act like one of us , however the sad part for them is we all know that we would not ever incite violence unlike they do :)
Notimportant36 ago
OMG - That dude what posted in all caps about joining a militia and then this, within a few hours. Normies call coincidence.
Blacksmith21 ago
I saw something earlier today supporting the same notion - FF seeding on Voat. Like I said, they are coming after us next. The problem is we are smarter.
nevergiveup2them ago
But the MSM will cherry pick idiot posts and we may go the way of GAB.
Blacksmith21 ago
Which is why we have to come down like a hammer on anything promoting or inciting direct and targeted violence. Hard to do, but we need to make the effort.
kestrel9 ago
Nope, we must respond with even more calls for violence, according to our own goats running the board freedom.
Someone has to Protect Freedom, to hell with everyone else. If you don't like it, plenty of consensus massaging alts will manifest and convince you.
Blacksmith21 ago
WTF? Serious? @Kevdude ?
kestrel9 ago
https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2855659 It's well worth losing Voat for a couple weeks so we can read that apparently. Guess it's a good time to flick cigs outside the car in So. Cal this time of year too.
Bonscottrocks007 ago
Yeah stop everyone's 1st ammendment like FB,and Twitter, and reddit, yeah great post idiot
GoodGodKirk ago
only on the anon boards where they can't get called out.
Bonscottrocks007 ago
Why not form a militia why not stand up to the Dems antifa black lives matter why not stand up for our rights why is it okay for them to attack us but us not to attack them this is bullshit get ready for a war because that's what's happening
cantaloupe6 ago
They did not obtain control in that way, they were effective. There are only about 8k of the financial elite. Public knowledge will undo them.
Antifa is a Marxist effort to cause a clash, along with most other such efforts like the caravan. They need an enemy. Instead annouce a rally and don't show; some find it hilarious.
Rhondaher ago
I hear you
JCsgirl ago
Ok, didn’t know what to do except down-vote and disagree. I’ve actually seen it several times. This is good.
MissleCopterStoped ago
I will be on the lookout Patriot. Thank you!
badalice ago
you are not a patriot. you would be, im sure, but you're being an idiot and looking a q instead.
MissleCopterStoped ago
This NPC is defective and needs re-programmed
GritD2 ago
They are disposable now, don't bother. No user serviceable parts inside.
singlebrain1 ago
Good call, that is why I posted.
amarQ144 ago
Do explain please....you posted it because...??? I'm think'n we need to get rid of the first amendment...maybe the first couple.
srayzie ago
Thank you @MolochHunter!
UK_Bloke_Awoke ago
I’ve seen and downvoted such stuff.
Wouldn’t hurt if more did the same
Cue verbal attacks on me...
Rhondaher ago
Good job. I've been downvoting them too.
Bonscottrocks007 ago
Just a sheeple
singlebrain1 ago
I downvote when I see it but honestly I have not seen much of this. I don't read every post or every reply.
derram ago
https://tweetsave.com/rothschildmd/status/1062803621987774464 :
Yes, it's likely all anonymous nonsense. But it only takes one disaffected believer to cause considerable damage. Be aware.… t.co/PnXUvXyr5g"
This has been an automated message.
TheOldestGoat ago
I thought these Rothschilds were untouchable immortals, obviously not...
Rhondaher ago
So now they go after voat users. Q was right we are number 2 threat. Congratulations voat users. We are fighting the good fight and making a difference and must be winning. They will probably take this site down soon. Dang Im going to have to learn how to use 8 chan. Keep up the good work. See you on 8 chan next.
singlebrain1 ago
Some will not go to the chans. Try to protect this sub. I don't go to other subs to troll, I only care about this one.
Rhondaher ago
I pray it does not come to that as well.
singlebrain1 ago
flag and downvote